Save Me

By HippyHilda

13.7K 709 460

(Book #3: Rich Kids series) Since the birth of her son in high school, Lauren has been through it all in her... More

1| Lauren
2| Brandon
3| Lauren
4| Brandon
5| Lauren
6| Brandon
7| Lauren
8| Brandon
10| Brandon
11| Lauren
12| Brandon
13| Lauren
14| Brandon
15| Lauren
16| Brandon
17| Lauren
18| Brandon
19| Lauren
20| Brandon
21| Lauren
22| Brandon
23| Lauren
24| Brandon
25| Lauren
26| Brandon
27| Lauren
28| Brandon
29| Lauren
30| Brandon
31| Lauren
32| Brandon
33| Lauren
34| Brandon
35| Lauren
36| L+B

9| Lauren

450 20 25
By HippyHilda

Gloria & Dr. Morgan in the mm.

"Girl, did you see the man that came in with the broken neck in room 130? He's a gift from God himself," Gloria lusted about a random patient as she always did. I just shook my head.

"You're a mess. The boy is bout 18 or 19, Glo. What you gone do with that? Take him to class," I teased her as we sat at the front desk.

"Damn, only 18...what the hell is his mama feeding him?"

"Hey, Lauren. How you doing?" I sat up when we were approached by Dr. Morgan. He had just been transferred to Cedars Med a few days ago, so all eyes were on him.

"Doing pretty good."

He nodded at me with a smile before Glo interrupted him with the clearing of her throat. Dr. Morgan turned to face her to see that she was attempting to give him a clipboard.

"Oh, my bad. Thanks, Gloria. I appreciate it." He started to walk to the room where he needed be and glanced back at us once more with a grin.

I looked up to see Glo giving me the side eye. I busted out laughing. "Why you looking at me like that?"

"Creo que le gusta," she casually mumbled her spanish and I smacked my teeth, understanding every word she said. I guess I should thank my estranged husband's family for that.

"Shut up. He just friendly."

"He only friendly with you though, Lauren. And let's not act like we didn't see him stare you down just now."

I shrugged her comment off and looked back at the paperwork in front of me. "It doesn't matter because I'm not looking relationship of any sort. I think being a marriage for so long drained me."

"Girl, please. A lil dick every now and then has never hurt anybody."

"I don't know Dr. Morgan like that to just be sleeping with him and, not to mention, I'm too damn old for that. Shit like that is child's play."

"Mhm, whatever." Glo teased with a smile and I playfully rolled my eyes. She really was a mess, but she made my work nights entertaining despite what we do for a living. "Speaking of fine comes anti-social."

I looked up to see Bam in hoodie walking toward us with a bag in his hand. "Hey, everything okay?" I questioned.

He simply nodded and placed the bag on the desktop. "You left this," was all he said, sliding his hood down from his head. I smiled and grabbed it.

"Thank you. I was wondering what I did with my dinner for tonight. Hospital food ain't it."

He cracked a half-smile and nodded. "Alright, I'll see you--later." He quickly fixed his words, trying not reveal our living arrange to anyone per my request.

I could feel Gloria's eyes burning holes into our faces, dying to know what the hell is going on. I peeked at my watch and saw that it was about time for my lunch break. "Glo, I'm taking my lunch a few minutes early."

"Yeah, whatever. You still have explaining to do," she called out to me as I stood up. Bam started to leave, but I caught his hand just in time.

"Nope, not so fast. You're keeping me company while I eat. Plus, I need to talk to you about something."

He looked skeptical, but stayed still. "Okay, lead the way then boss."

I took the bag of food and lead him to the lobby where the café was. We sat at the table near the tv.

We sat there in silence as I ate until I saw him pull out some pills and pop two in his mouth. I arched my brows out of curiosity.

"They're vitamins," he mumbled before I could get my statement out and put them away. I knew for a fact that was a lie, but I ignored that and started to talk about the real situation at hand.

"Question, do you always sweat profusely and shake in your sleep? I've noticed that everytime I get there from work, you're in a cold sweat."

"It's nothing," he shrugged me off. "I sweat easily."

"Bam--Brandon, I'm a nurse and I know it could be something serious. That shit ain't normal. Maybe it's your vitamins."

Bam shook his head and stood up from the table with a dry expression. "See you later, Lauren. You got a ride to the house or you need me to come get you?"

I was slightly irritated that he was putting me off, but he didn't appear angry. That was different from how he normally responded when I would cross the line. "So, you're just going to ignore me?"

He simply nodded. "Yep. Now answer my question, I don't want you stranded here when you get off."

I arched my brows at him. "Wait, timeout. Why is I can't show interest in your well-being, but you can monitor if I make it home safely?"

"Double standards, I guess."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Did you like the food I made for dinner?"


"Ugh, you're so irritating. Always with the one word answers and shit. Why are you anti-social?"

Bam opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself. He just shrugged and put his hoodie back on. "I'm talking to you, aren't I?"

"Barely, but I'll get you to talk..."

"Mhm," he mumbled.

"7." Bam's gave me a look of confusion. "That's when I get off."

He nodded and pulled his phone out, I guess to set an alarm. "Anything else you need to lecture me about, mom?"

I narrowed my eyes at him got up from the table to throw my food out. "Very funny, I'm just trying to look out for you."

"I got me. Just focus on you and Nas."

"Must you always be a hard ass..."

"I'm a cop. It's in our nature to be cynical. Now let me go, I'm being too social." I cracked a smile and shook my head at him actually joking for once.

"Alright, see you later then."

"Bye," he said as he started to walk out of the café.

"Hey!" I yelled out before he got any further. Bam turned back with his brows crunched. "Thanks...for everything. I owe you."

"No, you don't," he uttered before turning back around to leave. Just as I got to the front desk, Glo was giving me a stare.

"What?" I questioned.

"You and Mr. Anger-management problems were gone for 30 minutes. I need answers."

I looked at Gloria and laughed about what she was implying. Bam and I are friends--no, we're roommates. That's all there was to it. "I had to talk to him about something involving health. That's about it."

"So, you're telling me that you wouldn't go there if given the opportunity? Let's not act like the man isn't fine."

I cringed when listening to her describe him. "Eh, he's handsome there's no denying that. However, he's not my type and I'm not looking I'm looking for a man. I got other problems."

     After Brooklyn's wedding, I made my way to the reception with my baby boy as my date. "Did you enjoy the wedding, lil head?" I teased him as I played with his braids

Nas shrugged. "I guess, but it felt so long. I kept falling asleep."

"Well, that's because you decided to stay up past your bedtime. Maybe, if you actually listen sometimes then you won't have those problems," I told him before flicking his ear with my fingers.

Nas looked up at me and smiled. "Bam, got me a new game for the xbox. So, it was my duty to play it right then in order to show my appreciation."

I arched my brows. "Spell appreciation, Nas."

"Uh, a-p-p-r-e-c...ation."

I shook my head and chuckled softly. "Why are you using words that you can't spell?"

"I'm tired, I guess."

"From what? You just turned 10."

"Being this fly is hard work," Nas pointed at himself like he was the man. I shook my head and cackled.

"You are fly though, I give you that." I told him before looking ahead as our uber driver took us to the ballroom that the festivities were being held at. "And did you tell him thank you for the game?"

"Yeah, I did. I even got him to play against me in 2k. I ain't know he was that good at first though." I nodded in reply as our driver pulled in to the location.

"You know he used to played basketball in high school and college."

Nas looked pleasantly surprised. "He never told me that. So, that means he can help me with my handles?"

"I thought you wanted to play baseball like your dad..."

"Nah, it's boring. I only did it because dad was hype about it. Plus, I don't like how he always gotta yell at me when the other boys out there."

"Yell at you? We'll talk about that when we back home," I said as we both got out of the vehicle.

"I hope this part isn't boring..." I heard Nas mumble.

"Nasir, don't be rude."

As soon as we got in, we were greeted by just about everybody. "Hey, pretty lady!" I exclaimed, excitedly when seeing Brooklyn up close in her gown.

"Hey, Laurie. I'm so happy you could come. Where's Christian?" she asked, not knowing our current marital status.

"Girl, you know he's all work and no play unless it's on the field. I brought my baby boy, Nasir." I looked down and he wasn't even beside me. "He somewhere in here." I said, still looking around for him.

Brooklyn laughed and we embraced each other. "Your mom would be so proud of you, B." I could see that that made her emotional.

"Yeah, I hope so. I just wish she could be here. She had been waiting on this day, especially since Isaac promised her that after the twins were born we would start planning."

"She's in heaven smiling right now," I assured her.

Brooklyn cracked smile. "Well, let me go make my rounds. So good to see you, girl. We have to ctach up."

"For sure," I told her before she skipped off the greet others. I glanced around looking for Nas just to see him already acting a fool. He was on the dance floor with Travis cutting up. I let him be and went the table where my name was. I felt a pat on my behind and I turned around ready to swing.

"Hold up, don't get violent boo." It was Sky and surprisingly, Bam, was her by her side.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever. You look cute, maid of honor." I told her as I observed her attire and shifted my eyes to Bam. "You clean up nice and you rid of the beard too...nice," I complimented him.

"I made him shave it. My date can't come in here looking rough."

"Whatever. Anyway, you look--straight."

Skylar gave him a side eye and chuckled. "Boy, bye. Laurie looking bomb as hell. You sleeping as usual."

I just shooked my head and laughed it off. "He don't even talk, so the fact that he said anything is alright," I let him off the hook.

"I guess. Well, let me go see if the bride needs me to do anything before I turn this reception up my damn self." Sky left, leaving us two standing by ourselves. I immediately slapped his arms and he gave me a dazed look.

"What the hell?" he uttered with his brows arched.

"You could've at least told me that you were coming to the wedding. I thought you didn't like fun?"

"Weddings are fun now, Lauren...since when?" Bam said in a dry tone with a less stern look. "And why does it matter?"

"Forget it, Brandon," I rolled my eyes at him and started to walk off. His nonchalant attitude irks me to the core sometimes. Just as I was heading to my table, a man who I wasn't trying to associate with came up to me.

I looked up and down, waiting for him to say something or move. "Hey, can I help you?" I asked nicely.

He licked his lips and rubbed his hands together as if he didn't already look like a sleaze. I mentally rolled my eyes. "How you doing mama? Let me get one dance."

I opened my mouth prepared to snap, but kept it together. "Um, I have man and I don't think he would like that very much," I lied, trying to be polite as possible.

He smacked his teeth and put his hand out. "What your man don't know won't hurt him, baby? C'mon now. I don't want you to miss out on Daddy Mack."

I sighed deeply and stood up, hoping that this dance would get him to leave me the hell alone for the rest of the night. As we walked over, I caught Bam's eye and gave him a look. He was trying not to crack a smile. I didn't find this funny at all.

When I got to the dance floor with Daddy Mack, I smelled his bath of Cologne that he had on. I was disgusted.

"At least smile for me, baby," he whispered in my ear. I nearly gagged at the gesture.

"Alright, my guy. I'll take it from here." I turned around behind me to see Bam standing there with a serious face.

"Wait your turn, man."

"Oh, sorry Mack. This is my man, Brandon," I causally lied with a fake grin.

Mack looked pissed, but I could care less. "Thanks for taking my place though," Bam continued to play along.

"My bad man."

Mack stomped off away from me and mBam was about to do the same. "Unh, unh. You gotta dance at least the next two songs with me, so he don't come back."

"I don't dance..."

I smacked my teeth, annoyed. "What do you do?"

"Apparently, I keep saving that a sufficient enough answer?" Bam spoke sarcastically before resting hand on my back as we dance. "Is my hand okay right here or you want me to move it?"

"It's fine, I don't bite."

"Lies," he mumbled.

"When have I ever been a shark?"

"Since I've known you," he said as we moved in sync on the dance floor.

"You deserved it, Bam."

He didn't get too angry when I called him that nickname as he used too when I first moved in. He just appeared agitated, but he knew that I wasn't going to just discard it. "Fair enough."

"Okay, that's my cue."

Bam tried to leave when the song changed, but I tightened my grip on his hand. I loved this song, it brought back so many different emotions that I wasn't ready for. Emotions that I thought that I had got over by now. Yet, my heart was aching.

"I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Santos." I couldn't stop smiling, I was on cloud nine. Here I was dancing with the man of my dreams. My's crazy to even thinking about it. We're so young, but I love this man.

"I love you, wife," Christian coo'ed with his charming grin.

"I love you more, husband."

"Impossible," he whispered as he pulled me closer to him. "I'll love you 'til the end of time."



"I can't believe we're actually married. After everything we've been through, we're still standing," I told him just before he dipped me.

"Didn't I tell you that I was going to make you mine forever?" I simply nodded in reply while resting my arms on his neck.

"Sorry, bout this by the way. You deserved a more lavish first dance."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"I tried to get John to perform the song for us tonight, but he's on tour right now. I got you for our anniversary though, we're going big."

I pecked his lips softly. "I don't need all of that. I just want you, only you."

"See, this why I love you. You really are my rider," he said with a straight face. I could see that he was trying to restrain himself from crying like he did at the alter. I stroked his left cheek and before kissing his other.

"Stop! You're going to make me cry too."

"I'm not crying. Just admiring the most gorgeous woman on the planet who just so happens to be my wife as well."

Blush covered my cheeks as I bit down on my bottom lip. "You're saying all the right things to get you lucky tonight."

"Getting lucky or not, it's true baby." Christian pulled me in closer and I rested my head on his shoulder as we danced for the first time as a married couple.


"Yo, you good?"

My head was placed on Bam's shoulder as we danced and I don't even remember at what point that happened. Then, it hit me. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and they were getting on his dress shirt.

"I'm sorry," I uttered, lifting my head and stepping back from his reach.

"It's fine. You sure okay?" Bam held a napkin that he had in his pocket in front of me and I took it.

"Yeah, I just need to go freshen up." I told him before leaving the ballroom to go fix my face in the bathroom. This wasn't the time or the place to be going down memory lane, especially when it involves Christian.

Vote, comment, & whatever else. Y'all I know that this chapter was LENGTHY, but it's been a while since I updated this. Consider this as a treat & hopefully, y'all enjoyed it. Next chapter will also feature old faces...I'm thinking I should throw Kyle in there for the one time.

Should Lauren start dating again?

Will Brandon ever open up to anybody, let alone Lauren? Could they potentially become friends?

Do you think Lauren's breakdown means that she isn't over her husband?

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