New Friend Request, An All Ti...

By PaperMoonTimeBomb

7.9K 51 14

Zabe is clueless about having the Bassist of a very popular band called All Time Low crushing on her since hi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

New Friend Request, An All Time Low Fan fiction

1.6K 5 0
By PaperMoonTimeBomb

The palm trees were so beautiful, perfectly planted in the sand. I was laying face down on a mat and someone was rubbing my back with suntanning cream. Those hands felt so good. They were so warm against my cold skin. I noticed I was wearing a blue polka dotted bikini. It looked good on me. 

Wait, what?! I was wearing a bikini?! This must be a mistake, I never wear anything that's this revealing. I hated my body, they looked so out of place. Wait, where am I? Who's touching my back?!

"Zabe!!" Don't tell me a girl's been rubbing my back all this time. Hahah, big joke.

"Zabe!! Bitch wakeup!" Huh?

I turned around to see myself back in my studio apartment with Shyla's face covering the light.

"I thought you were dead!" She grinned and went to her own bed to clean it up.

"What'd you wake me up for?! It's a saturday! Comeon!" I got out of bed and started cleaning mine up too. "And why are you all dressed up?" 

"You don't remember?" She frowned as she put on her round earrings. 

"Ofcourse I do, comeon. Heh, umm. What should I remember?"

She threw a pillow to me and managed to knock me off my bed. "It's my birthday, you loser! We've been planning this day since my last birthday!" She went and sat beside me with a disappointed face. "Zabe, come on! Tell me you remembered right? Tell me you remembered to book the restaurant we saw a month ago! It needs a 3 week advance reservation!!"

She kept on shaking and shaking me till I almost swore I felt the nausea building up in me.

"wait holdon, let me try to remember." I walked in circles in our room and after a full 4minutes, I finally faced her slowly with a look so sad, I couldn't make it any sadder. Make sense? No? Okay.

"I'm so sorry, Shyla. I forgot! Ohh shit how can I forgot!!" I tried to make myself busy by cleaning up and stuff but unfortunately everything was already in place. I had nothing to distract me from facing Shyla. And so I did,

"Go on, scream at me or something. Please just do something to me, just don't give me the cold shoulder. I hate that."

"The more you hate it, the more I'm gonna give you the cold shoulder." She stomped to the bathroom and took out her dress and put on some fresh home clothes. 

"I thought you could remember this, I mean I know your such a forgetful person, but this is my birthday!!" She screamed at me and went to turn on the TV, obviously trying to calm herself down.

I felt so guilty. So so, guilty. "Hey, Happy Birthday Shyla." I said gloomily and went to turn on my computer.

I was a writer, I write romance novels since I graduated from high school. Shyla was still unemployed but it doesn't matter, since her parents pay for everything. She and I met during highschool, when she stood up to some bullies that were calling me names like nerd and stuff, eversince then she became my bestfriend.

Guardian Angel, is what I like to call her since she's the one always protecting me. She's so perfect, she's hot, she's friendly and all the good stuff. While I'm exactly the opposite. I'm a nerd, I love writing so much, I forget things easily and I feel so insecure of my body. Although Shyla always says my body is perfectly fine, I know she just wants to cheer me up.

I love her so much, and by forgetting her 21st birthday I feel so soooo guilty. But I know her so well, and she always calms down by the 3rd hour. That's the longest she can be mad at me, to tell you the truth. 

I wanted to make it up to her so I decided I'm gonna get her some All Time Low merch for her, since she's been a fan of them eversince they started out. She's such a fan of bands, you name one rock band and she'll sing you one of their songs. Ohh did I mention she can sing too? Perfect lady.

So I turned on my computer and tried my best to find a site that sells band merch. I was out of luck. I seriously don't know a thing about this online shopping for merch. I needed help, badly. I dont know what made me post on my facebook status " I need to get All Time Low band merch badly, anyone can help me?"

There was a friend request, and I gladly accepted it since I rarely get friend requests, haha. Yes I'm such a big loser.

Before long, someone opened up a facebook chat with me. He's name was Zack Merrick or something. He was the one who added me few seconds ago. Why does that name ring a bell somewhere in my head?

"Hey, heard your finding band merchs from All Time Low!"  - zack

"Yeah? What about it?" Ohhh I was not a friendly person. Especially to guys. 

"I can help you out, you know. You remember me?" -zack

"No, actually I don't. But since your helping me out, I can pretend I remember you, haha."

"Your cute. L-O-L." - zack

"And your LOL looks retarded, are you gonna help me out or not?"

"Yes of course, but do you remember me? We go to the same Chemistry class together for our last year 3 years back." - zack

"Ohhh your that goofy kid with curly hair who always stares at me right?"

"Haha, I was not staring at you, I was admiring your beauty :-) " -zack

"Uhuhh, how are you gonna help me with getting the merch?"

"Well, by the way your speaking to me, I doubt you really do remember me. But still, I'll help you. I know the band All Time Low so well. We're practically buddies!" - zack

I know I'm forgetting something really really important here, but i can't put my finger on it.

"Stop joking, I really need those merchs fast. It's my bestfriend's birthday today and I forgot to get her something."

"Well then you need a quick birthday present. Tell you what, All Time Low's having a show somewhere in North Carolina. It's just a few hours from our old High school. I can get you 2 free tix to their show plus backstage passes! You like that?" - zack

"Are you joking?! Don't play with me! How can you get hold of two backstage passes?"

"I have my way :-) Okay so just come to the show wearing your best concert clothes and tell the ticket booth your name. He'll pass you the backstage pass and tix and you'll be escorted right in!" - zack

"OMG! YOUR NOT JOKING?! When is the show?

"It's the day after next, So I'll see you there Zabe?" - zack

"Sure! Can't wait! Thank you Zack! Will I see you there, though?"

"Of course you will, the show can't go on without me ;-)" - zack

And then he went offline. What a weird conversation. Hahah, but I don't care! This will be the best birthday present Shyla ever gets! Forget the lame restaurant reservations. She will be so pleased with me :)

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