AVP: The Intruder

By gibson1014

6.8K 131 18

I had a pretty good life. I had a caring Queen, a strong Hive, and all the weapons I needed. What could go wr... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

522 11 2
By gibson1014

As always

A/N I do not own AVP or any of the plot and characters.

All rights to this Fanfiction and its plot and plot changes goes to




The structure had grown. I headed straight for it. I needed to sink my claws into something, feel the blood on my mouth. I needed to forget. I sniffed the air, arching my back at the sound of a rustle. Lunging, I flew through some bushes, sinking my claws into wet skin. I was opening my jaws to bite when I saw what was underneath me.



"Ale'con?" I gasped, leaping off of him. Appalled, I hung my head.

"I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry." I murmured. Ale'con stood up, shaking the leaves of him. I twitched my tail. I had just attacked and nearly killed a Predalien. Not just any, but the combat master. Ale'con shook his head sighing.

"You need to sniff before you pounce. You let anger cloud your mind. If you hadn't looked, you would've killed me." he said. I nodded miserably.

"I'm really sorry Ale'con." I whispered. I was an idiot. Ale'con sat down next to me.

"Why did you come here?" he asked.

"I needed to just get away from it all. It was too much to process. I needed to sink my claws into,.. something, anything." I explained. Ale'con nodded, the dreadlocks on his domed head swinging. I had always wondered how it would feel to have them. I thought it would be annoying to have them constantly brushing in your face. Ale'con chuckled as he caught the thoughts in my head.

"Why did Shaftin run over to me? I don't understand why, most chestbursters will always go to Mother." I said. Ale'cons tail twitched.

"It might be because both of you were born on the night of the full moon. She may have felt a connection to you." he replied. I lashed my tail.

"That trouble maker, a connection to me? As if!" I scoffed.

"It could very well be, you were both born on the full moon, which is rare." Ale'con said. I paced in a circle, restless. Ale'con grabbed my shoulder.

"Go back and rest, you'll need your strength for battle practice tomorrow." I nodded and we bounded home.

The next day, I stretched my jaws in a bleary yawn. Arching my back, I slid out of the den, heading over to the battle chamber. Ale'con was there sparring with Gillian. Gillian lunged, wrapping his tail around Ale'cons arm and trying to yank him off his feet, but Ale'con grabbed him and flung him over his head by his arm. Gillian screeched and flipped over, tackling Ale'cons legs, causing him to trip and Gillian stayed crouched on top of him, pressing with his full weight. Ale'con growled and squirmed, trying to get up, but couldn't. Gillian screeched in triumph.

"Nice job Gillian." I called. He dipped his head. Ale'con, who had been laying still, suddenly heaved upwards with his legs. Gillian went flying into the wall. I cringed. Dust floated down and Gillian collapsed onto the floor with a thud. He staggered to his feet with a groan. Ale'con and I purred. He lashed his tail.

"That was a dirty trick!" he snarled. Ale'con shook his head.

"And you don't think a real enemy would do that? You still have a lot to learn, but your doing well." replied Ale'con. Gillian snorted and padded out, nudging me as he left.

"You ready?" asked Ale'con.

"Yes, but I'll let you get your breath back." I answered. He chuckled and we waited for a moment. Finally, Ale'con dropped into a crouch and bared his teeth. Arching my back I snarled and began to circle him. He watched, turning his body as I did. Suddenly, I feinted to the side and then leaped at him. I had caught him off guard and was able to grasp his back and pull myself up. I was planning to do what I had done last time. He let me, but the minute that he saw my tail, Ale'con grabbed it and threw me over his head by my tail. I yelped and crashed into the floor. He leaped onto my and grabbed my head, wrenching it back, growling. I hissed frantically, flailing my legs and arms, hoping to trip him. But, he still had my tail and I couldn't use that. Suddenly, I had an idea. Letting myself go limp, I froze. Ale'con paused, surprised.

"You give up alre-" I exploded upwards and crashed my full weight into him, sending him tumbling into the wall. Before he could recover, I had leapt onto the wall, and crouched right above his head, tail lashing slightly. Ale'con got up and swung his head in a circle, not realizing that I was above him. I reached down and tapped his shoulder and he turned and I leaped, once again crashing into him snarling. I bared my teeth and put my inner mouth right against his skull. I snickered, knowing he could pull the same trick again this time. He sighed.

"Seems I'm losing my edge, I'm getting to old for this." he grumbled. I snorted.

"Ale'con you're not old." I said. He flicked his tail with amusement. Dipping my head, I thanked him and bounded out of the room. I felt Mother contact me.

"Take a patrol out to the human town." I was surprised, we normally didn't go there. I shrugged and stuck my head into Six's den.

"Patrol?" I asked. He nodded and followed my out. We called Jaken and Ribhead. As we walked, I took a quick detour to check the area where humans were building. To my surprise and alarm, there were humans swarming all over it.

"Mother!" I howled. Her alarm was great when she heard my report. She was sending Ale'con and Gillian and Sharphand over. They arrived quickly. Ale'con bared his teeth and hissed in anger. Growling, Gillian paced forward. He was careful to stay behind the bushes. I paced behind Ale'con.

"What do we do, attack?" asked Gillian. Ale'con paused, considering the options we had.

"Well, we can attack with Mothers permission, attack on our own and not do well, or we can retreat and talk more." he said. I bristled.

"Attack and not do well? Ha, that's really funny. We would sooo own them." Sharphand jeered. Ribhead nodded. Ale'con snarled.

"No, we will speak to Mother." His tone called for no further arguments. Growling, Jaken, Gillian, Sharphand and Ribhead bounded back into the forest. Ale'con slid after them, but paused when I didn't follow.

"Fastclaw, are you coming?" he asked. I nodded.

"Just hang on, I want to check something." I replied. He nodded and soon his monstrous bulky form was swallowed by the shadows. Once again, I marveled on how such a large creature could move so stealthily and quietly through confined spaces. As I sat there, flicking my tail softly, I noticed one of the humans seemed nervous. He would glance around and jump slightly ever so often. I realized it was because of me. Every time I flicked my tail, the leaves would rustle, causing him to turn. I let out a soft hiss of annoyance and leaped up into the tree and froze in the shadows. The human glanced around one more time before returning to work. I slowly crept backwards and then leaped into another tree, jumping away for a fair distance until I was sure they couldn't see or hear me. Then I ran back. I pelted past the guards, giving them a quick nod. As I rounded a corner, I slammed into another Xenomorph. Falling backwards, I snarled, baring my teeth. My lips pulled back even farther when I saw it was Shaftin. She rolled over snorting. I stalked past her, whipping my tail lightly across her head. She growled, and I snarled in response.

"Calm down Fastclaw." Mothers voice echoed in my head. I curled my lip.

"She should watch where she's going!" I spat. I could feel Mothers exasperation though with the thoughtless newborn. I pulled my lips back in a small grin.

Word Count : 1332

AND dats another chapter! Review and give me ideas.

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