A Day at GeeGee's

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Asuna's P.O.V.

I sat in the bathtub, soaking up to my nose in bubbles. The kids were at my mother's for the day and she was taking them to the zoo and to the park. Kazuto was at work like he normally was on a Friday morning, so I had the whole day to myself. I had initially planned on using it to catch up on housework, but I decided to use it to pamper myself a little for a while.

My phone was playing music in the corner of the tub, wrapped in a plastic bag. At the moment, Forest, by Twenty One Pilots was playing. I sang along with every word, which I knew by heart. The song came out when I was around 10 years old, but it was an all-time favorite of mine. 

"Down in the forest,

 we'll sing a chorus!

One that everybody knows.

Hands held higher,

We'll be on fire,

Singing songs that nobody wrote.", I sang. 


After my very relaxing bubble bath, I decided to get up and go grocery shopping. We hadn't been in a few weeks and the fridge was starting to empty. I put myself together, pulling my hair up into the regular half updo and then putting on some basic makeup. I grabbed my purse, put on my shoes, took my phone off the charger, then left.

While at the grocery store, I replenished some of my makeup, bought food for the next two weeks, and stocked up on diapers, formula, and baby wipes. When I checked out, I paid with my debit card and then the cashier, a short, stalky man with a greasy ponytail, helped me load the groceries into the car. He noticed the car seats.

"How old are your kids?", he asked as he put my fruit and eggs on the top of the load.

"They're about 10 months old.", I said, closing the trunk.

"So, you have twins?", he asked.

"Yeah. A boy and a girl.", I said.

"I see. Well, have a nice day.", he said with a smile as he pushed the shopping cart back up to the store.

I smiled back and waved as I walked around the car and got into the driver's side. I started the car and pulled out, then headed back home. I turned on the radio as I drove. One of the songs that I found annoying, but knew all the words to, came on and I couldn't help but listen to it all the way through. It was kind of like Let It Go, completely annoying, yet you never want to change it when it comes on because it's so catchy.

Back at the house, I unloaded the groceries, then made some lunch. I made Chaliopin steak with broccoli as a side dish. As soon as I sat down, Kazuto walked in the door, so I got back up and made him a bowl before he walked into the dining room. 

"Hey, Asuna.", Kazuto said the way he always did when he was having a bad day.

"OOOkay, come here, eat, and tell me all about it. You've got that tone that you get when you're having a bad day.", I said.

Kazuto just chuckled a little bit, then sat down at the table. I set his bowl down in front of him and handed him his chopsticks. When I had Kazuto settled, I sat back down and picked up my own chopsticks.

"Well, the thing that started it all was when I got to work and I overheard one of the people that works for me talking about me and how I only got this job because I'm the C.E.O.'s son in law and that there are other people who have worked hard and deserve the job far more than me. At first, I just brushed it off, but then I started thinking. They're right. The only thing I really did to get this job was marry you. I don't deserve this job. I don't even deserve you.", he said, looking down at his hands, which sat in loose fists on the table.

All I Need Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें