Smokey Love (M.H, A.H)

By itssskezzz

3.4K 55 33

"We just smoke together" More

Too much
That Girl
Crocodile Rock Cafe
Long Time No See
Little Brother
Back at it again
Song Writing
New Jersey
Date Night
Breaking Point
New tunes
Wrong inpression
Authors Note xx
All is lost
Talk it out
Baby Boy
Just a dream
Truth Time
Bad idea
Family meal
Wake up

Talking Mariage

79 1 1
By itssskezzz

**Ashley's P.O.V**

A few days later I'm sitting in Jenna's apartment, I'm all alone because she's at work, I take advantage of the fact I have nothing planned day,I'm barefoot wearing a huge baby baby blue jump which reaches down just above my knees, I've got a hot cup of coffee in my hands and I'm on the sofa watching OITNB when there's an unexpected knock at the door, I can't be bothered to get up, so I shout
"It's open," I don't turn around when the person entered the room, I assume it's Peder, I can't be bothered to make conversation with him today,
"Busy Day?" I strong accent talks, I spin my head around, it's Matty,
"Oh sorry," I start to get up, " I, um, wasn't expecting anyone today,"
"Don't get up, I'm coming over," he walks to the kitchen area and fills a mug with coffee,
"Matty, I really don't think, this is the time or the plac...." I trail off and he interrupts me,
"Not for that," he grins and rolls his eyes, I slumps next to me on the sofa,"I want to get to know you,"
"Um, okay, alright," I pause and look at him, " what u wanna know, I'm not very interesting,"
His eyes light up, that I don't decline, he turns and faces me crossing his legs like a child,
"I don't know, introduce yourself to me," I beams,
"I'm okay, I'm Ashley Nicolette Fangipane, I'm form New Jersey, I have 2 younger brothers, Sevain and Dante, I'm 19, I went to Warren Hills high school, um, I majored in Art, I wanted to go the Harvard or Ronde Island, um, but I didn't, I dropped out of community collage when I was 17, we started arguing at home, shortly after dropping out I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder after I tried to overdoes, I left home at 18 bra use I couldn't be bother to listen to my parents anymore, I couch surfed for a while and now I'm staying here, at my friend Jenna's apartment and yea thats about it,"  I look at him, he is wides eyed obviously listening to me, there's silence for a while,
"Your incredible," he says staring right into my eyes,
I roll my eyes, "pfff, nah," I smile,
"No I'm serious, you been through so much," I leans forward, "and ur amazing,"
I smile shyly and get up to refill the coffee mugs,
"What about you then," I ask light heartily,
"What about me?" He smirks,
"Tell me about urself," I smile,
"Try Wikipedia," he winks at me,
"Your so modest," I roll my eyes,
"It's hard to be as modest as I am when your as famous as I am," he says jokingly,
"Oh, I forgot I was in the presence of a Rock Star," I laugh,
"Oh stop Ashley you flattering me," I puts his hand on his chest and throws his head back dramatically. I laugh at him.
"Okay I'll tell you about me, my name is Matthew Timothy Healy, I'm from just outside Manchester, I'm in a wannbe indi rock band, with three of my best mates from school, I failed school, I chose Reading festival over getting my exams results and I choose music over my social life, my mum Denise has her own English TV show and my dad Tim is an actor they split up when I was younger, my little brother Louis 12 and he's a bit of a prick some times but I love him, I smoke a lot of weed and I drink a lot of red wine and I think I can dance and I really can't," he throws his hands up and bows, "there you go, that's all there is to me,"
"I..I can't believe you just admitted that you can't dance " I say in shock, "can I video you saying that," I slightly laugh,
"Pfff, you wish, it would ruin my fantastic reputation," he rolls his eyes,
"Of course," I agree jokingly.

I sit back down and hand him his coffee,
"You know what?" He asks,
"What?" I say sipping my drink,
"I'm gonna teach you how to dance," he gets up abruptly,
"But you can't dance," he takes my hand and ignores my comment, "alright okay,"
"I'm choosing the music," he runs over to the speaker like an excited child,
"Your gonna play yourself aren't you," I laugh,
"You know me way to well, it's the only music I can glance to," he grins,
"Sureeee," I say sarcastically,

Not before long we were both belting out the words to his album, he spun me around, and wrapped his arms around my waist and swayed, we both laugh insanely about how neither of us can dance, we're dancing to Medicine, his hands are on my waist and my arms flung around his neck my chin resting on his shoulder, we're both singing to words really, loud with the music turned up high, we don't notice the door open and someone enter, Matty pulls my face in front of mine and runs his finger down my nose and lips, he's smiling whispering the words, our eyes locked,
"What fuck?!" I mans voice jerks us, we Spring apart so quickly it's unbelievable, shit I think in my head it's Peder, as I turn around I see it's not, it's Anthony, my manager. He rubs his eyes with his hand,  and looks at me,
"What're you doing here," I say trying to be casual,
"No, no, no, what is going on here," I asks accusingly,
"Um, Matty was, um just, um.." I can't think of anything,
"I was teaching her how to dance," he grins leaning against the table,
"What? Why?" He sounds confused,
"Because she can't dance," Matty eyes as if stating the obvious,
"Pfff, coming from you " I say rolling my eyesand grinning,
"I'm practically Mick Jagger," he says sticking his tongue out at me,
"U wish," I say sipping my coffee,
"No, Stop , what's are you doing " Anthony's holds his hands up,
"What?" I shrug,
"Please, tell me nothing has ever happened, between you two," he puts his hands together as if he's praying,
I catch Matty's eyes , he's got a big smirky grin on, I smile and roll my eyes,
"Um, well maybe like once," I say shrugging again,
"Or twice," Matty adds I winking at me,
"Or three times if you include.." I get interrupted,
"This is bad, very bad," he puts his head in his hands,
"Why?" I ask,
"Because, because..."
"Because what," I come closer to him,
"Because Peder was gonna propose," he shouts,
I drop my coffee on the ground in shock, the mug shatters,
"WHAT?!?" I yell,
"He was gonna do it tonight," he says loudly,
"You can't be serious, the last time we talked was over a week ago and we were fighting,"
"Well he told me and Sheppard that he was gonna do it today,"
I put my head in my hands, I feel like crying or throwing up,
"He couldn't have really thought I was gonna say yes," I say,
"Well he obviously did, or he wouldn't ask, why wouldn't you,"
"Because," I raise my voice, " he's boring, insensitive, uninspiring, and," I look at Matty he looks concern, his gaze makes my heart skip a beat, but would he really give up Gemma, a world renowned model for me?, I look away, "because the only reason I'm staying with him is bra use he's producing my fucking album," I sigh.
"So what are you gonna do," Anthony asks,
"Well, for starters get away from here, I'll go to my parents place, I'll get a fight to LA, I'll travel to Canada, I'll escape to Paris, I don't know, but I'm not marrying that twat," I feel the tears roll down my face I out my head in my hands, I feel Matty's strong body form around me, I cry on his shoulder as he holds me securely, I look up and see Anthony's accusing glare at us, he shakes his head in disapproval, I let go Matty and he pulls away, I wipe the tears from my eyes,
"Please Anthony, just tell him not to do it, tell him it's a bad idea, tell him I'm not ready, tell him anything, but please just stop him from doing it," I pause, "please, it's for the best,"

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