Chim- Cant Explain How Im Fee...

By X_WCheryl_X

6.4K 65 2


Chapter: 1-2
Chapter: 3-4
Chapter: 5-6
Chapter: 7-8
Chapter: 11-12
Chapter: 13-14
Chapter: 15-16
Chapter: 17-18
Chapter: 19-20
Chapter: 21-22
Chapter: 23-24
Chapter: 25-26
Chapter: 27-28
Chapter: 29-30
Chapter: 31-32
Chapter: 33-34
Chapter: 35

Chapter: 9-10

364 3 0
By X_WCheryl_X

Chapter 9

Cheryl brought her arms round her own waist, letting out an audible sigh.  She carried on staring sadly at the closed doors long after Kimberley had gone inside, unsure as to whether or not to go after her.

Nadine interrupted her silent thoughts, speaking quietly from her lounger.  “Do you want me to leave?”

Cheryl turned quickly to look at Nadine, she had completely forgotten the other girl was there.  “Oh Nadine, I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have seen that”.

Nadine shrugged.  “Oh don’t worry - it’s not the first time I’ve seen you two argue.  I can leave though, if you think it would help?”

 Cheryl shook her head and sat down on her lounger, resting her head in her hands.  “Sh*t” she said quietly, rubbing her forehead, as if trying to erase the memory of the last few minutes.

Nadine observed Cheryl from her lounger and folded her arms, starting to chew on her bottom lip.  Finally she spoke.

“Cheryl, what’s going on?”

Cheryl lifted her head up and frowned at Nadine.  “What do you mean?”

“Well, you put so much effort into this trip.  You wanted it to be perfect.  I don’t believe you’d just slot a meeting in like this…” Nadine hesitated for a few seconds.  “Has something happened?”

Cheryl looked away from Nadine and over at the kitchen doors where Kimberley had disappeared moments earlier.  She nodded slowly, as she turned back to meet Nadine’s gaze.  

“Hilary called while I was in the kitchen.  The label called an emergency meeting.  I said no Nadine but I don’t have a choice – they’re threatening to pull the plug on my record deal…”  Cheryl’s voice trailed off as she raised a hand and wiped a tear from her own cheek.

Nadine frowned back at Cheryl, “what?  Why?”

Cheryl stood up, “I need to talk to Kimberley, Nadine – explain to her.  Will you stay?”

Nadine stood up, nodding her head, and approached Cheryl.  “I’ll wait out here – finish my drink.  But Cheryl,” she said, putting her hands on Cheryl’s shoulders, “before you came out here, Kimberley was just saying how important these days were to her – a chance to spend time with you without meetings and all that other stuff.  So your timing didn’t help…”

Cheryl nodded slowly.  “It was never gonna go down well anyway, Nadine.  I’ll explain everything later”.

“No rush,” replied Nadine, smiling, and she squeezed Cheryl’s arm.


 Cheryl reached the top of the stairs and spotted Kimberley lying on the bed through the open door of the bedroom.  She was curled in a ball, head turned away from the door.  Cheryl stopped momentarily, her hand coming to rest on the banister, and she sighed sadly.

As she reached the doorway she hesitated, then quietly she made her way to the foot of the bed and sat down slowly, putting a hand gently on Kimberley’s calf.


Kimberley didn’t move, and she didn’t speak.  Cheryl almost would have preferred her to shout at her, react in some way.  Her silence unnerved her.

Suddenly, without moving, Kimberley spoke.  “Is that why we came here?”

Cheryl frowned.  “What?”

“You had work, so you brought me here – kill two birds with one stone – but make out like it’s a big romantic gesture?”

Cheryl’s frown deepened.  “No!  No that’s not why we came.  How could you think that?  I spent ages planning every last detail…”

Kimberley interrupted, turning her tear-stained face to look at Cheryl.  “Then why, Cheryl?”

Cheryl was a little taken aback to see how upset Kimberley was, and hesitated for a moment, meeting Kimberley’s gaze.  

“Kimberley, they’ve threatened to cancel my record deal - pull the plug before its release”, blurted out Cheryl.  

Kimberley immediately sat up on the bed, looking at Cheryl.  “Why?”

Cheryl looked back at her, relieved that the other girl was listening.  “Because the story reached the American press – about me possibly cheating on you with a man.  They’re more worried about the fact that I’m with you than the cheating story, but they’re just unhappy in general.”

“What’s that got to do with your album?” asked Kimberley, staring back at Cheryl, genuinely confused.

They’re funny about stuff like that, so Hilary says.  It goes against the “brand”.  Apparently I’ve got a responsibility to keep my private life private, unless it supports my image.  Hilary said they don’t think same-sex relationships support my image.  There’s something in my contract about cancelling if I damage my image…” Cheryl’s voice trailed off.

Kimberley shook her head in disbelief.  “They’re threatening to cancel your contract because of me?”

“Because of us” replied Cheryl, sadly.

“Same difference,” said Kimberley.

“Hilary called when I was in the kitchen.  I told her I wasn’t doing anything while I was here – no meetings or anything at all, but when she told me about this, I couldn’t say no, babe.  I can’t just let them cancel everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve without at least trying to stop them…”  Cheryl felt herself getting upset and stopped to try and control her tears.

Kimberley crawled to the foot of the bed and wrapped her arms tightly around the younger girl who immediately put her arms round Kimberley’s waist and rested her head on Kimberley’s shoulder.  Within seconds Kimberley could feel Cheryl’s tears on her bare shoulder.

“It’s ok, babe,” she said, rubbing Cheryl’s back in an attempt to calm the younger girl.  “We’ll sort it.  They can’t just cancel – you’ve started promoting it.  Is Hilary flying over?”

Cheryl pulled away and took hold of Kimberley’s hands, concentrating on stroking each of her nails in turn with the tip of her own thumb.  She shook her head.  “No, there’s no time.  She’s gonna be on the video phone during the meeting and she’s sending a lawyer in with me.  Good job they’ve got a global legal firm isn’t it?” and she laughed, although there was nothing funny about what was happening.

“I’ll come with you,” Kimberley offered.

“Tomorrow?” Cheryl asked, then shook her head.  “I’m not sure if that’d be wise.  Go with Nadine.  I’ll call you when it’s over”.

“I want to be with you, Cheryl.  I don’t want you going in there alone”, Kimberley put a hand on Cheryl’s arm.

“No,” Cheryl shook her head.  “You represent my private life.  I don’t want them seeing the private me, I just want them to see the professional me – with the lawyer, make them see that I haven’t changed – I’m still the same person they met months ago.”

Kimberley nodded slowly.  “Ok, well, we’ll hang around near to the office then.  You can call me when you get out.”

Cheryl nodded and reached out to touch Kimberley’s cheek.  “I’m sorry this is messing up our holiday”.

Kimberley pulled the other girl to her and squeezed her tight.  “Don’t be daft – it’s not your fault.  We’ll do what we have to do to get this sorted.  What time’s the meeting?”

Cheryl let out a huge sigh.  “11am”.

“Right,” said Kimberley, pulling away from Cheryl and kissing her forehead.  “We’ll call Hillary – tell her we want to meet with the lawyer at 10am.  We’ll go over exactly what the contract says then you’ll be more informed when you go in there, and he can help you plan what to say.  Then you go with him and me and Nadine will go and get coffee nearby, then we can meet you as soon as it’s finished.”

Cheryl smiled sadly.  “Did you just plan everything?”

Kimberley laughed.  “It’s what I do!”

“What if they cancel the deal, Kimberley?”

Kimberley let out a sigh and put her hands on Cheryl’s arms, pulling the younger girl in close.  “Come here, babe.  They won’t.  And if they do, it’s their loss ‘cause you’re gonna be amazing and successful as a solo artist, and they’d be stupid to not want to be a part of that”.

She hugged Cheryl tightly, and turned her head to kiss Cheryl’s head.  “They were the first to offer you a deal and you took it because you liked what they offered in terms of freedom to choose the right sound, and the right producer.  Others were interested, and they will be again if word gets out that you’re not staying with this lot…”

Cheryl pulled away and looked at Kimberley.  “But, I love this album.  If they own the songs, can I release them with a new label?  And I don’t have time to record anything new in time for release this year, it would all be put back, then next year we’re recording with the band…”

“Ssssh”, whispered Kimberley, putting a finger to Cheryl’s lips.  “We’ll worry about all of that if the worse happens tomorrow.  But I promise you we’ll sort it – whether with them or finding you a new deal – we’ll sort it.  Ok?” and she playfully pinched Cheryl’s nose.

Cheryl laughed and nodded slowly, taking Kimberley’s hand in hers before the other girl pulled away, and bringing it to her lips.  She smiled at Kimberley.  “You’re not bad at this planning and organising stuff, are you?”

Kimberley smiled back.  “Well, it’s a useful skill to have when your girlfriend is unorganised and freaks out a lot”.

Cheryl opened her mouth in shock.  “Oi!”

Kimberley laughed, bringing both hands in front of her face and leaning back from Cheryl.  “Don’t hit me – it was a joke, a valid distraction technique”, and she burst out laughing as Cheryl hurled herself at her torso, wrapping her arms round her and wrestling her back onto the bed, landing on top of her.

She moved in and kissed Kimberley gently on the lips then pulled back, looking into her eyes.  Kimberley lifted a hand and smoothed some hairs down on Cheryl’s head.  “What?” she asked, meeting Cheryl’s gaze.

Cheryl shrugged slightly.  “Thank you.”

Kimberley frowned.  “What for?”

“You know why”, Cheryl replied shyly.  “You always know what to do, or say…you’re amazing.”

Kimberley smiled, pulling Cheryl in closer until the younger girl was lying on top of her, with her head resting on Kimberley’s chest.  “I know, what can I say?  I’m just an amazing girlfriend”, and she kissed Cheryl’s head, laughing.

Cheryl laughed aloud, “modesty, Miss Walsh, can be an attractive quality, you know!” and she playfully tickled Kimberley’s stomach.

“I’m sorry, who pushed who onto the bed?” joked Kimberley.  “I think you’ll find I’m pretty irresistible whatever I do!”

“Actually, that’s a fair point”, agreed Cheryl, lifting her head and raising her eyebrows.  “Who could say no to these lips?” and she leaned in, stopping short of kissing Kimberley, and suddenly pushing herself up onto her knees.  “Oops – I can”, and she got off the bed, standing up.

Kimberley looked at her from the bed, mouth wide open with confusion.  “What?”

Cheryl grinned back at her.  “Nadine’s still downstairs.  You’ll have to wait till later”.

Kimberley raised her eyebrows at her, “wait for what?”

Cheryl was already at the bedroom door and she turned and winked.  “For me to push you back on the bed”, and she grinned as she made her way downstairs.

Chapter 10

“Well, Kimberley’s right,” declared Nadine, leaning forward and picking up her drink.  “If they cancel the contract – it’d be their loss”.  She pulled a face as she swallowed the alcohol-laden drink.

Cheryl smiled.  “Something wrong?”

“No,” croaked Nadine, trying not to cough.

Cheryl grinned and shot an amused look at Kimberley as she watched Nadine frown.

“Plenty more…” forced out Nadine, before succumbing to the need to cough.

“Plenty more what?” asked Cheryl, grinning as Nadine struggled.

Nadine shot her an evil look as she tried hard to control her coughing fit.  She put a hand to her own chest.  “Offers,” she croaked, then she cleared her throat.  “Is there any vodka left in the bottle or is it all in here?” she asked, pointing at her glass.

Cheryl smiled, “there’s a bit left if you want more”.

Nadine rolled her eyes at her.  “As I was saying, you had plenty of offers – if they’re stupid enough to let you go – a different company will snap you up”.

“That’s what I said,” added Kimberley, nodding at Nadine.  “They’d be fools to let her go”.

“And Hilary will be on the phone – she’ll make them see sense”, nodded Nadine, looking back at Cheryl.  “We’ll be close by – waiting for you when it’s finished”.

Cheryl smiled back at Nadine.  “Thank you”, as the sound of a car’s horn interrupted their conversation.

“Is that the time?” asked Nadine, looking at her watch and standing up.  “That’s my driver – I’ve got to go home and shower before my studio session.  What time tomorrow?”

“The meeting’s at 11am, I spoke to Hillary and told her we’re meeting the lawyer at Starbucks – just round the corner from the offices – at 10am”, answered Kimberley, picking up some of Nadine’s things from the table and put them in her bag while Nadine quickly pulled her shorts over her bikini.

“Ok, I’ll have a driver drop me off at Starbucks around quarter to eleven, that sound ok?” asked Nadine, smiling at Kimberley as she took her bag.

Cheryl nodded as she opened her arms wide and wrapped them around Nadine.  “Yeah, sounds good, have a good afternoon”.

“If you need anything before then, just call,” reminded Nadine, kissing Cheryl’s head and rubbing her back.  She pulled away and picked her handbag up, cupping Kimberley’s face with the other hand and kissing her cheek noisily.  “Anything”.

Kimberley squeezed her arm, “Thanks, babe”.  She put an arm round Cheryl as they watched Nadine slip out the back gate and onto the drive, unseen from the pool area.  Cheryl slipped an arm round Kimberley’s waist and they stood in silence listening to the sound of the car’s engine until it could no longer be heard, the sound of the waves on the shore taking over as they stood in silent thought.  


“Cheryl,” whispered Kimberley, stroking Cheryl’s arm.  “Wake up, babe, you need more sun cream”.

Cheryl shook Kimberley’s arm off without opening her eyes.  “Will you just leave me alone?” she shouted back at the girl.

Kimberley frowned at her, confused.  “What?” she asked quietly.

Cheryl opened her eyes and frowned for a second, adjusting to the bright light and finally bringing her eyes up to meet Kimberley’s confused gaze.  “What?”

Kimberley’s frown deepened.  “Leave you alone why?”

Cheryl’s brow creased into an even deeper frown.  “Leave me alone?  Who said that?”

“You just did” replied Kimberley, staring down at the girl.

Cheryl shook her head, putting a hand up to her head and smoothing a few stray strands of hair behind her ear.  “Babe, why would I…?” her voice trailed off and she took her eyes off Kimberley and gazed at the pool.  “Oh hang on.  Oh god yeah, I was having the weirdest dream”.

“About what?” asked Kimberley, her frown disappearing.  “About me?”

Cheryl frowned again as she struggled to remember.  “Yes… and no.  I mean, you were in it, but we weren’t together.  I think it was before that.  You were with Justin and I was still with Ashley”.  She yawned.

“So not so much a dream as a nightmare then?” joked Kimberley.

Cheryl smiled, “definitely!” and she sat up, resting a hand on Kimberley’s knee.  “He was getting on my nerves – that must have been when I woke up”.

“I only said you needed sun cream” laughed Kimberley, reaching down and picking up a bottle of sun tan lotion from the floor and opening the lid.

“My back feels a bit hot,” agreed Cheryl, reaching and putting a hand on the back of her shoulders to check how hot they were.

Kimberley poured some lotion onto her hands and nodded her head at Cheryl.  “Turn over then – I’ll rub it in”.

Cheryl smiled and turned over, resting her head on her hands.  “He was being a right a*se” she mumbled.

“Who?” asked Kimberley, gently rubbing cream into Cheryl’s shoulders.

“Ashley,” replied Cheryl sleepily.  “Total a*se, I was trying to leave him and he was making life hard”.

“God Cheryl, have you felt the knots in your back?” asked Kimberley, pressing harder on Cheryl’s shoulders.

“Ow!” came the reply, as Cheryl turned her head to look at Kimberley.  “Ow, Kimberley”.

“Sorry!” laughed Kimberley, “but you’re all tense.  Right, wait there”, and she stood up, squeezing Cheryl’s arm as she did, then made her way inside the villa.

Cheryl propped her chin on her hands and watched the other girl walking up the few stairs to the patio area and inside the kitchen doors.

 By the time Kimberley came back out, Cheryl had nodded back off to sleep.

She woke up to find Kimberley on top of her, straddling her waist and starting to apply something cold to her shoulders.  “Bloody hell, at least wait till I’m awake, babe” and she giggled.

Kimberley playfully slapped her arm.  “A massage!” she explained, giggling back at Cheryl and starting to rub in the baby oil.  “We haven’t got any oils or anything so I figured I’d use the baby oil.  I can’t believe how bad these knots are – we’re meant to be on holiday – relaxing,” and she emphasized the last word.

“Tell me about it,” replied Cheryl sleepily, as she succumbed to the relaxing rhythm of Kimberley’s hands massaging her back.  “Ow!” she said again as Kimberley tried to free the tension in her shoulders.

“Stop moaning,” advised Kimberley.  “You’ll feel better once I’ve finished”, and she leaned her head down and kissed the nape of Cheryl’s neck.  

“Well, if that’s how the massage is gonna go, I could take more of that,” giggled Cheryl cheekily, enjoying the feel of Kimberley’s lips on her neck.

“I’m trying to be serious here,” protested Kimberley, although she was amused by Cheryl’s flirting.

“Sorry, sorry,” replied Cheryl, settling into the lounger.  “Knead away, babe – rid me of my knots!” and she giggled again.

Kimberley smiled and carried on massaging Cheryl’s shoulders.  “I was thinking while I was upstairs looking for the oil.  Why don’t I run you a hot bath when I’m done here – you can have a relaxing soak while I make dinner?”

“See now, that sounded great, right up until the point where you suggested you wouldn’t be in the bath,” replied Cheryl, lifting her head slightly to talk and then putting it back down on her hands again.

Kimberley smiled and bent her head so her lips were next to Cheryl’s ear.  “Oh I didn’t say I wouldn’t be joining you…”

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