Chim- Cant Explain How Im Fee...

By X_WCheryl_X

6.4K 65 2


Chapter: 1-2
Chapter: 3-4
Chapter: 5-6
Chapter: 7-8
Chapter: 9-10
Chapter: 11-12
Chapter: 13-14
Chapter: 15-16
Chapter: 17-18
Chapter: 19-20
Chapter: 21-22
Chapter: 23-24
Chapter: 27-28
Chapter: 29-30
Chapter: 31-32
Chapter: 33-34
Chapter: 35

Chapter: 25-26

285 3 0
By X_WCheryl_X

Chapter 25

Kimberley stood tying her hair up in the mirror as a knock sounded on the bathroom door.

“It’s open,” she called out as she picked up her towel and hung it up next to the shower.

Cheryl opened the door and stood in the doorway.  

“Were you trying to catch me naked?” grinned Kimberley.

Cheryl smiled, “well that would have been an added bonus,” and her smile quickly faded.  “Kimberley…” she hesitated.

Kimberley frowned.  “What is it?”

“Do you remember me getting up early this morning?” asked Cheryl, leaning against the doorframe.

Kimberley nodded.  “You couldn’t sleep”.

“Well, I figured I’d made myself useful,” explained Cheryl.  “I called Hillary”.

Kimberley frowned.

Cheryl smiled momentarily, “and I texted Nadine and invited her over because I thought it would be nice, but then I forgot I’d done that”.

Kimberley didn’t respond to the light-hearted comment.  “What did you say to Hillary?”

“What we discussed,” said Cheryl, slowly.   “That we want to do the interview, but that we want to do it here.  She’s flying out tomorrow and OK! will probably be here the next day.”  She observed Kimberley’s face for a reaction.  “You said you wanted it doing as soon as possible”.

Kimberley sat down on the edge of the bath and nodded slowly.  “I know, I just…I didn’t expect you to sort it all so quickly”.

Cheryl frowned.  “But it was what you wanted.  I wanted to sort it – so you didn’t have to”.

Kimberley smiled sadly and held out a hand, taking Cheryl’s hand in hers as the other girl took the hint and approached.  Cheryl sat down next to Kimberley.  “Have you changed your mind?” she asked, searching for a clue in Kimberley’s face.

Kimberley shook her head, still smiling.  “No.  I’m actually relieved.  I was dreading sorting it – explaining everything to Hillary”.

“Well,” started Cheryl, kissing Kimberley’s head.  “Hillary said that the whole control thing might be an issue – we might not be able to proof-read it before it goes to print.  But they’ll discuss all that when we’re all together.  I’ll make it very clear to them that if they print anything false it’s the last interview they get from me”.

Kimberley laughed, “Unleash the inner b!tch!”

“Well exactly,” grinned Cheryl.  She squeezed Kimberley’s hand.  “Are you sure you’re ok with it?”

Kimberley nodded slowly but confidently.

Cheryl smiled.  “Well then, get your ass in the shower – Nadine’s slaving away down there!”

Kimberley smiled and held her hand up to caress Cheryl’s face.  “Off you go then, back to Nadine.”

Cheryl pouted as she felt Kimberley push her towards the door.  “What about the added bonus?!”

“Out!” laughed Kimberley, shutting the door.

Cheryl’s muffled voice sounded through the bathroom door.  “I’m making a note of your meanness!”

Kimberley laughed as she turned on the water and slipped off her robe.


“So there I was in the back of the cab, fiddling with the GPS thing on my Blackberry,” laughed Nadine.  “Arguing with him to turn back and he’s just going around and around in circles.  God only knows where he thought I wanted to go.  I ended up getting him to let me out at the restaurant and I called Jason to come and get me!”

All three girls laughed together and Kimberley picked up the bottle of water and refilled their glasses.  “Honestly Nadine, you should think about getting one of those pocket electronic translators”.

“Yeah – the problem with them is they only have English, they don’t have Nadinespeak as one of the listed languages,” laughed Cheryl, blowing Nadine a kiss as the other girl pouted in mock offense.

“I’ll have you know that my driver said he didn’t understand a word you said the day you arrived – he had to wait for Kimberley to repeat what you’d said about the flight”, replied Nadine.  

Cheryl opened her mouth in shock.  “I only said that it was a long flight, and that we’d been asleep, and watched a Denzel film”.

“Well I think he understood that you’d flown in from Washington”, joked Nadine.

“Stop it!” laughed Cheryl, picking up another piece of bread.  “He understood me perfectly well”.

“If you say so,” replied Nadine, smiling.

“Alright children, who’s ready for dessert?” asked Kimberley, standing up.

“Is that my cue to leave?” asked Nadine cheekily, raising an eyebrow.

“Haha!  No!” replied Kimberley, playfully hitting Nadine on the arm.  “We’ve got ice cream or…” she had a quick look in the fridge.  “Or ice cream”.

Nadine laughed.  “I was just thinking how much I felt like eating ice cream”.

“Oh good!” replied Kimberley, laughing.  She turned to Cheryl.  “Babe, will you get some bowls?”

Cheryl stood up.  “Yes boss”.

“Oooooh” observed Nadine.  “Kimberley is the boss of you!”

Cheryl pouted.  “Well, I let her think so”.

“Oi!” shouted Kimberley, turning round to face her.  “You let me think so?”

“Well…” started Cheryl.  “I like to think of us as more of an equal partnership”.

“Oooh good save,” joked Nadine, taking a bowl of ice cream off Kimberley.  “You two are so cute at times it makes me laugh.”

Kimberley looked at Cheryl and Cheryl winked back at her with a smile.

“Maybe I should be at this interview thing,” suggested Nadine.  “Make sure they see how cute you are”.

Kimberley wrapped her arms around Nadine from behind.  “Thanks babe.  It means the world to us that you’re so supportive”.

Nadine placed her hands over Kimberley’s and winked at Cheryl.  “Don’t be getting no funny ideas though, sweetheart.  I love you both as friends”.

Kimberley let go and playfully pushed Nadine’s shoulder.  “Oh f*ck off, I was being serious”. 

Cheryl laughed and held open her arms to hug Kimberley.  “Aww, ignore her, babe.  But we can’t throw her out – she brought lunch with her today!”

Nadine opened her mouth in mock shock and turned to face them.  “So if I don’t bring food I get kicked out?!  Ruthless!  Maybe I’ll sell my story to Hello.  Fellow Girls Aloud Nadine opens up and tells all about her bandmates’ relationship.  They Promised it wouldn’t affect the band, but in the end Life Got Cold for the other 3 band members as Kimberley and Cheryl Call the Shots and refuse to Stand By You.”

Cheryl and Kimberley shook their heads at Nadine, who turned to face them.  “Oh lighten up, I was working on that in the car over here!”

“That was awful, Nadine.  It’s a no from me”, replied Cheryl, pretending she was at an X Factor audition.  

“Thank god you can sing, that’s all I can say,” added Kimberley, patting Nadine on the head and sitting next to her.

“I have some more…” added Nadine.

“Coffee?” suggested Cheryl, standing up.  

“I can take a hint,” started Nadine.  “But the offer stands – if they want to approach me for a statement, I’ll talk it over with Hillary then talk to them if it helps”.

Cheryl smiled and put a hand on Nadine’s shoulder.  “Thanks babe.  It means a lot”.  And she bent down and kissed Kimberley’s cheek.  “We’ll just have to wait and see what kind of madness arrives tomorrow”.


Chapter 26

Kimberley rolled over to face Cheryl as she felt her slip into bed next to her.  “I thought you were never coming”.

Cheryl raised an eyebrow as Kimberley climbed on top of her.  “Oh I was hoping that would be part of the plan”.

Kimberley laughed quietly as she bent her head and kissed Cheryl, resting her weight on her hands, either side of Cheryl’s head.

Their kiss grew more and more intense and Cheryl felt Kimberley’s hand on her neck, gently caressing her before moving slowly down towards the hem of her vest.  She let it linger over her stomach, then slowly slipped it under the fabric and started to pull it upwards.  

Cheryl helped her pull the vest over her head, then rested her head back on the pillow as Kimberley pulled away slightly and took in the sight of Cheryl’s now naked chest.  She smiled as Cheryl grabbed her top and pulled her towards her.  

“You’re keen,” she giggled as they kissed.

“You climbed on top of me, you should know the effect that’s gonna have”, responded Cheryl, putting one hand round the back of Kimberley’s neck and pulling her in closer.  She ran her hands slowly down the length of Kimberley’s back and started to pull at her top.

Kimberley pulled away and sat up, taking her top off slowly whilst never taking her eyes off of Cheryl.  She put her hands on Cheryl’s shoulders and slowly trailed her hands up Cheryl’s arms, spreading them above the younger girl’s head until she reached her wrists and then leant in to kiss her.  She felt Cheryl’s body move as she adjusted to get more comfortable and then felt Cheryl’s legs wrap round the back of her hips.

Kimberley stopped momentarily to catch her breath as she felt Cheryl’s naked skin under her own.  Then, opening her eyes and looking into Cheryl’s, she started to leave kisses on her neck as she made her way down the bed and felt Cheryl groan underneath her.


Kimberley absentmindedly stroked Cheryl’s hair as she turned the page of her book.  They were lying on the sofa and Cheryl had fallen asleep next to Kimberley, her arms wrapped around her waist and her head resting on her chest.  

Kimberley put the book mark in the book to mark the page she had just read and closed the book.  She looked down at Cheryl and smiled.  The younger girl was fast asleep and her breathing was slow, almost peaceful.  She put a hand on Cheryl’s arm and bent her head to kiss the top of Cheryl’s head.

A loud knock at the door made Kimberley jump, and Cheryl woke up suddenly.  She rubbed her face and cleared her throat.  “Was that the door?”

“I think so,” replied Kimberley, still staring at Cheryl.

“Hillary,” guessed Cheryl, pushing herself up and looking at Kimberley.  She shrugged.  “Here we go, I suppose”.

She put a hand on Kimberley’s thigh to help herself to her feet but was stopped by Kimberley, who grabbed hold of her hand.

“Wait,” said Kimberley, pulling her back towards the sofa.  

Cheryl looked at Kimberley and smiled, tilting her head.  “What?”

Kimberley looked at her for a few seconds then smiled.  “I love you”.

Cheryl’s smile widened and she bent down and kissed Kimberley’s cheek, wrapping her arms around her.  “I love you”, she whispered into Kimberley’s ear.

She stood back up and pulled Kimberley to her feet.  “She’ll knock again in a minute – you know how she hates being made to wait”.

Kimberley giggled as they walked into the hallway, then her giggle turned into a full-on laugh as they heard Hillary pound on the door one more time.  

“Cheryl?  Kimberley?  It’s Hillary”.

Once Hillary was inside, Cheryl embraced her as Kimberley closed the door.  Hillary was dressed in a simple summer dress and had a huge hand bag with her.  Cheryl walked into the kitchen as Kimberley put her arms round Hillary’s neck and hugged her.  

“Cup of tea, Hillary?” asked Cheryl, already filling the kettle.

“I’d love one,” said Hillary, walking into the kitchen and putting her bag on a chair.  “This is nice, isn’t it?” she said, walking over to the French windows and looking out onto the pool area.

Kimberley followed her and opened the doors.  “It’s gorgeous.  I could stay here Hillary”.

Hillary turned to look at Kimberley.  “I hope you’re just feeling romantic.  It’s hard enough keeping everything together with Nadine over here.  If you two move out here I’m gonna need Sarah and Nicola to come too”.

Cheryl smiled as she pulled 3 mugs out of the cupboard.  “Don’t panic, Hils.  She’d miss her cups of tea too much to live abroad”.

Kimberley laughed.  “It’s a nice thought tho, Hillary”.

“I’m sure it is, Kimberley.  But what about the band?  Your family?”  Hillary observed Kimberley closely.

Kimberley smiled sadly.  “I’m not being serious, Hillary, but it’s still nice to think ‘what if’ from time to time”.

Hillary looked at Cheryl who was still making the tea and the younger girl turned round to look at Kimberley.  “Babe, can you give us a hand?”

Kimberley walked over to where Cheryl was stood and started pouring milk into the mugs but stopped as she felt Cheryl’s eyes on her.  She looked up and shrugged.  Cheryl leaned in and kissed her cheek before stirring the tea in the mugs and putting two on the table.  “So, tomorrow,” started Cheryl, turning and picking the third mug off the counter and placing it on the table, before turning back to put an arm on Kimberley’s back and guide her into a seat next to her.  

“They’re flying in tonight,” replied Hillary, sitting opposite the girls.  “But they’ll be coming here after lunch tomorrow if that’s ok with you two.  Give them chance to get over the jet lag”.

Both girls nodded their agreement. 

“Gives me chance to get here before then too, go over things with you, and of course to discuss with them before hand the terms of the interview,” Hillary took a sip of her tea, then continued.

“Now, stylists – have you anyone in mind or should I get in touch with contacts over here?”

Cheryl and Kimberley looked at each other then back at Hillary and they both shrugged.

Hillary smiled.  “You two have been away for too long already – you can’t just invite Ok! magazine round and sit here in your pyjamas drinking tea.  I’ll make a few phone calls.  Actually, I’ll just use the bathroom before we talk about clothes.  Upstairs?”

Cheryl nodded.  “Top of the stairs, you can’t miss it – the door’s open”.

Once Hillary had left the kitchen Cheryl turned to Kimberley and took hold of her hand.  “You ok?”

Kimberley nodded, pulling Cheryl closer.  “Come here.”

Cheryl slipped her arms round Kimberley’s waist and rested her head on Kimberley’s shoulder, as the older girl wrapped her arms round Cheryl’s shoulders.  “There’s one positive out of all of this, babe” said Cheryl, lifting her head slightly to speak.

“What’s that?” asked Kimberley, squeezing Cheryl tight.

“Looks like we’re getting new clothes for tomorrow”, and she smiled as she heard Kimberley laugh.

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