Sacrifices (Undertale FanFic)...

By Brynwyth

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Frisk has freed the monsters of the Underground. Finally, monster kind is allowed to return to the surface. I... More

Choose Wisely
Authors Note
Alrernate Ending: RESET 01.
Pre-Sacrifices: Soundless Cries
Pre-Sacrifices: Her Bestest Friend
Pre-Sacrifices: Join The Monsters
Post-Sacrifices: A Doll With Feelings
Author's Note


391 13 2
By Brynwyth

We stayed that way for a little while. It was... Nice. I missed this... The last time we hugged like this was right before I reset for the Genocide run. I barely reached his shoulders then.

I couldn't bear to look at him, knowing what I was about to do. I just buried my face in his chest and whispered, "I'm sorry...". Then I reset.

The crook of my neck fit perfectly on Sans' shoulder. I wanted to stay like this forever. I felt my eyes droop. He was so warm... Suddenly, I jerked out of his embrace. Surprise and hurt flickered across Sans's face.

"I'm sorry," I signed. "But what time is it?" I panicked. I could see the sun was going down. Just how long had we been out here?

Realization dawned upon Sans' features as he understood why I freaked out and stopped hugging him.

"just a sec, kid," He said as he pulled out his phone. "it's almost eight o'clock."

I felt my face pale. Toriel was going to fillet me.

"I am so boned."

Sans laughed.

"dun worry kiddo, i've got a shortcut."

I smiled gratefully at Sans and took his hand. We walked a few paces before disappearing, a slight blue glow fading from where we just were.


We re-materialized in my living room to find a frantic Toriel.

"FRISK," She ran over to me, completely ignoring Sans, and swept me up in a bear hug. After making sure I was okay, her face turned scary. "My child, how could you be so irresponsible! I was so worried when you didn't pick up your phone or answered your texts."

I cringed and looked down. Cruuuuuuuuuumbs.

"It was on silent," I signed timidly.

"That is NO excuse, young lady! You are so grounded!"

I looked up at her in disbelief.

"B-but my job!" My hands flailed.

"Ambassador for monster kind or not, you are still my child. You should've thought about that before staying out so late. You do not get to be treated special. Someone else will have to cover for you."

Sans, who had been silent during the whole exchange, spoke up.

"tori, it wazn't her fault. i lost track of time."

Toriel's stern gaze snapped to Sans. She had finally noticed him.

"It doesn't matter, she's still responsible for her own actions."

I sighed, defeated. Toriel turned back to me.

"Go to your room. Your dinner is waiting up there for you."

"Yes ma'am," I signed sullenly.

I began the walk of shame up to my bedroom. I can't wait until I'm eighteen, I thought. Then I can get my own place and not be grounded, ever.

Sans's POV:

Toriel gave me an earful after Frisk left. I sighed inwardly.

"tori, don't ya think yer being a bit harsh on her? she's almost an adult, she can take care of herself."

She gave me a sad look.

"I know she can. I know she's almost an adult. I know I'm being harsh. But I... I can't help it. She's growing up so quickly. It's been almost four years and now I'm about to lose her. When she moves out, she won't need me anymore."

I could see the tears beginning to brim in her eyes. I reached out and grabbed Toriel's hands.

"tori, jus' because she's growin' up don't mean yer goin' ta lose her. you'll jus' become a part of her life in a different way. knowin' frisk, even if she does move out, she'll still need ya. yer her mother, adopted or not. children dun ever stop needin' their mom, no matter how old they get."

Toriel gave me a trembling smile.

"Thank you for trying to cheer me up, Sans. I think I owe Frisk an apology for lashing out the way I did. However, she's still grounded. While I understand she can take care of herself, she was still being irresponsible for not letting me know that she was going to be out later than she thought."

I cracked a smile at her.

"whatever ya say, tori. i need ta make like tha wind and blow outta here. pappy gets cranky without his bedtime story. an' i'm sure he'll give me an unfroggitable lecture 'bout how lazy and irresponsible i am."

Toriel laughed at that then started to head for the stairs. I was about to teleport when she called out to me.

"Oh, and Sans?"


"Can you cover for Frisk at her meeting with the mayor tomorrow?"

"sure," I winked. "anything fer tha kid."

"I'm glad you two are finally getting along." She smiled.

I gave her a surprised look.

"Don't think I didn't notice. Goat Mom knows what's up when her kid is involved."

We both chuckled. Then I teleported away.

A/N: So that was a little shorter than usual. But I think it ended on a good note. I made a section in Sans' POV again. Do you guys like that, or nah? Anyways, it'll be a few chapters before we get to see from his perspective regardless. Hope you all enjoyed!

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