Life Changes

By rosemeetsdagger

15.8K 526 195

Harry and Louis hate each other. Well, perhaps hate isn't the right word. Abhor? Detest? Loathe? Let's just s... More

Life Changes
1. Don't Be So Cold, We Could Be Fire
2. Don't Try To Fight The Feeling
3. You Needed Me To Feel A Little More And Give A Little Less
4. Is It So Wrong That You Make Me Strong
5. I Can Feel The Pressure, I Know The Pain And The Hurt
6. With The Exception Of You, I Dislike Everyone In The Room
7. I've Been Trying To Fix My Pride, But That Shit's Broken
8. Drunk Off That Love, It Fucked My Head Up
9. Nothing Else Matters Now, You're Not Here
10. I'm Only A Fool For You And Maybe You're Too Good For Me
11. That Ain't Your Baby No More
12. I've Got Love On My Fingers, Lust On My Tongue
14. You Rip Out All I Have, Just To Say That You've Won
15. If You're Looking For Love, Know That Love Don't Live Here Anymore
16. Darling, Stay With Me

13. I Don't Need My Love, You Can Take It

748 25 12
By rosemeetsdagger


"Ugh," Harry groaned from Louis' heavy weight pressed on top of him, Louis' chest sticky and sweaty. "Do you mind?"

Harry frowned, petting Louis' head roughly to get him off.

"Mmm," Louis hummed. "'M too comfortable."

Harry's features softened at Louis' sleepy and lazy reply, his heart melting. He wrapped an arm around Louis, kissing him sweetly on the temple. Fingertips fluttered across Louis' arm, raising his skin in goosebumps. Harry continued kissing Louis on his forehead, his cheeks, his lips, his chin, everywhere. He couldn't get enough of touching him. He wanted to make up for lost time.

"Didn't peg you as the type to be so lovely after sex," Louis mused.

"Why's that?" Harry asked, pecking him on the nose, Louis scrunching it in response.

"I don't know. I thought you would be wired out. Was it not good enough?" Louis asked carefully, a little insecure.

Louis lifted his head, opening one eye in question. Even though he deserved an Oscar for his acting skills at keeping his voice steady, Harry knew Louis was doubting himself. Harry kissed the corner of Louis' mouth, couldn't help the smile that took up most of his face.

"You were great, love. I just like kissing your ugly mug," Harry said happily.


Louis frowned, swatting Harry on the shoulder meanly. Harry's cackles filled the room in bright light. His laughter touched the cracks and crevices, lighting up every spot even in the darkest corners. It filled Louis' heart with joy, made him content and relax, made his toes curl between the bed sheets. Louis cradled Harry's face in the palm of his hand, openly staring at Harry. No more were the days where he had to sneak glances to check him out, Harry was readily presenting himself for Louis to admire and discover and explore.

"To be fair, I'd have wet dreams about you all the time. I would wake up with a boner and I had to jerk off with you sleeping next to me," Harry confessed, his eyes twinkling with unsung laughter.

"Oi!" Louis repeated, pleasantly surprised. He pinched Harry's cheek, his voice slow and sweet like honey. "You filthy boy. Where have you been all my life?"

Harry's face fell. He quieted, darting his eyes everywhere else except at Louis. Louis lifted Harry's chin with the tip of his finger, his gentle voice an inquiring tone.

"What is it, sweetheart? Did I say something wrong?"

Louis cocked his head to the side, no sign of amusement present. Harry bit the corner of his mouth.

"I've been here, Lou. All this time. Waiting."

Louis swallowed visibly, blowing hot air out of his kissed-bitten lips. A pretty pink dusted over his high cheekbones, his eyes soft and so, so blue. Harry could write endless poetry or paint tenerife seas over the color of Louis' eyes. Louis thumbed Harry's cheek, his smile small but still there.

"I'm sorry it took me so long. I just got stuck."

Harry could cry honestly. Instead, he wiped at his dry eyes and tugged Louis closer, kissing him with so much force he felt himself go lightheaded with it. Louis brought out the best of Harry. He unraveled all the parts within Harry, the good and the bad, and Harry felt like he was exposed out into the open for Louis to pick at and judge. Harry felt braver, stronger and more confident around him.

Harry's body seemed drugged from Louis' presence. His eyelids weighed closed as he moved near like a man in a hurricane, nowhere to go but muster bravery in the eye, compelled to touch Louis' lips with his own. Upon rediscovering him, their shallow breathing became one as Harry pried open Louis' mouth with his tongue, licking inside. Harry's tongue was so clever with just enough bite to have Louis gasping. And then in a ragged beat of his heart, Harry melted in Louis' embrace. Harry clutched Louis' body to his, wanting the world to disappear and spend hours upon hours mapping out Louis' body with his tongue, touching parts of him that he had left untouched.

Harry swore he would give up everything for Louis. All Louis had to do was ask.

"If I could, I'd go back in time to our first date."

"Why?" Louis asked, the vulnerability swimming in his eyes all too clearly.

"So I can do it all over again. So I would learn not to give up on you."

"But I was a prick! You were so lovely. I was the one—"

"No, Lou," Harry interrupted him before Louis could belittle himself. He pressed his lips to Louis' softly, quieting the other boy. "Maybe it would have gone differently if I tried harder. Maybe over dinner we could have connected."

"It doesn't matter." Louis pulled away, Harry following Louis' lips and making an unhappy sound at the back of his throat. He carded his fingers through Harry's messy, shiny tresses. "'Cause I have you now."

'Cause I have you now, Harry repeated dopily in his head.

All that mattered now was that Harry finally got his boy.

After a quiet moment, Harry whispered, "I think they planned this."

"What? Us? No," Louis replied firmly.

Louis rolled over in bed and pressed his face to the cool pillow, watching Harry watch him. He stretched his toes, his body always feeling boneless after a good fuck though Harry was more than just a good fuck.

"They've tried that once before and we all know how that worked out."

"I kinda get it now."

"When they set us up?"

"Yeah. I never understood it before, but now that I know you better, I can see what Zayn was thinking. You have a lot in common with him," Harry whispered in the dark.

Harry reached out and tugged Louis' earlobe, Louis smiling at the small affection. Whether it was a touch or a caress, Harry's fingertips seared heat into Louis' skin, Louis craving for more afterwards. Louis felt helpless and needy for it as if Harry was making him beg for more. He caught Harry's wrist before he pulled back and laced their fingers together.

"What? Zayn?"

"You'd think it'd be Liam, but it's him you remind me more of. He was just so fun and easygoing, you know?"

The left side of Louis' lip quirked higher than the right. Louis pressed a kiss to the underside of Harry's wrist, smiling against the frail skin and pulling away. His eyes were alight and sparkling with mischief. Harry knew that look like the back of his hand, always the victim whenever it came to Louis' pranks. Louis leaned in and cupped both of Harry's cheeks in his hands, kissing him deeply. His mouth was warm and wet, Harry opening his own and pulling on Louis' bottom lip. Louis kissed him one last time, his thumbs pressing on the damp cushion of Harry's lip.

"You're so gorgeous, Lou," Harry mumbled.

Louis felt his cheeks flush with pleasure, flattered and embarrassed in equal measure. For once, he couldn't think of anything to say, not even a snarky comment to reply, and caught Harry's mouth again for another kiss instead, this one so soft and slow it had Louis mewling into Harry's mouth. Harry broke away to gaze hungrily at Louis, his eyes drinking him in from head to toe.

"So gorgeous," Harry repeated, grazing his fingertips across Louis' slightly hairy chest.

Louis' mouth went dry and he was so embarrassed his eyes felt wet. He let out a nervous little laugh at being watched under so much scrutiny, his heart in his throat. After a moment, he cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"I have a surprise."

"What?" Harry asked, finding himself to be excited like Louis if not more.

Harry was never a part of Louis' devilish plans and it felt so good to finally be on his side. He felt like a winner, a champion of some sorts as if Louis approved of him and Harry had won at life. Well, Harry just had Louis come inside of him a few minutes ago so he might as well call himself a winner for life.

"Something I found earlier. Contraband."

Louis rolled over on his side of the bed and opened the bedside drawer, pulling out something he then hid from Harry. He unclasped his hands around the object, revealing his surprise. It was a small bag of weed.

"Oh my God," Harry gasped. "No."

"What do you mean no?" Louis squinted his eyes almost all the way shut.

"We can't. Isabella is asleep and—"

"Exactly! She's asleep! C'mon, it will help us stay off glaucoma," Louis suggested, his quick-as-a-fox wit impressing Harry.

Still, Harry stayed put.


"C'mon," Louis urged in a whine.

"No. Absolutely not." Harry shook his head defiantly. He laughed, "We cannot smoke that."

Louis cocked his head, scrunching his lips to the side in thought. Harry caught onto Louis' wide smile, the dimple a crater on his cheek, his eyes flashing in realization and his mouth flopping open. They didn't have to smoke it to have a good time. After all, Harry was an up-and-coming restaurant chef.

Harry gave in. It only took one shared look and both boys raced to the kitchen, giggling all the way down the stairs. Harry poured milk, sugar, brownie mix and melted chocolate into a large bowl. He stirred the ingredients for a while and handed the bowl over to Louis when he was done. Louis cracked two eggs on the edge of the bowl, dripping the egg whites and yolks inside.

"Can you whisk that for me, babe?" Harry asked as he preheated the oven to 350 degrees.

Louis dumbly stared at the bowl, his body motionless.

"How do you whisk again?" Louis asked, confusion striking his face.

Harry laughed, knowing it was just a tactic to get him to do all the work, but he decided to humor Louis. He pressed up behind Louis, his large hand enveloping Louis' on the whisk. He started flicking their hands together in a circular motion, Louis humming in comprehension as they whisked the brownie mixture together.

Louis lifted the whisk up to his face, his pink tongue darting out to taste the chocolate. Harry giggled next to him, Louis teetering on the tips of his toes to steal a sweet kiss. Harry loved that Louis had to reach up to get what he wanted. He smiled with closed lips, wrinkling his nose at the chocolate that dripped off his lips and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

They buttered a pan and spread the goopy chocolatey mess evenly across the container. Once that was done, they stuffed the brownie covered pan into the oven and shut the oven door closed. As they waited for the brownies to bake, Louis sat on top of the kitchen island, sharing sugary kisses with Harry and sucking on Harry's chocolate-tasting tongue. When Louis tried to let go, Harry caught their mouths together again, kissing Louis slow and sweet. The oven beeped, promptly interrupting their hot makeout session.

"Lou," Harry mumbled against Louis' mouth, Louis' teeth snagging on Harry's bottom lip.

"Hmm?" Louis hummed, pressing three kisses in rapid succession to Harry's puckered lips, leaving Harry a laughing mess.

"I think the brownies are done."

"Just one more minute."

Harry laughed, bright and unabashed. One minute turned into five more minutes and Louis had to hurry up to pull the brownies out of the oven so they wouldn't burn. Once they let the weed brownies cool down, they frosted them with more chocolate. Harry picked up a brownie, feeding the treat to Louis as he made exaggerated moaning sounds, rubbing the small pouch of his stomach.

They stacked all of the brownies on a platter, sliding on the hardwood floor on socked feet towards the bedroom. Louis skidded to a stop near a small table, leaving some brownies on a plate there.

"Why are you leaving them?"

"I'm just taking a few. We're not gonna eat all of these."

Louis took their first platter and chased Harry out of the living room, slapping Harry's arse with his foot and pinching it afterwards for good measure. Harry yelped, laughing and running away like he was five years old again. Louis flushed warm all over. Harry made him feel like a teenager again.

Louis let his eyes linger on Harry's backside. Harry was dressed in only tiny black boxer-briefs that clung to his swaying hips. He looks so gorgeous.

They climbed into bed and tipped brownies, munching into them and moaning at the same time. Harry grinned at Louis, his two front bunny teeth coated in chocolate. Louis laughed so hard he fell over the bed, Harry guffawing a loud laugh that echoed all around the room. Louis felt dizzy with affection.

Thirty minutes later (that felt like hours) passed by and both boys were sprawled on the floor with Louis' head cradled in Harry's lap. Louis and Harry were attuned to the television screen playing The Wiggles. Vibrant colors were on display, the brightly-colored men dancing along to floating shapes and flying cars.

"You know they were five Wiggles originally? I was the fifth Wiggle."

Louis pointed proudly at himself. Harry wanted to muffle his hyena laugh by pressing the back of his hand over his mouth, but when he tried to do so, Louis tugged Harry's hand away, wanting to see his smiling, naked face. Harry hid his smile on Louis' shoulder anyways.

They continued to watch The Wiggles, the children's show playing fast music that could seriously be played at a gritty gay club.

"This is inappropriate for children," Harry commented, wide-eyed and shocked.

One hour later and Louis and Harry were dancing free-spiritedly, Louis doing the worm with his arms as he exclaimed, "I'm wiggling. Ha! Get it?"

"Oh! That's so cool. How do you do that?" Harry mimicked Louis' dance moves, his arms flapping wildly like an uncoordinated bird's wings. "Am I doing this right?"

Louis smiled at Harry, clapping his hands excitedly and encouraging him on. If there was one word to describe Louis it would be supportive. Or lovely. Or gorgeous. It was hard to suffice all that Louis was in one word. Love, maybe that one fit him the best.

After their high mellowed out, Louis and Harry were draped over each other, their limbs tangled together in a mess. Harry's head laid on Louis' lap, Louis' fingers carding through Harry's sticky curls where Louis had chucked a spoonful of chocolate at him before. A cartoon moon and sun flickered across the television screen with The Wiggles singing a soft lullaby in the background.

"So the moon and the sun are friends?" Louis murmured from above Harry, his hand feeling heavy.

"They're best friends," Harry replied, his voice sleepy and soft.

Louis' hands felt heavier and heavier until they fell limp on top of Harry's head. Harry shuffled and turned his face up, squinting at Louis in the dark.


When no answer came, Harry groaned and stretched, his bones heavy. Harry heaved himself up and pulled Louis along with him.

"I know you're faking, Lou. C'mon," Harry bemoaned tiredly, Louis' heavy body carrying down their combined weight.

Harry huffed through his nose haughtily and pulled Louis into his arms, bending down and wrapping an arm under Louis' legs to carry him bridal style.

Harry placed Louis on his side of the bed gently, pulling back the duvet and bed sheets with half-closed eyes. He made grabby hands at Louis and picked him up only to place him down on the mattress again, Louis' body bouncing a little. He jumped over Louis' slumped form and landed on his face onto the bed.

With a low groan, Harry pulled the bed sheets over them, the silk feeling cool against his burning skin. Harry wrapped an arm around Louis, pulling him close. Louis sighed in his sleep, shifting to accommodate the warm body next to him.

Harry kissed Louis softly, remnants of chocolate drizzle catching in the light at the corner of Louis' mouth. He licked it away and settled his head on the center of Louis' chest. He held him close until he heard Louis' deep, even breaths and felt the steady rhythm of Louis' heartbeat under his palm. He wasn't planning on letting go of Louis anytime soon.

Harry felt so much love and adoration for Louis that he could barely withhold it. It was as if his heart was ready to burst with the affection he contained for Louis day in and day out. He didn't want this to be a one-night stand. He swallowed past a hard lump lodged inside his throat, somberly thinking, I want so much more with you.

Harry fell asleep staring at Louis' slackened worry-free face.

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