Sick Day

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Asuna's P.O.V.

I finally woke up on a snowy Monday morning to see Kazuto with Finley laying on his stomach fast asleep and Miles laying upside down on the bed beside me. He was curled up in a little ball underneath the covers and I almost didn't see him. I smiled and gently took him out from underneath the thick blankets. He stirred a little, then his eyes popped open. He looked around like he was confused at first, then just squinted up at me for a second. 

"Good morning" I whispered to him. He held out his arms and reached for me. I hugged him to my chest and proceeded to rub his back.

Miles cooed softly and yawned. I loved their little yawns. They were the cutest thing ever. I could never stop myself fro smiling every time they yawned or started babbling and carrying on senselessly. It was funny when they decided that they wanted to sing with the radio in the car because they didn't know the notes, so it was just a constant 'bababababababa' for a little while. Even though it was slightly annoying, you couldn't help but love it.

Kazuto groaned and stretched. This caused Finley to stir and she picked her head up and looked around. Miles, realizing his partner in crime was awake, pushed me away and crawled over to her. I laughed quietly as they played with each other. 

It finally got to the point where Miles would hit his little fist against the bed, then they would both just burst out in giggles. I quickly grabbed my phone and started recording it. When I stopped recording, I posted the video to FaceBook, then set my phone back down. Kazuto had sat up in bed and was watching the whole scene with a huge grin on his face.

I felt my stomach growl and looked at the clock. It was 9:00 and I felt like I could've eaten a cow. I got up off the bed and straightened my pink plaid flannel pajamas. Kazuto looked over at me and smiled.

"I'm going to go make breakfast.", I said, quickly sliding my feet into my slippers, then walking off down the hall. 

I could still hear the twins' laughs when I got to the kitchen. I pulled out the eggs, some bacon, and some orange juice. I let the juice sit on the counter for a moment while I cooked the eggs so that I didn't have to drink something cold. 

I scrambled the eggs as I let the bacon cook in the pan. It sizzled and popped, occasionally burning me. It felt like a tiny prick from a needle on my arm, then the pain quickly subsided and vanished completely. I put a lid on the bacon and kept cooking the eggs. 

When the food finished, which didn't take long, I put it on two plates, then poured some orange juice into some cups. When I was completely finished, I took our breakfast into the bedroom. 

I walked into the bedroom to find the twins both in their Pack and Play. They had some toys and Kazuto was sitting there watching them. I jokingly set the plate of food on his back and he looked at me in surprise. 

"Ha Ha Ha.", he said sarcastically.

I laughed and then picked up the plate. Maybe it wasn't that funny, but who cares? Kazuto rolled over and took the plate from me, then sat up and leaned back against the pillows. I got into bed beside him and put my plate on my lap after pulling the covers up. 

"Want to watch a movie?", Kazuto asked.

"Sure. What are we gonna watch?", I asked.

"I don't know. I figured we'd find a movie on Netflix or something.", he replied. (A/N: I love Netflix, so they love it, too.)

I nodded and handed him the remote so that he could choose a movie. While he browsed the different options, I ate my food and drank some of my juice. When I finished my breakfast, we hadn't found a suitable movie yet. All the ones we had found had nudity or vulgarity warnings on it.

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