Daughter of Batman & Superman

By Yoonmin_Yuna16

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Daughter of Batman and Superman! Nany Wayne Kent was the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent Nany has 7 br... More

Nany Wayne Kent (Chapter 1)
Lonely (Chapter 2)
The Promise That Dad Made (Chapter 3)
School & The Justice League (Chapter 4)
Jor-El & The Necklace (Chapter 5)
Muted...(Chapter 6)
SuperBoy (Aka Conner) (Chapter 7)
Dieing Inside (Chapter 9)
Do I Wanna Run Away?..(Chapter 10)
Hush little Baby Don't You Cut (Chapter 11))
Waiting For SuperMan (Clark)Chapter 12)
i got sick, at the beach today
Another Story?!
Joker,Save Me,Blue Eyes?!(Chapter 13)
I Finally Break(Chapter 14)
Remembering 9/11...
Hello Big Brothers & Hi Dad!(Chapter 15)
Atlantis Part 1 (Chapter 16)
Atlantis Part 2- King Arthur,Second Queen Mera, and Powers (Chapter 17)
Atlantis Part 3,Princess Aquarius(Chapter 18)
Wayne Party (Chapter 19)

The Young Justice (Chapter 8)

1.3K 29 20
By Yoonmin_Yuna16

No one's Pov:

Today the Justice League told the Young Justice to watch Nany while they go to a mission. Young Justice said yes of course Nany never met the Young Justice before so she was shy,scared and nervous the hole team Nany was holding onto SuperBoy's hand tightly. SuperBoy knew that his lil sister was scared to death "Hey don't worry, am here for you ok, you will never leave my side got it? I will protect you lil sis." SuperBoy said to his sister, Nany nodded and gripped on to ber bro's big hands. When they entered the headquarters all that you could hear was yelling Superboy sighed and walked into the livingroom with his sister next to him Red Robin and Robin saw Nany and SuperBoy that's when Nightwing the leader shouted
"HEY GUYS CUT IT OUT OR YOU WILL NOT ALL GO TO ANOTHER MISSION FOR 5 MONTHS!" Nany stepped back behind SuperBoy still holding his hand squeezeing it tightly the teenagers quickly shut up because they all loved to go on missions they all lined up waiting that's when Beast Boy saw Nany "Hey who is that SuperBoy your Girlfriend? Hahahaha" Beast Boy said SuperBoy was already getting pissed he squeezed his lil sister's hand telling her that she was ok "No Beast Boy this is Nany, my little sister daughter of Superman and Batman for your information" SuperBoy said everyone laughed at Beast Boy he did another stuiped comment
Nany stood next to SuperBoy.
Nightwing went next to Nany and put a hand on her shoulder "Batman said that Nany couldn't be alone at the Mount Justice so we are going to watch her, Nany right now is scared,shy and nervous so until she gets comfortable with you guys she will open up to guys" everyone nodded saying that they understood AquaLadd came up to Nany "Hello there it's a pleasure to meet you Nany my name is AquaLadd, I hope we can be good friends" AquaLadd said to her smiling Nany nodded "Can she talk?" Asked Miss Martian asked walking up to Nany "Yea can she?" Asked Artemis Nightwing sighed sadly "No...she can't talk...she had a bad accident at her school some guys where beating her up...one of them had a knife and stabbed her more then 50 times, then one of the guys teammates hurt her voice box she may not be able to talk again" he said the hole group felt bad for the little girl "You poor thing, am so sorry that happened to you" Wonder Girl said to Nany. Nany only nodded still shy and scared "But she has a white board that Black Canary gave her so she could talk to us" When Red Robin said that Nany quickly got out her board and wrote down
"It's nice to meet you all! I hope we all become good friends!"
Everyone smiled that Nany finally was able to talk she was still shy and nervous not scared anyone after everyone said who they where Zatanna,Rocket and BatGirl came in Nany stood and went behind SuperBoy. "Hey guys whats up?" Rocket said "Nothing much just having some fun with Nany" Kid Flash and Impulse said at the same time Zatanna,Rocket and BatGirl where confused "Who the heck is Nany?!" BatGirl said lil bit if angry in her voice Nany sensed this and tears where coming, SuperBoy looked at his little sister and noticed her glassy eyes he quckily wrapped his arms around her whispering in her ears "Shhh shhh it's ok big brother is here don't worry" he said to his little sister who was shaking like a leaf and tears coming out her hand where in front of her squeezeing her brothers black shirt that had the Superman symbol that was red, he ran his fingers through her hair making her calm down. "Great BatGirl you scared her!" Said Miss Martian looking at Nany and SuperBoy
"Scared who-" she was cut off by Zatanna pointing to a 5'4 girl huggin SuperBoy and shaking like a leaf,Rocket was shocked that there was a little teenager huggin him SuperBoy glared at BatGirl for scaring his little sister "who is that?" Asked Zatanna "That's Nany, Superman's and Batman's daughter also SuperBoy's little sister" said Red Arrow Zatanna,Rocket and BatGirl stared in shock but quickly went to a guilt glaze "You should say sorry BatGirl, you did scare her" said Ricket BatGirl sighed and went to where Nany was, Nany looked up at her showing her scared browish/blackish eyes "Nany, I'm sorry for scaring i didn't mean it, can you forgive me?" Asked BatGirl Nany heard the guilt in her voice she nodded BatGirl smiled sweetly at her "I'm BatGirl and those two over there are Rocket and Zatanna" BatGirl said pointing to them Rocket and Zatanna came hearing there names and smiled it she then grabbed her white board and wrote
"It's ok, i forgive you BatGirl and it's nice to you Zatanna and Rocet oh and same goes to you BatGirl!"
BatGirl,Zatanna and Rockef looked at Nightwing, Nightwing told them what happened to her those there wanted to beat the hell out of the group but Nany didn't want that they are already in Jail and she was happy. They all sat in the livingroom asking Nany questions making her smile, chuckled or even giggle
"Nany how old are you?"

"I'm 15 years old Red Arrow"

"Do you wanna be come a superhero?" Asked Impulse

"I really don't know yet...i mean i would love to but no I'm not ready to be a superhero"

"What do you do for fun?" Asked Miss Martian

"I like to sing,dance,write,read and sometimes i will do things with my brothers back home"

"Do you have pets?" Asked Rocket

"Yes three but one is my brother's, i have a two dogs one is bloodhound and the other one i don't know but he has white fur and a yellow colour around his neck and a cat that is black"

"Do you like Magic" asked Zatanna

"Yea i do love magic"

"Who is your favorite superheros" asked Kid Flash

"That's one hard i will say everyone because they are amazing in everyway that's what makes them my favorite"

"Do your parents know that you are here and at the Mount Justice?" Asked AquaLad

"I think so because the Justice League told them that i was with them until i get better and try to atleast talk"

"Do you miss your family?" Asked Red Robin

"Yea... i do miss them alot more then you could ever think...i miss being in bed with my two bads me in the middle, and miss you having fun with all my brothers pranking each other, having fun stuff like that and of course our butler who makes us feel better if we are ever sick"

"Ok last question why didn't you tell your family that you where being bullied?" Robin asked everyone was looking at Nany

"I...i....i didn't tell them because they are always bussy with work, even if I try to tell them they won't care all they care about is work,plus i don't like getting people in my business they want me to a strong girl.......but i know that i can't be that strong god damn girl they fucking want me to! THEY FUCKING THINK THAT THERE LITTLE GIRL WHO IS STRONG CAN HANDLE THE GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKING PAIN THAT THEY CAUSE ME....I all....all i want is for me family to be together again...." Nany writes down loooking down on to the white board Nany didn't break down not yet but she will soon and when she does no one will be there for her The Young Justice went and hugged her she looked up at them and smiled for the last time

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