Even in Twenty Years (ON HOLD)

By Anahihey

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**STORY ON HOLD.** Five best friends. Four guys. Three secrets. Two that have feelings for each other. And on... More

Chapter 1 - Roxy
Chapter 2 - Ryan
Chapter 3 - Roxy
Chapter 4 - Ryan
Chapter 5 - Roxy
Chapter 7 - Roxy
Chapter 8 - Ryan
Chapter 9 - Roxy
Chapter 10 - Ryan
Chapter 11 - Roxy
Chapter 12 - Ryan
Chapter 13 - Roxy
Chapter 14 - Ryan
Chapter 15 - Roxy
Chapter 16 - Ryan
Chapter 17 - Roxy
Chapter 18 - Ryan
Chapter 19 - Roxy
Chapter 20 - Ryan
Chapter 21 - Roxy
Chapter 22 - Ryan
Chapter 23 - Roxy
Chapter 24 - Ryan
Chapter 25 - Roxy
Chapter 26 - Ryan
Chapter 27 - Roxy
Chapter 28 - Ryan
Chapter 29 - Roxy
Chapter 30 - Ryan
Chapter 31 - Roxy
Chapter 32 - Ryan
Chapter 33 - Roxy
Chapter 34 - Ryan
Chapter 35 - Roxy
Chapter 36 - Ryan
Chapter 37 - Roxy
Chapter 38 - Ryan
Chapter 39 - Roxy
Chapter 40 - Ryan
Chapter 41 - Roxy
Chapter 42 - Ryan

Chapter 6 - Ryan

110 6 0
By Anahihey

"Ryan! Ryan! Get up!" There was jumping.

I tried moving in my bed, but there was weight on top of me.

I swear, if it was Kody again...

"Ryan, get up. It's Christmas morning. Santa brought us presents."


I opened my eyes. My younger cousins were sprawled all over my bed. Some were over me. I sat up as best as I could.

"Santa brought you presents?" I asked.

"Yeah!" they all cheered. It was about seven of them. The youngest on my bed was two and the oldest was seven.

"You won't be able to open them..."

They had frowns on their faces now.

"...because I'll eat you all! Roar!"

Screaming, they all ran from my bed and out of the room.

I got out of bed and chased them.

Some of them were quicker than others. I grabbed the kid closest to me which was my cousin Josie. She was only five.

In a swift move, I picked her off the ground.

"Ahh!" she screamed. "Help me!"

The others soon ran back. Furious, I might add. They all piled onto me. Two wrapped around my legs. Dolan, the seven year old, jumped onto my back. The others were punching my arms and my stomach.

"Let her go!" they yelled.

I laughed and put Josie on her feet.

"I'll get you all!" I joked.

They ran off screaming.

"Don't run down the stairs!" I yelled.

I walked down the stairs after them.

Everyone was in the living room. And I do mean everyone. I guess I was the last one to wake.

I looked over at the clock that hung in the living room. It was seven in the morning.

"Morning," I spoke. "Merry Christmas."

I heard a handful of 'Merry Christmas' then sat down beside my brothers on the carpet.

"Alright," my dad started. "We'll pass out the presents to the youngins, first."

My aunts and uncles started passing the presents to my younger cousins.

Immediately, they unwrapped their gifts like there was no tomorrow. I heard multiple cheers and squeals.

My parents handed me and my brothers our gifts.

I unwrapped mine. They were a few button up shirts and a few sweaters. There was also an envelope with money in it.

My parents had given me and my brothers clothes and money. Just like every year. It wasn't a disappointment because we rarely asked for stuff. They usually got us something we'd use.

"Thanks, mom and dad," I spoke.

My mom smiled.

I returned my attention to my cousins. A lot of the younger ones got toys. All ranging from dolls, to Nerf guns, to video games, to my cousin Josie getting a three-foot doll house.

My cousins that were teens, got different things. Some got new phones, new clothes, gift cards. It varied.

Overall, everyone was happy. Even my parents. My brothers and I got them matching watches. Nate thought of the idea. The three of us chipped in.

After the gifts, we walked into the kitchen for breakfast. The food was already cooked. I grabbed myself a plate. I grabbed some bacon, pancakes, and eggs. I also grabbed myself a cup and poured some orange juice into it.

I walked outside to the patio and sat down on one of the wooden chairs.

"Why are you out here by yourself?" My cousin, Faby, sat down on the chair beside me. She was only six.

"Everyone is all over the house." I started eating my food.

"Can I sit beside you?"

"Of course."

She smiled and started eating the muffin on her plate.

"So, Faby, how's school?" I turned to look at her, as I ate my food.

"So fun!"

I chuckled, remembering those days. When school was actually fun.

"That's good to hear."

"I want pancakes." She stood and walked away.

I finished eating and walked back inside.

"Ryan, what time are you going out?" my mom asked.




I walked inside the bathroom and quickly showered. When I got out, I walked back into my bedroom and got dressed.

I wore denim jeans and a black T-shirt. I grabbed a black denim jacket and put it on as well. I put on my black and white Vans.

I grabbed my keys, wallet, and gift. I quickly put on my black beanie and headed down the stairs.

My mom was in the kitchen. She and my aunts were cooking.

"Mom," I spoke. "I'm heading out."

"Don't take too long. I'm expecting you to be back before dinner."

I nodded my head and turned on my heel.

I walked outside, got in my truck and drove. We were all going to meet up at Oakley park. It was a fifteen minute drive from my house to the park.

I was the first to arrive. I grabbed the present and walked up the grass hill. I sat down at the usual picnic table we sat at. I put my present in the center of the table. It was an average sized box, wrapped in gray metallic gift wrap. When we did secret Santa, we all used the same color or same style of gift wrap. Finn would usually buy two giant rolls of gift wrap, and we would all use it to wrap our gifts. That way we wouldn't know who brought what gift. We still kept it a surprise until we unwrapped all gifts.

I pulled down the beanie over my ears. It was cold out. Most Christmas' were average weather, but today was pretty chilly.

I noticed Finn and Roxy walk up the grass hill.

They each out their gifts on the table beside mine.

"Merry Christmas." I stood.

"Merry Christmas," Roxy spoke and hugged me. "I brought cookies." She placed the container on the table.

"Merry Christmas," Finn spoke and gave me a hug. He patted my back as did I.

"Man, it's cold," he spoke, sitting down.

I sat down beside Finn, and Roxy sat down, opposite of us.

"You can say that again," Roxy spoke, rubbing her hands together to warm herself up.

I grabbed my gloves from my pocket and handed them to her.

"Thank you." She smiled and put them on.

"Merry Christmas, you sons of guns!"

We all turned. Garrett and Carter both walked up the hill. Carter carried two cup holders. Garrett carried both gifts.

They walked over to the table, and we stood.

We all hugged each other. Garrett placed the gifts on the table.

"We brought hot chocolate. That donut shop is always open for a few hours on Christmas," Carter spoke. "They're hot." He handed each of us a drink.

"Sweet," I spoke. "Roxy brought cookies."

"Homemade?" Carter turned to Roxy.

She nodded.

"Yes!" he exclaimed.

We all sat down at the table.

Finn and I sat on one side, while Carter, Garrett, and Roxy sat opposite of us.

We all drank from our drinks and ate some of the cookies.

Honestly, these cookies were best in the world. There were several in the container. There were red velvet, chocolate chip, macadamia nut, but I was eating the sugar cookies. They were my favorite. I didn't get a chance to eat any the other day because the second I set them down in the kitchen table, Kody and Nate devoured them.

"Roxy." Garrett took another bite of his cookie before grabbing another. "I was serious about that marriage proposal."

We laughed.

"Don't worry, Gare Bear, you don't need to marry me to have pancakes or cookies. For as long as I live, I'll supply you with them." She smiled.

"And that is why I love you," he spoke.

"Done confessing your love, Garrett?" Carter asked.

"Not yet. Roxanne, my love." He raised his hand in front of him. "For a long as I live, I'll be grateful for any pastries that come from you," he finished. "Now I'm done." He turned to Carter.

"Alright. Now time to open gifts," Carter started.

We each grabbed the gift with our name on it.

"Count of five, we unwrap our gifts," Finn spoke.

We all had our hands on each of our gifts.

"One," Carter spoke.

"Two," Finn continued.

"Three," I spoke.

"Four," Roxy said.

"Five!" Garrett yelled.

We unwrapped our gifts.

I removed the gift wrap. There was a brown cardboard box. I opened it.

No way. One of the guys had gotten me limited edition Converse shoes. They also got me a limited edition watch. It was a silver watch. The brand was Savinor. They had many watches, but they came out with a line of watches that were available for a short period of time. And they were the best out of all the watches they had. Seriously, on average the watches ran over a hundred and fifty dollars, but this line of watches easily went over two hundred.

"Sweet! Who got me a new Dodgers jersey and Dodgers merch?" Carter smiled. "Wait! No way! No freaking way!" He stood from his seat. "Seriously, who got me this vintage baseball card?" He showed us the card. "And it's signed!"

"Have to wait to find out, just like always," Finn spoke.

"Ahh!" Roxy screamed. "Who got me this camera and in purple, with my name engraved on the side? This is the latest version, and all of the purple ones were sold out already!" Roxy exclaimed.

Again, we had to wait.

Garrett took out the items from the box I had placed them in.

"Pokemon and Moe's! I seriously love whoever got me this. Wait! Does the gift certificate say a year? I will seriously cry, guys."

I smiled.

Finn had unwrapped his gift. "What in the hell!" He took out the black leather jacket and stood from his seat. "Who got me this? I was bidding on it. I was so close, but someone won it the last second. Seriously. This is the best thing in the world." He showed us the back of it. It was autographed in a silver sharpie, by Blink-182. "This is awesome." He sat back down.

"Alright. Time to see who was secret Santa. Carter's gift?" Garrett spoke.

Roxy raised her hand.

"Thank you so much. Such an awesome gift," he spoke.

"Ryan, I got you your gift," Finn spoke.

"Finn, it's awesome. Thank you."

He nodded.

"Garrett's gift?" Finn asked.

I raised my hand in the air.

"Ryan, dude, I love you so much. Thank you."

I chuckled. "Finn's gift?" I asked.

Carter raised his hand.

"Carter, thank you," Finn spoke. He did the usual handshake we all did.

"Alright. Roxy's gift?"

Garrett raised his hand.

"Garrett!" She beamed. "Thank you so much. I love it." She threw her arms around him.

We all got each other something we really wanted. I was stoked with my gift and so were the guys and Roxy.

"What'd you guys get for Christmas?" Carter asked.

"Clothes and money, like every year," I spoke.

"My parents got me a new phone." Finn took it out from his pocket and showed us. It was the latest model. "And they got me a few clothes."

"My parents got me a ton of Adidas clothes. They also got me some Nike shoes," Carter spoke.

"My parents got me a few jackets and a few new boots I've been wanting," I heard Roxy.

"Garrett?" Finn questioned.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing. My dad just put money on my card and told me to get whatever I wanted. I still haven't gotten myself anything."

I looked down at the table, before looking back up. The guys and I gave each other looks. We all knew how Garrett's parents worked. It sucked, and I honestly felt bad for him.

"Guys, don't worry. It's all good. I'll probably buy myself like ten video games, just for the heck of it. My parents won't mind." He smiled.

"So," Finn spoke. "How's your Christmas' going?"

"Some of my cousins are annoying. The younger ones are alright, but the older ones are annoying," I spoke.

"A few of my aunts and uncles came over. Mags and Jays were blasting their boy band music with my cousins." Carter shook his head.

"My parents came back today," Roxy spoke.

"My house smells like so much food. My aunts are still cooking. I swear that's all they do, and the house stays magically clean," Finn spoke.

"My parents didn't come home. They're still in Florida," Garrett spoke. "I woke up this morning. There was a voicemail from them. They couldn't make in back in time."

His parents really did suck.

"Hey, Gare Bear, you can join me and my parents. We're going out to dinner."

"Really?" He had a big smile.

"Of course. I don't want you spending the rest of Christmas alone."

"Thanks. I'd really appreciate that."

"I should get going." I stood. "My mom told me to be back before dinner."

The rest of the guys stood. We all walked to where we parked our cars.

"See you guys." I did our usual handshake and hugged Roxy.

After that, we all left.

I drove home. The drive back seemed rather quick. I parked on the side of the street, since the driveway was full. I brought my gift down and walked inside.

"Ryan, good. Dinner is about to start," my dad spoke.

I nodded my head and walked upstairs to put my stuff away. Once I was done, I headed back downstairs.

Everyone was already seated around the dining room table. If you were twelve or under, you sat at the kids table in the kitchen. I took my seat beside Kody. One of my uncles said a few thanks, and then we started eating.

I had some meat from the turkey on my plate, some mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese, and a salad of some sort. It was all so good. Especially the potatoes. They were my favorite part.

Everyone enjoyed the food. After dinner, they brought out desserts. There was a variety of desserts, but I only had room for a slice of cheesecake.

After we all ate, we all went into the living room. Everyone started playing a few board games. I didn't play. I sat down on the carpet, watching my cousins play.

When I was tired, I stood and walked upstairs into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I stripped myself of my clothes and put on a pair of sweats and a white T-shirt.

I laid down in my bed. It was so comfortable. I adjusted the pillows beneath my head and soon fell asleep.


"Ryan!" my dad called. "Come say bye to everybody."

I sighed. It was so early in the morning. I put on a pair of slides and walked downstairs, out to the front yard. Everyone was standing in the driveway. I hugged everyone goodbye.

"Bye, we'll see you on New Years," some of them called, as they got in their cars.

My brothers and I, along with our parents, waved goodbye.

They all pulled out of the driveway and were on their ways.

"Goodbye and good riddance." I waved. "Ow," I yelped and rubbed the back of my head. I turned to my mom.

"That was rude," she spoke.

"I was joking." Half-joking. "It's not like they can hear me. They already left," I mumbled.

"I don't care." She went inside with everyone else.

I was left by myself, rubbing the back of my head that my mother just smacked. Literally. She smacked me upside my head. And it hurt. Like a lot. She had a good swing.

I sighed and made my way inside.

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