Europe visit

By Huaye20

10.3K 287 82

This story is set after legion mate. Aichi graduates from high school but is now unsure of what to do. Just l... More

I can't wait
Authors note
Three Day Awkwardness, and an Unexpected Turn for the Worst
Ideas and rules
Morning Adventure
Lost, In and Out
morning chaos
Authors note
Festival of Death

Afternoon fun Evening disaster

379 14 10
By Huaye20

"Kai wait up!" Aichi called. "Oh sorry Aichi guess I got to excited" Kai replied. "It's okay anyway where would you like to go?" Aichi asked. "The museum!!" Kai replied really loudly. Seriously he said it really loudly everyone in the area were looking at him as if he were a psycho person. "Okay let's go!" Aichi replied swiftly. Then he dragged Kai away to the museum. On their way there Aichi's phone rang. Aichi looked to see who was calling and saw that it was Misaki, he picked up the phone. "Hello, Aichi here" Aichi started: (I'm going to try a different form of writing since they are talking on the phone, first time trying don't know if this will go well or not)

"Hey Aichi, how's your trip going?"

"It's been good however..."

"Aichi? Did something happen?"

"Well... Kai got hit by a car and lost most of his memories"

"What?? Well is he okay aside from that?"

"Yes he broke some ribs and has some minor injuries but he's okay aside from that"

"That's good to hear, oh yeah Miwa wants to talk to you"

"YO Aichi! It's Miwa!"

"Hello Miwa"

"Is everything okay Aichi?"

"Kai got hit by a car, lost his memories, broke some ribs and has some minor injuries here and there"



"Can you put Kai on the phone?"

"Yeah sure"

"Kai , here Miwa wants to talk to you" Aichi stated handing the phone to Kai. "Okay!"

"Hey Miwa!"


"I'm fine Miwa your over reacting"

"Oh no I'm not, you got hit by a car"

"Yes but I'm okay now"

"That's good"

"Anyway how ya doin?"

"I'm doing great Kai, you?"

"I'm good, Aichi is really really nice, he is a good cook to!"

This conversation continued on for a few minutes and eventually kai hung up. "Miwa never changes" Kai stated, handing Aichi back his phone. "Alright the museum is just up a head" Aichi stated pointing ahead. "Whoa it's so big!" Kai commented. Aichi smiled at him. Soon they reached the museum. Once they got in Kai was running everywhere looking at all the displays. Aichi just walked and smiled. "Wow Aichi look this picture is amazing! Don't ya think?" Kai asked. "Y-Yeah" Aichi smiled awkwardly. "I'm still not used to Kai acting like this" Aichi thought. Eventually they got out of the museum. "That place was just incredible!" Kai commented. Then Aichi heard a growling sound and looked to see that it was in fact Kai's stomach. "You want to go and grab something to eat?" Aichi asked. "Yeah, definitely, I'm starving" Kai replied sarcastically holding his stomach. They quickly found a restaurant and took their seats at a table. "What would you like?" The waitress asked. "I want hmmmm ahhh how about this escargo thingy" Kai replied. "Very good sir and you?" The waitresses asked Aichi. "I would like, just some soup is good for me" Aichi replied. "Very well, I will back with your orders soon" The waitress explained. "Um Kai why did you choose to have escargot?" Aichi asked. "Cause it sounded interesting" Kai replied. "I see" Aichi smiled awkwardly. "I wonder if he even knows what escargot is" Aichi thought. Soon the waitress came back with their orders. She then bowed and took her leave. "What is this thing? It looks gross" Kai asked. "It's escargot" Aichi replied. Then Kai tried it and immediately his face scrunched up and he spat out what he had just put in his mouth. "GROSS!!!! What was that?" Kai asked. "Maybe I should have mentioned that escargot are snails" Aichi stated. "S-S-Snails!!!!" Kai yelled. "Yep" Aichi replied. "I'm never eating that again" Kai stated. "Hahaha, well here you can have some of my soup" Aichi offered, Aichi handed him an extra spoon. "Really?" Kai asked. "Yep" Aichi replied and they both enjoyed dinner together.
Later on...
"Hey Kai there is a festival tomorrow would you like to go?" Aichi asked. "Yeah! Let's go!" Kai cheered. Then they reached their apartment and Aichi opened the door, only to see something he didn't expect. Right in front of him on the ground was soapy water. That's when he remembered. "Um Kai what did you put in the dishwasher when you started it?" Aichi asked. "I used dish soap" Kai replied. "How much?" Aichi asked. "Hmm. What was left in the bottle" Kai replied. "That was about two thirds of the bottle" Aichi thought. Then they spent the night cleaning up the big mess that Kai made.
That's the end of the chapter. To lazy to write it the normal length. Also I'm unsure if I spelt escargot right so if you know how to properly spell it please tell me and if you are a reader that likes escargot please do not take what's in this chapter offensively and if you do please forgive me for making you sad. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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