
By styleslegend

24.1M 689K 442K

A story of first true love between an unsuspecting, extroverted girl and an awkward, beautifully magnetic boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
NOTE (updated)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapters :)

Chapter 67

213K 5.7K 6.2K
By styleslegend

A cold wind whipped my hair off my neck as I wrapped my arms tighter around me, bucking the freezing gusts coming straight toward me as I rushed to Harry's house.  It was a Friday evening, and I could not have been happier to be on my way to spending time with Harry without having to worry about staying up too late for school the next day.  I shivered under my coat as I walked up to his house, barely pausing at his front door before letting myself in.  One glance at his driveway told me his mother wasn't home, so I didn't bother knocking. 

As soon as I entered the house, I could hear the beautiful guitar music floating through the air.  I smiled to myself as I shrugged off my coat and hung it on the coat rack; I loved it when Harry played.  The music grew louder as I climbed the stairs.  As I made my way down the hall, I could see him sitting on the edge of his bed, his back to me as he faced a window on the wall. 

I grinned harder as I paused in the doorway to watch him for a few seconds.  He wore a light blue button up over a grey t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, revealing the taught muscles of his forearms that moved with every movement of his fingers.  His wide back was hunched slightly over his guitar as he looked down at the frets, frowning slightly as the beautiful melody continued to flow around the room, his fingers I couldn't see strumming the strings perfectly. 

Everything about him was so beautiful that I couldn't hold my feet back from carrying me toward him.  After reaching the side of his bed, I crawled onto it and over to him.  I knew he felt my weight because I saw him smile in his profile, dimple forming in his cheek as he glanced back slightly at me.  Once I reached him, I let my palms slide over his shoulders and down his chest, hugging him from behind as he continued to play a slow song.  My lips pressed into the side of his neck, greeting him.

"Hi," I mumbled, my lips fumbling against his skin.  I squeezed my arms around him. 

"Hiiiii," he returned, starting to put his guitar down before I stopped him.

"No, keep playing," I urged, smiling into his neck.  "I love it when you play for me."

"Okay," he said, grinning.  I watched from over his shoulders and his long, lean fingers picked at the strings, deftly picking each one correctly as the music began to roll off the guitar again.  My fingers scratched lightly up and down his chest as I sighed happily.  I had never been so content in my life.  Without really meaning to, my lips found his neck again, pressing into his warm skin just above his shoulder once more.  He shivered slightly, pressing his back further into my chest.

"I can't play if you're gonna do that," he said quietly, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips.  I giggled.

"Sorry, babe," I slid my arms back from around his neck to wind them around his torso from behind, hugging him tightly to me before pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade and releasing him.  I grinned at me over his shoulder as I flopped back onto his bed, wiggling until I was rested up against his pillow.

Much to my displeasure, he put his guitar down on the ground before crawling up to lay next to me on his side, his proximity instantly making up for him stopping playing.  He rested his head on one hand and let his other arm hang over my hip, allowing his fingers to fiddle with the hem of my shirt.  Every once in a while his knuckles would brush against my skin and send a shock through my body. 

His eyes, which were focused on his hand playing with my shirt, slid up to meet my gaze as he bit his lip gently.  I quieted the moan that almost escaped my lips; he looked so hot when he did that and he didn't even know it. 

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" he asked suddenly, twisting his mouth to the side and raising his eyebrows.

"As always, whatever you're doing, I'm sure," I teased.  It was almost silly that we even had to ask each other at this point. 

"Okay, you don't have to if you don't want to but... would you maybe wanna go to a wedding with me?  I know it's really short notice so if you don't want to, that's totally fine," he rambled.  My heart fluttered in my chest at the mere thought of him at a wedding and how undoubtedly handsome he would look.

"Absolutely, I'd love to go with you," I said instantly, not even giving it a second thought.

"Yeah?" he asked, perking up at my enthusiasm and grinning at me. 

"Yeah! That'd be so fun, I love weddings," I gushed.  And I did; weddings were one of my favorite things to attend, despite the fact that I'd only been to a handful in my entire lifetime.  "Whose wedding is it?"

"My cousin, Hattie.  I didn't even realize it was this weekend until my mom reminded me earlier," he said, chuckling lightly.  "So you'll come with me?"

"Definitely," I beamed, rolling onto my side so I was facing him.  His hand stayed on my hip, slipping beneath my shirt so his thumb could trace back and forth across my skin.  He grinned happily at me.  "What should I wear? Like how fancy is it going to be?" I pressed.  I needed these details so I wouldn't be over or under-dressed.

He bared his teeth at me, grimacing. "Ahh... I have no idea.  Wrong person to ask," he laughed as he gave a soft shrug.  "You could call Gemma? She'll be there, too."

I instantly felt nervous at the thought of calling his sister and asking her for fashion advice, of all things.  Our last interaction had been miles better than our first, so I didn't think she'd mind, but it still made me anxious.  I had all but convinced myself I would just play it safe in something simple when Harry interrupted my thoughts, reading my mind easily.

"Really, she won't mind at all.  Call her," he urged, nudging me with his palm against my hip.  "You can just use my phone," he added as he reached behind him to pull his phone out of his back pocket and hand it to me.  I frowned at him, still apprehensive as I took it from him.

A smile stretched across my lips as I unlocked his phone to discover that a picture of he and I had replaced the one of him and his mother that had occupied the screen way back when I first gave him my phone number.  I had been trying to take a nice picture of us when at the last second he had turned his face to my neck, blowing a raspberry into my skin and making me squeal right as I had taken the picture. 

His face was buried in my neck, amused expression clear on his face while I had a ridiculous grin on mine, eyes squeezed tightly closed.  My hand rested against his cheek, holding him to me even though he was attacking my neck.  I couldn't deny it really was an adorable picture.  After staring at it for a few seconds I gathered myself to scroll through his contacts until I found "Gemma" and hit the call button. 

It rang twice before she answered.

"Hiiii, Harry," she sang, sounding very much like he did when I greeted him.

"Hey, Gemma, sorry, this is Joey," I stated, trying not to sound awkward.

"Oh, hi, Joey!" she said brightly.  "What's up?"

"Ah well, Harry just invited me to the wedding tomorrow and-"

"He did?! Aw yes, that's great, I'm glad you'll be there," she interrupted, sounding genuinely excited.  I grinned happily.

"Yeah, I am too! Anyway I asked him what I should wear but he has no idea so..." I trailed off, chuckling lightly.

"Ah yeah, that doesn't surprise me," she laughed.  Harry watched me with sparkling eyes as I talked to his sister, listening to her describe what she would be wearing and giving me suggestions for what I could wear as well.  After a brief conversation, we said our goodbyes and ended the call.

"I think she likes you," he said as I handed his phone back to him, a satisfied grin plastered on his face.

"I hope so," I said.  "I really like her."  Despite her frosty greeting the first time I met her, she had been wonderful towards me once she had determined I wasn't playing games with Harry, and I couldn't help but really like her.

"Good," he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to lie back down next to him.  I hadn't really been aware of sitting up, but I suspected it had happened at some point during my conversation with Gemma.  "So what are we doing tonight?"

I shrugged, happy his warm hand was back on my hip.  "I don't care, you pick."

"As long as I'm with you, I'm happy," he said, giving me a cheesy grin, showing all of his teeth.  I pushed his chest lightly and giggled.

"Cheeseball." He just grinned wider at me. 

"We could... hot tub?" he suggested.  A confused look flitted across my face.

"You have a hot tub?" I asked, not sure I had heard him correctly.

"Yeah, in the back," he said simply.  "I haven't told you that?"

"No, I would definitely remember that," I laughed. "Why am I just finding out about this now? Damn, Harry," I teased, pushing his shoulders lightly again and winked at him. "Wasted opportunities."

A light blush crept across his cheeks.  It was so adorable that I couldn't resist leaning across the space to kiss his lips briefly. 

"We are absolutely going to hot tub," I told him.  "I'll run home and grab my suit quick."

"I'm sure there's one here of Gemma's you could use," he offered. 

"Ah, that's okay, I'll just be quick," I said, kissing him quickly again before bounding off his bed and down the stairs, slipping on my coat on the way out the door. 

It only took me all of five minutes to run home, put on my suit, and run back to Harry's.  When I got back up to his room, I saw he had put his swim trunks on.  I was shocked by their ridiculously bright yellow color, but couldn't deny that he looked amazing in them.  His wide back tapered perfectly down to his slim hips, which the fabric clung to impeccably.  I was practically drooling.

Shaking my head to snap myself out of it, I pulled off my jeans and top so I was left in my swimsuit.  I was pleased to discover Harry gaping at me with wide eyes, and he swallowed harshly when I caught him, grinning guiltily. 

"Ready?" he asked, pointedly looking me in the eye.  I giggled.

"Yep, let's go."  I walked over to him and slid my hands up his chest to wrap around his neck and pull his lips down to mine, kissing him quickly before linking our fingers.  He grinned as he led me down the stairs to the back door, pausing to grab two towels out of a cabinet positioned by the sliding glass. 

It was really cold out when he pushed open the door, causing goose bumps to rise instantly all over my body and a shiver to run down my spine.  He handed me a towel to wrap around myself before darting out into the cold.

"Wait there a sec," he instructed before quickly shoving the lid off the hot tub I had never seen before.  I tried not to think about all the chances we could have had at using it as I watched his muscles in his back flex while he pushed.  I shivered again, this time not because of the cold. 

"Okay, come on," he said, beckoning me forward with his fingers.  He had placed his towel on a deck chair near the edge of the hot tub, so I followed suit.  Grasping his extended hand, I let him help me into the scalding water, slowly lowering myself in with a relaxed sigh.  He quickly followed me in, sitting directly across from me, grinning through the steam that rose from the water.

"I can't believe you never told me about this," I said incredulously, grinning at him as I shook my head. 

"I kind of forgot we had it," he laughed. "It's not so much fun to sit in it alone."

"I'm sure not," I agreed.  "Although you're sitting awfully far away if fun is what you're looking for," I teased, only really half kidding.  I craved the feel of his skin on mine.  He grinned and pushed himself out of his seat, gliding through the water to rest in front of me, hips pushing between my knees and gripping my hips in his hands.

"Better?" he asked quietly. 

"Much," I replied, looping my arms over his neck and pulling him forward to give him a peck.  "I have an idea."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Let's play truth-or-dare," I said, grinning widely at him.  His eyes narrowed playfully as he frowned at me.

"Truth-or-dare," he repeated skeptically, probably thinking I was joking.

"Yeah! Come on, it'll be fun," I prodded, squeezing my knees around his hips.

"Alright, you first, then," he agreed, eyes dancing in the dim lighting.

"Okay, truth or dare?"

"Truth," he said.  I wasn't surprised at his cautious choice.

"What was your first impression of me?" I asked.  It was something I had wondered for a while but never really been brave enough to ask.

"I thought you were the most terrifyingly beautiful girl I'd ever seen," he answered instantly, looking me straight in the eye.  I gasped quietly.

"Really? Like... that first day in class or before that?"  I assumed he knew who I was, just as I had known who he was before everything that had happened between us.

"Both, really.  I'd always thought that but then when you were right next to me I think I almost passed out," he said, laughing gently.  I remembered how he had acted: stiff as a board, barely looking at me, not speaking other than to discuss our homework.  Passing out seemed like a strong possibility at that point.  "You scared the shit out of me," he admitted quietly.  I bit my lip, biting back a smile as I leaned forward to kiss him again, lingering a bit longer this time.

"Your turn- truth or dare?" he asked. 

"Dare," I said instantly. 

"I dare you to... get out and do 15 jumping jacks," he said.  I raised an eyebrow at him.


"Yep," he said, grinning widely at me.  "Out you get!"

"Alright," I said, laughing in confusion as I crawled out of the warm hot tub into the freezing night air.  It was such a weird dare.  Once on the pavement, I turned to face him and did my jumping jacks, swinging my arms as fast as possible so I could get back into the warmth of the water.  Harry grinned wildly at me, eyes darting frequently down to my chest and I suddenly realized why he had chosen that dare.  My breasts bounced out of control as I hastily did my jumping jacks, and he was clearly enjoying the show.

I couldn't help but grin as I finished the dare and practically jumped back into the water, splashing him as soon as I was back in.

"You perv!" I exclaimed, laughing all the same.  He shrugged and grinned, clearly pleased with himself.  "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," he said bravely, laughter still crawling across his features.  I cocked an eyebrow at him, pondering my options.

"I dare you to give me a love bite somewhere only I will see it," I said, smirking at him.  He chewed his lip in thought.


"As long as I'm the only one who will see it, yeah," I responded. 

"You'll need to get out of the water a bit, then," he said, patting the edge of the tub next to him.  My eyes flicked between his hand and his face before gliding through the water and pulling myself out to sit on the edge, trying not to shiver as the cold enveloped me yet again. 

"Sit still," he said sternly as he moved himself between my legs, gripping the backs of my knees in both hands.  The only part of my body that was still in the water was below my knees, exposing the rest of my skin.  He gave me a quick smirk before bending over, lowering his lips to my thigh before pressing a kiss there, pulling back to press another one slightly higher. 

A content sigh left my lips as I rolled my head back, enjoying the feel of his lips on my skin.  Kisses were left in a line up my thigh and over the band of my swimsuit until he reached my hipbone.  At first he left a light kiss like he had on his way up, but then he parted his lips and let his tongue dart out before sinking his teeth into it gently.  His hands wound around my back, kneading circles in my skin with his fingers as he sucked on my skin, bringing blood to the surface. 

I let my hands slide down his forearms to grip his biceps as his lips and teeth worked on giving me what I had asked for, closing my eyes at the strange yet enjoyable feeling.  Finally he pulled back to inspect his work, a satisfied smirk appearing on his face when he saw the deep purple spot already in place beneath my skin.  He pressed his lips lightly to the spot one last time before pulling back on my knees, sliding me back into the water.

"Done," he said proudly.  My fingers traced across where his lips had just been, feeling a flutter in my stomach.  Now when I would see it in the mirror, I would know it had been his lips that had done that to me.  I loved it. 

"My turn?" I asked breathlessly, unaware that I had been so taken over by his lips on my hip.  He nodded. 

"Truth or dare?" he asked, his voice suddenly deeper and huskier. 


He had clearly been expecting me to say that, because a grin spread across his face.  "I dare you to kiss me as long as you can without touching me.  And I can't touch you."

I blinked at him.  "What?"

"Kiss me, but don't touch me.  For as long as you can," he repeated, explaining himself further.  I already knew I wouldn't last very long- I craved his touch whenever he was in the same room with me, much less when he kissed me. 

"Okay," I said quietly before reaching out for him.  He playfully swatted my hands away.

"Not uh, can't do that," he reminded me.  "You almost failed already."

"Oh shut up," I said sarcastically before scooting to the edge of my seat.  His hands, which had been gripping my knees, floated off my skin to rest at his sides.  We were as close as possible without actually touching when I leaned forward to press my lips into his.  Instantly my lips closed around his lower one, shaping perfectly against his soft lips.  His tongue swept gently along my lip before parting them and sliding into my mouth, melding against my own. 

Being unable to touch him added a weird heat to the kiss; we were both desperately itching to touch each other but refrained, not wanting to be the one to cave.  He pushed his mouth firmer against mine, tilting my head back before I returned the pressure, letting my tongue slide along his lip before biting it gently, tugging it back.  My hands raised into the air to wrap around his neck before I remembered I couldn't touch him.  My fingers curled into angry fists as I splashed them back into the water. 

I could feel his stomach pressing against mine in his need to get closer to me.  I wasn't sure if that counted or not but I didn't really care.  His chest pushed against mine as his lips attacked my own, our kiss growing more and more desperate by the second.  When his lips tore away from mine to trail down my neck, I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Fuck it," I cursed before wrapping my arms tightly around his neck, pulling him tightly against me as my fingers tangled into his hair.  Almost simultaneously his arms wound around my waist, crushing my hips against his as he hugged me tightly.  He pushed me back into the wall of the tub, pressing his hips between my legs as he returned his lips to mine and kissed me deeply. 

His hand had just started to trail up my side, heading for the strings of my bikini when I heard someone clear their throat.  We instantly sprung away from each other, eyes wildly looking for the source of the sound with guilty expressions on our faces.

Anne stood in the doorway, halfway out of the house as she looked at us with a stern expression. 

"Good evening, you two," she said, frowning at us with narrowed eyes.

Harry cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hiiii mom."

"Anne," I greeted breathlessly, cursing myself for sounding so out of it.

"Just wanted to tell you I'm home.  And say hello.  And that I'm home," she repeated, struggling to hide the bemused expression on her face.  Relief flooded through me as I gathered that she wasn't mad. 

"Um, okay," Harry said sheepishly.  She nodded curtly at us.

"I'll be right here, watching some TV," she said, making it clear there would be no more funny business going on tonight.

"Okay sounds good," Harry said quickly, clearly wanting her to leave as soon as possible.  She raised her eyebrows at both of us.

"Good to see you, Joey," she said before retracting her body inside and starting to close the door.

"You too," I managed to squeak just before she shut the door.  I looked at Harry, my face on fire in embarrassment.  He bit his lip guiltily and tried not to smile.


I splashed him and giggled.

"Yeah, shit is right."


Thank you for reading! Please forgive any errors, it's late and I need to get to bed so I don't really have time to edit! I hope you all like it :) 

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