One of the Guys

By basketballbabe17

3.2K 21 6

Shayna isn't just your normal neighborhood girl. Her parent's died in a car crash and she lives with her olde... More

One of the Guys -- *Chapter One: If Only*
One of the Guys -- *Chapter Two: All about Sports*
One of the Guys -- *Chapter Three: Anatomy*
One of the Guys -- *Chapter Four: Can I Barf?*
One of the Guys -- *Chapter Five: How to Survive a Party*

One of the Guys -- *Chapter Six: A Warm Welcome Back*

391 8 1
By basketballbabe17


Vickram drives me to the airport in his black Tahoe. Once we get there I hop out of the car and run across the pedestrian path and into the airport. I see my best friend standing near the baggage claim struggling with her two parents and younger sister to pull a large suitcase off of the belt. Yup, that's my girl. 

She glances over at me laughing near the door and immediately drops the handle of the suitcase she was carrying, "Shay!" she yells as she pulls me in a hug.

"Chelsea Amanda Gray! If you ever leave Buffalo again, especially for three months, I will seriously die!"

Chelsea has been my best friend since birth. Our parents were best friends, and her parents have always been my second pair or parents. She's been in England for the past three months with her widowed grandma who was sick. Now her grandma is healthy and her family came back, which I'm stoked about! I run over to her troubled family and help them with the bags, right after I give them all hugs.

We walk out to the car, load the trunk, and get inside the car. Me and Chelsea go into the very back seats so we can catch up, and even though we know they can hear us, we find it more private.

"I've missed you so much, you don't even realize..." she says as she buckles her seat belt.

"Ha, yeah right. I'm sure you were doing just fine surrounded by a bunch of hot British guys,"

"Well..." she grins goofily. "Nobody'll compare to my Shay-Shay,"

"I can't believe you missed like two months of school. Two months! I've actually had a little drama in the past two months.... you wouldn't believe me until I explained. We should get ice cream at Johnny's and I'll tell you then,"

"Definitely. Can we visit the grocery store, too? I'm feeling withdrawal from not being in an American one in so long. The European one's are too confusing...they make you bag your own groceries sometimes. I can't handle it..." 

"I'm sure..." I laugh at her and we just talk the rest of the ride home.

"And then he tried to hold my hand, so I left." I finish up my story as I take another bite out of my cookie dough ice cream, with extra cookie dough chunks.

"Um, you, uh, the ice cream's going to come to four dollars," a really, super hot guy, that I assume works, here comes up to us and tells us. Wow. He's really cute! He looks like he's either a junior or a senior in high school. He has shiny brown hair and grayish-blueish-with a hint of green eyes. He's seriously gorgeous! Not to mention how cute, shy, and how perfect his voice sounds! 

"Oh, okay. I've got it, Chels," I pull out my wristlet and take out four bucks. "Thanks," I smile to the adorable worker.

"No problem, I'm Jake by the way,"

"Shayna," I smile again. With that, he walks away back to the counter. 

Chelsea and I get up and start walking home.

"Shay, that Jake guy was totally flirting with you. I just thought I'd let you know," she grins at me with a crazed look.

"Yeah, right. He's like way out of my league. He's like in Megan Fox's league. Try to think realistic here... I know you're all jetleg and all that sleepy crap, but seriously." I laugh at the thought of Jake actually flirting me. He's like a walking god!

"Are you kidding me? Are you blind or something? You have to trust me on this one, we have to go back there tomorrow! You guys need to start going out... you look perfect together!"

I should listen to her. She's had like five long-term relationships... I've had a one, one-day relationship with Jimmy Cast in sixth grade. I'm not quite sure if that even counts as a relationship. I don't really care though, because half the guys in my school sicken me, do drugs, or won't graduate with their class. The other half are my friends, and only friends. And the only guy that I would have a second thought about going out was Brad. So it isn't really like I would be having a boyfriend anytime soon.

"We just met him though... we barely know him. All I know is his first name, and how amazingly hot he is."

"Uh, hello?" she looks at me like I'm dumb. "That's why we're going back! To really meet him... duh!"

"But what about you? You would look perfect together! You're beautiful, he's hot. Perfect match." 

Chelsea is really pretty. She has long, blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She looks a lot older than she actually is, even though she doesn't wear that much makeup.

"Obviously he wasn't interested in me! His eyes never left you and he indirectly only asked for your name. Besides I have a boyfriend, so it wouldn't matter!"

I totally forgot about her boyfriend! Tim is one of the sweetest guys, like, ever. He and Chelsea are perfect for each other, I honestly wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they got married one day. They're family friends and have known each other almost as long as I've known Chelsea. I'm not that close with Tim, but I know he's amazing.

"But guys don't like me... I'm all boyish and everything." I moan.

"Sure, your not a girly girl, but you're gorgeous and kind and caring and funny and amazing and the best friend ever!" Chelsea has a tendency to forget about run-on sentences. 

"Thanks Chels, but I don't think this is going to happen in this lifetime," 

"I'm going to make it happen. First thing tomorrow morning," I give her a 'yeah, right' look, "well, noon, we're going to go out and make you girly. Only on the outside, though. We're not doing anything to the girl on the inside. I kind of like her," she winks at me.

"Ugh.... not a makeover...." I groan and sigh. 

Tomorrow is going to be painful.


Hey everyone! I hope this chapter was kinda longer compared to my others.... it took me about two days to write this. So three things.....

One: I thought I'd have some good uploads throughout the week, it's winter break, but my cute little cousins are coming into town and my parents are throwing a BIG new years eve party! They kinda have me and my sisters running around crazy! Plus I have to renew my passport for a vacation in February, and clean up my room, and all that good stuff.... :( So it'll be pretty hectic but I'll try to squeeze in some writing time!

Two: I'd like to have your help with something(: Now I know there aren't many of you reading this story... I'm fine with that! I hope over time that'll change...but not the point! :P Okay so I'm currently writing 2 stories on wattpad- Blackwood Academy and the Mitchell Family, and One of the Guys! I want to know which one I should focus my time on.... so if you could please comment on the story or on my profile telling me what you think!? I'd love you forever(:

Three: Please, please, please vote and comment if you like the story! I'm not getting any feedback which makes this a little hard for me.... do you like it? love it? hate it? wish it was never created? is it amazing? is it a waste of time? is it boring? should i keep writing? should i cut it? please, tell me! I'm in the land of the LOST! I'm begging you- please give me any sort of feedback, just please keep my feelings in your mind while you write it!(:

Thanks for reading, it mean's alot!!

xoxo Paisley

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