
By foblvr

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Dean Winchester. Shy, sweet kid next door kind of person. He was never the aggressive type. And Cas never kne... More

Prologue: Astro
Year 1: Peanut Butter
Year 2: People Are Mean
Year 3: I Don't Want To
Year 4: Fireworks
Year 5: Friends Who Sick Together, Stay Together
Year 6: Curse Those Wooden Stairs
Year 7: You're My Hero
Year 8: But I Can Ask You, Can't I?
Year 9: The Balloon Rule
Year 10: Pool Party
Year 11: Christmas In a Gloom Setting
Year 13: Here With You Is Where I Want To Be
Year 14: Take 'Em Out
Year 15: He Seems So Real
Year 16: Ring Around The Rosey
Year 17: I Do
Year 18: Familiar
Year 19: We Have To Stop Meeting Like This
Year 20: Vodka (SMUT)
Year 21: Adventures Of Gabe And Luci
Year 22: Tea And Meds
Year 23: The Meadow
Year 24: Gif
10 Years of Bittersweet
Year 35: Keep It Sweet
Year 36: The Lake
Epilogue: Guns N Roses
Hilarious A/N

Year 12: Colleges, Picnics, and Couples Tattoos

143 5 11
By foblvr

Castiel sat in the desk, staring at colleges that he applied for. None of them had sent him anything, or even attempted to contact him. He was beginning to lose hope. He just wanted to get into a good college, and advance a career in psychology. Scarlett sat next to him, sitting perfectly still. He had only applied to a few of them, knowing that he shot high with applying to Yale. It wasn't the best thing in the world, but he found looking at colleges quite fun. He just didn't know where to look. It was almost as if Castiel needed special assistance just to type words on a computer. He still had half of his senior year ahead of him, but he could never start too early.

They'd be insane not to offer me a place, right?

Yes, little old Castiel, the book worm. He was the perfect student, with the perfect life, perfect grades, and the perfect boyfriend. He simply was perfect. That's what frustrating. No one, and that meant no one, had contacted Castiel. It had been weeks, and he still couldn't get his mind off his education. He needed this. He wanted it so bad, Castiel thought he'd go insane.

Yet, he didn't want to ruin things with Dean.

Dean was doing the exact same things as Castiel, school wise, since the eighth grade. He was trying so hard to get the best grades ever, just like Castiel, because he loved him. Dean loved him more than anything in the world, and he was willing to do anything to keep Castiel happy. His main objective in doing everything like Cas was to get into the same college. Knowing that neither of them could handle long distance, and how Castiel's heart was set on college, they had to get into the same one, or things would get hectic. That's why Castiel is still worried out of his mind, that only one of them will get into the one they want. He couldn't do that. He couldn't leave Dean.

"Cas, come on. Can we please take the study out of study date and just talk?" Dean groaned from across the table. He had his eyes on Cas, one hand petting Scarlett. He shook his head. "Come on, Cassie. Let's go."

"Dean," Castiel paused, glancing back up at Dean. Puppy Dog eyes. That was Dean's specialty. He had known him for ages, and , if anything, he knew how to get Castiel to do what he wanted... for the most part. "You are such a nerd. Fine."

"I'm the nerd here?" Dean raised an eyebrow, tapping the desk as Castiel shut down the Desktop.

Castiel shut his eyes for a moment, sighing. The day was his 18th birthday, and Dean wanted to spend every moment with him. Dean did not, however, enjoy  the library. Castiel had finished all of his school work. So did Dean. Dean wanted to make this day as special as he could. Castiel knew that. It's just the fact that neither of them could really enjoy themselves when they were getting shushed every five seconds. "Where do you suggest we go?"

Dean grinned, flashing his keys. "I know just the place." He grabbed Cas's hand, making sure that he wouldn't peek after he got into Dean's car. Yes, Dean had finally gotten a car. The car, actually. It was exactly what he wanted. A 1967 Chevy Impala, painted black, just the way he wanted it. Sometimes, Castiel swore that Dean loved that Car more than he loved Cas. In truth, the car didn't even come close. Not to his angel. "Hey, Cassie, we are here. You can open your eyes."

The place was around five minutes away, but Castiel had still managed to fall asleep. "Hm?" He whispered, opening his eyes. "Oh, oh... Oh, Dean." He had a gigantic grin on his face. "You remember that day?"

"In... Horrifically vivid detail. Sorry about that by the way." Dean looked down, chuckling slightly. Seeing Cas so happy made him happy. That was his job, to keep Castiel happy, and Cas just needed to keep Dean safe. They depended on each other more than anything.

"Stop it, Dean," Castiel chuckled. He gazed out the window of the car, watching the empty swings swing in the wind. It was the same playground as where they met, all those years ago. That fateful day when they really began speaking to each other. When Castiel got Freddy. When they were both so young, so innocent. "God, sweet memories," Castiel teared up. He leaned on Dean's shoulder, biting his lip. "What would I do without you?"

Dean wrapped an arm around him. "Well, I feel like half of your misfortune comes from me," Dean chuckled. "but, you'd still crash and burn."

Castiel smiled, opening the door. "I hate you," he grinned.

"Love you, too, Cassie." Dean grabbed his hand, leading him behind the playground where a large picnic was waiting for them. The blanket was bigger than you'd think, and Dean brought actual dishes, instead of his usual paper plates that would fly away in the chilling breeze. "I'm so cliche, aren't I?"

Castiel smiled, looking up, leaning in, and pulling Dean into a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around the taller boy's neck, smiling when Dean was caught off guard in the slightest. He broke away, pressing his forehead against Dean's. "Cliché is perfect, Deany."

Dean laughed, bringing out the food, and chuckling as Castiel picked at the leftover Swedish Meatballs. "What?"

"You know what this is missing, Dean?"

"What?" Dean looked concerned, for a moment, as if he felt he had let himself down.

Castiel chuckled, reaching into the basket and pulling out a jar of peanut butter. "I know you so well, don't I?"

"Nothing will tame my love for peanut butter... Or you. Oh, wow, you and peanut butter." Dean almost drooled, staring at Cas as he stuck his finger in the peanut butter so he could eat a sufficient amount of it. Castiel laughed at Dean. He looked mesmerized. His messy hair was just blowing around in the wind, his tired eyes lost at the sight of Castiel.

"Dean." He snapped his fingers in front of the teen.

"Oh," Dean looked down, his expression almost afraid to look Cas in the eye. "Sorry."

"Babe, it's fine." Castiel tilted his chin up, kissing his forehead.

Dean smiled. "Thanks, Angel."

"You know what we should do, Dean?" Castiel's face suddenly brightened, making Dean's naturally look happier. That was just how it worked. It was odd, really, but that was how it was meant to be.


"Get tattoos." Castiel realized how stupid the idea sounded, the minute it left his mouth. He looked down, almost laughing at himself, but to his surprise...

"We totally should!" Dean almost jumped up with excitement. He smiled at Castiel. "That'd be really cool."

"What would you get?" Castiel raised an eyebrow at him. He helped pick up the gigantic picnic and load it into the trunk of Dean's Impala. Castiel just watched him, after that, in silence. He waited for Dean to answer his silly question, but all Castiel got was a quiet, I'll show you.

Castiel couldn't tell if he hated that, or loved it. On one hand, the mystery in Dean's voice was hot, and he meant really hot. That made him all the more attractive. On the contrary, though, it frustrated Cas beyond belief. It made him want to pry. He didn't. Prying wasn't good for Dean, and frustrating him more than he already was would ruin him for good. Castiel loved Dean too much to let that happen. Though Dean tried not to show it, that horrid diagnosis ruined him. The stupid thing was, when he told Castiel, it was just a text message that read, I knew I was crazy. The next time Cas saw him was when he was in the hospital because of his horrible mistake. Dean was suffering as much as he was. He still is. He's told him on many occasions that Castiel was the only reason he hasn't jumped out a window due to his old friend Bartholomew attempting to choke him to death. That was the extent of Dean's panic attacks. Though he never had one that vivid, he did have similar ideas. It kind of put a damper on Castiel's mood, but they stayed together. They were the definition of inseparable, now. Just kids. Just a pair of teenagers that depend on each other for everything. Castiel looked to Dean for happiness, and Dean looked to Cas for sanity. They found sanctuary in each other. It was beautiful.

"Cas, come on!" Dean opened his door.

Castiel was doubting the decision to get a tattoo, but he was so eager to feel the needle pierce his skin. He heard it hurt, but it was like that good kind of pain, like that pain that's there when you scrape your knee and wait a few minutes. It becomes numb pain. Castiel craved that, as bad as it sounds. It was addicting. "Can I know, yet?"

"No. I saw the design you sketched out, though, Cas. I have one in mind for mine." Dean grinned at him.

The interior of the tattoo parlor was small. It was painted a crimson color with about four seats behind the desk. The walls were cluttered with the artists work, which looked amazing. The whole place was amazing. "Wow," Castiel gaped, taking it in, glance by glance, breath by breath.

"I know! Oh, and I forgot the best part!" Dean pulled him closer, causing Castiel to lean his head on his shoulder.

"What's tha—"

"Dean!" A woman with mousy brown hair appeared in front of them, making Castiel jump a little. She smiled at Dean, and then Cas. "So, this is Castiel, huh?"

"Yeah. Cas, Aunt Esmay. Aunt Esmay, Cas."

"Pleasure to meet you, Son. I've heard so much about you. I don't exactly live close." Her green eyes glinted with approval as she gazed at them.

"Wait, your aunt—"

"Owns the tattoo parlor, yes." Dean wrapped an arm around Castiel, as if to say, Would you look at that? This is mine. This is all mine and you can't have it. Step off, or I step on you.

"Now, I'm gonna hand you two over to my best artists. They have done things like that." She pointed to a cheetah that someone had gotten on their shoulder. It was in a picture frame. A framed photo of their skills. "Hannah, Robin!" She called them.

"Yeah, boss?" A girl—not much older than 25— looked up, brushing her dyed red hair out of her face. She already had a full sleeve of tattoos, and she wore a black, skin tight tank top that cut off just above her belly button and a black skirt that hugged her frame. "Oh, we got clients! Wait a minute, is that Dean Winchester I see? My, how you've changed."

Dean grinned, staring at the girl with an almost annoyed look in his eye. "Robin Dominguez. My, how you haven't."

"How's your brother?"

"Sam's fine," he pursed his lips.

"Well, that's good," a voice chimed. Castiel turned to see a blonde with blue eyes and fair skin. She had a pixie cut and wore a lip ring with the tiniest bit of a tattoo peaking out from under her black Star Wars sweater. "So, Deano. You're with me." She cocked her head in the direction of one of the seats.

"Coming, Hannah," he chuckled.

"Looks like you're with me, pretty boy." Robin pulled him back to the chai that was the farthest away from Dean. "What do you want, where do you want it, and what colors do you want to use?"

"Okay, uhm, I'd like it on my forearm, with a galaxy color scheme and theme, and the word Astro in bright, cursive lettering. Oh, and a comet underlining the lettering." Castiel felt immeasurably awkward. He didn't know how to interact with her, really. He was still a shy, little book worm. Still, to his surprise, she didn't do anything remotely rude.

"Coming right up." She sketched it out, before she dared to touch the needle to his skin. She made sure it was exactly what he wanted, and when he said he was ready, she went. It hurt like a mother, but Castiel only winced and but his lip, and soon the pain was just a light tingling. "First tattoo?"

"Yeah. Just turned 18, today." Castiel was looking across the room at Dean, who was making small talk with Hannah.

"Let me ask you something, Castiel," Robin sighed. "Why do you like my cousin so much?"

"Dean? Well, he's Dean. He's strong when he has to be and soft when he wants to. He has been with me for almost 13 years. He has never changed. That, right there, is the same Dean that gave me his toy astronaut after he accidentally broke my arm and felt bad about it. That is the Dean that almost quit the football team for me. I like your cousin because he isn't like the rest, and neither am I."

She smiled, filling in the last of the tattoo. It was relatively small, so it didn't take long. "Good answer."

When it was over, Castiel's arm stung, but he was so happy to see how it looked. The purple and blue background, with the yellow lettering. It was beautiful in every single way. "Thank you, Robin."

"No prob."

Castiel waited up front for a total of thirty seconds before Dean met up with him, and he paid. "Goodbye, girls. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye, Dean." They all waved.

"So, Dean, what did you get?" Castiel pried at the teen, biting his lip. He wanted to see so desperately, and the anticipation tore him apart.

"This." Dean pulled back his shirt to reveal two angel wings on his shoulder, the word Angel, inked into his slightly irritated flesh.

"Dean," Castiel looked up at him, pulling up his sleeve and showing Dean his. "God, I love you so much."

With that, Dean smiled, and pulled him into a passionate kiss. "Hey, Cas?"


"Back seat?"


Their lips didn't part for a moment after Castiel said that.

Castiel came home that night, sore, and happy. He had lost a few things that day, but he had gained so much more. It was the best birthday a boy could ever ask for.

Thank god for Dean.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hey my friens

There were some subtle hints in here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) as well as another subtle hint as to what is going to happen later in this book. It's beautiful Joey mind works.

Oi shout out hour. Go read OfficialCastiel 's Destiel one shots because I love them and also senpai notice me XD

But seriously read the Destiels they make me so happy

I finished my summer smassignment yay I'm v v v v proud of myself.

School is coming back in 6 days help. ALSO MY BROTHERS BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW AYe

It's raining


I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods

-Emily aka foblvr

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