The Mob's Daughter

By TheAwkwardSilence

3.4K 43 12

Ever seen someone die in front of your eyes? Well Adelaide Boro has. When she was seven years old her mom was... More

The Mob's Daughter
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

559 6 2
By TheAwkwardSilence

Hey guys hope you guys like this chapter more. I'm gonna dedicate this story to SamiSurplus for two reasons, 1 because she wrote the first comment :D, 2 because she pointed out my wrongs ( Thanx you Sami!) so yap.


Adelaide's P.O.V

"Goooooooooood mornin AMERICA!-" I shut my alarm before the news man could go any further.

"Ughh" I said, pulling the covers over my head as I saw the sun out the window.

"So you were sayin Al how is the forecast ther-" I pushed the alarm again.

Stupid man, stupid alarm.

"Knock, Knock, Knock. Adelaide wake up! We wouldn't want you to be late for school!!" Fran, the housekeeper, said.

"Fran, I don't want to go to school." I whined.

Fran let herself in aand pulled the sheets off my whole body.

"Oh shush child. You know you have to go. No school means no education and no education means-" "means no job and no job means no money, I know, I know Fran shush." I said getting up from bed.

"I'm going to take a shower okay." I said and going to the bathroom, not waiting for her response.

I turned on the hot water on and got undressed. The hot water burned my body not like secound hand burn, but you get me. I got out after a few minutes and went to get dressed. I went to my super huge closet that held only a few clothes since I wasn't really a big spender, as they say. I chose some regular jeans with a red tee shirt and a sweater with my black chuck taylors. I tied my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs. I smelt hash brown and scrambled eggs and went to the kitchen, my nose guiding me.

"Mmmm. I just smelt the food and just thought that it was calling me." I said smiling.

I sat at the table where the food were. On my plate I put some eggs, hash brown, bacon, and grilled cheese.

" Thanks Fran." I said, grilled cheese full in my mouth.

"Oh sweety, didn't I ever teach you not to eat and talk at the same time." Fran said laughing and sitting opposite to me.

"Oh franny, I love you too." I said swallowing down my grilled cheese.

Fran just shook her head. I was looking for the syrup but couldn't find it.

" Fran where is the syrup?" I asked her.

"Oh Adelaide, are you really gonna do that now?" Fran asked.

I got up from my seat and went to the fridge, looking for my syrup. When I find it, I go back and sit in my seat.

"Eh you say tomato(toe-ma-toe) and I say tomato(toe-may-toe), I don't jude you." I say pouring the syrup all over my food.

I love how the bacon is salty and mixes with the sweety deliciousness of the syrup. Same with the eggs and the hashbrown.

"Goodmorning Sweety and Fran." Dad said, making me jump.

"Uh hey dad." I said.

"Morning Mr Boro." Fran said blushing for some odd reason.

Dad came and sat at the end of the table. he table went silent. I really didn't have a connection with my dad. Eversince I found out he was in a mob, wait excuse me, the leader of the mob and that there were people after him, to kill him, but instead they killed my mother. I still have nightmares of it. I can't nor will I ever forgive him for what happened. I felt my throat tighten.

"So, Adelainde, how are you?" he asked me, trying to start a conversation.

He was a good dad and he has tried to apologize millions of times I just never let him.

"Um I am fine, Dad." I said not looking up from my plate.

I started to eat quicker. The moment I finished I got up.

"Um I have to get to school now, bye." I said, getting my keys from the key holder in the kitchen.

"Wait I have to tell you some important news." he said getting up.

"Can it wait until afterschool?" I asked.

He looked like he was thinking about it for a while then looked up

"Sure honey, it can wait." he said smiling.

"Okay then bye guys." I said running outside.

I shut door and sighed of relief. The cold breeze hit me and I felt my nose turn red. As I breathed from my mouth I saw air come out. I opened the locks to my shiny red 1955 Chevrolet Nomad. It was my baby, for now. I started the engine turning the heater on. I rubbed my hands together for warmth. It was the time of year where it was popsicle freezing. I turned the radio on listening as the Fray came on. By the time I got to school they finished. I got out of my car and the cold breeze hit me yet again. I got my backpack from the back of the car and started walking towards the school of boredom. As I was walking, someone bumped hard to me from the back and I fell on my knees. "Oh shit I am so sorry, it was an accident." a husky voice said giving their hand for me to get up.

I took it and got up, wiping my knees.

"Yeah it's okay." I said, pissed off looking up.

I saw it was a guy. My mistake, a GOREGOUS guy. He had brown hair ice blue eyes, and a tiny mustache/goatie. He was wearing black pants a white tee shirt and combat boots.

"Uh hi I'm James." he said sticking out his hand for me to shake.

I shook it

"Hi um I'm Adelaide." I was looking strangely at him

. "Are you new here?" I asked.

He smiled "Yeah. I just moved here from Florida. My mom got a promotion." he said.

I nodded "Well it was nice meeting you. Now I have to go to class." I said turning around not waiting for him to answer.

I knew he probably wasn't going to talk to me by the end of the day because the 'populars' will probably take over his whole brain.

"Wait Up!!!" I turned around to see James running towards me.

Afew people glanced at us. When he got to me, I gave him a confused look.

"Could you come to the office with me because I really don't know where it is and I need to get my schedule." he said.

I ooked at him for a few secounds, wondering why this hot looking guy was talking to me. I wasn't bad looking. I had light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Um okay." I said and we went to the office.

"Hello Ms. um James here is new could you give him his schedule?" I asked a little cruelly to the office lady.

She was fat and wore tiny glasses. So stereotypical. She glanced at us and you had to be stupid to not see her roll her eyes at us as she went to go get him schedule. A few minutes later she returned.

"Yes here you go James. Hope you have a good day." she said smiling at him.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the office, heading towards my first bell. The bell rang. Dang it. I went back to the office and saw James the same way and the lady doing something on her computer. As I walked in she muttered something I didnt hear under her breath and rolled her eyes. I sighed. "Um excuse me could I please have a late pass." I asked her, putting on a fake smile.

"Name. And last name." she said getting a peice of paper out to write the pass on.

"Adelaide Boro." I said quietly.

She did a double take and her eyes widened. She was giving me my pass.

"You-you you're t-the-" I cut her off to shut her up.

No one must not know about who my father is, besides my uncle, cousin, and the mob ofcourse. I smiled

"Thank you." and grabbed the slap and sped walked to class.

"Wait!" that voice said again.

I know I barely said thirteen words with him but he was annoying me.

"What." I said.

"What is your first period?" je asked me looking at his schedlue.

"Home Economics." I said stiffly.

"Awesome I have it too." he said smiling.

He was creeping me out. No one ever acted nice to me nor talked to me to be exact. I was the school loner. But I won't be for long. Well not until I graduate in a few months. Also when I turn eighteen in two months. We got to first period and Mr. Cotchnik was in the middle of a sentence looked at us. Everyone looke at us. Sixty eyeballs to be exact.

"Well Ms. Boro glad you could join us. Who is this?" he said looking at me.

I was going to die. Every eye was on me and i felt my throat clog I couldn't say anything.

"Um Mr. C it was my fault. I bumped into her and I made her tke me to get my scedule. I'm new here by the way." James said.

We heard whistles from the guys comments like 'did you unvirginize the virgin?' 'who knew the loner could be wild?' I looked down. Mr. Cotchnik shushed the class and told us to get in our seats. Fortuately, I found a seat way in the back. Unfortunately, there was another seat next to me that James took. He was irritating but I did feel thankful that he covered for me.

"Thank you." I whispered to him.

He nodded. "Anytime." he smiled.

I smiled too. I think I just had made a freind in school. The class went on and on.

At the end the teacher said "Okay we are going to go in the family unit. Where everyone here has to choose a partner, and I recomend the opposite sex, to be a wife and husband and raise a..." he got a flour with a baby face on it out from his desk "Baby. Now it has a voice recorder in here so if you abuse or harass each other or the baby, I will know. This will be your grade for this secound semester." he said and the bell rang.

I packed my stuff in my bag and got out. "So you wanna be my wife?" James asked from behind, scaring me. I was shocked but then realised that he just asked me about the project.

"Um sure." I said.

"Great.What is your next class?" he asked.

"History. You?" I asked.

"English Ap." he said sounding disappointed.

I took his schedule from him and saw that we had two more classes together. Lunch and Biology AP.

" Well see you at lunch James." I said, smiling.

"Bye Adelaide." he said and ran off to somewhere he probably didn't know.

He actually remembered my name.

Finally lunch came around. Classes were so boring and so far I had one essay due tomorrow and two homeworks due tomorrow as well. I was walking to the cafateria line when I saw James join me as well. I smiled. He wasn't as annoying I guess.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi" I said.

We talked about classes and how Ms. Guroski farted in class. We got our foods and sat at an empty table.

"So should we go to your house for this project or mines?" he said.

I took a bite of my raveoli.

"How bout we split it. There are seven day of the week, counting the weekend, so you could come to my house for three days and I can go to yours for four days and then we could switch." I said.

He nodded. Right when I was going to say something, The head skank Cayla came to our table with her two other plastic dolls.

"Hi James, I'm Cayla. I see your new here, want me to show you around?" she said twirling a peice of hair around her finger.

He looked up at her.

"No thanks I already have Adelaide." he said, then looked down at his food.

Both Cayla's and my moth dropped. No one has ever refused Cayla's offer. She put on a fake smile and walked away but I knew that this was not the end of it.

Lunch passed and so did the rest of the day. When school finished I didn't see James anywhere so I just went home. When I got home, i saw both Fran and my dad sitting on the couch looking nervous.

"Um hey guys.Whatsup?" I asked confused.

Both their heads turned towards me.

"Sweety I think you should sit for this." dad asked.

"Okayyyy." I said sitting on the sofa.

"Well sweety you know how I am getting old and the mob has been thinking about it and we all know we should disscuss it before anything really does happen but we are sure it will happen but first we need your approval and-" Dad was cut off by Fran. "YOU'RE GOING TO BE THE LEADER OF THE MOB!!! There I said it!" she said.

My eyes widened and everything went black.

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