Unbearable | Jeon Jungkook

By adlerskiyo

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Falling in love isn't always about butterflies, rainbows, flowers and smiles. As Park Hyori realizes that she... More



197 11 29
By adlerskiyo

Third Wheel

After the party, I was back to basic. Classes had resumed approximately a month ago before Eunhye's birthday, and I was still struggling with waking up; honestly it's so difficult to open your eyes at six in the morning. I try my best, still, because I hate being tardy.

In the usual maroon checkered skirt, white button up blouse, school blazer, red neck tie and black long socks, I went to Seoul High and received smiles and waves from my school mates. I'm not as popular as Eunhye or Soobin; I don't have any talents at all and I'm not really the prettiest, so I can't see any reason for me to become famous. Still, it's probably because of our family name. The Parks are quite known in Seoul after all.

I met up with Eunhye and Soobin in the classroom. People were approaching them as usual and being the friendly person she is, Eunhye started exchanging words with them. Soobin, on the other hand, had her usual resting bitch face and didn't even utter a word.

I would say these two differ the most from each other among my cousins. Both are equally beautiful; having perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect smile, perfect lips and perfect teeth. However, Eunhye was born with glowing tan skin while Soobin is fair. The latter also wears glasses, but her beauty is still too noticeable.

Both of them are known to be Seoul High's beauties, but Eunhye is the sweet one. She's out-going, talented and friendly; she doesn't take things too seriously which is why she's fun to be with. When it's a joke, it remains a joke to her. She doesn't get offended easily nor is she too sensitive.

Park Soobin, however, is the opposite. She's quite strict with rules and the atmosphere surrounding her is a bit tensed and serious. Many are tricked by her angelic face, assuming that she's as sweet as Eunhye. Too bad, they're wrong. But frankly speaking, I wouldn't say she's the worst. She's actually nice too; just to a few people since she's selective when it comes to her friends. Soobin is also a genuis, she can literally solve ten mathematical questions in a few minutes, unlike me who dies with just one item.

I brushed the thoughts away and walked to my seat silently, until some of my classmates began to wave their hands at me. I bowed my head a bit in acknowledgement.

"Hyori!" I whipped my head to look at Eunhye, who was wearing a cheerful grin. "Morning!"

"Good morning." I smile back and turned to Soobin and greeted her as well. She only gave me a nod.

The school bell suddenly rang; its sound echoing throughout the crowded hallways and even inside the rooms. I hurriedly sat on my spot, just behind Soobin. Minutes later, the ringing noise had ceased and our Biology teacher came in with test papers against her chest.

Hell, I forgot about the quiz.

"I really need to set my priorities," I mumble to myself in a low voice, but it seems like I wasn't the only one able to hear it.

"You have to, we're in our last year of high school." Came Soobin's words in a cold tone. I could only bit my bottom lip and hung my head low; it's as if I'm a child getting scolded for not eating her vegetables. And I don't see how Soobin can look more intimidating, Eunhye and I are older than her by a year.

We got dismissed a few minutes ago, exactly at four. I grasp the strap of my bag and adjusted it a bit, struggling with its weight. I'm on my way to the school gates to meet up with my driver and beside me stood both of my tall and proud cousins. Eunhye was on her phone, again, just like the other week. I'm guessing she's texting Jungkook; she's been like this ever since the two of them became official. He started courting her last year and she accepted him as her boyfriend on the last week of our second year, just before summer break.

Reaching the gates, the three of us easily caught two similar faces; almost like carbon copies of each other. One was smirking and the other had a stoic expression. My lips parted in surprisement, while from the corner of my eye I saw Eunhye sparing a glance and a grin forming on her lips. Meanwhile, Soobin's brows formed a bridge.

"How's my favorite sister?"

A taller figure approached us, his lips were curled up and he was wearing aviators. He was wearing a button up shirt and black slacks. The dark earring on his right ear was shining and eye-catching as he made his way towards us.

"Stupid, I'm your only sister." Soobin clicked her tongue before folding her arms irritatedly.

This caused the male to chuckle, his hands finding the pockets of his slacks and shoving them in. His smile - smirk, actually - widened when his head moved and caught a glimpse of Eunhye and I.

"Jisoo oppa!" My enthusiastic cousin calls out and brings her phone down for a moment. "You look really cool!"

"Ah, I always do," Park Jisoo replies before raising his hand to remove his aviators; his soft, gentle, and brown eyes meeting ours.

"Oh please, stop flattering him, Eunhye. Also, it's not nice to say such lies."

"Soobin-ah! Why are you so mean to your older brother?! And call me Jisoo oppa!" He whined.

I giggled at the sight of Jisoo and Soobin arguing again. Suddenly another figure appeared, his expression quite darker in comparison to Jisoo's. His eyelashes were very dark too, defining his slightly chinky and sharp eyes. His right hand was up, gripping the strap of his bag whereas the other was down inside his pockets. He was wearing the exact same uniform as Jisoo.

"Jihoon oppa!" Eunhye waved her hands at the newly arrived guy, her smile still as wide and welcoming as before.

He only gave her a glance before turning his attention elsewhere; it seemed rude and cold but we were used to it, plus, Eunhye isn't really offended.

"Why are the two of you here?" Soobin speaks as she looked up at the two while raising a quizzical eyebrow.

Park Jisoo and Jihoon are twins and are Soobin's older brothers. The two are incredibly the same regarding physical aspects; same figure and same shape of face, only their eyes differ from one another. But in reality, the two are no where near similar. Their attitudes are apparently unalike; one is happy-go-lucky and the other is serious and strict. They're college students and are studying in Kaijō University. Jisoo is also an athlete, meanwhile Jihoon likes music. The latter can play the guitar, the drums—he can sing too.

"We're picking you up, sis," Jisoo replied, motioning a bit to his silver-painted car.

She glowered, "Both of you should be in class right now, if I'm not mistaken."

"New school year, new schedule," he shrugged. "No worries, sis, we didn't cut class. We're not the type of guys who would ditch important lessons—"

"Jihoon isn't like that, but I know you are."


I smiled to myself as I enjoy their little fight. Eunhye focused on her phone again, while I was also able to a catch few stares from some students looking at our direction. Probably because of the twins.

"Seriously though, Eomma asked us to take you home," Jisoo explained, his face turning a bit serious compared to before. "We don't have evening classes for today, you don't have to worry."

Her frown slowly vanishing, Soobin could only give her famous eyeroll before she whipped her head to see us; waving her hand dismissively. I made the same gesture with a smile. After Jisoo's cheerful goodbye and Jihoon's occassional glances on me and Eunhye, the siblings headed towards the silver car to leave the institution.

"Hyo, you called your driver?" Eunhye suddenly inquires as I was typing on my phone, ready to send a text message to my driver.

"Not yet," I reply silently. "Why? You're coming with me?"

A shade of pink suddenly dusted her cheeks as a shy smile formed on her face, "Nope." Eunhye replied, clutching the strap of her bag and in a blink of an eye, I saw an arm around her shoulder; a taller and muscular figure beside her slim one. "My boyfriend is here."

My eyes traveled up and met Jungkook's soft almond-colored and captivating ones; for a moment, I think I was lost in his gaze. A small smirk played within his thin, pink lips once his eyes fell upon me. I held my breathe; my heart fluttering and that exact second, I asked myself mentally if it was possible to look at someone and imagine that you and him are the only ones left in Earth. No audience, just the two of you. It felt really weird, at least I think so, and new.

"Don't call your driver anymore, Hyori," Eunhye brought my phone down with her soft hand. "Just come along with Jungkook and I. He has a car."

"You have?" I was snapped out of my daze when Eunhye spoke. I raised my head up to have a better view of Jungkook's small face, since our difference in height is quite big. "I thought you had a motorcycle."

"I'm eighteen now," he grinned before taking out his car keys from his pockets with his free hand. "I got my license."

I forgot that he celebrated his birthday last September 1. It was days ago, weeks even. His birthday is close to Eunhye's, but his celebration wasn't grand. He spent his day in Busan with his family according to Eunhye. I was only able to greet him through chat and texts.

"Thanks, but," I started as I try my best to reject Eunhye's kind offer. "I'm actually fine. I think it will be bothersome for Jungkook to take me home too."

"Ah!" My cousin gave me a pat on the shoulder. "We're eating out. You should join. Please?"

"I'm okay, really—"

"Ah, Hyori is probably on her diet again." Jungkook snorts, "Just come with us and stop playing hard-to-get, will you?"  

I would have taken that as an offensive statement, if I didn't remember that me and him are actually close friends. Like I said, I met him last year in my vacation in his hometown. Developing feelings for him changed me a lot; it changed the way I looked at him and treated him as a person. It seems as though every time I would lay my eyes on him, my gaze had a special meaning hidden within it, compared to those times when he was merely just one of my friends.

So, I ended up coming with them.

The food court in the shopping mall is usually crowded but not today. Perhaps because it's a Monday, and people can't really go out for family bondings during weekdays.

I feel awkward in my seat. Across from me was my cousin, Eunhye, and beside her was her boyfriend, Jungkook. He was still in his uniform which consists of clothes similar to what Jisoo was wearing earlier, but he had a black school tie on.

"What do you want, Hyo? It's on me," Eunhye gave me a sweet smile as she scanned the menu list.

"Not so fast," Jungkook brought his hand up to pinch her left cheek, "I'll pay."

I looked away when the two of them started to act all lovey dovey; suddenly I felt like I just wanted to call out a cab and lead the way to my house. Still, I should stay on my lane. Jungkook is just a crush, I should know better and stop my secret desire for my cousin's boyfriend.

"Let's just order," Eunhye suggested, rubbing her cheek while I notice Jungkook chuckling to himself in silence. His arms were folded and his gaze was fixated down on my cousin. I internally heaved a long sigh.

I decided to skim the menu list rather than to stare at them and sulk. There was a lot of interesting dishes but even though I had an empty stomach, I wasn't in the mood to eat.

"Hey, I need to excuse myself," Eunhye stood up from her seat, glancing at me and Jungkook. "I need to use the washroom."



When she walked away, I was quiet - no, I became mute. Sweat started to form in my palms as I played with my fingers under the table, my eyes down on the list. I wouldn't dare to look up and check his face again.

"Ah, you're too quite," his masculine voice reached my ears. "What happened to the witty and talkative Hyori I knew?"

I scoffed, still not looking up, "I'm just not in the mood."

"Hm? Why?"

"Do you need an explanation for that? I'm just stressed with school works."

A heard a light laugh, "Having a war against Mathematics again?"

"Physics, actually." I replied. It was partially true.

I heard shifting and steps; the next thing I knew, he was sitting next to me, a smile on his face as he winked. "I'll tutor you, 5000 won per hour!"

I was already looking at him and no matter how much I tried to stop myself from smiling, a chuckle escaped my lips because of his joke.

How can I not like this guy?

[a/n]; tbh i don't like using korean words but i'll only use the basic like unnie, oppa, hyung + eomma & appa. 

& i only took jisoo and jihoon's name; i don't claim the real artists' appearance whatsoever but you're free to believe that they're the idols if you like it's up to you lol.

also; just a flashback for ya'll (bc I updated late and you guys probably forgot the facts in the prev chap)

- hyori met jungkook in busan during her summer break last year
- jungkook lives in busan, but studies in seoul & his school isn't far from seoul high :-)

unedited bc no time for proofreading ;-;

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