Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diar...

By coke137

4.1M 86.5K 97K

Arianna Gilbert has felt like she's drowning ever since her parents died. People seem to think only her twin... More

Arianna Gilbert
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Season 2------ Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Season 3------Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 13

79.4K 1.5K 1.2K
By coke137

I am doing my hair in the bathroom when something catches my eye. I smile and look into Jeremy's room. He is drawing, he hasn't done that since Mom and Dad died. I decide to let him be and go grab my stuff, shutting the door softly behind me. I run down the stairs grinning wildly.

I see Elena and Jenna getting ready to leave. "Guess what? Jeremy's got his drawing pad out." I smile at them.

"You're kidding?" Jenna smiles back.

"Nope but don't say anything to him about it. The second we say something he'll put it away." I tell them grabbing my coat.

"Psychology major, check that." Jenna smirks grabbing her purse. She looks over at Elena who is frowning at her phone. "Heard from Stefan yet?"

Elena sighs, "He knows how I feel and where I stand. And I know where he stands but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away."

"Where's he going?" Jenna asks shocked.

"Stop asking questions, the answers get scary." Elena says holding the door open for us. We walk out and she shuts it behind us.

"Yours leaves, mine returns." Jenna sighs.

"Logan?" I question amused.

"Yup, he's back." Jenna sighs as Elena lets out a disgusted grunt. "I didn't let him past our front door though."

"I hope you slammed it in his face." Elena says.

"Medium slam." Jenna smiles obviously embarrassed.

"Three strike rule Aunt Jenna, your not even aloud to watch the news." I tease.

"Exactly, no more Logan ScumFell." Jenna smiles. I laugh, oh Aunt Jenna and her names. Gotta love it.


"Did I miss something?" I ask as we walk in school and see Matt and Caroline flirting.

"They've been hanging out." Bonnie answers.

"That's kind of weird, don't you think?" Elena questions. Ah, is Elena jealous that Matt is finally moving on.

"She needs someone nice like him as opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon." Bonnie glares at the ground most likely thinking about Damon attacking her.

" are are you doing with all that by the way?" I ask Bonnie.

"I'm freaked out, Damon attacked me, I could be dead right now. But I'm also grateful to Stefan, he saved my life. Have you seen him?" Bonnie wonders.

"Not since he told me he was leaving. For all I know he's already gone." Elena shoves her stuff in her locker.

"He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." Bonnie says.

"Yes, he would. He thinks he's protecting me, a clean break and all that." Elena rolls her eyes.

"So, what are you gonna do?" I ask.

"What am I supposed to do? I already begged him not to go, if I ask again I'm being...selfish." Elena frowns. "It is what it is."

"Well, maybe it's for the best." Bonnie answers.

"What? Why?" Elena asks stopping and facing Bonnie.

"I mean what kind of future could you have had with him, even if he stayed?" Bonnie questions right as a banner that says "Promise our Future" falls down on us.

"Did you just?" I start to ask but Bonnie quickly cuts me off.

"No, I swear." she answers quickly. Elena shoots one final glare at the poster before throwing it up and walking past it.

Bonnie sighs, "I always make it worse, don't I?"

"Yeah but at least you try." I smile while Bonnie just glares at me. She uses her witchy powers and makes my book fall to the ground while she just storms off. I curse under my breath and pick it up. Damn witch powers. I start heading towards algebra but I hear someone calling out my name. I turn around and see Tyler standing there. I start to walk away but he catches my arm.

"Aria, please. Just listen for a few minutes." he pleads.

"You have two minutes, starting now." I put my hand on my hip and glare at him.

"Look I know you don't want to hear any shitty apologies so I'm not gonna say any. I just want you to know that I miss you, a lot. I know things can never go back to how they used to be but can we at least try to talk a little more?" he asks.

"Your right, Tyler. Things can never go back to how they used to be. And to answer your question, no we can not talk a little more. If you don't stay away from me I will file a police report that you were drunk and hit me." I spit out before spinning around and practically running to algebra.

Why can I not forgive Tyler for hitting me and I've known him all my life but I can forgive Damon so easily even though he's killed people before?

I think I might be crazy.


"He wanted me to forgive him?! Forgive him?!" I say outraged to Elena as we walk out.

"Wow, he really is a dick." Elena smiles.

"Yeah he is." I glare at the grass like the grass is the one that hit me and now wants to be forgiven. Elena is about to say something but suddenly stops causing me to look up. Guess who I see sitting on the bench in front of us? Stefan Salvatore, so if you guessed that ladies and gentlemen you are right.

"Hi." he smiles and stands up looking at Elena and I. "We need to talk." he says seriously.

Elena nods, while I just stare at Stefan like some creep. Don't ask why but I'm just in that kind of mood where I wish to stare at people. "So, Stefan, why have you graced us with your presence?" I ask bored of staring.

"There's a new vampire in town." he says gravelly.

"What!? I thought you and Damon were the only ones here." I yell/whisper.

"We thought so too but Sheriff Forbes came to us today and said she found a women drained of blood last night." Stefan answers.

"And you have no idea who it is?" Elena questions.

Stefan nods, "But it must be somebody new because leaving a body like that is either sloppy or there trying to send a message."

"And your sure it's not Damon?" Elena raises her eyebrows, while I just roll my eyes. It kind of annoys me how every time something bad happens people blame it on Damon.... even though most of the time it is his fault.

"I'm never sure it's not Damon but he's been trying to keep a low profile lately so it just doesn't make any sense to me." Stefan explains.

"So...what are you going to do about this sloppy vampire?" I ask.

"Damon's tracking it right now." Stefan says. "Look....I promised you two the truth so I wanted to tell you. I want you two to be careful."

Elena and I both nod, "When I saw you, I thought you were coming to say goodbye." Elena whispers.

Stefan shakes his head, "Not yet." Stefan gives Elena one last look before walking away. I sigh and look over at Elena.

"How come we have so much guy troubles?" I ask. Elena just shrugs, still watching Stefan walk away. "Come on, Elena. We should get home and get ready for that career fair tonight or whatever."

Elena nods and heads towards the car still silent. I follow Elena over to the car and just hope that Damon can find that vampire soon then kill it.


I look down at the drawing and then gasp when I see the name at the bottom. I look up at Jeremy in disbelief. "Tyler can draw?"

"I guess so, I've never seen any of his work before now." he shrugs. I shake my head and let out a disbelieved sigh. Tyler was my best friend for a very long time, how could I not know he draws?

"Wow, it's actually really good." I say amazed looking at the drawing beneath me.

"Yeah, there's really good detail and the way-" I cut Jeremy off quickly.

"Don't go all artistic on me. I hate drawing and I suck at it so please don't start explaining it all to me." I say annoyed.

Jeremy rolls his eyes. "Whatever Aria, see ya later." he walks away, leaving me standing alone in front of the art school booth. I glare at his back, drama queen much?

I spot Stefan leaning against a wall and decided to head over to him, curious as to why he is here. "I'm guessing you're not here to plan the path to your future." I smirk walking up to him. He just smiles a little and looks down. "You're looking out for Elena." I smile, it's actually kind of sweet.

"For both of you, I hope that's okay." he almost whispers it.

"It's fine." Elena says coming out of no where. I look up at her startled but she just smiles at me. Feeling the awkwardness I go over to look at a display and Elena follows me over.

"You know I wanted to be a doctor." Stefan lets out a little laugh, "Before everything happened but I uh...couldn't because of.." he trails off obviously embarrassed.

"The blood." Elena says.

"Yeah...I've dabbled in a bunch of different things." he smiles.

"Didn't love anything enough to stick to it?" Elena asks harshly. Oh burn Stefan. You want some ice with that?

"No, I loved it all, I just had to move on before anybody noticed I wasn't getting any older." Stefan says.

"How long before that would happen?" Elena questions.

"A few years usually, sometimes shorter." Stefan shrugs.

"And you always left?" I ask.

"I didn't have a choice." he answers quickly. "So what about you, what are your plans for the future?" Stefan asks smiling.

"I don't wanna talk about my future Stefan because everything you're saying is making it perfectly clear your not going to be in it." Elena says finally facing him.

"Elena it's not that I don't want to be in it....I just-"

"Can't I get it. I heard you the first time and the second time, look I appreciate you looking out for Aria and I but please if your gonna leave then just go." Elena states. I really don't want to be here right now, this should be a personal convo between just them.

"Hide me, the ScumFell has landed." Jenna says running up to us.

"Logan's here?" I sigh looking over at her.

"Wait Logan Fell?" Stefan asks with a shocked expression. I nod and Stefan quickly walks out into the hallway. I look over at Elena and we all go follow Stefan into the hallway.

"Stefan what's going on?" I ask walking up to him just as Logan walks up to us.

"Jenna! Have you been dodging me?" he asks in an amused tone.

"It's a form of self preservation." Jenna glares pissed off.

"Elena, why don't you take Aria and Jenna somewhere else?" Stefan says all serious like. Elena stares at him for a few moments and I see him make some eye notion at her. Elena nods in fear and grabs my hand and Jenna's then we quickly walk away from the boys.

Uh, what the hell is going on? Once Elena has dragged us all the way to the other side of school does she release our hands. "When Logan came to the house what exactly did he say?" Elena asks Jenna panicked.

"Flake flattery, stupid dimpled grin, puppy dog eyes." Jenna says.

"I'm serious Aunt Jenna, what did he say? How did he act?" Elena presses on. I am still completely lost as to what is going on.

"He was the normal Logan, charming but a little more manic then usual. He kept trying to convince me to let him in." Jenna rolls her eyes. Elena's eyes snap up to hers, frightened. Oh shit! I get it now. Logan is the new vampire in town. "What?" Jenna asks seeing our frightened expressions.

"Listen to me very carefully Aunt Jenna, do not talk to him again in any circumstances. I'm serious Aunt Jena, like ever." Elena says serious. Jenna frowns at Elena.

"Hey Elena, Aria. Jenna." Mr.Saltzmen walks up to us smiling at us but preferably more so Jenna.

"Hey Mr.S." I smile as he rolls his eyes. I am the only one that calls him that.

"Jenna I was hoping to see you here tonight." he smiles at her.

"Career night is the new bowling." Jenna jokes.

Mr.S laughs and stares at Jenna. Aw, they're so cute together. "Excuse us, we gotta go." Elena smiles at them before taking my hand and leading me away.

"Where are we going?" I ask as Elena quickens her pace.

"To find Stefan." she answers not slowing her pace at all. She asks some random dude if they've seen Stefan.

"Yeah, he went out the back door." he points at the door behind him.

"Thanks." I smile at the guy before following Elena out the door. We walk outside and see Stefan talking on the phone lost in thought.

Once he's off the phone Elena goes strutting up to him obviously pissed off. "So, is there anything you want to tell me." she glares, crossing her arms. I smile and stand back a few steps. This should be good.


Elena is forcing me to go home so here I am in the dark creepy parking lot at school while a murderous vampire is on the loose. Speaking of Logan, he is pulling up next to me in his black freaking SUV! Can he get any more creepy?

"Logan." I say as he rolls down his window.

"Arianna, need a ride home?" he asks.

"Yeah but not from you asshole." I smile forced. Before I can even blink he is out of the car and pinning me to it with his hand around my neck.

"Watch your language, it's not very ladylike." he growls, tightening his hand on my throat.

"Screw you." I choke out. He laughs and removes his hand from my throat, causing me to fall to the ground gasping for breath. I see Caroline walking towards us and I want to scream at her to leave but I can't find my voice.

"Well, hello Caroline." Logan smirks before running up to her and slamming her head against the car window.

"Caroline!" I croak out my voice hoarse from being strangled. Logan smiles at me before loading Caroline into the car and driving away.

I stand up, shaking just slightly and run back to the school.

A- Logan just attacked me then took Caroline, find her!

I send the text to Stefan and Damon knowing they're the only ones that can help. I put my phone back in my pocket not caring if they respond. I run inside the school and look around for Elena and Stefan. I see Elena standing in a corner. I run over to her, gasping and she pulls me into her arms.

"Aria, are you okay? Logan attacked you?" she questions worried.

"Don't worry about me, he took Caroline!" I whisper, my voice still hoarse.

"I know, Stefan saw your text, he and Damon went after him." Elena answers.

"Oh thank God." I smile happy to know Caroline will most likely be okay. Elena sighs one more time before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so happy you're alright." she whispers. I smile and hug her tighter, the images of Logan's hand around my throat still fresh in my mind. I really hope Damon rips that bastard's head off.


I nudge Elena's arm when I finally see Stefan come back. She says goodbye to the guy she is talking to and we hurry over to Stefan.

"Caroline?" I question praying she is alright.

"She's okay, just shaken up. All she knows is that Logan attacked her." Stefan quickly explains.

"Where's Logan?" Elena asks.

"Damon's dealing with him." Stefan says.

"Good, I hope he rots in hell. I am so going to have a bruise on my neck from where he went all macho vampire on me." I sigh.

"Yeah I saw your message. You okay?" Stefan frowns, slightly worried about me. Wow, thanks.

"Yeah just super pissed off." I shrug. Stefan nods then shoots me a look basically telling me to leave, I'm guessing because he wishes to speak to Elena. "Alright well I am going to head home, see ya guys." I wave to them before heading off.

Walking down the hall and seeing all the kids talking and laughing without any vampire drama kind of makes me envy them. Some kid bumps into me causing me to fall on my ass. I look up and glare at the kid.

"Watch where you're going." I growl before getting up and pushing past him. I shake my head when I get outside. Why was I such a bitch just now? Guess I am just having a bad night. I'm walking to the car when I realize I gave Elena the car keys. Wonderful. Now I get to walk home.

I curse under my breath and start to head home. Silently praying a vampire won't eat me before I get there.


I am so pissed right now. You want to know why? I walked all the way home then realized Elena has my phone. She didn't come home which lead me to believe she was at Stefan's. So here I am standing in the boarding house's living room tired and sweaty. Yup, not a very good night.

"Elena? Stefan?" I call out but nobody answers me. I head up the stairs hoping I remember where Stefan's room is. Damon took me up there once but I don't have the best memory. Thankfully though when I get up the stairs I see Stefan's room right away. I knock on the door but it is already open slightly.

"Elena, Stefan, you two better not be making out." I warn when I come in. I almost puke when I hear the shower on and don't see Elena anywhere. They're seriously taking a shower together?

Ugh, I don't want to even think about that. I spot Elena's bag laying on the table so I head over grabbing my phone and the car keys. I can pick her up later because I am not walking home again. I am about to leave when I see something that catches my eye on the table. I walk over to it and pick the photo up. I gasp and drop the photo when I see the picture. It's a picture of Katherine in 1864 and she looks exactly like me and Elena.

What the hell?! Does Elena know about this? Is that the only reason Stefan likes her? Oh my God. Is that the only reason Damon is my friend and hasn't eaten me? Ugh, so many things are running through my head.

I rip off the bracelet Stefan gave me and throw it on the bed picking up the picture also placing it on the bed.

I take off, running downstairs and into the car. I quickly start the car and take off down the road, tears running down my face. I am really not having a good day. First being attacked and now this?! I mean what is up with the whole Katherine thing?! How do I look like her? Elena looks a little like her but I am an exact replica of her.

Does Damon even care about me or does he just pretend I am Katherine. I sigh and look back out at the road. I gasp when I see a figure standing the middle of the road. I swerve the car to avoid hitting him but I'm too late and I hit him causing my car to flip over multiple times.

I finally stop rolling over and realize I am upside down. Oh shit, this is not good. I look out my now very broken window and see the man slowly getting back up. He is popping all of his bones back together. Oh man, this is very bad.

I see him slowly stand up and walk towards me. By now I am hyperventilating and am scared out of my mind. He is so close to me now. I am going to die. This is it.

I let out an ear piercing scream hoping someone, anyone, can hear me.


Cliffhanger ;)

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