I Hope You See Me Soon.(Frera...

By KileyHeck

4.9K 150 144

Gerard Way had a talent with a pencil. He could draw anything he wanted, he just never knew what it was. He w... More

Vingt et un
Vingt Neuf
Guys What???


152 6 4
By KileyHeck

This is also written on my computer, so when I get my phone back, I will edit these past two chapters.


"Frank, Mikey, can I speak to you in the hall?" Mr. Joseph said to us as soon as we stepped into the music room.

We nodded in response and stepped out.

"Where were you?" He directed the question towards me. I didn't speak and just avoided his gaze.

"The bathrooms, Frank was crying so I took him in there to calm him down." Mikey said in response, I'm glad he understood my reason for not answering.

"Why were you crying, Frank?" Mr. Joseph lost his sternness an replaced it with fake emotions.

"Some people put some fucked up shit in his locker." Mikey said, not caring that he cussed in front of a teacher. Mr. Joseph not caring either.

"Like what?" He asked. Then I realized that his caring emotion wasn't fake, its real and it matters.

Mikey started walking towards my locker with Mr. Joseph right behind. I went into the classroom because I didn't want to see it anymore.


"Frank." He said not caring about my existence.

"What's up with you?" I knew what was wrong. Someone told him.

"You're what's up! You didn't tell me what shit was put on your locker! Then you go off with Mikey! Why?! You probably thought I couldn't handle it, huh?!" He shouted at me.

He shouted at me. Just like my dad shouts at me. He was going to hit me next. Then I was going to run to my room. Strum Pansy. Know it's not helping. Tear apart a razor blade. And ruin my already horrendous arms.

He knew what I do, why did he shout at me?

I ran out of the classroom, and out the front doors, not caring about a shitty truancy officer coming after me. The only place I could think to go where I would be safe was Gerard's house. Of course my only safe place is the house of the person in running from.

I made it to his house, and knocked, because even though I am some punk emo kid, I still have manners.

"Frank? Shouldn't you be in school?" Ms. Way asked.

"You mean shit central?" She didn't care about my cussing.

"I guess, but why come here? Why not your home?" She didn't know, of course, Gee-Gerard didn't have time to tell her.

"My home has an abusive father, and an alcoholic mother, with a baby that's gonna die because she won't stop drinking. That place is even worse than school. I'm going to Gerard's room to take a nap, if that's alright?"

"Of course it's fine. I'll wake you up when the boys get home." She smiled at me.

"Thank you Ms. Way."

Mmmm, all I write is crap. Can't you just smell the crap of my writing.

So long

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