TANGLED -overprotective famou...

By MusicMyLife

235K 2.2K 432

what happens when fame, gymnastics, music, overprotective celebrity brothers, adoption, past, friends and ene... More

TANGLED - Introduction
The Flight
Mumbai...I'm back!!
First Day of New School
A Date with a life-death situation
Kicks and Punches
Live Chat
They call it a House...I call it a Palace!
I'm With You
One week before wedding = Hectic
You Don't Know How It Feels Like
Giggle Monster
Together, Forever
Getting Ready
The big day
He hates me...why?!
Christmas and Traditions
Twitter Goes Crazy!
Girls Day In
Premiere Night
Arrested, Saved And Threatened.
The Troublesome Twosome Date
Gossip and Guy Drama
Jerk Brother or Protective brother?
Golden Globes
Niagara Tears
Security check
Antiquates? What are they?
Don't Forget
My Custom, Personalized Hell
Catching Up
Only Friend - Not
Going Back There
The Pay-Back day
Baby Pops Out
What's the name?
Face the Facts
Author's Note: IMPORTANT!!!

Back to (not so pleasant) present

5.4K 60 2
By MusicMyLife

ok, so i got no comments, BUT i got over 100 more reads in 2 days, which is good i guess....... so I'll upload this one, to see how things trun out.......it's kinda a filler, hope you like it!! :)

 oh, btw, the pic?...a private hospital room....imagine this!! :P but  Seven hills has even better rooms, but whatever!!  enjoy!


Malaika’s POV (her to-be sis in law)

Me, and my fiancé, Arbaaz douched the media personnel with the help of guards, and reached the reception.

“We are here for Salman and….” I started, and before I could finish my sentence, a doctor greeted us.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Parker, and I have been monitoring Mr. Salman. He is stable, and in no danger. The police and CBI are now talking to him, so you may have to wait for a while. But he will be free to leave as soon as he wants.” He said with a smile. I was relieved. Our family won’t be the same without him. Or her...Liz!

“Doctor, what about Li…I mean Alisha?” Arbaaz asked. He had been thinking about her too. I couldn’t imagine what the brothers were going through. They loved her to death. It didn’t matter that she was adopted, their affection was unconditional. I hoped she wasn’t in a serious condition. She’s always been like a magnet to bad stuff, I just hope she’s fine.

“Sorry, Dr. Megan is monitoring her. As per my information, she’s out of the ICU, but is unconscious. You might want to meet Dr. Megan. You’ll find her in the third cabin as you go straight and then take a left.”

“Thank you, doctor.” I replied and hurried past the people asking us for autographs. How could they think we’d be here signing and talking when our family member is unconscious? I wanted to yell at them so bad, but I didn’t. We needed to get her. ICU, unconscious, oh God. Please Lord, I begged, let her be safe. She’s so little. Looking at my other half, I saw his face was expressionless. That means only one thing-his emotions are flooding out of control. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, and entered Dr. Megan’s office.

“Dr. Megan? We are here for Alisha.” I said a voice that sounded a lot better than I was feeling.

“Oh, yes. We’ve had a small operation. Her left palm was cut by the glass, aside from some bruises. She is in no danger, but there was blood loss. We injected her so she could rest for a few hours to recover faster. There is no need to worry.” She looked at us. Arbaaz just nodded. I could read his mind.

“Can we see her?” I asked. Arbaaz looked at me and gave me a small smile, which I returned.

“Yes, I see no problem in that. But, I need to check her again after she is up, and the police want to ask her a few questions first. She might be up any moment now. You may wait outside the room.” She said, and led us to her room. She went inside, along with some cops, as we sulked outside.


I could hear some beeping sounds from the background. My body felt heavy. I tried opened my eyes, but couldn’t. I instantly panicked. Why couldn’t I open my eyes? What was happening? Was everyone safe?

I heard footsteps now. Who are they? Family, friends...enemies?  No, not again, I thought. I tried to move.

“It’s ok.” A low, sweet voice said. “You are in safe hands now. Can you wiggle your toes for me, please?” she asked. I did as the voice said.

“Move your fingers, now, slowly.” Again, I followed her instructions.

“Great job. Now, I want you to open your eyes for me. The last favor, I promise.” She said. I tried, real hard, and I could open my eyelids this time. I blinked for a few times to get adjusted to the light.

I absorbed my surroundings. This was a big room, with a sterile feel. Too clean, too neat. I knew it, it was a hospital. I even knew the name- Seven Hills. I have been here quite a few times. Most of the visits were not pleasant I must say. I have always hated hospitals and ta-da, here I am. I could see a lady wearing a white coat, the doctor with sweet voice! And with her were some people, in government uniform. What was the police doing here?

I didn’t take my gaze off the cops as Dr. Megan asked me a few questions and stuff. My hand was still in a bad condition, I knew without looking into the mirror that my body was covered with wounds all over, too. The last thing I needed was to deal with cops. Guess they had something else in their head.

“We know this might be difficult for you, but we need to ask you a few questions. You have the right to tell us to stop, when it gets unbearable.” One person said, probably the senior most. Mehta, I read on his tag.

“Where and why were you during the time of attack?”  He asked. I needed to find my voice before answering.

“Outside my school. We had gone there for the open day. We were headed towards our cars….” My voice trailed off.

“How many people did you see attack you?” he asked, with a lot softer voice. He must have caught the hesitation in me.

“I have no idea. I was waving and trying to be polite with the p-paparazzi, when I heard g-gun sh-shots.” I whispered. He nodded.

“It’s ok, you are doing very well.” He Encouraged. I could see other cops making notes and talking silently.

“What happened next” he asked after a long pause.

“I don’t know, get it? I have no idea. I was blank, I was scared! I saw a person being shot! I was getting ready to die myself! I don’t know anything. The only thing I do know is I am NOT answerable to you!! Go, find the people who did this.” I yelled, pointing at me. It made the cop flinch. I didn’t know where that came from, but it wasn’t right. They were trying to help, I must co-operate. Instead I was screaming at them.

“That….” I sighed. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have. I-I don’t know what got into me. I’m sorry.” I said.

The other cop just touched my shoulder, looked at me into my eyes and said.

“No, it’s not your fault. We can talk later, ok?”  I just nodded. With, that, and some ‘get well soon’ they left the room. I banged my hand against the bed, just as my brothers and Malaika entered the room.

“Arghh!” I yelled again, holding my hand. I just had to bang my injured hand, right? Stupid me, I cursed myself. It hurt even more now. Ugh!!

I was pulled into a massive hug by my brothers, pulling me out of my thoughts. I hugged them back, and I felt tears sting my eyes. I let them fall. They let theirs. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Malaika being teary eyed too. We sat like that for minute, as our emotions were out, and I felt a lot better now, lighter actually.

“Are you fine?” I asked Salman. He looked a little pale. He chuckled as the other two burst into laughter.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you this?”  He raised a brow. I just shrugged it off. Suddenly, I remembered the other person. The one shot badly.

“How is he?” I asked. Salman knew exactly who I was talking about.

“Out of the ER, but still in the ICU.” He replied. I sighed. Why was this happening?? WHY WHY WHY?? What did we do?

“Why?” I uttered.

Salman cupped my face and held my gaze. “Because the right path isn’t always the easiest. But, I, We, will always be with you; to protect you from anything and everything. Nothing can take you away from us. Remember that.” He said in a firm, protective voice. He was right. I knew what was happening, and I didn’t feel afraid anymore. I knew I was safe with the guys.

With a sense of security wrapped around me, we talked for a long time. We talked about the most random stuff. Sean managed to sneak in a guitar, and I have no idea how he did it. I was soo happy to see my Destellar (yea, I named my guitar! It’s a Spanish and means sparkle in English, and since my guitar had sparkle, and one of my brothers got it for me from Spain, it fit right!!)

“ Oooo….I wanna play!!!” I exclaimed, but then looked at my hands. I couldn’t. The universe has a sick sense of humor.

“Here is the deal. I play, and you sing?”  Salman asked. He could play, I knew that. He could play guitar little, drums really well, and piano? Let’s just say he is my favorite pianist. Actually, I made Kevy to teach him some guitar. He was a quick learner. He learnt so much within two weeks, and continued to learn on and off. But his tight schedule didn’t allow him a lot a time. What a pity.

“Hey, back to earth, Lee.”  Arbaaz said, smirking. I smiled and nodded. Salman knew I wrote songs, and knew how to play guitar on most of them. He looked at me, waiting for me to choose a song. “Just a little girl?”  

(a/n….it’s actually by Amy Studt. And just pretend she wrote the song with reference to her gymnastics, kay?)

We had finished with only the first verse and the chorus, when Dr. Megan entered. She saw what we were doing, and instead of going all hyper, she replied, “Thankfully, the walls the soundproof!”

We all cracked up, and when everyone settled down, she just said. “Well, you may choose to continue, or do you want to take a break, go home and then sing?”

My eyes widened, and I yelled “HOME!!! Please…..this pillows are not comfy AT ALL!” which set others laughing even more. Somebody had got me some clothes, thankfully, I didn’t wish to wear the clothes I was bought to the hospital in. I quickly changed, as my brothers completed the paper work.

As we got into the elevator, people-patients, families, nurses and staff asked for autographs and pictures. I mentally shook my head. They had to, even now, when we were in the hospital? My brother has the most craz….umm passionate fans!!  Thankfully, we got into the cars pretty fast, the media didn’t get a chance to throw questions at us, due to all the police and guards and hospital security and, well, you get it. We drove home, in comfortable silence.


COMMENT AND FAN plz!! if you like it, let me know, if u don't let me know too!! :) i like reviews! 

and, i have a cast now, and will try to add photos to every chapter (added to previous ones too!!)

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