Midnight Special (Supernatura...

By Watermelonnez

398 34 13

Sage Frost, a girl living alone in a mansion in the woods has spent her whole life trying to protect the peo... More

The Forest
Welcome To My House (Cue That One Flo Rida Song)
Welcome To The Hotel California
Midnight Whisperings
Deal Or No Deal
Dark Necessities
Initium Novum (Thats Latin)
Epilogue/ Its The Hardknock Life

Man I hate Bars

59 5 8
By Watermelonnez

Sage's POV

As I walked inside I got multiple stares from everyone in the bar. I immediately gagged as the smell of alcohol burnt my nostrils . I gulped and shuddered a little. Too many eyes were staring at me. I mean sure I just killed a demon but crowded places make me sick to my stomach. I made my way through the bar until I reached the counter. I sighed in relief as I brushed my hair to the side and cleared my throat to get the attention of the barkeeper.

He looked back at me for a second and turned back to resume cleaning his glasses . I looked at him in disbelief and cleared my throat a little bit louder until he turned around and examined me.

"Heh excuse me sir but I'm lost, so it would be nice if you could tell me where exactly I am" I said shyly. He simply rolled his eyes "I'm sorry missy but you're way too young to even be in here so I suggest you leave" he grunted.
Young? Too young? I'm 16. I mean sure I'm not old enough to drink but that doesn't give him the right to be rude to me.

"Look I'm just asking a question here and I'd really appreciate it if you just answered my simple question" I said a bit louder. By now I'm pretty sure I got more than just the attention of the barkeeper.

The barkeeper came closer to me with his eyebrows pulled down hinting his aggravation with me still being here. "Listen here missy-" he simply said. I slammed my hands on the counter and cut him off. I refused to listen to what he has to say unless it's an answer "No you listen here. I just asked where I am and you're just making it too difficult for me to keep my patience and seriously how hard is it to answer a simple question. I swear you do not want to get on my bad side so would you please just tell me where the hell I am!" I raised my voice more to show I am indeed agitated.

He narrowed his eyes and he creeped until he was literally inches away from my face. "In my ass" he replied. I couldn't keep up and I didn't want to cause trouble at all but he just kept insisting to get on all my nerves. "In your ass? Huh maybe that's why it sucks here. I'm currently in asstown" I said without hesitation. I looked to my left and saw this guy staring at me with a widened expression. My eyes immediately focused on his beer that he barely touched. I picked up the glass and dumped it on the barkeeper.

I looked back at the guy with the beer and he still had the same expression. "I'm sorry I dumped your drink" I dug my hands into my pocket and got out a 50 dollar bill and laid it in front of him "Here you could do so much better than this place" I continued.

I turned around and was about to walk out but suddenly I felt a strong grip on my arm. I looked to my side and saw a buff guy who was covered in tattoos, and he began dragging me "Hey let go of me you barbarian!" I yelled, but he didn't listen he just continued forcefully dragging me. I struggled and tried to pull back but this guy was probably ten times bigger than me. He didn't stop until he reached the exit. That's when he lifted me up and tossed me out.

I winced as my hands met the rough floor. I quickly got up to my knees and looked around. Great, just great. Now look what I did. I did a fricking good job in asking for help and knowing where the hell I am. I deserve a gold star or something for succeeding today.

I decided to walk somewhere to get to anywhere. This is a dumb idea because the demons could literally pop out of anywhere any second. "Hey!" A deep voice called out. My heart dropped and I immediately turned around.
"Christo!" I immediately spat out. The guy who called out exchanged a confused look with the guy next to him who was much taller. Idiot I thought. So much for keeping a low profile. "Wait Christo?" The tall guy questioned.
"Oh wait you're not-" I realized I've made a mistake "Hah I'm totally not crazy. Y-you two are the crazy ones. I'll just be on my way" I stuttered. I turned around and began walking faster. I didn't care if they were hunters or something, but I couldn't let them risk their lives for me. "Hold on you're a hunter aren't you?" The slightly shorter guy asked. I groaned and turned around again "Look buddy I have no idea what you're talking about. I personally respect nature so I've never hunted a deer in my life" I replied. Judging from their faces they obviously didn't buy my story. "Then who spilt the salt by the door?" The taller guy asked raising his eyebrows. "Salt? Oh come on. Who would spill salt? Don't you know it's bad luck to spill salt?" I stalled.
They were pretty much getting fed up at this point but I wanted that. They should leave me alone. "Come on already you can trust us. We're hunters and we protect people-" I cut off the shorter guy "Look here Rapunzel, I'm trying to protect myself here okay. I just want to get back home before I become some demons dinner! I can't do that because some dumb barkeeper wouldn't tell me where I am and he fricking kicked me out and if I don't get back home safe I have no idea what's gonna happen to me and I-" I paused as I felt my skin shiver. The air felt cold and something just didn't feel right. "What's wrong?" The tall man asked. "Shh don't you hear that?" I shushed. "Hear what?" The shorter guy asked. I didn't answer. My heart began to race as I realized the demons were coming and I didn't have much time. I don't know how I know this, but I knew that I couldn't put the strangers life on the line.

"You guys have to leave right now" I commanded. "Woah wait you don't seriously expect us to leave you here" The shorter guy replied. "Uh yeah I do. If you guys are really hunters then you shouldn't be dumb enough to stick around me" I replied angrily. "Well guess what. We aren't leaving until you come with us" The shorter man refused. "Are you guys suicidal or something? Demons are fricking after me" I yelled, even though it was a really bad idea to yell in situation like this.

At this point I felt too frustrated because they still didn't listen to me. I let out an annoyed groan "Fine alright fine. I promise I'll go with you. Please just leave and I'll catch up" I said desperately. They finally nodded and ran towards their car.

I looked behind me and saw a tall man grin. He flung me far away with the flick of his hand as my back collided with the asphalt floor. I flipped and began crawling away but I heard his footsteps coming closer.

Now's my chance

He picked me up but I quickly shoved my knife in his chest. I watched the orange glowing light flicker from him then fade as I pulled the knife back out to run to the strangers.

As I got closer to the car I suddenly saw a demon in front of one of the guys. I watched her threw him to the wall. "Sam!" The shorter guy yelled. I ran towards the guy who I assumed was Sam and quickly stabbed the demon in the head. "Get in!" I commanded. I quickly hurled the door open and forcefully closed it. "Drive now!" I yelled and with that single command the shorter guy stepped on the gas pedal and drove far away from the bar.

After awhile of me gasping and struggling for air, I finally felt a bit calm. I mean I'm still stressing over how many demons are out there to get me but for now, I'm glad I'm in the safety of this Impala. Despite how calming the silence is. I thought of how the two guys felt about the awkward silence and plus I had to talk eventually to tell the strangers where I live.

"You know no ones ever done this for me. No ones really helped me like you guys did so thanks" I said to break the silence. "Well you did save me. So we're pretty much even now" Sam chuckled. "So you've got a name Snow White?" The shorter guy asked jokingly. "I'm way more of a Merida, Rapunzel" I replied laughing a bit. "I'm Sage Frost, but just call me Sage" I added. "Well I'm Dean, and that's my brother Sam" Dean replied. "Oh funny that's just like the Winchesters" I thought out loud.

There was suddenly a dreadful silence. It made me feel uncomfortable because this wasn't a calm silence. Dean suddenly pulled over the car and stopped on the side of road. Sam took a deep breath in almost as if he feared of this moment.

"Sage, we are the Winchesters"

Hello! Oh wow what's this? Is this a cliffhanger? Yes I'm that evil. It's funny because I think I'm actually gonna be dedicated to write this because sometimes I tend to forget to update and abandon my fanfics. Let's hope this doesn't end up that way.

Who's your favorite Disney Princess?

Honestly Tiana. Because I love The Princess and The Frog

Latifa (the meme)

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