What Makes You Think That I'm...

By LyricaplierRiley

17.3K 366 378

WOWIE MY TITLE FIT PERFECTLY INTO THE 80 CHARACTER LIMIT!!!! XD Anyways to the description! (This story is d... More

Google is being mean :(
Chapter 1~ Goat Mama?
My non beautiful drawing!
Sorry to keep you all waiting...
I has inspiration for another story
I might die!
Heya peeps
I have a Live.me!
Stuff about me
you guys are gonna hate me..
Hi guys I has Surprise!
Join me!
Readers discretion is advised.
I have decided
It is Published

Chapter 1 part 2 of Goat Mama?

1.3K 34 60
By LyricaplierRiley

A/N: I know that I said I'd get this out earlier, but I just wanted to get you to Toriel's house and it took longer than expected! I just love the picture but it has nothing to do with the chapter. XD
(Y/N)'s POV

I've been here for about half an hour now waiting for Toriel to return. I've been struggling to stay awake since it was so quiet. I'm already bored of the games on my phone from the surface which was a nice, (insert a phone name here). I got this last Christmas from a friend at school I was insanely happy that they bought it for me. They were rich after all. I stretched and let out a long yawn.

'Sorry goat mama Toriel, but I might as well adventure right?' I thought to myself. Getting up groaning while my muscles ached from being in one place for a while. But suddenly feeling a rush of adrenaline to finally have a true adventure, an adventure of my own. (which is the best in your mind XD) I start to walk towards the exit.

I thought back to the cell phone she gave me and take it out of my pocket then select her contact from the list to call her the phone rings and rings. She didn't answer, I call again, still no answer. I give up and shove the phone back into my pocket and start walking forward. Right after I walked about 5 steps out of the hallway the phone Toriel gave me started buzzing. 'Seriously Tori? I just called!' I take the phone out of my pocket once again and started the call.

"H-hello," I mentally slap myself for stuttering. "I was wondering when you'd call back," I smile and laugh about what I was about to say, "mom."

I could literally hear the shock in her voice, "(Y/N) if that makes you happy you can call me however you like. But you haven't left the room yet have you? I wouldn't want you to get hurt if a mons-"

'Oh no no no no nononono please don't be mad please. I don't want what happened to me on the surface happen here.' I quickly interrupt Toriel, "I'm sorry mom but I did leave the room but if I get into a tight situation I'll call you ok?"

She paused for a moment but she replied with, "fine my child but you promise to call me?" I replied yes. "Okay be good, alright?" She already hung up when I was going to reply.

I sighed and put away the phone once again. I look over to my left and see a Froggit and walk up to it.

"Ribbit, ribbit. Ribbit, ribbit... Ribbit, ribbit. Ribbit, ribbit... Ribbit." A voice in my head translated it to me I found it odd but I shrugged it off, "it said excuse me, human. I have some advice for you about battling monsters. If you ACT a certain way or FIGHT until you almost defeat them... They might not want to battle you anymore. If a monster doesn't want to fight you, please... Use some MERCY, human." (yes now I'm ripping it from the game don't be mad bro) I smile and nod my head yes he seemed contempt with my answer.

I saw the leaves around the corner I smile goofily and start to playfully crinkle through the leaves. I look down seeing the same sparkle I saw before an HUD come up for a save file it's a little funny for me to see this considering this is real life. I saw another hallway. 'Monsters just love their hallways huh?' Not long after I had entered a fight with a Whimsun.

Battle starts.

*Whimsun approached meekly!

*You chose to act.

*You chose to console Whimsun.

*Halfway through the first word. Whimsun bursts into tears and runs away.


*You earned 0 XP and 0 gold.

Battle ends.

I feel bad for Whimsun I wanted to help it. I wish I could help myself but no one actually cares to help me... I try to push that thought away. I enter the room beside Froggit. There was a pedestal with a bowl of candy with leaves surrounding it. The sign says take one so I take a piece of candy. I put it into my pocket and walk out of the room.

I walked down the hallway taking a left into another room with a puzzle. There were two rectangular holes on the purple, brick wall. In the of the room the floor looked cracked. I walked towards the cracked floor slowly and even through my best efforts the floor crumbles beneath me. I looked down scared that I was going to die. I closed my eyes waiting for a hard impact. Instead I slowly drifted down to another floor. There were two doors I took the right one. I was back but I was on the other side of the room. 'Onwards to the next puzzle!' I chuckled loudly. I was really enjoying this adventure.

I walked towards the next room. The phone that Mom gave me buzzed again. I smiled and accepted the call, "hey mom, I'm doing just fine with the puzzles! In fact I'm about to start my second one right now."

Mom giggled, "that's great my child but for no reason in particular which do you prefer... Cinnamon or butterscotch?"

I pondered that question for a second and I replied, "Cinnamon/butterscotch/both"

She seemed happy with your choice, "thank you very much my child anyways be safe ok?" She hung up before I could reply again, it seems like it's a habit for her.

I had a feeling that she would call back, and as I thought she did that I fist pumped the air feeling a sense of victory. I quickly accept the call, "hi mom what do you need on this lovely puzzle solving day? Or do want to cross words with me?"

*~If you chose Cinnamon/Butterscotch~*

She chuckled very hard although it was a terrible joke and I knew it, "oh my child that was a wonderful joke I need to use that on some of my friends. You do not dislike (the opposite of your choice) do you? I know what your preference is but... Would you turn up your nose if you found it on your plate?" I replied with a no and she said thank you. Then she of course hung up.

~*If you chose both*~

She chuckled very hard although it was a terrible joke and I knew it, "oh my child that was a wonderful joke I need to use that on some of my friends. You wouldn't mind if you found that both of them were together would you? I know what your preference is but... Would you turn up your nose if you found them together on the same plate?" I replied with a no and she said thank you. Then she of course hung up.

Now I could continue with the puzzle. I walked up to the sign which said, "three out of four grey rocks recommend that you push them." I look back at the rather large rock behind me. I know I was going to loathe every second of this. I sigh and fill myself with determination to get this rock over to the white tile. I somehow was able to push it over with ease. The spikes lowered so that I could cross now. I was about to walk over to the spikes to cross when I entered a fight with another Froggit.

Battle start (< means a text bubble coming from the enemy. X is where I describe the attack because details are crucial to me :3)

*Froggit hopped close!

*You chose act.

*You chose to flirt.

*Froggit didn't understand what you said but was flattered anyways.

<(Blushes deeply) Ribbit..

X The attack was a frog leaping. You dodge swiftly.

*Froggit seems reluctant to fight you.

*You choose mercy.

*You spare.


*You earned 0XP and 2 gold.

Battle ends.

I smiled contently having at least a little bit of money in my pockets and continue on my journey. I came to another large room with a hallway and the rest of the floor quite cracked I didn't know what to do. I thought about calling Toriel but this wasn't an emergency. I break into a cold sweat. I took a wild guess and I actually got it right on the first try I fist bumped triumphantly. It's odd how much luck I've had here in the Underground.

I continue on my quest but I had encountered yet another battle.

Battle start.

*Moldsmal blocked the way!

*You chose act.

*You chose imitate.

*You lie immobile with Moldsmal.

*You feel like you understand the world better. (I'm sure you do reader XD)


X The attack was little white specks of what you guess was mold (hence the name) falling like snow. You dodge.

*Moldsmal waits pensively.

*You choose act.

*You choose to flirt.

*You wiggle your hips.

*Moldsmal wiggles back.

*What a meaningful conversation!


X The attack was the same as last time. You dodge.

*Moldsmal waits pensively.

*You choose mercy.

*You spare.


*You earned 0XP and 1 gold.

Battle ends.

I walk forward and come to a room with three rocks. I begin pushing the top two. It was time for the last rock.

"WHOA there, pardner! Who said you could push me around?" I politely ask the rock to move over. "HMM? So you're ASKIN' me to move over?" I nod my head yes. "Okay, just for you pumpkin." The rock only moved like six inches away. I tell it that it needs to move some more. "HMM? You want me to move some more? Alrighty how's this?" He moves to the left. This sure was a sassy yet stubborn rock. I tell him that it was the wrong direction. "HMM? That was the wrong direction? Okay I think I got it." He moves to the tile lowering the spikes, "was that helpful?" I nod my head yes and tell him thank you. I was about to walk across the spikes. He moved off of the tile and the spikes raised again I was lucky that my foot wasn't on it or I'd be in trouble. I walk back over to the sassy yet stubborn rock and I tell him to move back onto the tile. "HMM? You wanted me to STAY there? You're giving me a real workout." I walk back to the spikes and had another battle.

Battle start.

*Froggit and Whimsun drew near!

*You chose mercy on Whimsun.

*You chose spare.

Froggit<Croak. Croak.

X The attack was the frog leaping once again.

*The battlefield was filled with the smell of mustard seed

*You chose Act.

*You chose Compliment.

*Froggit didn't understand what you said, but was flattered anyway.

Froggit<(Blushes deeply) Ribbit..

X The attack was flies flying towards the middle of the box and charging towards your (F/C) soul.

*Froggit seems to be reluctant to fight you.

*You choose mercy.

*You spare Froggit.


*You earned 0XP and 2 gold.

Battle ends. (Finally XD btw I'm using Cryoatic's let's play of Undertale)

I cross the spikes and exit the room. There was a hallway with a hole big enough for a mouse and a table with cheese stuck to it. I see the sparkle that I saw before and 'saved' my file. I exit the hallway I was in to enter another room with a ghost blocking the archway to get through.

"Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... zzzzzzzzzz... (are they gone yet?) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..." This ghost keeps saying 'z' out loud repeatedly, pretending to be asleep. I try to move him over forcefully. I entered a battle with the ghost.

Battle start. (I'm literally gonna do what Cry does I'm too lazy to come up with it on my own)

*Here comes Napstablook.

*You choose act.

*You choose cheer.

*You gave Napstablook a patient smile.


X The attack was his tears. You dodged.

*Napstablook looks just a little bit better.

*You choose act.

*You choose cheer.

*You told Napstablook a little joke.

<Heh heh...

X There was no attack but in the box there was the words "Really not feelin' up to it right now. Sorry."

*Cheering seems to have improved Napstablook's mood again.

*Napstablook wants to show you something.

<Let me try...

X There was no attack. His tears were forming a top hat

<I call it "dapperblook." Do you like it...

*Napstablook awaits your answer (IDK don't judge I couldn't see it)

*You chose act.

*You chose cheer.

<Oh gee...

Battle ends

"I usually come to the RUINS because there's nobody around... But today I met somebody nice... Oh, I'm rambling again. I'll get out of your way.." (this is by far the longest chapter I've written in my whole fanfiction career o.o and there's still more to go!)

I sorta miss Napstablook's presence. He just seems so nice. I continue on my adventure. I walk through the archway into another long hallway to my right. I walked up to the sign in front of the door way that said, "did you miss it? Spider bake sale down and to the right. Come eat food made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders!" I thought about it but I probably didn't have enough gold anyways.

I went over to the Froggit that was beside the sign and said hi. "Ribbit, ribbit. (sigh... My friends never listens to me. Whenever I talk they skip through my words. That's right....... Well at least you listen to me.)" I smile and tell them that they're not real friends if they do that. The Froggit agreed and it thanked me. I walked over to the next Froggit.

"Ribbit ribbit.(He says nothing worth knowing this is real life not a game we don't have keyboards.)" I agree with the voice in my head for once and walk on to the next Froggit.

"Ribbit, ribbit. (I have heard you are quite merciful, for a human... Then he blabbers about sparing.)" I start to walk away but the phone buzzes once again. I sigh not in annoyance not anger just relief nothing other than that. (I feel like that belongs in soriel or something XD I barely ship them)

"Hello? Goat mom you there?" There was a short silence then her sweet and soothing motherly voice filled my ears.

"Don't worry my child I'm here. I just realized that it has been a while since I have cleaned up. I was not expecting company so soon. There are a lot of things lying about here and there. (I'm starting to have a theory about that one sentence btw. Why I would interrupt I don't even know. XD) You can pick them up, but do not carry more than you need. Someday you might see something you really like. (Yeah like a certain somebody that lives in Snowdin and likes puns. XD sorry reader couldn't help it!) You will want to leave room in your pockets for that. (Wow goat mom I didn't know you thought like that XD you get it... If you didn't you might as well GEEEEEEEEEEEET DUNKED ON)" She hung up afterwards.

I couldn't help but laugh and repeat what she said, "someday you really like! You'll want to leave room in your pockets for that! Goat mom how did you not catch onto that! I didn't know you thought like that!" I struggled to breathe in between my words. My face was completely red afterwards because of all my laughing. It was a nice change that I could actually be able to laugh. I wouldn't have to worry about my dad knocking down my door. I wouldn't have to jump every time when my dad walks past my bedroom. I wouldn't have to worry about my dad at ALL. I regain my breath and I walk towards the next room.

I walk up to the next sign which says, "there is only one switch." Wow so vague. This is a puzzle so I guess that's acceptable. I walked around wondering where the switch would be. I was then I was in another battle.

Battle start.

*Loox drew near!

*You chose act.

*You chose don't pick on.

<Finally someone gets it.

X The attack was white circles floating around. You try to dodge but was hit by one you took 3 damage.

*Loox is staring right through you.

*You choose Mercy.

*You choose spare.


*You earned 0XP and 5 gold.

Battle end.

I have ten gold! I could get something from the spider bake sale! I decided to make the trek back to the spider bake sale. I wonder why Toriel wants to know all of those questions she's been asking. I just figured she wanted to know more about me. I arrived at the bake sale. I walk up to one of the webs and leave 7 gold in the web. Spiders walked out and gave me a doughnut. I smiled at the cute doughnut and thanked them. I walked back to the puzzle I was at before. I decided to go through the middle on the left. I was floating down to my destination when I found the lever on my first try I smiled. I pressed it and went on my merry way.

I entered the next room and read the sign, "the far door is not an exit. It simply marks a rotation in perspective." Wonderful now I have to remember stuff something I'm not good at! So I guess I need to remember blue, green, red. That seems simple! I walked to the next room and saw green and red. That must mean the one I can't see is blue huh? I saw a sign when I turned around the corner. "If you can read this, press the blue switch." Finally something straight forward! I walk towards the entrance and go behind the pillar then I press the switch. (I've reached 3,000 great..) I entered the next room after the spikes lowered.

A/N: I give up on getting you guys to Toriel XD the pun... But I reached my limit on this chapter it's sooo long...

Underswap Senpyrus: That's what she said!

Me:... Okay then... Welp sorry this took so long to get this out! School is going great for me anyways. One of the girls who bullied me got held back... KARMA!!! That's what you get for messing with the NON-MAGNIFICENT RILEY!!! God kill me...

Word count be 3112 words!

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