AVP: The Intruder

By gibson1014

7.1K 133 19

I had a pretty good life. I had a caring Queen, a strong Hive, and all the weapons I needed. What could go wr... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

553 11 1
By gibson1014

A/N I do not own AVP or any of the plot and characters.

All rights to this Fanfiction and its plot and plot changes goes to




"I'm sorry." she whispered. I arched my back spitting. She quickly turned and bounded out with Jaken. I grabbed her skin and shoved it out. Pacing my den, I thought about the nameless runner. Why, of all dens, mine? How did she know where it was? I hadn't been in here all day. My scent should have been stale. Unless, it was my memories. She had spoken to me first out of any others in the Hive, even Mother. Sighing, I curled up. Females. The most confusing organisms on the planet.


The next day, I padded out of my den. When I couldn't sleep last night, I sat for hours on the roof, in the light of the moon, thinking. Just then, Mothers call sounded in my head.

"Report to the Chamber now." I turned and bounded away, leaping onto the ceiling to avoid crashing into Ale'con. He turned, surprised.

"Sorry Ale'con." I said. He chuckled and beckoned me. We ran into the chamber, Ale'con barreling in through the main entrance, while I leaped through one of the overhanging vents. Bounding out, I landed besides Ribhead, who purred in greeting.

"What's going on? I asked, breathless from my run. She shrugged.

"I don't know, but Mother doesn't look happy. She's got that troublemaker with her." My head snapped up. I sensed the crowds worry and anticipation. Some held traces of anger, and I caught several hisses of anger and tendrils of thought.

"Troublemaker..., traitor, pile of no good..." Things along those lines. I shuddered. If Mother chose to accept her into the Hive, she would have a hard path to gain our trust. She sent a small tendril of thought to me in despair, but I rebuffed her and bounded into a shadowy corner of the room. I sat down and curled my tail around my feet.

"I have called you here to decide upon this runners fate. I have also given her a name." Dead silence weighed heavily in the room.

"Why would you give her a name?" called Six. "She's nothing but trouble!" Yowls and hisses of agreement rose. Mothers tail lashed and we fell silent.

"Fastclaw, come here." Mother said. My head shot up in surprise. Making my way to the crowd, I bounded up onto the ledge. Dipping my head to Mother, I looked up.

"Yes Mother?" I asked. The runner shrank back upon Mothers next words.

"Do you want to know why this runner came to you when she was born?" hissed Mother. I took a small step back at the menace in her voice.

"Yes Mother." I answered. The runner looked like she was trying to do her best imitation of a stalactite.

"This particular runner was born on the eve of the full moon. Just like YOU." snarled Mother. I reared up, hissing in shock, while howls arose from the Hive. The runner bowed her head. My thoughts spun. I hadn't even realized what night it was yesterday, and I had spent hours outside right underneath it! Xenomorphs born on the night of the full moon, were supposed to be untrustworthy. I was born on the full moon 5 years ago. I arched my back growling. I had gained my trust over and over again and held a very high status, the highest of the runners, and in the whole Hive, close to the Predaliens. The Hive had a strict hierarchy-








If you delve deeper into it, it gets more complicated, with names and ranks of each individual. Spinning around I sent a bolt of anger into the other runner.

"Are you trying to get me expelled or killed?" I screeched. She shrank back as I continued.

"I have gained my trust so many times and hold a high position, which you and your asinine antics could cost me dearly!" I roared unsheathing my claws. Hissing, I stalked towards her, a threating claw held high. She tried to leap up over me, but I reared and plucked her from the air like a bird. She crashed onto her chin and I leaped on top of her. Grabbing her head, I pulled it back until she squealed.

"Fastclaw, stop!" ordered Mother. I released her and she rolled over gagging. I faced Mother, anger growing in my throat. Hissing, I bared my teeth at her.

"I know this is hard for you, but you do not need to attack her. I know that you're loyal to the Hive." Mother said. Growling, I stalked back down to the floor.

"Come back here. She still needs a name." said Mother. I paused, digesting the meaning.

"You want me to name her?" I said. Mother nodded. I lashed my tail. I turned and stalked back up to them. Baring my teeth, I thought of at least twenty names that would show how much I hated her. But I knew that Mother would want me to pick a name that would show my respect for the Hive. Pacing back and forth, I came up with a name. Shaftin. (Cruddy name I know) Mother nodded.

"From this moment on, you will be called Shaftin." Mother said. Shaftin looked like she wanted to argue, but wisely stayed silent. She nodded reluctantly. I growled and bounded out of the room lashing my tail. Pelting towards my den, I jumped up to the hole and leapt out and ran down the side. I raced into the forest, heading towards the place where the humans were building. The structure had grown. I headed straight for it. I needed to sink my claws into something, feel the blood on my mouth. I needed to forget. I sniffed the air, arching my back at the sound of a rustle. Lunging, I flew through some bushes, sinking my claws into wet skin. I was opening my jaws to bite when I saw what was underneath me.

Word Count : 989

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