My Gift and My Curse [BoyxBoy...

By ThatLonelyGirl

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Hunter Stone is a normal everyday werewolf. He's next in line for alpha and is ready to take the job. He make... More

Chapter One - Why Me - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Two - Save Me - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Three - The Cold Truth - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Four - That Faithful Day - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Five - Soft Spots (Damon's POV)
Chapter Six - Gift Shows Herself - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Seven - Overflow - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Eight - Two In The Same World - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Nine - Curse - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Eleven - An Old Temple - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Twelve - Binding Rituals - (Alex's POV)
Sub-Chapter One - Home - (Molly's POV)
Chapter Thirteen - Point and Shoot - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Fourteen - Vicious Cycle - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Fifteen - Tears of Doubt - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Sixteen - Rouges - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Seventeen - Last Sunset - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Eighteen - Sarcastic Last Words - (Alex's POV)
Sub-Chapter Two - Star Crossed - (Death's POV)
Chapter Ninteen - Real Mates - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Twenty - Wolf Afflictions - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Twenty One - Problems - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Twenty Two - Rain Shadow - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Twenty Three - House Visits - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Twenty Four - Family - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Twenty Five - Down Time - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Twenty Six - Training - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Twenty Seven - Start a Riot - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Twenty Eight - Snake Root - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Distance - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Thirty - Distorted Lines - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Thirty One - Trinity - (Hunter's POV)

Chapter Ten - The Start of War - (Molly's POV)

6.1K 183 22
By ThatLonelyGirl

The Start of War

*~Molly's POV~*

I sat on the couch next to Life. She had appeared to me in my dreams and when I woke this morning. She told me about what was going on. But I had already known. I had seen the way that Damon looked at Alex. How he treated him. When everything flashed before me, I saw the undeniable bond. It was easy to put two and two together. Alex was Damon's mate. His real mate. His mate from the correct world and time.

Life had offered to return my memories of my real life to me earlier. But I couldn't do that. I didn't want to be morning over my life. Thinking about if everyone thought I was gone or if I was dead. I didn't want to think about the probably happy life I had there. As long as I was in this world I wanted to only think of this world. And this world’s problems. Although, that thought of having that option did kind of make me homesick to a place I can't even recall.

Trying not to focus on that I looked up as Hunter finally came down the stairs. My first thought was that he looked … well a mess, to say the least. And then I thought about it. Did he figure it out too? That Alex wasn't his? And suddenly I felt like this was all my fault. I didn't understand why Curse chose to bring me out of my world. It just wasn't fair. What about Hunters real mate? Where are they? Did he kill them? Create a new werewolf to go to that person? I felt Life staring at me as if trying to get me to look at her but I didn't and instead smiled when Alex saw me.

“Where are Alex and Damon?” He asked. I felt guilty as Alex and Damon were in the kitchen talking about something that Alex obviously wanted to forget. I could feel Damon's exasperation building up. Maybe it's good if Hunter intervened. Let Alex cool down and Damon stop making his heart rate increase.

“In the kitchen.” I said. He nodded and head towards to the kitchen. Only to emerge with Alex thrown over his shoulder asking for release moments later. Damon came into the room sitting down next to me sighing. Life burst into white mist to leave us as alone as possible. I mean, she was still in my head.

Damon ran his fingers threw his hair and tried to breathe evenly. A habit he had when he was stressed out. I wanted to comfort him and hold him. And kiss him and make him feel better. But I couldn't do that. Not when I knew that I would be hurting myself. I would be hurting Alex. I didn't fully understand how Curse did the things he did, but I knew my place was to not be here. I didn't want to become a burden. I always thought about others first. And I didn't want to slow down anything. This war Alex told me about, it sounds very dangerous. He still had no clue as to who the war was going to be between or if they were even going to really be in it.

And then there was my family. The one in my real world. What would it be like? Would this world seem like a dream and I would just wake up and continue my life, forgetting about everyone here? Would I go home to a loving, caring family and have a best friend and a boyfriend to go back too? Would I even recognize them? Or did they think I was dead and suddenly disappeared one day? Have I been in a comma, and going back to my world would be like waking up from said comma? I had so many questions. And no answers.

I looked at Damon. When I called him earlier I felt his hurt. How small and insignificant he felt. How Alex had made him feel once he found out that Damon had a mate. And I know I should be angry about it. I know I should want to yell at Damon and fight Alex over him and fight him for making my mate feel that way. But I couldn't bring myself to even feel a little bit angry at Alex or Damon. In a way I understood.

They obviously had a strong connection before. It was only logical that something like that would happen. And then what Life had said, about Curse messing around with Alex to keep them apart. The bullying, Josh did. And to think I had gotten kicked out of my pack for trying to defend that rouge. But I felt bad for him. He had loved Damon way before I even came into the picture. But not before Alex. That was set in stone. A small detail that Curse missed. He didn't completely destroy the link between Alex and Damon. And maybe I'm wrong and he wanted to challenge himself. But how could he over look such an important step? So now, Alex is torn between Hunter and Damon. I'm torn between going home for real and staying here because I’m scared.

Sighing, I looked away from Damon. I should probably say something about it now. “Damon.” I said quietly.

“Yea?” He asked looking up at me.

“How stupid do you think I am?” I asked.


“I said, how stupid do you think I am? I know everything. Didn't you hear me earlier? When Alex and I saw each other, I saw everything. Even the fact that you two did something’s, okay. And I get it, I do. I know that you love him Damon. But really, Damon? You though that it would be better for me not to know than just trying to have a fucking conversation with me? You know, for as long as I've known you I would have never saw you as one to cover up things like this.” I said looking him in the eyes. Damon sighed and looked back down at his lap, running a hand over his face.

“Ya, well, I'm not exactly rational when it comes to Alex.” He sighed.

“I can tell.” I paused for a moment before continuing, “Look I'm okay with you and Alex. It's not a big deal. I don't even belong here so it would just make sense that –” I was interrupted by the front door swinging open. Damon and I both jumped at the sound. He looked at me before getting up and going into the hallway. Life appeared before me, urging me to look in the hall. I looked at her strangely before going into the hallway.

“Dad?” I heard Damon's voice squeak. When I turned the corner, I gasped.

“Oh my god.” I said. Damon looked back at me. Mr. Stone was covered in blood. His face had been scratched up and he was bleeding from the side of his stomach. He had a slight limp as he walked forward a little. And had a nasty looking bite on his left leg. “Mr. Stone, are you okay? What happened?” I asked rushing over to him.

He groaned slightly as I lifted one of his arms around my shoulder, heading towards the kitchen. “There … There was an attack. Some wolfs attacked us during the meeting.” He said, “I don't know how they got past the guards. Hell, I don't even know how they got past us. We should have smelled them a mile away. But when we did it was a little too late.” I got him to sit down on a chair as Damon came back with the first aid kit. Mrs. Stone walked in from another room and dropped the glass vase she was holding.

“What happened?” She said rushing over to her husband.

“We were attacked during a meeting.” Mr. Stone grunted out.

“And you were stupid enough to let yourself get hurt!?” Mrs. Stone yelled. Mr. Stone winched a little at her tone. She sighed, “Damon, get your brother and Alex. You four are going down to take a look, she said pointing at me also.” Damon nodded and ran upstairs to get Alex and Hunter. I stayed with Mrs. Stone and helped her with Mr. Stone. Damon, Alex, and Hunter came down the stairs and we left.

“Hunter,” Damon nodded towards him, “Wolf up. You gotta carry Alex.” Alex looked slightly confused and scared. I walked behind him and grabbed his hand in mine. He looked back at me and I smiled reassuringly at him. Giving his hand a tight squeeze, I let go.

Hunter sighed as he pulled off his shirt and pants leaving him in only his boxers. Alex's cheeks were turning pink as he looked at the ground and shuffled around on his feet. Damon just rolled his eyes and started to walk towards the woods some more. Hunter's bones started to crack and change his shape into a wolf. And in no time there was a big black haired wolf in front of Alex.

Alex stood there his mouth slightly open in shock. He sighed lightly, picking up Hunters clothes before getting on top of Hunter. “You guys weren't kidding. You really are werewolves.”

“Why would we lie to you about that?” I asked. Alex gave a small smile.

“It's nothing really, I just … I kind of one of those, I have to see it to believe kind of person. It's nothing personal. That's just me.” And with that, Hunter started off towards the woods. The walk there was silent and awkward. There wasn't much to say though. Damon was clearly in a state of jealously. Alex was just curious as to what was really happening and probably what Damon was think about right now. And Hunter, well, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. But he was really tense. At every sound that wasn't Damon, Alex, or I his ear twitched towards it. He was on high alert right now. I don't blame him. Wanting to keep someone he loved safe. The reason why me and Alex decided to do the binding ritual.

When we finally made it to the base camp for the pack, Damon was nice and worked up. What it was over could have been many things. But I think it was just mostly unresolved frustration. A few trees had been knocked down and I started to get worried. If they could do that much damage then they must be part of a powerful pack. Hunter let Alex get off and he changed back into his human form. Alex handed him his clothes and walked over to my side. He smiled at me and we walked towards everyone. I just sighed, Damon had already started yelling.

“Why didn't the guards alert anyone!? They're a good fifty something yards away from our actual location!” Damon screamed. Everyone stood there looking a little frightened. It didn't seem as if anyone was seriously hurt. Just a little scratched up. But Damon yelling wasn't really helpful right now.

“Damon calm down.” I said. Damon glared at me, but I stood my ground.

“Molly. Stay out of it.” He said quietly.

“Why? I'm a part of this pack just as much as you are.” I scoffed at him. Well, not really as much as him, but he had no right to try and call me out in front of everyone like this. He knows that I have no problem beating his ass in front of them. But I had way more than just a physical assault up my sleeve. I wouldn't purposely use his affair with Alex to win against him but he should be careful because I could quite honestly let it accidentally slip.

“Molly.” He growled at me.


“Enough.” Hunter growled out. The smell of alpha radiating off of him. “Sit down and shut up.” He continued and everyone – except Alex – dropped down to the ground immediately. My eyes widened at Hunter. This was officially the first time he has used his alpha power. Hunter pointed to a girl with tan, fair skin. Her wavy black hair was long and loosely tied back, letting a few string of waves frame her face. And her sea foam colored eyes looked nervously at the ground in front of her. “Aurora, what happened?”

Aurora stood up, “Three wolves attacked. We believe they were rouges, sir. None were of alpha decent.”

Hunter sighed and waved for Aurora to sit back down. “I cannot blame you for this as they were rouges. But that doesn't mean that you should have let your guard down so easily. This is a lesson. Just because you're in your own home doesn't mean you shouldn't be on alert.” He said way too calmly to actually be calm. Alex timidly walked towards Hunter and grabbed his hand. Hunter looked over to him and I could automatically feel the air become less tense. Hunter turned back towards the pack. “Everyone this is Alex, my mate. I expect there to be no problems with this. Alex, Molly, Damon, and I will go and find the rouges and deal with it. Since my father seems to have been the only one seriously injured, Aurora will be in charge until I get back or until my father is done resting.” And that was that.

The walk back to the Stone’s house was silent and tense. Mr. Stone was put to bed and patched up but it was still pretty bad. Mrs. Stone pulled me and Alex aside after Hunter told her we were leaving. She handed us a picture.

“With the way you guys are headed you’ll more than likely run into the ritual temple.” She explained.

In the picture there was a stone ruin. It was cracked and seemed to be crumbling at the seams but the most important parts were still in tack. There were four columns that framed the large slab of stone known as the floor. Carved into the floor was a giant circle with another circle just an inch or two away from it. Inside of that were pictures of the werewolf transformation. And then in the middle was a smaller circle. From that smallest circle spread out eight lines. Several encryptions were written in every space. And in that smallest circle were two worlds with an arrow between them.

“When the moon as at its highest point in the sky it’ll cast its light on the center circle. Then and only then can Molly can be sent back. All you have to do is stand in the circle and hold on to each other. You can't let go no matter what.” Mrs. Stone said. We nodded and I tucked away the photo in my pocket. I couldn't risk Hunter or Damon seeing it in my bag.

Alex sighed, “Are you sure we're doing the right thing? I mean, do you wanna wait to do this after we go after the rouges or whatever?”

“Okay, first off rouges are just werewolves that have been kicked out of their packs, so I would've said that you should be careful how you use that term around me. But, now that I know who I am I know that it's kind of like I never really was part of the pack. Second, that whole love triangle thing you've got going on between you, Hunter, and Damon – I don't want any part in it. Plus I have a family, Alex. One that's waiting on me. I told you I don't want to cause any problems and if I stay with you guys I know that it would be a disaster. There would be a lot of questioning and fighting and it would not be pretty. Alex, this is something we have to do. It's not a choice. Me leaving will probably be the best thing for you and Hunter and Damon. My mind is made up.” I said.

Alex nodded his head and then we went to go meet up with Alex and Damon outside.

A/N: Hey guys, so what do you think? :3 I'm just so excited because I have something planned and it's HUGE AND OMFG I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED! I HOPE IT WILL REALLY HIT YOU ALL IN THE FEELS~ (hahahaha, sorry - DEAR JESUS THAT FREAKING IPAD NOTIFICATION SOUND - I'm not really and evil person who takes joy in all of you guys pain over this story at all...... okay maybe just a little bit.) Anyways, this amazing surprise won't happen until Molly's gone *sigh* BUT, some things for you to answer; Who do you think are the rouges? Do you think Molly and Alex are going to actually tell Hunter and Damon about the ritual? And Do you think anything will happen between Alex and Damon after Molly is gone? Yes and also, Life popped in for a brief second there in the begging. That is also a picture of her to le side~ We shall see some more of her soon! M'kay bye guys.

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