In The Light Of The Moon {COM...

By NickyAnderson3

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Nicki is a teenage girl with a HUGE secret. That only her boyfriend and his friends know. She's a werewolf. N... More

Me just Me
PUNISH (Part 2)
A long day
New Family
New plan
Say GoodBye
So what do you say
Restless Night
Because Of Me
Dark World
What were you saying
All you have to do is tell me
Through hell and high waters
If it's OK with you.
And This And That
Make A Grown Man Cry
Fantasy and Reality
Im Going Home
Longer Night Than Expected
The last I wanted to remember
The End.


51 2 0
By NickyAnderson3


what do you mean "uncle drake told you so?"

Yeah he came to my school yesterday and told me that you were never be coming back. It really scared me but I knew that there was nothing that was going to keep my mommy away.
This is the second time that I am hearing about drake.
Who is this drake you speak of?
Drake he's an old friend from wolf training. But the thing that keeps getting me is that one day while I was gone I was running in the dark and I ran into a tree. And when I came to I was in this unknown house the inside looked different. I even saw you I couldn't believe my eyes. I tried to figure out how you found me but I could never get it. I even felt you kiss me so I knew that it was real. We went to sleep and when I woke up in the middle of the night I saw Drake. I was so confused. Matter fact i'm still confused. But the first thing that came to me was that he was a hybrid. The thing about hybrids is that there extremely dangerous. They have to be terminated ASAP. They were a danger to our pack, our nation,to everyone. A hybrid is---. Let me  stop i'm getting ahead of myself. A hybrid is when your a werewolf and a vampire mix. That's the most common hybrid. There are 2 ways to become a hybrid. 1 you can be born a vampire and then have a werewolf bite you. Or you and be a werewolf and be bitten by an original vampire.

Either way it's still a bad thing. Just the thought of it makes me cringe. In training they always told us to stay away. The right thing to do is to report them to the council. That's exactly what I was going to do. But i'm in big trouble with the council right now. 

What are we going to do?

Report  him to the counc-- wait i can't do that then they'll question me about you. Sooooooo back to where we started.

OK well let's start from the beginning. I looked down at Joelle and asked "ok so when did uncle drake visit you at school." 

"We had just went to recess. He was standing at the gate and I ran past and he said "hi joelle" I stopped running and looked around and to see if he was talking to someone else and everyone else was playing in the other parts of the playground.  He said " come on you remember me don't you." I stayed away from the gate but I shook my head. He said "I'm your uncle drake".
Where were your teachers during this. "They were talking not paying attention."
"Ok well just saying this now your not going to school tomorrow."

She did a little dance that made both me and joe laugh. Joelle is there anything else that happened that day.
All I can remember is that...... Nothing. Really everything's a blur. But he has really pretty eyes.

He composed her. Wait How? I thought that Joelle was one of us.
I guess not. I thought that she was one too , that she was just a late bloomer.
What about your Harley.
Who's Harley?
She doesn't know does she.
He just shook his head.

He grabbed Joelle's hand and walked over to the couch. I slowly walked over and turned off the tv and sat down.

She had a very worried and concerned look on her face.

Ok Joelle there's something very big that I well we need to tell you.
That look stayed on her face.
Ok so you remember Galina.
She nodded.
Well it turns out that you have a ummmm...... Little sister.
A small smile appeared on her face.
Her named Harley and she's 3.
Well when do I get to see her.
I'm supposed to get her tomorrow.
We will talk about it tomorrow morning but until then go to bed sleepyhead.
She got up off the couch and went to the bathroom, came out and said goodnight before closing her door.

Joe I think I know what he is trying to do.
And what is that.
He's going to attack our family because we have something that he wants.
Which is?

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