V is for Virgin, & That's Wha...

By kimpyvon

178K 7.4K 1.1K

Gabriella's a virgin because of many reasons - One is because of her love dedication to Aiden, the school's b... More

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 1
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 2
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 3
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 4
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 5
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 6
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 7
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 8
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 9
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 10
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 11
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 12
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 13
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 14
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 15
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 16
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 17
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 18
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 19
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 19.1
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 21
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 22
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 23
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 24
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 25
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 26
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 27
V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 28
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 29
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 30
V is for Virgin & That's What I'll Forever Be: 31

V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 20

4.8K 239 62
By kimpyvon

♡ Gabby ♡

"Good morning Gabby!!!"

I yelped, because there were arms wrapped around my waist, and my back was leaning on a hard wall-

No, how can a wall have arms? That's ridiculous.

I turn to look at-

"Aiden?!? What the hell?!" I tried removing his arms around my waist but to no avail.

"You can't escape me now!!" He says, like a kid, tightening his hug.

Oh brother, what is wrong with this guy?

Suddenly, he clings to me like glue.

"Good morning Gabby!" With a swift move, I was taken from Aiden's arms. The next thing I knew, my head bumped on another hard wall, an arm slinging down my waist, pulling me towards the wall.

Gee, Gabby.

How many walls have arms now?

When I looked up- I saw Ashton.

And he's handsome as always. :""(

But he's not looking at me, his gaze was perfectly straight.

And the staring contest between them begins again.

"Tch." I hear Aiden hiss.

"Good morning world.♥" Lianna greeted, obviously in a perfect mood. Seth, of course, is beside her.

"Ahm, good morning, Lia." I greeted back, removing Ashton's arm from my waist.

"Tch, Gabriella!" Lianna takes hold of my shoulders then gently shakes me. "Don't be the one at the tip of the triangle!!"

"W-What?" I say, confused. Geez, did Seth's weirdness rub on to her?

"Weird couple." Aiden says under her breath.

"Great minds think alike." Seth snorted.

"Whatever," Aiden mumbled.

"Good morning honey. ♥"

I know that voice.

We all turned to see Ashley, waving her hand continuously and running towards us.

I saw Ashton smirk at Aiden, while Aiden facepalms himself, literally.

"The school festival is coming up! Let's go together!♥" She perkily says, clinging on Aiden's arm.

"That's a great idea! I'll go with Gabriella then." Ashton smirked, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"That's perfect! In this way, we can have a rectangle!" Lianna clapped.

The five of us stared at her sheepishly, Seth included.

"What? You were the one who taught me that." Lianna pouted.

"I'm kidding, let's go together." Seth laughs, hugging Lianna.

"Of course! I'd be happy to." Lianna smiled, kissing Seth's cheek.

I'm so jelly. :( Lianna and Seth are so perfect together.

"Nu-uh. I'm going with Gabby." Aiden pouted, pulling my arm and my face- hitting another brick wall with arms. Aiden's chest to be exact.

"No fair. What about me?" Ashley pouted and I felt bad for her.

"It's alright, Aiden. You go with Ashley." I say, pushing him away from me.

And for some reason I don't know why, I hated what I did.

I felt a pang of pain in my chest when I pushed him away.

"This is awesome, Seth. It's going to be a rectangle!" I hear Lianna whisper to Seth.

"We'll see though." Seth frowned in response.

Huh? What is with these two lovebirds?

"Why don't we, six, just go together?" Aiden suggested.

"Nu-uh. We want our alone time in the festival since we're a line!" Lianna retorted, hugging Seth.

Don't tell me she's talking about a line? Like a line-line? Seriously, they're talking about shapes again. =__=

"What are you talking about? Well, whatever. Then the four of us?" Aiden suggested once more.

"We want our alone time too." Ashton bitterly responded, pulling me away from Aiden and hugging me again.

Do they plan on playing tug-of-war? Because this is seriously not funny. :/

"But I want to be with Gabriella too." Aiden pouted.

Aw, he's so cute when he pouts. :

Wait, what am I saying...?

Erase erase. >_____

"No way! You got Ashley." Ashton glared.

"Yeah, you got me." Ashley pouted, pulling Aiden by the arm.

"Doesn't matter, I want to be with Gabriella so the four of us will go together." Aiden stubbornly replied.

"Haysh, let's just go together, okay? The four of us. So that you will stop arguing about it. Geez, my ears hurt." I say, glowering at the two guys.

"Fine." Ashton softly replied. "Whatever you want."

By the way, the school festival is one of the highlights in our school.

Students from other schools often visit the festival because it's one of the best and the most memorable events in the city.

It happens in the late afternoon around five, then ends until midnight. There will be food stalls, parlor games, and of course, the much-awaited fireworks display to end the night.

But what all the students are intrigued of the most is the so-called wishing tree.

It's like a magical tree at the back of our school yard, and there was a story which circulates the school about wishes that come true because of that tree. Wishes that especially revolve around love.

They say that if you go to that tree with the one you love, if you managed to finish carving your initials at exactly 11:11pm, you will be bound to live happily together forever.

I'm not sure if it's really magical though. Some say it's just one of the many myths that exist.

But still, even if that's the case, people all over the city wanted to wish on this tree in hopes of finding true love and happiness.

"Okay, that's settled then. We'll all meet infront of the school gate?" Ashley clapped excitedly.

All of us simply nodded our heads in response.


The day of the festival arrived, and I was waiting infront of the school gate.

I wore my yellow blouse, white ruffled skirt and my flats. And yes, I wore a skirt for the occasion. It's not like I wear skirts but somehow, I felt like dressing up for today.

Then I spotted someone looking ravishing as always.

"Hi Gabs." Ashton greeted, wearing a dark green checkered button-down polo shirt, khaki crop pants and topsiders. "Where are the others?"

I simply shrugged in response, couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'll melt." He chuckled, making me blush.

I looked away, and saw another ravishing specimen infront of me.

He wears a white crisp long sleeve polo, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, faded jeans and Converse sneakers.

Even if his attire is simple, he still stands out from the crowd.

Proof, as to girls were turning their heads when he walks by.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'll melt." Aiden teasingly smirked.

Again, Iooked away.

Did they just say the same thing? O_O

"Copycat." Ashton mumbled.

"What did you say?" Aiden asked, grabbing Ash by the collar.

"Tsk, annoying." Ashton hissed.

"Okay, you guys stop it." I groaned sarcastically, "You've been fighting like cats and dogs since- oh, I don't know, forever?"

They fell silent but the deafening silence was broken by someone running towards us.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

We all turned to look at Ashley, who looks... stunning.

She's wearing a black tube top, her midriff showing, skinny jeans and black heels.

"It's fine, let's go." Aiden says coldly and the four of us started walking to the festival.

When we entered the festival, it was beautiful. Much more beautiful than last year.

There were so many stalls compared to before.

"Yipee! I'm so excited!! Let's catch some goldfish!" Ashley excitedly clapped, pulling Aiden to a parlor game stall wherein you try to catch a fish using a paper-like net.

Of course, we followed, and I tried to get some goldfish too but the paper net kept tearing because it's soaked. I wasn't fast enough. :(

When I look to my right, I saw Ashley happily catching fish as if it's the easiest thing in the world.

"I'll help you." Ash smiled, getting another net and catching the fish for me.

We were catching fish together, although not as many as the fish Ashley caught, but how come I feel as if she's staring at us?

Our time's up and Ashley caught around ten while Ashton and I caught four.

"You're good at catching fish!" I complimented her.

"Err.. thanks.." She replied with a faint smile.

The four of us continued to check out the stalls, buying food in sticks from time to time such as choco bananas, grilled fishcakes, and other yummy snacks in the festival.

I had so much fun with them, to be honest.

There were times I wished Lianna and Seth were also here but I'm really happy with just being with them.

We even bought lanterns that are going to be floated up in the air before the fireworks display.

There's also a said fortune message in each lantern that floats up in the sky.

These messages bring people good luck or something- but the most exciting part is when you get a lantern and you get to read the message inside it.

We played some more, Ashley kept winning, I guess she's really that competitive.

Then we felt tired and decided to sit on the nearby benches while eating our snow cones.

Then I saw a really cute teddy bear- It's big- like, really big. And it's sky blue in color.

I squealed in delight, and my eyes are like this:


"What are you looking at? It's as if your eyes are sparkling." Aiden asked, following my gaze.

"What a cute teddy bear.." I smiled to myself.

It looks so fluffy and huggable! :D

"I'll get it for you!" Ashton volunteered, walking towards the stall.

"Nu-uh. I'm getting it for her!" Aiden grumbled, pushing Ashton and walking towards the stall.

Then they push each other while walking.

Tsk, boys...


Ashley and I simply followed them.

The stall is more of a throwing game. You're given a ball, like the size of a baseball ball, and you're supposed to hit the bottles lined up.

"Hey, uncle! How much for the teddy bear?" Aiden asked, making an old looking chap smile at him.

"Hit five bottles and you're going to get it. However, here's the sitch-- you get three tries."

"Wait- how can you hit five bottles with just three tries? The most possible number of bottles we're going to hit is three." Ashton reasoned out.

"That's for you to discover. Surely, if I give a possible challenge, then anyone can easily win the prize." The trickly uncle snorted.

"Tsk, if I were you, don't do it. It's such a rip off." I hear someone tell them.

"He's right though. It's impossible." I tell them, but it's as if they now look more fired up than before.

"Uncle, I want that teddy bear!!" Aiden exclaimed. "Give me the ball!"

"Me too!" Ashton says.

And the old uncle grinned. An evil grin, perhaps?

I saw Ashton and Aiden position themselves seriously, feeling the weight of the balls.

"Now!" Uncle exclaimed.

And they started throwing..... but it didn't take too long for three tries to be gone in just one go- and it costs around $5 a game.

Ashton hit one, while Aiden managed to hit two- a bit far from the goal of five.

"No fair! This is impossible." Aiden whined.

"Then why don't you just leave?" Uncle snickered, probably knowing how much they wanted the bear.

"Tch, I'll give it another go." Aiden exclaimed, slapping a $5 bill on the table.

"Me too!" Ashton says, slapping another $5 bill, whilst glaring at Aiden.

And so....... after three more tries...

"This is so FRUSTRATING!" Aiden complained, ruffling his hair.

"Tsk." Ashton hissed, rubbing his chin with his thumb, as if he's thinking.

"Let's just go." I tell them, a bit disappointed, but I also know it's impossible. "We're wasting a lot of time here."

"Last game!" Aiden huffed, slapping another $5 bill hastily on the table, Ashton doing the same.

"You boys earned me a total of $50 today. Thanks." Uncle laughed, counting the bills on his hand. "You must really like the bear that much. Is it for the lady with the sparkling eyes." Then he pointed at me.

Ashton and Aiden both turned to look at me then to the old chap, while nodding their heads.

"Well," The old chap snickered, "May the best man win."

Both guys already used up their two shots, with only one left. Aiden managed to hit three while Ashton hit two.

Then the fated third ball went flying up and hitting the bottles.

Aiden threw his shot and he hit another one- which made him cuss under his breath because he needed another bottle to get the bear.

"You get a consolation prize though." The old chap laughed, giving Aiden a small rabbit toy. "It's for making me earn so much."

Aiden took it, groaning internally.

"Here, have it." Then he tossed it to Ashley whom received it happily.

"Thank you! I will surely treasure this." Ashley smiled.

"Just throw the ball and let's leave." Aiden grunted.

Then something unexpected happened-- Ashton threw the third ball and it hit all three remaining bottles with a wham.

It seems that he hit it from the side, putting his right arm to the left side and swinging it as hard as he can.

Of course, the old chap and Aiden widened their eyes.

"Huh," Ashton smirked at Aiden, "I won."

Thus, he got the bear which the old chap hesitantly gave.

"Here." Ash smiled, giving the bear to me.

"Thank you!! I love it." I squealed in delight. "But... you guys shouldn't have." I turned to glance at the both of them.

"Hmph." I hear Aiden grumble.

He's like a kid. >:D

We started walking again, but something caught my eye.

It's a charm bracelet! And it's so cute!

It's a simple silver bracelet with one four-leaf clover charm.

"Wow," I smiled, "It's so cute...."

I kept looking at it and decided to buy it.

"Hey guys! Look at my new bracelet-"

I stopped, when I realized they were gone.

I couldn't find them and there were so many people here for me to distinguish them.

I slapped myself mentally, Gee, Gabriella, great job.

You could've asked them to wait for you but you were so mesmerized with the bracelet.

With so many people here, I decided on just watching the fireworks and lanterns alone.

I was walking, checking my watch from time to time and realized, I was already walking alone for almost three hours.


I want to see the tree!

Tch, how can I be so stupid?

My tears were welling up my eyes, as I walked alone, clutching my right wrist and holding onto the clover charm, wishing that they find me.

Then I felt arms around my waist, big arms.

I felt his head rest against my shoulder, and his breathing is rapid.

Of course, my initial reaction was to blush.

Who the hell is this person to attack me from behind?

"Thank God.... I thought I lost you...."

Upon hearing his voice, my heart melted.

His voice is still ringing in my ears as if it's the sweetest sound I've ever heard.

He came back for me...

I turned to face him, and he looks worried.

Was he.. worried about me?

"Aiden...." Then I hugged him. "I was scared..."

I felt his arms around me, as he strokes my hair.

"Don't cry anymore... It's alright..." He says in a low voice. "I'm here now."

We remained like that for a while then I pushed him away.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Erm, um, I don't know either.. I left them when I realized you were gone.." He shyly answered, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, erm.. alright." I simply nodded.

"So.. do you want to just wait for the fireworks?" He asked.

"I.. I want to see the tree!" I blushed as I said this, because well.. I'm supposed to be bringing someone I love to that tree, right? "But, it's not like.. I'm going to wish for something.. I just want to see the tree."

He smiled, nodding his head, and we walked side-by-side, going to the "so-called" magical tree.

When we arrived, I was in awe.

The tree has lights on, white circular lanterns- just the size of fruits. So it looks like a tree with glowing fruits.

There's already a crowd, since 11:11pm is nearing.

"Since we're here... might as well carve the tree!" Aiden laughed, holding my hand and running towards the back side of the huge oak tree where others were happily carving their initials.

Aiden took out his swiss knife and started carving a big heart.

"So.. shall I carve A + G here?" He asked.

"You know, A can also stand for Ashton." I teased, and his expression changed almost instantly.

"Nevermind initials, I'm writing our names!" He announced.

"That's embarrassing!" I laughed.

But he didn't listen to me and began carving our names.

I don't know why, but his seriousness in carving, and the fact that he suggested carving our names on that tree made my heart flutter.

Only few more minutes 'til 11:11. :)

I watched him as he tried to make his pace quicker, checking his watch from time to time.

And at exactly 11:11pm, he finished carving with a victorious grin on his face.

"Not bad." I laughed, tracing my finger down the crooked heart carving with the names Aiden and Gabby inside.

"Psh, are you mocking me?" He rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Nope, well, slightly." I teased again.

"Whatever.." He mumbled.

I laughed at his childish face but then when I looked up, the whole sky was glittering with light.

It was breathtaking.

"Aiden... look up." I say, with a smile, my gaze never leaving the sky.

He did as I said, and I heard him gasp in surprise.

"Wow..." We both managed to say.

The lanterns already started filling up the sky and it was really beautiful.

The night sky, and the glowing lanterns.....

Then I saw a lantern floating down towards our direction.

"Wah! Aiden!! Catch it! It's going for us!" I say, slapping his arm repeatedly.

Aiden looks stunned as well, trying to chase the lantern as it fell safely on his hands.

The other people were looking at our fallen lantern with jealous eyes.

"How exciting!" I clapped, "Let's see the message."

Aiden simply rolled his eyes, laughing and shaking his head.

"Do you believe in those fortune messages things?" He laughs.

"Erm.. just open it." I say, and he blew off the light of the lantern, taking the small card attached to the string of the lantern.

"I'll read it!!" I excitedly exclaimed, taking the card from him.

"You don't need to look for someone perfect, because who knows? The right person could be just the one standing infront of you...." I read.

My heart suddenly went bonkers in my chest.

Lub dub.

Lub dub.

Lub dub.

The right person could be just the one standing infront of you...

Standing infront of you....

Aiden was staring at me with soft eyes, and I knew he's thinking of the same thing.

Then he inched towards me smiling.

"Hmm, maybe I do believe in what the message says." He laughed.

And his laugh sent shivers down my spine.

He stepped forward again, and my original response was to step backward but I didn't.

My feet were glued to the floor.

And he tilted his head to the side, as I slowly closed my eyes, feeling the corner of his lips near mine.

He closed the space between us, his lips crashing on mine, the sparks already filling my whole body.

Our lips moved in sync, it was a happy feeling.

It was a long, passionate kiss- with so much feelings poured into it.

And even if we don't say anything, it's as if our lips are already communicating for us- saying the words I wasn't able to say, the feelings I wasn't able to show.

My first kiss- was both

amazing, and painful.

Amazing, because the feeling was surreal. It's as if my heart is going to explode any minute. The lingering feelings- were all poured out, making it an amazing kiss.

Painful, in a sense that, in a few seconds, he'd pull away- and I'm scared that this might all be just a dream.


He electrecuted me.

I heard the fireworks starting, the popping sounds, lingering in my ear.

But I didn't open my eyes, and as much as I wanted to see the colorful blasts in the air, I was feeling more amazing things with our kiss.

And with my eyes closed, we continued to kiss each other as if we're dying the next day... craving for each other's taste.

With my eyes closed, I felt the fireworks, I felt the things they describe in movies and stories- the sparks, the fireworks when you kiss.

And I'm terrified.. that I still love Aiden, no matter what they say, no matter how much he's changed because at the end of the day..

The kiss with Aiden... was much more beautiful and magical than fireworks.


Okay, Aidella moments! ♥

I loved this chap so much because when I was writing it, I was squealing as well. I hope you like it!:))

Finally, the much-awaited kiss.


Anyway, send some love! :)



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