All I Need Book 2

By Torichick235

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Sequel to All I Need. Kirisuna fan fiction. Please enjoy. More

Little By Little
Packing Party
Our Day Off
While the Cat's Away, the Mice Will...Unpack.
Just Hanging Out
Small Joys.
Curing the Loneliness
A Walk in the Park and a Relaxing Day Off
A Real Scare
Your Smile
Visiting Hours
Not Your Fault
Happy Birthday
Perfect Two
Going Home
Innocent Eyes
A Day at GeeGee's
What Could Go Wrong?
Paranoia and Snuggles on Snow Days
Sick Day
Precious Few Moments
The Waiting Game
I dun got tagged
Samurai and the Blacksmith
A Bit of Mischief
At the End of the Day
Sweet Memories


2.2K 46 23
By Torichick235

Asuna's P.O.V.

I looked at the clock to find that it was 12:45, five minutes later than the last time I looked. I had Finley and Miles laid down on the couch on either side of me while I was holding their bottles in their mouths with both hands. Kazuto said he may not be coming home for lunch today, so I was pretty much alone for the day unless he decided to show up.  

It'd been about a month and a half since I gave birth to the twins and they were growing bigger every day. They didn't look like newborns, they looked like babies, now. At the moment, Finley was wearing a little pink onesie that she'd spit up on twice and Miles was wearing a blue one that was clean. 

I hadn't eaten since breakfast, so I was looking forward to their naps, which would be as soon as they finished their bottles. Poor Miles was already falling asleep as he ate. is little eyes were struggling to stay open. I smiled at the sight of him struggling then looked at Finley. She looked as awake as ever. I sighed because I knew that she wasn't going to want to take a nap. It was like that every day. Miles fell asleep without a fuss and Finley screamed and cried until she tired herself out and gave up. 

Kazuto had gone back to work three weeks ago, but I was still coping with being home alone with the babies. He usually came home at lunch and played with them while he and I ate. Today was the first day that he couldn't come home, and I was struggling to keep my head on straight. 

I looked back down at Miles's bottle to find that he had completely fallen asleep while it was almost empty. Finley, on the other hand, was just finishing up the last drops of her bottle. I took it away before she started getting air out of it. She started fussing, so I picked her up and laid her over my burp rag-clad shoulder and began patting her back. 

Miles lay asleep on the couch beside me with his little hand curled around the edge of one of the throw pillows. I looked back at the clock. It was only 12:48. Today was going to be a lo-o-o-ong day.


I had just laid the twins down and I could hear Finley starting to fuss. I tried to ignore it as I walked into the kitchen and started getting out ingredients for lunch. I decided to make myself a tuna sandwich, so I got out some bread and a can of tuna. Five minutes into making my sandwich, I heard the door open and close. 

"Babe? Is that you?", I called.

"Yeah. I don't have that long, but I thought I'd come home and take a minute to spend with my beautiful wife.", Kazuto said as he walked out of the foyer and into the kitchen. 

I smiled tiredly at he as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer so that I was right up against him. I put my hands on the backs of his shoulders and then let them slide down to his lower back and clasped them there. 

Kazuto smiled down at me with his dark eyes and that charming smile that made me melt every time he put it on. My smile became less and less tired and more and more genuine as I stood there looking into his eyes. He leaned down to kiss me and I met him half way.  

When the kiss ended, Kazuto hugged me tightly and kissed right behind my ear. When he let me go, I laid my head on his chest and took a deep breath to clear my thoughts. I had been so stressed about a bunch of things, but seeing him made all the stress go away. 

"Are Miles and Finley asleep?", Kazuto asked.

"Yeah, well, sort of. Miles is passed out, but Finley... Well, you know Finley.", I replied.

"I could hear her as soon as I came in the door. I see why you spend most of your time in the kitchen. You can't hear them hardly at all in here.", Kazuto chuckled.

I giggled and Kazuto kissed the top of my head. I felt my stomach grumble and broke away from Kazuto to finish making my sandwich. I made him a sandwich, as well and put them both on plates. 

We sat down at the table and started eating. The whole house was close to silent, save the distant sound of muffled wailing from Finley. I devoured my sandwich, then went back for a second one. Kazuto made himself a second one as well. We ate quietly without saying anything, just enjoying each other's company. 

When we finished, I took the paper plates and put them in the garbage, then walked into the living room with Kazuto. We sat down on the couch and he draped an arm around me, so I snuggled up next to him. 

"So how was your day?", I asked.

"So far, pretty good, though it's been board meeting after board meeting with a few scattered piles of paperwork in between. I can't complain. I know that what I'm doing it for is way worth it.", Kazuto said.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

"What about you? Were the kids ok for you?", he asked.

I laughed.

"Define 'ok'. Finley kept spitting up on her clothes, and on me, she screamed when I put her down even for a second, which made Miles cry, then she's screaming now. I can really tell which one will be the most outgoing one. Then again, they might surprise us.", I sighed.

"Yeah, but they'll grow out of it. I'm sure they'll start being much more independent in a few months.", Kazuto said, rubbing my shoulder in a soothing way.

I smiled and closed my eyes. 


The next thing I knew, I was waking up to the sound of Finley's and Miles's cries. I sat up to find that I was laying flat on the couch. Kazuto was gone, but there was a note in his place. I picked it up and read it.


I had to go back to work, but I didn't want to wake you since you work so hard. I'll be back later. I love you.


I sighed and set the note down, then got up and walked into the nursery. As soon as I opened the door, both babies fell silent. They looked intently up at me from their cribs as I walked in. Finley was smiling sweetly and Miles just had a look of contentment. I picked Finley up first and laid er on the changing table since I knew she would start crying if I didn't change her first. 

When I finished with Finley, I put her on the floor and walked over to Miles's crib. He threw his little hands in the air and smiled. I smiled back at him and pulled him out of the crib. Once both of them had been changed, I took them both back into the living room and put them on their mats. (The little cloth spreads that you put on the floor so they don't hurt themselves or get germs from the floor. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah? Ok, good.)

They started babbling, but neither of them fussed, so I left them there and sat down on the couch. I'd left my book on the end table, so I picked it up ad started reading it. I was still on the last book of the Harry Potter series. I hadn't even gotten halfway through it because I'd had no time to read it. I was trying to finish it before the new book, The Cursed Child, came out.

I started reading where I left off, glancing up occasionally to check on Miles and Finley. Both were just fine for about an hour and a half until they were hungry again. When they started to cry, I put my book down and got up. I went to get their bottles from the fridge, then got some hot water from the tap. I used the warm water to heat up the bottles until they were slightly warm.

When I returned, I found both babies exactly as I'd left them. I set the bottles down on the end table and scooped my children up in my arms. I laid them on either side of me on the couch cushions, as I usually did, then began feeding them their bottles. I found myself looking up at the clock again. It was 4:50. On normal days, Kazuto was home around 5:00, so any minute, he would be home. I felt the stress flow off of me like I'd just dropped a one hundred pound weight just knowing I'd made it through the day.

Just as the twins finished their bottles, which only took about 10 minutes, I heard the door open and close, then Kazuto walked into the living room. He set his briefcase down on the floor by the wall and stepped out of his shoes, loosening his tie as he did so. He came over to me and picked up Finley. I smiled and laid Miles over my shoulder. He just laid his little head down and I could feel his tiny breaths on my neck. It tickled a little.

"I'm so glad to be home.", Kazuto said.

"Me, too.", I said.

"You've been here all day, though.", Kazuto said, puzzled.

"But I wasn't home. You're home. I was at the house, but I wasn't home until you came back.", I said sweetly, leaning on his shoulder and kissing his cheek.

Kazuto turned to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. 


WHOO! I finally finished it. I know that it took a long time between updates, but I promise that I will start updating more frequently. I just got my laptop back from my school, so I will be updating a lot more. Please forgive me for being so late on this. I have read all of your comments and tried to get this one done ASAP, but I just started school, so I have also been getting homework. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please tell me what you think in the comments. Thanks!


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