Can't Fight This Feeling (lar...

By MrsAnonym0us

247K 11.1K 3.4K

(Larcel Fanfiction) Louis Tomlinson is the schools hottest bad boy who has guys and girls tripping over him d... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

41.9K 891 860
By MrsAnonym0us

Hello lovely! 💕 I'm absolutely in love with Larcel so I decided to make a Fanfiction out of it. I'm not sure if ill stick with this but I sure want to! Rated PG-13 for cussing and small sexual acts (lmao)

*update 4/12/14*


*update 6/21/14*

Spanish link:


"Marcel!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. I run a comb through my gelled hair once more before flashing my straight and white smile in the mirror.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I collect my stuff and walk swiftly down to the kitchen. I grab a piece of toast and walk out into the foyer where my mom is waiting. She grins at me.

"What?" I ask shyly.

"It's my little boys first day as a senior!" she says excitedly. And it's true too. My dad left us just last year. So when the school year was over we moved to San Francisco in hopes of a new start. And now today is my first day as a senior at a brand new school. A journey into the unknown.

"Can we go? I want to get there early." I ask. My mom leads the way out to the car and I rest in the passenger seat.

The car ride is silent but not awkward. On the way to the school I fret over my backpack and reorganize it again and again. When the car pulls to a stop in front of school, I send mom a nervous look.

"It's your first day honey, chin up smile on." She says kissing my cheek. I nod at her reassurance. I climb out of the car and wave at my mom as she drives away.

My first period class doesn't start until 8:10 giving me a little over 15 minutes to look around and get the feel of the school.

I take a map and brochure from a small box marked 'visitors' that's hung next to the main offices door. I locate my classrooms and discover the quickest route to move between them. I know that at a new school I will have to be efficient and organized.

I don't pass many in the halls. The school is mostly empty at this time. I stop in at my English class when I see the teacher setting up.

"Hi are you Mr. Crockett?" I ask standing in the doorway. He turns around and greats me with a warm smile.

"Yes I am. Are you Marcel, the new kid?"

"Mm-hm." I nod and smile at him.

"Welcome to North High."

I walk out two double doors that open up onto a field. The field is a bit frosted over and it looks quite beautiful this way. A concrete path winds around the whole thing and at the side opposite of me there is a bench. It's far to see from here but I can make out a figure wearing all black. It looks almost ghostly from over here.

A loud bell ringing shakes me from my trance and I assume school must be starting now. So I walk quickly around the field to myhomeroom class. When I pass the bench it's empty and all that's there is some old wrappers and graffiti.


Louis' POV

After my history class it's time for PE so I make my way to the guys locker-rooms. I've been going to this school for the last 3 years and I know it like the back of my hand. Every nook, cranny and good places to makeout.

The locker room slowly fills up as I walk down to my locker. Locker 163. I put in my combination and pop it open. On the inside its mostly bare and if you simply removed the clothes, it would look untouched. I'm not one for personalization of something like this, I find it pointless.

"Excuse me.. oh sorry.." I hear someone coming my way. Must be someone new, they certainly don't sound familiar. I see someone approaching a locker a few places down from mine out of the corner of my eye. I look over at them as they struggle to get the locker open. It's a boy who looks rather wimpy. He has big glasses and rosy cheeks and perfectly gelled hair. He dresses like a Gap mannequin. It's very likely he gets picked on. He looks up as he gets his locker open and catches me looking at him.

"Oh hi! My name is Marcel, I'm new here." He says cheerily.

"Louis." I say gruffly. I'm not interested in talking to most people, but especially not a geek like him.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Louis." He reaches out his hand to shake mine. I reject it completely and roll my eyes. He looks a little disheartened by this but I just close my locker and walk away.

Marcel's POV

Maybe this guy Louis is just having a bad day, we all have bad days. I brush off his mean gesture and carry on with what I'm doing. I'm too embarrassed by my scrawny little body to change in front of everyone else so I change in the bathroom stall. When I come out there are some 'tough guys' smoking cigarettes by the sink. I start to walk by them and cough a little, covering my nose.

"What're you stuck-up?" One of them comments snidely.

"What?" I stop walking and turn to face them.

"He said are you stuck up, or something? Fag." The other one joins. Fag is only a word I've seen on TV. I believe it is highly offensive and is rude to use against someone.

"Please don't call me that." I say with my eyebrows furrowing nervously.

"Why the fuck not, fag?" The first one says pinning me up against the wall. "It's what you are." He spits.

"Maybe you're the fag, you're the one hanging out in the boys bathroom." I state.

"What the fuck did you say to-" he starts. But he's cut off by a coach looking man sticking his head through the door.

"Oiy, if you arses are done in here, it's time for P.E." he says gesturing out. The boy releases me and makes his way to the door, his friend follows.

"Next time, dickwad." He says back to me before leaving the bathroom.


My last class of the day is Science and coincidently the boy named Louis is in it. He doesn't even look at me when I enter the room though. I sense we got of on a bad foot. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow, after all it'd be nice to get a friend in this place.

I walk in and sit towards the front of the room at an empty table. Nobody else joins me as the class fills up. I see Louis take a seat at the back of the room next to a dark-haired girl. Our teacher Mrs. Littleton introduces herself.

"Today you will be getting your lab partners which you will be doing projects with and keeping for the rest of this class." She starts partnering people together. So many people I don't know get strung off. I wait anxiously as the names get called off until it's only me, Louis, dark-haired girl and this chubby kid whose name I think is Armando.

"...Lexi and Armando...Louis and Marcel. Everyone please move yourself to your lab partner." She finishes off.

Wow. It may not be so bad that me and Louis get put together because at least I know him. But there is the problem that he was rude to me this morning when I tried to shake hands with him. It's a simple common gesture, I didn't think it was too much to ask. But as I said, I hope it's just one of his bad days.

When I look up with Louis he looks annoyed and minorly ticked off. He's giving me a look like he's not going to come here so I get up, grab my stuff and walk back to his table, sitting beside him.

"We met this morning remember?" I ask cheerfully, trying to lighten our relationship.

"How could I forget." He mutters and half rolls his eyes.

"I think this class is going to be fun." I ignore his remark.

"Great you can do all the work."

I just shut up this time. It seems like there's no good was to divert this guy from his negative attitude. And if we both just keep quiet then it won't rub off on me. I don't want to feel negative because this day's been pretty good except for being pushed around in the locker room. But I'm used to that.

The rest of the class goes by quickly and we stay quiet for the rest of the time. Before I even know it, class is over. Time goes by fast when you're having fun. I leave the building and walk down to the city bus stop. I have to wait here about 10 minutes before the bus comes to pick me up. It drops me off about a block away from my house and I walk the rest.

When I enter the house Mom is still at work and will be until 5ish. She works as an accountant at an insurance company, it seems like a boring job to me but I don't think we really have a choice. We just stay afloat with dad gone.


"How was school, Honey?" mom asks from across the table.

"It was good." I say shortly. I decide not to tell her about the boys in the locker room.

"What was your favorite class?" mom prods.

"I think I liked English the best. The teacher seemed to like me okay." I say moving my food around on my plate. I take a few slow bites.

"Anything else?" mom questions. She's always been this way.

"I got paired up with a bit of a pessimistic in science. He seemed to be in a sour mood no matter how I tried. So I just stopped trying." I say with a frown.

"Once he gets to know you he'll see how fun you are and he'll lighten up. I'm sure honey." She really needs to stop calling me honey, I'm 17. But I think she likes to keep me as her little boy so I don't say anything.

"Yeah maybe." I say. But I'm not so sure.


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