Your Smile

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Kazuto's p.o.v.

I was on my way to the doctor's office when I got a call from Liz. I picked up the phone, then listened to her frantic voice over the phone. My eyes widened in horror as I heard what she was saying. I immediately turned the car around and headed to the hospital Liz had said they were at. 

As soon as I got to the hospital, I ran into the E.R. to find Asuna on a cot, unconscious. I ran over to her and took her hand. She had a large bruise forming on her forehead. Liz sat in the chair by Asuna's bed with a worried look on her face. The doctor beside her, whom I hadn't noticed when I walked in, tapped my shoulder.

"I assume you're the husband? Are you aware of the situation?", she asked.

"I heard she got hit and passed out. Will she be ok?", I asked.

"Well, she should wake up soon. The good news is that no real damage was done to either her or the children. She is severely dehydrated, which is the main reason she passed out. We've got an I.V. on her right now. When she wakes up, she'll need to stay here until she gets a little more strength up. We'll release her when she is no longer dehydrated and we feel it's safe to let her go.", the doctor said. 

I looked at the nametag on her coat. Dr. Mabuchi. She wrote something down on her clipboard and then walked off. I looked over at Liz, who didn't even look me in the eyes. I knew it wasn't her fault and I didn't blame her for it, either. If it was anybody's fault, it was mine. I was at work so much that I didn't know if Asuna had really been ok. She said she was, but if I thought about it, she didn't really look like it. She'd gotten pale and had less and less energy.

Liz and I sat there in silence by Asuna. I held onto my wife's hand and watched her face. When she finally woke up, twenty minutes later, she groaned and reached for her head. I stood up. She looked at me and smiled faintly.

"I guess I fainted, huh?", she said weakly.

I laid my head on her shoulder and hugged her as relief washed over me. She put an arm around me, hugging me back.

"Don't scare me like that. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. I couldn't bare to go through life without seeing your smile.", I said, my voice cracking a little. 

"Sorry for making you worry. I'm ok, now.", Asuna said

"Is she awake?", the doctor's voice said from behind me. 

I let Asuna go and nodded, straightening up and clearing my throat. Dr. Mabuchi walked over and started checking the different things on the screens that were hooked up to Asuna. She wrote things down on her clipboard and then put it down. 

"Mrs. Kirigaya, you've dehydrated yourself. In order to get the nutrients they need, your unborn children are taking it from your body. We're going to keep you here for a few days until you are back to a healthy state. I believe your normal doctor is Dr. Sato? I'll have him notified and tell him to come here for your regular appointments until you're discharged. For now, we'll be moving you to room 306.", Dr. Mabuchi said.

Asuna nodded and looked down at her hands. She looked a little embarrassed, but was too stubborn to show it. The doctor put her clipboard down on a chair, then walked away from the bed and brought back a wheelchair. She helped Asuna into it and started pushing her down the hallway, motioning for us to follow. 

I followed close behind them with Liz . My eyes didn't leave Asuna until I was asked to open the door to room 306. I pushed it open, then walked over to the bed. The doctor took Asuna into the bathroom to change her into a nightgown, then they came back out and Asuna was put in the bed. 

"After I hook up the I.V., I'll have to run some tests, so I'll need some blood. After that, I'll leave you alone and you can rest.", Dr. Mabuchi said.

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