Chim- Cant Explain How Im Fee...

By X_WCheryl_X

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Chapter: 1-2
Chapter: 3-4
Chapter: 5-6
Chapter: 7-8
Chapter: 9-10
Chapter: 11-12
Chapter: 13-14
Chapter: 15-16
Chapter: 17-18
Chapter: 19-20
Chapter: 21-22
Chapter: 23-24
Chapter: 25-26
Chapter: 27-28
Chapter: 29-30
Chapter: 33-34
Chapter: 35

Chapter: 31-32

245 1 0
By X_WCheryl_X

Chapter 31

Cheryl and Kimberley from Girls Aloud set tongues wagging earlier this year when they announced that they were now “more than just friends”.  Since then, there has been constant speculation as to exactly when this happened; what happened beforehand, and the girls have been snapped everywhere they’ve gone.  Cheryl and Kimberley invited OK! to spend an afternoon with them at their luxury holiday villa in LA where they have spent the last 10 days holidaying, close to their friend and bandmate, Nadine.

Cheryl tells us that she surprised Kimberley after the X Factor final with tickets to LA and the keys to the luxury villa featured in these photo’s.  She also tells us that Kimberley (the good girl of Girls Aloud) even swore when she saw how beautiful the villa was!

But OK! got straight down to business and asked what everyone wants to know.OK!: How do two close friends end up becoming more than just friends?

Cheryl: I’ve always loved Kimberley.  In the beginning I was just in awe of her.  I thought that’s what it was.  I wanted to be more like her – she’s an amazing person.  She gives all the time – she’s always there for people, she always knows what to say, and she used to cook me and Nic food in the early days when we couldn’t even boil an egg…  I remember our first ever concert.  I looked over at her and my stomach just knotted, I actually thought I wouldn’t be able to sing because I was just transfixed by her.  But I never thought it was a sexual thing.  I thought I was just in awe of her.  Over time it just got stronger.  It took a long time for me to accept that it was more than just being in awe – it had become something much more.

OK!:  When did you know that you were in love with your best friend?

C:  I think I’ve known for years.  Accepting it, I don’t know – the way Kimberley was there for me last year kind of made me realise how special she was to me.  But I never imagined it would turn into anything – she was with someone.  I decided to try and make it work with Ashley – I mean, we hadn’t been married that long, I wanted it to work.

OK!:  What changed?

C:  (Cheryl looks at Kimberley for a second before answering).  I don’t know.  I think with feelings so strong, they don’t go away, they just get stronger...  

(Kimberley stands up at this point, interrupting Cheryl’s answer.  It’s only then that I notice she has started to cry and Cheryl’s concern is evident.   Kimberley takes a tissue from the table and sits back down.  Cheryl takes her hand and I ask if she is ok to continue, she assures me she is and apologises for the interruption.)

OK!:  Kimberley, all that time, did you feel the same as Cheryl?

Kimberley:  I did, so much so it would keep me awake at night – the confusion of these feelings I was having.  When I realised how Cheryl felt about me, I can’t even begin to describe what that felt like.  One minute I was trying to be strong for her as she realised her marriage was over, the next I was suddenly…with her.

(Kimberley stops and looks at Cheryl who is gazing at her, holding her hands, and their closeness is clear to see).

OK!:  Kimberley, it’s unusual to see you so emotional – you’re usually much more “together” in interviews.

K:  I know - I don’t know what’s got in to me.  It’s just a bit much really – talking about private things like this.  But I didn’t expect to get upset.

OK!:  Cheryl, you’re more “together”!  Next question for you!

C:  (laughs) Hit me!

OK!:  You started divorce proceedings.  Why did you finally decide it was over?

C:  (pauses for a while) Ashley didn’t just cheat on me the once – the press only caught him that one time, but I know there were others.  I know of two girls who were paid off around the same time, so it never leaked to the press.  He told me that he hadn’t actually slept with them, but paid them off to protect his image.  Deep down I didn’t believe him, but I wanted to believe him.  This year the press got hold of another affair and he thought he’d tell me before I found out in a phone call from a tabloid.

OK:!  So that’s when you left him? 

C:  (Cheryl nods).  That’s when I realised that our vows meant nothing to him… and that Kimberley meant so much more than I’d let myself accept.

OK!:  And luckily for you, Kimberley felt the same?

K:  (Kimberley nods).  It felt like a dream, like it couldn’t really be happening.  In fact it still does.  I actually find myself wondering if I’m dreaming sometimes.  But I’m not, I’m just really happy.

OK!:  Ashley has recently been in the press claiming that you two were in a relationship long before he ever cheated on you, Cheryl.  In fact, he claims that your marriage started to fall down because of your infidelity.  What do you want to say to that?

C:  (Cheryl is silent for a few seconds).  I fell in love with Kimberley while I was still married, yes.  But I did not act on it – I didn’t even realise at first – I tried so hard to make my marriage work.  I was crushed when I first found out Ashley had cheated on me.  Kimberley helped me so much to get through that, but we were not in a relationship then.

OK!:  We did our research.  This other affair – it was about to leak to the press in Spring – when you girls were on tour?

C:  Yes, right at the end of the tour.

OK!:  And that’s when your relationship began?  Around that time?

K:  During the last few days of the tour we did a lot of talking – a lot of heart to hearts – that’s when it all happened.

OK!:  That’s over a year since Ashley’s first affair was revealed.  

C:  Exactly.  What Ashley has said doesn’t make any sense.  Kimberley and me – we were only friends until this year.  Before anything happened between me and Kimberley I told Ashley how I felt and I filed for divorce.  I know what it’s like to be cheated on, the public saw what it did to me - I wouldn’t even wish that on my worst enemy.

OK!:  Do you hate Ashley for what he’s saying now?

C:  No.  I used to love him.  But I hate what he’s doing.  I’m happy now, happier than I’ve ever been, he needs to do whatever he needs to do to be happy too.  Upsetting me and Kimberley isn’t going to make him happy, it’s just making life hard for both of us.  We both want this divorce, so I don’t understand why he’s insisting on dragging it out.

OK!:  Do you think he’s bitter?

C:  He’s trying to make me suffer for leaving him.  But in fact, if he thinks about it – he couldn’t just be with me – he needed to have his affairs.  By leaving him I gave him his freedom.  If I’d stayed with him and insisted he be faithful, it wouldn’t have worked.  And when I found out this year that he’d cheated again, I remember wondering how he could put me through it all again, and I felt worthless.  But then I saw Kimberley on stage that night and I remember thinking that if she ever did anything to hurt me so much, that I wouldn’t be able to cope with that.  That’s when I kind of put everything into perspective.

OK!:  So what next?  Kimberley has said she’s happy – after the divorce is finalised, will there be any ring buying?

(They both laugh)

C:  I have no idea who is meant to buy the ring!

OK!:  So there will be a ring?

K:  (laughs again)  That’s a question too far, I think!

OK!:  Fair enough, but if there was a wedding, could OK! be there?

K:  I think we’d quite like to have some quiet time now, sort things out, spend time together.  I’m not a big fan of huge weddings either.

OK!:  (determined not to be beaten!)  How about an Engagement special issue?

K:  (laughs)  I think I’d like to read this one before I commit to a second!.

Turn the page for the exclusive photo’s taken at Cheryl and Kimberley’s villa, and a look at the photo story of their relationship from friendship to love.

Interview by Samantha Jordan

Photography by Jason Morgan

Cheryl and Kimberley were not paid for this interview.


Chapter 32

Cheryl looked away from the magazine and at Kimberley.  “That could have gone worse”.

Kimberley stared at the page for a while longer, re-reading the last few lines of the interview.  “It could have gone a lot worse,” she agreed, nodding her head, then looking at Cheryl.  She sighed.  “Is that it now?  Can we have a bit of peace?”

Cheryl smiled and opened her arms, prompting Kimberley to move in closer and slide her arms around the younger girl, resting her head on her shoulder.  Cheryl pulled her closer and kissed her head.  “You can have whatever you want, babe”.

Kimberley smiled.  “I want…”

Cheryl mumbled in response and kissed her head again.

“I want…” Kimberley groaned as she was interrupted by the door bell.

“Ignore it,” replied Cheryl, pulling Kimberley in tighter.  “Pretend we’re not here”.

Kimberley giggled, then stopped as Cheryl shushed her and they both lay quietly, listening out for another sound.

There was a knock at the door.  “Chez?  Kimba?  Open the door”, came Sarah’s familiar voice, sounding through the hall and into the living room.

Kimberley sat up and whispered.  “We haven’t seen her for weeks”.

Cheryl smiled and nodded, “I’ll go”, and she stood up and made her way into the hallway.  

“About time!” exclaimed Sarah, stepping inside as soon as the door was open.  “A bloke let me in downstairs so I came straight up.  Good job really – you would have had me waiting this long on the front step”.

“Oh shut up moaning and give us a hug,” laughed Cheryl, locking the door and wrapping her arms round Sarah’s neck.  

“I should leave the moaning to the professional” joked Sarah, squeezing Cheryl tightly.  “Have you seen the time?” she asked, pulling away from Cheryl and walking into the living room.  “You two aren’t dressed.  Oh god, did I just interrupt something?”

“No you did not!” replied Kimberley, standing up to hug her.  “We just had a lie-in that’s all”.

“Is this the mag?” asked Sarah, sitting down and picking up the magazine they’d just finished reading.

Cheryl nodded.  “Came before”.

“Well why don’t you make me a cup of tea and I’ll have a read, then you can fill me in on what I’ve been missing”, suggested Sarah, putting her feet on the coffee table and immediately taking them off again as Kimberley lightly tapped her legs.

Cheryl smiled at Sarah’s unsuccessful attempt at putting her feet on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen to make 3 cups of coffee.

“Oh god,” exclaimed Sarah, bringing the magazine closer to her face.  “Kimba, who told you that dress was flattering?”

Kimberley turned to look at Sarah, mouth wide open in shock ‘till she saw Sarah’s cheeky smile and she picked up a cushion to throw at her.  “Cheeky b!tch!”

Sarah laughed, “the villa looks amazing too.  Where did Cheryl suddenly get taste from?”

“Oi you, you cheeky cow!” shouted Cheryl from the kitchen.  “I can hear you from here you know”.

“So I see,” shouted back Sarah, still giggling.  She scanned the article as Kimberley watched her face for a reaction.  Before long Cheryl was back in the living room with 3 mugs.  After she put them down on the coffee table she sat down next to Kimberley and pulled the older girls legs over her knees.

“Well? asked Cheryl.  “How does it seem to you?”

Sarah closed the magazine and threw it on the table.  “Well, I’d say Samantha can have an interview with me when the club opens.  She’s top notch, isn’t she?”

Kimberley nodded.  “I’m impressed actually.  I was fearing the worst”.

“Well she would have f*cked up her magazine’s chances of any kind of interview from all 5 of us in the future.  I think she made a wise choice,” reasoned Sarah, taking a sip of her tea.  “So, how was LA?  Nicola said she hardly heard from you – making the most of the private pool?” and she raised an eyebrow.

Kimberley blushed and threw the one remaining cushion off the sofa in Sarah’s direction.  “Shut up, you.  LA was lovely.  Just the two of us, no cameras, chilling…  And we spent loads of time with Nadine.  How was Spain?”

Sarah put her tea down.  “Bloody brilliant.  Breakfast, beach, siesta, club, bed,” she raised an eyebrow.  “Then breakfast, beach… you get the picture.  I’m so chilled and my tan is fab”.

“I’ll say”.  Cheryl leaned forward and started moving papers and magazines around on the coffee table, prompting Kimberley to take her legs off her.

“What are you looking for?” Kimberley asked, putting her tea down.

“My phone,” answered Cheryl, locating it on the other side of the table and sitting back on the sofa.  “Hillary must have texted us or something when she dropped off the magazine.  Oh here look – “Dropped the magazine off as promised, I think it’s what we wanted, call me later.  H x

“Well obviously she’s relieved,” added Sarah.  “Nic said she’s been short tempered for weeks”.

“I feel bad,” admitted Kimberley, looking at Cheryl.

“Nah, I wouldn’t.  This is why we pay her the big bucks,” declared Sarah, taking one last sip of her tea and putting it back down on the table.  “And deep down, she loves all this – protecting us, sorting things out, she loves the buzz.  Right, I’m outta here.  Promised Tom I wouldn’t be long – we’re taking Claude to the park”.

Sarah stood up and the other two joined her as she walked towards the door.  “We need a night out”, she said, hugging Kimberley.

“I’m not sure,” replied Kimberley, shaking her head.  “The press are gonna be following us everywhere now, I just want peace and quiet.  I’m not in the mood for pushing my way through crowds of cameramen just to get to a club”.

“Come here,” suggested Cheryl, shrugging at Sarah.  “You and Nic.  We’ll have a girls’ night in.  Music, food, movie if you want”.

“You forgot drink”, interrupted Sarah.  “We can’t have a girls’ night in without a few drinks.  Come on Tweedy, what’s happening to you?!”

Cheryl and Kimberley laughed.  “Well, how could I forget the drink?” laughed Cheryl.  She looked at Kimberley.  “You up for it?”

Kimberley smiled back and slipped an arm through Cheryl’s.  “Love the idea”.

“That’s settled then,” decided Sarah, hugging Cheryl.  “Here, tomorrow night.  I’ll call Nic, yeah?”

“Yes,” agreed Cheryl, kissing her cheek.  “See you about 7”.

And with that, Sarah was gone as quick as she had arrived, leaving Cheryl and Kimberley stood at the doorway to the apartment.  Kimberley shut the door and put an arm round Cheryl’s waist, guiding her back to the living room.  “Thank you”, she said, pulling Cheryl next to her on the sofa.

“What for?” asked Cheryl, frowning and rubbing her forehead.  

“Suggesting we stay in,” replied Kimberley, taking hold of Cheryl’s hand.  “I couldn’t face going out right now – not right after the article”.

“Didn’t fancy it myself,” agreed Cheryl with a slight wink.

“Are you ok?” asked Kimberley, touching Cheryl’s face.  “You look a bit pale”.

“My head hurts,” admitted Cheryl, bringing her legs up onto the sofa and moving to lay her head on Kimberley’s lap.

“Awww babe, why didn’t you say before?” asked Kimberley, gently rubbing Cheryl’s head.

Cheryl sighed.  “Dunno.  I didn’t feel great when I woke up, but since we had breakfast I just feel worse”.

Kimberley looked momentarily at the coffee table as she heard Cheryl’s mobile vibrate.

“Is that my phone, babe?” asked Cheryl, without moving.

Kimberley didn’t answer, she stared at the screen from where she was sat.

Ashley calling.

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