mindset • g.w.

By forsuredudeyeah

2.6K 105 75

The smell of cigarette smoke hit me and I turned my head slightly to see strikingly white hair and tan lookin... More

Authors Note
one: pretty boy
two: hello, stranger
three: the instrumental aspect
four: liquor bottles
six: wet clothes, wet hair
seven: time off
eight: all for show

five: a red wisp

244 11 10
By forsuredudeyeah

The picture above is actually a picture I took traveling. It was one of my favorite places and it inspired the setting in the main part of this chapter.

Art museums, in my opinion, are boring.

There is nothing pleasurable about looking at a wisp of red paint across a white canvas to me.

For whatever reason people always seem baffled at the fact that I, a self-respecting artist, do not like art museums.

I tell them all the same thing about that white canvas with the wisp of red paint across it.

Street art however is a completely different story.

Street art can range from a cat head with three eyeballs no bigger than the size of your hand to murals that portray their creator's stories and moral theories.

That is why we as a group made the decision to cram together in a rented car to go on a day trip around the city to find street art.

A clinking sound resonated throughout the car as the cans of spray paint resting in Mikey's lap bumped together.

Tagging is also something that I enjoy doing as it allows me to somehow merge my thoughts and ideas with other people's pieces.

I looked over at him, an automatic response to the sudden sound to find him looking at me already.

"Hey," his cheeks flushed red after he greeted me and he lightly shook his head, presumably at himself.

I laughed a bit and returned my gaze in front of me to study our surroundings.

My eyes instead landed in Gerard's direction.

He was driving so he didn't notice my subtle gaze, allowing me to continue observing him.

He lightly tapped along to the song on the radio before he removed one hand to push his sleeves up, revealing tan arms.

He didn't strike me as the type of person who did a lot of outdoor activities, but I'm sure his Italian heritage had a lot to do with his natural skin tone.

Frank, who was sitting comfortably in the front seat, turned around to look at me.

"So what about family?" The question was oddly worded and Gerard gave him an annoyed look before smacking him upside the head and turning his eyes back to the road.

"You don't just randomly ask people personal questions like that, dumbass." I covered my mouth to mask the laugh that threatened to escape.

Frank however, was completely serious, his eyes locked with mine as he awaited an answer.

I was taken back at his pleading features, why was my family history so important to him at this moment?

I swallowed and cleared my throat as I attempted to get rid of the lump in my throat.

"I uh, y'know..." I paused and awkwardly tried to ignore the curious stares from everyone in the car, aside from Gerard of course.

"I had a pretty normal childhood. I left home as soon as I could've though. Angsty teenager wanting to leave her house isn't that out of the ordinary though. I was actually adopted by my aunt and uncle when I was about two years old though, so that's interesting I guess."

Frank pursed his lips and muttered a 'cool' as he turned back in his seat.

I tried to shake the unnerving feeling that had formed a knot in my stomach as I watched the back of Frank's head, no such thing happened.

We finally arrived under a bridge who's supporting piers were covered in beautiful art.

My eyes observed a large piece that depicted the villain from The Little Mermaid, Ursula I believe is what her name is.

Her tentacles wrapped around the pier, weaving in and out of other works.

"That's the one I'll tag." Frank's words met my ears and I threw him a look.

"No, I call dibs." He gave me a smile and started running in the direction of the underwater witch, me following.

I quickly caught up and shoved him out of the way as I shook a can of dark paint, starting to spray the beginning marks of a spider web between her tentacles.

Frank suddenly grabbed me, putting me over his shoulder and adding his own ideas.

I noticed all of the weird looks the other guys were giving us, Ray whispering to Mikey and pointing to us.

I quickly slid off of his shoulder and brushed myself off, giving him a small smile.

Pulling my short hair into a ponytail I walked in the direction of our group who were all just standing around by the car.

"What's up?" Gerard laughed and looked at me with amused features.

"You have a habit of asking that question don't you?" He crossed his arms and leaned against the car in a very cliche manner.

"I suppose I do." I looked at him for a moment or two before taking in our surroundings.

The set of railroad tracks that went under the bridge were rusted and old looking and the gravel we were standing on crunched beneath my feet as I walked in the direction of the river that moved swiftly over smoothed over rocks.

I kicked my shoes off and smiled as I walked into the river.

The water was cool on my feet and immensely refreshing as I moved around, carefully stepping over the deeper parts not wanting to get my jeans wet.

I closed my eyes and let the sun kiss my face, loving the warm feeling that spread over my body.

"It's beautiful out here." I turned around and looked at Frank who was hesitantly stepping into the river, holding his socks and shoes.

"Yeah..." I diverted my attention from him as he settled beside me.

"I hope me asking about your family didn't weird you out or anything. I just had a stupid idea." He shrugged as he looked down at the clear water rushing beneath our feet.

I furrowed my brows as I turned to look at him, a certain curiosity washing over me.

"What was it?" He hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"Like I said it was stupid." I placed my hand on his arm and slightly turned him so he was facing me.

I gave him a serious look and silently urged him to tell me as I couldn't shake the unknown feeling of nervousness that had taken over my body.

He sighed and looked down before bringing his eyes up to meet my own.

"I'm not an only child, I know this because my parents weren't as conspicuous as they thought they were when it came to hiding pictures of my sister from me. She lived with us for a few years but my family couldn't support another child so they did what they needed to do for both her well-being and ours and sent her to live with my mom's sister." I kept silent as he swallowed nervously before continuing on.

"My aunt sent us pictures for a while as she grew up, report cards and little drawings here and there until my sister was about six or seven I think, but then she just kind of stopped. She decided that it'd be best for everyone involved. The only contact, aside from those few years she lived us, my parents had with her was when my mom sent my sister the mother's ring she had. She hoped that my aunt would let her have it when it showed up in the mail."

I nodded as an uncomfortable silence came over us before speaking up.

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

He gave me a nervous look and sighed.

"Because you're wearing that ring."

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