Chim- Cant Explain How Im Fee...

By X_WCheryl_X

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Chapter: 1-2
Chapter: 5-6
Chapter: 7-8
Chapter: 9-10
Chapter: 11-12
Chapter: 13-14
Chapter: 15-16
Chapter: 17-18
Chapter: 19-20
Chapter: 21-22
Chapter: 23-24
Chapter: 25-26
Chapter: 27-28
Chapter: 29-30
Chapter: 31-32
Chapter: 33-34
Chapter: 35

Chapter: 3-4

418 5 0
By X_WCheryl_X

Chapter 3  

Cheryl watched Kimberley’s face and smiled.  “You don’t like it do you?”

Kimberley looked over at her as she zipped up her bag and frowned.  “Don’t like what?”

“Not being in charge – not knowing the flight details, or the time the driver’s coming, not having my passport in your bag – just to be sure I don’t forget it”, replied Cheryl, raising her eyebrows.

Kimberley pulled a face.  “Well, I would be a lot calmer if I had your passport with mine – just to be on the safe side…and then there’s the tickets…”

Cheryl rolled her eyes and stood up, making her way across the bedroom and unzipping the front pouch of Kimberley’s flight bag.  “What are you doing?” asked Kimberley, confused, but then she saw Cheryl pulling out her leather wallet.  “Oh no.  Cheryl, give it back”.

Cheryl smiled and shook her head, walking over to her own bag.  “Nope, I’m in charge.  I want you to relax – I’m putting the tickets in here, with my passport, and then I’m keeping hold of it.  You are going to relax and enjoy yourself.  If I have to slip a sleeping tablet in your cup of tea at the airport - I will!”

Kimberley pouted, still frowning.  “Cheryl, stop it.  You know I don’t like it.  I feel better if I’ve got hold of everything.  I won’t be able to relax now…”

Cheryl walked back over to Kimberley, the wallet still in her hand, and now clutching her passport and the plane tickets.  She used her free hand to cup Kimberley’s face and kissed her on the lips, bringing her hand round to the back of Kimberley’s head to pull her in closer.

She pulled away slowly and smiled at Kimberley.  “Feeling more relaxed now?”

Kimberley smiled reluctantly.  “Well, a bit more…”

Cheryl shook her head, laughing.  “Look,” and she held Kimberley’s wallet up with one hand.  “One passport in the name of Kimberley Jane Walsh, complete with dodgy hair on photograph from oooh… 2001 – check”, and she put Kimberley’s passport back in the wallet.  “One passport in the name of Cheryl Ann Cole, soon to be Tweedy - as soon as my solicitor earns his wages,” and she rolled her eyes at Kimberley, “check”, and she put her passport inside the wallet.  “Two return tickets to Los Angeles airport – check”, and she placed them inside too, zipping up the wallet.  She kissed the wallet, winking at Kimberley and put it inside the front pouch of her own flight bag, zipping it shut.

“Flight leaves at 12:50, driver’s arriving for 9am, we’re both ready and packed, he’ll be here in 10 minutes.  Nadine knows what time we’re arriving, she’s arranged for a driver to meet us there, and the villa address is saved into my mobile.  Did I miss anything?” and Cheryl tilted her head to one side.

“How did you get me a visa without me being there to apply?” asked Kimberley, picking her jacket up off the bed.

Cheryl stood still, frowning at Kimberley.  “Visa?  We don’t need a visa – the last time we went to LA we didn’t need a visa”.

Kimberley turned and looked at her.  “Yeah, but this year they changed the law.  Please tell me you got us a visa, Cheryl”.

Cheryl’s mouth opened in shock and she stared back at Kimberley.  “What?  No!  How did I not know this?  Oh sh*t, Kimberley, will they let me do it now?” and she snatched the wallet out of her bag and unzipped it, pulling the passports out.  “Kimberley?”

She looked up and saw Kimberley sat on the edge of the bed, laughing.  “Oh very funny,” she said, realising Kimberley had been joking.  “Oh fine, two can play at that game, when you’re least expecting it…boom!  I’ll get you back!”

“I don’t care!” Kimberley said through the giggles.  “The look on your face was priceless!”

Cheryl pouted back at Kimberley.  “Well, you’re still not getting the wallet.”

“Come here”, smiled Kimberley, opening her arms wide.

“No,” said Cheryl, picking up her bag and jacket, pretending to be annoyed.  She started to walk over to the door and felt Kimberley’s arms around her waist as she put her hand on the door handle, then Kimberley’s lips on her neck.

She stopped and smiled, leaning back into Kimberley’s body.  “The driver’s gonna be outside in a minute”.

Kimberley gently turned her around to face her, leaving her hands resting on Cheryl’s hips.  “I know what you’re trying to do, and I love you for it, babe, really I do.  But organising doesn’t stress me out – it relaxes me – it’s what I do.  I look after people”.

“But I wanted to look after you for once,” protested Cheryl, pushing some stray strands of hair behind Kimberley’s ear.

Kimberley put a hand on top of Cheryl’s.  “Babe, you do look after me – all the time.  Just because I organise things, it doesn’t mean you don’t do your bit.  Most mornings when I get up you’ve already started making us a cup of tea, and you’ve usually made a start on breakfast.  If I meet you for lunch – you order, you ask for the bill, you arrange for the car home.  When we fall asleep watching tv, you always end up somehow pulling a blanket over me in case I get cold.  And when we go to bed, it’s your arms around me, keeping me warm, making me feel protected.  I can’t sleep if you’re not there.  You do look after me, Cheryl.”

Cheryl stared into Kimberley’s eyes, lost in thought.  “I make the tea because you get in the shower first and I can’t get back to sleep in the empty bed.  When I come home from work, you’ve already cooked dinner, and you always wait for me so we eat together.  When we fall asleep on the sofa - that’s the blanket you always remember to keep on the edge of the sofa that keeps us warm.  And when we go to bed, I hold you because I need to be close to you – to feel you in my arms.  It’s the rhythm of your breathing that helps me sleep.”

Kimberley smiled.  “Then I guess that proves my point - we both look after each other, but in different ways.”

Cheryl pulled away from Kimberley and pulled the wallet from the front pocket of her bag, holding it up to Kimberley.  “Then I guess you should look after this”.

Kimberley laughed, taking the wallet from Cheryl.  “Finally – I knew you’d see sense!”

Cheryl nodded.  “Well, I arranged it all – now it’s your turn, you get to boss me about for a few hours.”  

Their lips met just as the sound of a car horn came from outside.  Kimberley pulled away first.  “Come on then – let’s get going.  I can’t wait to see Nadine.”

“It’s gonna be lovely to see her,” agreed Cheryl.  “But secretly I can’t wait to get you in our private pool, alone”.

Kimberley raised her eyebrows at Cheryl.  “Private pool, you say?”

Cheryl nodded, a cheeky glint in her eye.

Kimberley frowned.  “Do I even need to bother with a bikini?”

Cheryl laughed.  “Yes – incase we spend time at Nadine’s pool.  But you won’t be needing it at ours,” and she winked, picking up her bag and jacket and holding her hand out to Kimberley.  “Come on, gorgeous”.

Kimberley picked up her own bag and jacket and took Cheryl’s hand.  “I thought I was bossing you about for a while?”

Cheryl held up her hand.  “You’re right – it’s your turn.  But when we get to the pool, I’m taking charge,” and she winked.

Kimberley laughed, “I can deal with that”, and she led Cheryl downstairs.


“Heathrow” answered Kimberley to the driver’s question, as Cheryl supervised him putting their suitcases into the boot of the car.

“I’ll have you there in no time,” replied the driver, shutting the boot and making his way round to the driver’s door.  Cheryl was already holding the door open for Kimberley, and winked as the older girl smiled and climbed in.

“I don’t even mind the idea of a long flight”, said Cheryl, putting on her seat belt and turning to look at Kimberley.  “Because now it’s “us” time.”

Kimberley smiled back at her and reached out a hand to take Cheryl’s in her own.  “I know – 10 whole days, you and me, no meetings, no filming, no work.  Just us.  It’s gonna be amazing”.

Cheryl stroked Kimberley’s fingers with her own and her eyes fell on her picture staring back at her from the magazine rack in front of Kimberley.  Kimberley followed her gaze and saw the magazine cover, immediately letting go of Cheryl’s hand and picking the magazine up out of the rack.

Cheryl torn between girlfriend Kimberley and her love for male protégé - X Factor exclusive”.


Chapter 4

“Kimberley?” Cheryl’s voice came out almost as a whisper, and she put her hand on Kimberley’s leg.  “Kimberley, don’t read it, come on.  It’s all bullsh*t – just chuck it out the window”.

Kimberley turned a few pages to reach the exclusive, without saying a word, and Cheryl let out an exasperated sigh.  She tried again.  “Kimberley, babe, it’s gonna be the same old story – a source, a friend, a mole has spoken to a wannabe journalist and they’ve made a double page spread out of it.  Actual story of my life, babe – I’m used to it”.

“I’m not”, replied Kimberley, turning to look at Cheryl for the first time.

Cheryl looked into her eyes, “well then trust me when I say the only way to deal with it is to ignore it”.

Kimberley looked down at the magazine again then back at Cheryl.  “Do you remember in the beginning we’d all read the magazines, just to see if we were in any of them.  And then one of us would find an article, or a picture and we’d all scream and want to read it?”

Cheryl nodded slowly.  “But that was 7 years ago, Kimberley.  We were just starting out - we needed to be recognised so people would start buying our music.  It’s different now.  The press want us in their papers every day.  So when there’s no story – they invent one.  I’m not interested in reading that.”

“They never used to write sh*t about me though”, said Kimberley, looking down again at the magazine.  “I mean when they’d write about me and Justin getting engaged, it wasn’t baseless.  I mean he would talk about it – they just made it sound like it was about to happen when all we’d done was talk”.

“Well lucky you – they make stuff out of nothing for me”, said Cheryl, starting to get a bit annoyed.

Kimberley looked up at her.  “Well I’m starting to see what that feels like, and it’s not nice.  I’m not used to this, Cheryl, this is all new for me.  I’m trying to work out where the story came from.”

“What do you mean?  It’s been made-up by some bored journalist” said Cheryl, a little louder than she’d planned.

Kimberley shot her a look, then continued reading.  “Here we go” she said, pointing to a paragraph with her nail.  “Cheryl’s feelings for Andrew were clear as the news sunk in that he’d finished second on Saturday night.  They melted into a heart-felt embrace and Cheryl could be heard saying she loved him, just as Dermot approached with the microphone.  Kimberley’s absence onstage was painfully obvious”.

“But they wouldn’t let me onstage”, said Kimberley, turning to look at Cheryl.  

Cheryl shrugged back at her.  “See what I mean?  They twist things Kimberley.  I just think it’s a miracle that they haven’t done this before now, we went public weeks ago.”

“Did you tell him you loved him?” asked Kimberley, staring at Cheryl.

Cheryl shrugged again.  “I don’t know.  I can’t remember what I said now.  Probably though.  I was all upset and emotional.  And I do love him – you know I do, as a friend.  There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”

Kimberley sighed.  “I don’t know, Cheryl.  All I see is that the press are painting me like some sort of victim – the wronged girlfriend.  Now I know what you felt like last year.”

Cheryl laughed, although it was clear she was far from amused.  “You have no idea what I felt like.  And this is nothing like that.  Ashley actually did cheat on me, and I had to put up with that being all over the papers.  I’m not cheating on you – you’re just having to put up with stupid rumours and bullsh*t.  You’re not a real victim – big difference, Kimberley.”  Cheryl could feel her voice getting louder, even though she was trying to keep her anger under control.

Kimberley glanced uneasily at the rear view mirror, and saw that the driver was looking back at her.  She put a hand on Cheryl’s leg and spoke quietly, in total contrast to the level of Cheryl’s voice.  “Ok, can we drop it?”

Cheryl didn’t realise the meaning behind Kimberley’s voice and her voice got louder.  “Drop it?  What – you make out like I’ve done something wrong and then just tell me to drop it?  Kimberley I…” she noticed Kimberley shaking her head frantically at her and she stopped, glancing at the driver and realising he’d been listening.

Kimberley lowered her voice to a whisper.  “I’m sorry.  I just, I wasn’t expecting this, that’s all”.  She reached over and took Cheryl’s hand in hers.  “Let’s talk about it later”.

Cheryl managed to soften her voice to a whisper to match Kimberley’s.  “This is only the beginning, babe.  This is gonna keep happening.  You are gonna have to find a way to deal with it, or we’re gonna keep having the same argument”.  She put her free hand on top of Kimberley’s hands, which were still gripping Cheryl’s other hand.  “And I hate arguing with you”.

“Arguing is banned,” agreed Kimberley.  We’re on holiday, we’re meant to be relaxing.”

Cheryl nodded slowly.  “I know, I just felt like you were making out like it was…” she stopped as she felt Kimberley’s finger on her lips, indicating for her to stop talking.

“Shhhh,” whispered Kimberley.  “It doesn’t matter, look,” and she closed the magazine and put it back in the rack, facing away from them.

Cheryl smiled and undid her seatbelt, shifting over to the middle of the back seat and fastening the uncomfortable middle seatbelt around her waist.  She pulled Kimberley’s arm around her own shoulders and slipped an arm round her waist, resting her head against Kimberley’s shoulder, and resting her other hand on Kimberley’s thigh.

Kimberley pulled Cheryl in closer and rested her chin gently on Cheryl’s head, tracing small circles on Cheryl’s hand with her free hand.  

The remaining 10 minutes of the car journey to Heathrow passed quickly, both of the girls lost in their own thoughts, but sharing a silent intimacy.  In her head, Kimberley was going over what she had just read and trying to prepare herself for reading more articles like it.  Cheryl on the other hand was planning how she would look after Kimberley at the airport.  Bitter experience meant that after the article, she knew they would be met by a huge welcoming committee of paparazzi once they arrived. 

As the driver parked up, Cheryl leaned forward and passed him a wad of money, simply saying “thank you” and smiling at him in the rear view mirror.  He looked confused.

“Are you paying me now for the return trip?  This is twice the usual fee”, he pointed out, holding up the money.  

“No”, replied Cheryl.  “That’s for today - we’ll pay you for the return journey next week.  The little extra is just because.  Take your wife out to dinner – treat yourself.  It’s not easy for us to trust drivers in this business – sometimes they repeat what they’ve heard in the car – nasty business that is”, and she smiled again.  “It’s always nice to know we can trust you, Steven.  That’s why we always request you – because you’re a good man”.

He nodded, a smile adorning his face.  “Thank you.  Nice of you to say”, he replied simply, getting out and opening the boot.  He called through the open back window once the boot was open.  “You ladies might wanna wear sunglasses.  Big load of unwanted visitors outside.  I’ll take the cases in – you just get yourselves into the terminal”.

As the girls unfastened their seatbelts Kimberley rolled her eyes at Cheryl and put her sunglasses on, covering most of her face.  “Here we go again”, she said, with a hint of sadness.

“Not for long, babe,” replied Cheryl, putting her own sunglasses on.  “We’ll be on that plane soon, then it’s private villa here we come!  Wait there,” and Cheryl got out her side, moving quickly round the car to help Kimberley out of her side.

They moved slowly but surely through the wall of paparazzi, hand in hand, smiling for the cameras but without speaking.  Once inside the terminal building, the camera flashes behind them, they were met by the driver who had already put their suitcases onto a trolley.  “Safe flight, ladies.  I’ll be here next week, I’ve got the flight details”.

They both smiled back at him gratefully, and said thank you in unison, watching him disappear back into the huge sea of camera flashes.   

“Desks 20-24,” said Kimberley, reading the screen and pointing in the direction of the check-in desks as she pulled her leather wallet out of her flight bag.  Putting both hands onto the trolley she turned to look at Cheryl.  “Come on”, she said, passing her flight bag to Cheryl to carry while she busied herself with the trolley.

“Yes boss!” replied Cheryl, taking the bag from Kimberley and starting off in the direction of the check-in desks.

“Just two small bottles of water, please” replied Cheryl to the air hostess with a smile, then turned to Kimberley.  “I’m nipping the loo, babe” she said quietly to Kimberley, unfastening her seatbelt and standing up.  

The air hostess served the water and some glasses, “anything else madam?”

“Erm yeah, can we have two glasses of champagne as well, please?” asked Kimberley.

The air hostess had moved on by the time Cheryl came back.  “What’s this?” she asked, sitting down and pointing at the champagne.

“I thought we should celebrate,” replied Kimberley, waiting for Cheryl to fasten her seatbelt before passing her a glass of champagne.  “Going away on our first proper holiday, and leaving all the sh*t behind for once”.

Cheryl smiled, “oh I’ll drink to that.  Cheers!” and she chinked her glass against Kimberley’s.  “I’d do that thing where you put your arm round the other person’s arm and drink that way – you know dead romantic – but if we hit turbulence you’re gonna wear the champagne, and that’d be a shame because I love that top!”

Kimberley laughed, taking a sip out of her glass.  “Best not!” and she leaned over and kissed Cheryl’s cheek.

Cheryl looked away from Kimberley momentarily.  “Ooh babe, Denzel!” and she pointed at the tv screen with her glass.

Kimberley turned her head and saw a Denzel Washington film starting.  She immediately put her glass down and started rummaging in her bag for headphones.  “Oooh Cheryl, I’m missing the start”, and she located her ipod, deftly pulling the headphones out and plugging them into the panel on the arm of the chair.  She turned to look at Cheryl as she put the headphones into her ears.  “Are you watching?”

Cheryl smiled, pulling her ipod out of the front pouch of her bag and holding it up to Kimberley.  She put the headphones in, hardly taking her eyes off Kimberley and turned the sound up.  But she wasn’t watching the screen, she was still watching Kimberley as her face lit up watching her favourite actor on screen. 

She smiled at the older girl, even though Kimberley by now was engrossed in the film.  She sat staring at Kimberley, taking in her beauty for what must have been a few minutes, until Kimberley felt her stare and turned her head.  She raised her eyebrows questioningly at Cheryl and Cheryl shrugged her shoulders, grinning.  

Kimberley smiled back and lifted her arm, inviting Cheryl to move closer.  Still smiling, Cheryl leaned into Kimberley and turned her head to watch the screen.  Cheryl had sat through this very film twice with Kimberley already in the last few months, but she couldn’t care less that she was sat watching it for a third time.  She was in Kimberley’s arms, and Kimberley was happy, and that’s all that mattered to her.

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