Follow The Rules (One Directi...

By DreamingOfOreos

160K 1.3K 349


Follow The Rules (1D Spankfic)
Explaining the Consequences
Being Annoying
Sick but not Immune
Mood Swings
Acting Like a Child
Baby Leprechaun
Bar Fight
Feeling Betrayed & Sabotage Part 1
Feeling Betrayed & Sabatoge Part 2
Being Mean

Bad Boy Down

10.9K 149 66
By DreamingOfOreos

A/N Hi so it's been awhile and I'm so sorry!

But thanks for reading and continuing to support me with you comments and votes it means a lot <3

Warning: use of rectal thermometer. If that makes you uncomfortable then I suggest not reading it. Otherwise enjoy!


Zayn woke up with a slight throb in his head. Then at breakfast his throat was getting sore. He felt sluggish and weak but they had several radio interview so he knew he had to carry on. Plus the interviewers normally focused on Harry so it wouldn't be to hard to fly under the radar.

Louis had noticed Zayn looking pale but he didn't say anything. He was going to wait for Zayn to speak up but by noon he knew he had to step in.


"Zayn come on, your sick." Louis sighed.

"Am not!" Zayn defended nasally.

Louis sighed he knew Zayn was sick. It was obvious he had dark circles under his eyes. His looked exhausted. But Zayn was to stubborn to admit he was sick.

He hated people fussing over him. Zayn just didn't like being touched in general. He hated it even more so when he was sick. At lease that's how he portrayed himself.

Louis had a lot of work ahead of him to get Zayn better. But Louis had a plan.

"Ok, I'll leave you alone on one condition." Zayn nodded for Louis to continue. "Let me take your temperature. If it's normal I'll leave you alone, if it's not we're going home and you are going to let us take care of you. Got it?" Louis asked with raised eyebrows.

"Ok. But you promise no more bothering me?" Zayn asked making sure.

"I always keep my promises." Louis retorted sassily. Zayn's response was to roll his eyes.

Louis made Zayn lay down on the couch before he left to find a thermometer. Zayn was internally freaking out. He knew he was sick, but he really didn't want to be fussed over. He though he'd be able to get through this day of press. considering it was only radio interviews and they mostly focused on Harry & Niall. But no, Louis couldn't just let him be.

Now he's lying on this stupid couch waiting for Louis to come back and make him accept his fate. He was starting to fell worse his head throbbed, his throat ached, and his chest felt like someone was stepping on it and the lying down made it worse. So he sat up and curled into the arm rest of the sofa.


Louis walked back into the room with an old looking first aid kit. He cooed at Zayn, he looked so small curled on the couch.

Louis went and sat next to Zayn and started rubbing his back so he'd wake. At the motion Zayn took a as deep of a breath as he could with his nose being plugged up and opened his eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to just admit that your sick and go home?" Louis asked softly, continuing to rub Zayn's back.

Zayn squirmed away from his touch, " 'M not sick." he countered.

"Ok Zayn." Louis sighed, rolling his eyes, and removing his hand from Zayn's back.

Zayn sat up straight, or as straight as he could his stomach was starting to ache. He placed his had gingerly on his stomach. Louis noticed but chose not say anything. Because he knew Zayn had a fever and would be going home sooner than later.

Louis was rummaging through the box and found two thermometers one the tip was long and thin and it had a blue mark on the bottom. The other had a red mark on the bottom and the tip was shorter and rounder. Louis held them both out. They're were both old glass thermometers

"What the fuck? Why are there two?" Zayn questioned.

"I don't know," Louis answered. "Let me see if the kit has a booklet on what's inside."

Louis rummaged through the box till he found the pamphlet. "Here it is!" Louis exclaimed. Zayn flinched at the sound of Louis's voice.

Louis skimmed the booklet, "So it seems the one with the blue tip is an oral thermometer and the red tipped one is a rectal thermometer. Which one should we use?" He asked with cheeky, smile.

But Zayn was not amused, he just gave Louis the death stare.

"Well the sick boy sure is grumpy, isn't he?" He cooed at Zayn, and chuckled.

"M'not sick. I just don't enjoy being asked if I want a thermometer up my ass." Zayn growled.

Louis wasn't fazed by Zayn's attitude. He found it quite humorous actually. Something about an annoyed Zayn was just adorable. Louis took the blue tip thermometer and shook it down till it read 94. Zayn was staring into the distance. He was really tired. The dark circles under his eyes were noticeable. Louis prodded at Zayn to his mouth and with a sigh Zayn opened his mouth and allowed Louis to insert the thermometer. Louis stayed holding it for a minute before Paul came in.

"Louis we need you really quick, so you can explain that Zayn is sick and that's why he's not doing the interview." Paul told Louis.

"M'not sick!" Zayn explained around the thermometer, since his attempt to pulled the thermometer out did not work.

"No talking." Louis scolded. "I'll be right there." Louis turned to Paul nodded and went to wait for Louis outside.

"Keep the thermometer in your mouth I'll be right back." Louis said pointedly. Zayn's response to cross his eyes and make a face, followed by a humph.

As soon as the door shut behind Louis, Zayn took the thermometer out of his month. Shit! The thermometer was already registering 100.9. He was in deep shit, he really didn't want to fussed over and this was going to be the death of him. Then Zayn had an idea Louis wouldn't be back for at least another 2-3 minutes. So he took the thermometer and started to shake it down. In order for his plan to work he had to time it just right so was going to wait a minute before putting it back so by the time Louis got back it read a normal temp.

Little did he know that it wouldn't take long at all. The interview was already going to start so one of their team members told Liam to explain. He did so graciously.

Louis was turned back around and made it back to see Zayn stick the thermometer back in his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Louis's voice was slightly raised. Zayn flinched at his tone, his head throbbing.

Louis walked over to him and yanked the thermometer out of his mouth. "96.1. Honestly Zayn, Why? I mean I know that you hate people fussing over you but this is just crazy. You're putting yourself at risk. You could make yourself sicker and end up in the hospital. Is that what you want?" Zayn shook his head looking down. Louis let out a frustrated sigh.

"A deal is a deal. I still need proof that you have fever, and since you've shown that you can't be trusted, I'm going to take it with this one." Louis said holding up the red tip thermometer. Zayn's eye's looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

"Please, no louis!" Zayn begged his voice failing at the end, his throat was extremely sore.

"Either this or you can admit your sick." Zayn stayed quiet, fighting with himself over what's worse. Louis must have thought he was taking to long because he pulled Zayn over his lap barring him.

"No! I admit it I'm sick!" Zayn spit out.

"Too late. Now hold still." Louis rebuked, slapping Zayn's bottom.

Louis gave him 12 good smacks to his bottom. "That's for trying to trick me." Louis stated calmly.

Zayn was tearing up. He felt overly sensitive and he just wanted to be left alone. But he knew that that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

Zayn could hear Louis rummaging through the first aid kit. Louis was putting on the latex gloves. He snapped them into place. Louis reached for the thermometer and wiped it down with an alcohol pad. He grabbed the lubricant and smeared it on the thermometer. He spread Zayn's cheeks and carefully slid the thermometer in. Louis used his pointer and middle finger to keep the thermometer in place and had his hand gingerly resting on his bottom.

Zayn wanted to disappear he felt so uncomfortable. He started to squirm because it was just so awkward.

"Zayn stay still. You don't want to break the thermometer." Louis said, putting his free hand on the small of Zayn's back to keep him still.

"Or you can just take it out." Zayn suggested sarcastically. He stopped squirmed though afraid the thermometer might actually break.

"Not a chance. What you did was childish and this is how children have their temperature taken. I hope you don't make this a habit otherwise you'll be in the same boat as the other three."

The other three have tried fudging their temperatures to many times to count. Whether it be faking sick so they don't have to do something or pretending that they're fine when they want to do something. So as a final resort to stop all of that they only take their temperatures the old fashion way.

"I won't." Zayn mumbled. Once was enough to deter him from doing that again. He really didn't know how the boys continued to do it after they knew what there fate would be.

They stayed in silence the rest of the duration of Zayn getting his temperature taken. Zayn gasped when Louis pulled the thermometer out without warning. It felt so awful. Zayn was crying quietly.

"102.9. That's pretty high. We'll take you home and call the doctor. See what he can do." Louis was rubbing the small of Zayn's back.

He gently pulled the raven hair boys boxers and trousers back in place. When he stood Zayn up he finally realized that he was crying softly. "Oh, Zee.." He said pulling him down gently into his lap. Zayn immediately cuddle into Louis. At this point he felt terrible and he needed the comfort from his bandmate.

Paul walked in inwardly cooing at the sight before him, "Boys the interview is nearly over, I though I'd take you to the car since there are no girls outside right now."

"Thanks Paul." Louis gave the man a small smile.

Louis stood Zayn up, but Zayn started to sway slightly. Louis caught Zayn by the waist. They took a few steps but Zayn was leaning all his weight on Louis. So Louis just picked him up and carried him to the car.

Louis placed Zayn gently in his seat and slid in next to him. He draped his arm over zayn's shoulder pulling the raven haired boy close. Zayn was slowly letting his guard down snuggling in to Louis. Louis caressed his cheek softly. Zayn leaned in to his touch, much to Louis's surprise.

Zayn wouldn't admit it but deep deep down inside he liked the comfort.

Soon Niall, Harry, and Liam came in to the car. Niall and Harry gave Zayn a sympathetic look before climbing in to the back seat.

Liam sat down next to Zayn. Zayn ended up in the middle of Liam and Louis. Liam started to rub the center of Zayn's back. Niall and Harry watched anxiously thinking that Zayn might lash our, but he didn't. Instead he scooted so his head was in Liam's lap and his feet on top of Louis. He slept restlessly back to the house.


Part 2 maybe?
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