Europe visit

By Huaye20

10.3K 287 82

This story is set after legion mate. Aichi graduates from high school but is now unsure of what to do. Just l... More

I can't wait
Authors note
Three Day Awkwardness, and an Unexpected Turn for the Worst
Ideas and rules
Morning Adventure
Lost, In and Out
Afternoon fun Evening disaster
Authors note
Festival of Death

morning chaos

378 10 2
By Huaye20

"finished at last" Aichi sighed (he had just finished cleaning up the soap and water on the floor and it took about an hour)"Oops sorry about that Aichi" Kai apologized. "It's okay, although it seems we will have to get a new dishwasher cause this one is completely broken" Aichi replied. "Sorry" Kai apologized once again. "Don't worry about it" Aichi smiled. Then Aichi let out a big yawn. "I'm so sleepy, let's head off to bed" Aichi suggested. Kai then yawned and rubbed his eye with his hand. "I'm sleepy too" Kai replied. Then they headed off to bed.

The next morning......
"AICHI! AICHI!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!" Kai yelled shaking the asleep Aichi. Aichi's eyes opened slowly and.... "AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Aichi screamed really loud and Kai covered his ears. "Your finally up!" Kai smiled. "Please don't do that ever again you scared me half to death" Aichi panted. "Sorry" Kai apologized with a bright smile. "So Aichi when are we going to the festival?" Kai asked. "The festival doesn't start until 1pm" Aichi explained. "Oh man I want to go nowwwwww!!!" Kai whined. "And I want to go back to sleep, good-night (that's me some mornings😅)" Aichi stated. "Huh but why?" Kai asked. "I'm tired also you woke me up at 5am!" Aichi replied. "Ohhh" Kai realized. Then he crawled in with Aichi. "Kai?" Aichi asked. "Me going to sleep too" Kai replied and he fell asleep. Aichi simply smiled and went back to sleep.
4 hours later..... (I sound like what they say in sponge Bob square pants for a time skip)
Aichi woke up once again this time with the blazing sunlight in his eyes. He slowly got up and noticed that Kai was fast asleep. He gave a small smile and went to take a bath. (Most people I know would have taken a shower, that's what I do but I have something planned)

Kai slowly and sleepy opened his eyes. He yawned and stretched out his arms. "Hmm Aichi?" Kai asked. When he didn't hear a reply he looked around the room and noticed that Aichi was no where to be seen. That's when he got out of bed and looked around. He continuously looked around. Then he felt this strong urge to well let's just say that nature calls. So he rushed into the bathroom without knocking, and since he was rushing he didn't watch where he was going. So he slipped on the bathroom mat and landed right in the bath tub.

He quickly lifted his head cause his face landed in the water so he couldn't breathe only he lifted his head but then Kai felt something warm and soft on his mouth. He didn't open his eyes when he lifted his head and continued keeping his eyes close. He had the feeling that whatever was on his mouth would disappear right after. He liked the sensation so he decided to see if he could guess what it was by tasting it. So he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue right Then it hit something wet wait wet? This made Kai all the more curious so he moved his tongue around trying to figure out what it was in. He thought it was a kind of game. But then his well the reason he went to the bathroom in the first place kinda leaked......alot. Though Kai didn't really care, he just continued his investigation. Then when he moved his tongue downwards he heard a sound. It was to quick so he couldn't tell what it was, so he did it again and again. "What is that sound?  It kind of sounds like a noise something alive would make like an animal....animal?"Kai thought. Right after he thought that he opened his green eyes and they were met with a pair of shocked blue eyes. "Blue eyes? Wait a second doesn't Aichi have blue eyes....AICHI!!!!"
Kai thought and he immediately removed his mouth.  When he did he saw a trail of sylva (or spit) connecting his and Aichi's mouth....mouth? Realizing what he had just done his face turned a shade or red deeper than scarlet. He ran out of the bathroom and into the bedroom and tried to go back to sleep. "I can't believe I just did that. I just kissed Aichi and I even French kissed him!! Oh wait I even PEEEED ON HIM!!!!!Please be a dream, please be a dream!!!!! This has got to be a dream!!!!" Kai thought.

Aichi was sitting in the bath tub face completely red and his mouth was gawking.

That's the end of the chapter. Sorry about the slow updates. Updates will be slow so please be patient. Well thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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