The Forest (sequel to The Doc...

Bởi Perfectshipper

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Sequel to The Docks: After father and daughter, Hook and Corey were reunited everything in Storybrooke began... Xem Thêm

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

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Bởi Perfectshipper

Philip pushed open the giant castle doors and gestured for Corey to go in. She slowly walked into the great hall. She heard Philip close the large door behind them.

"I've been living here all by myself. You have no idea how happy I am to finally have someone else around." Philip said as he walked around lighting all the candles. The room became considerably brighter after each candle was lit. "I mainly live in the great hall." Philip continued. "I don't really have much of a need for the rest of it." Philip said as he gazed around the room. Corey admired the amazing mosaics on the walls. Their were hearts all over but something gave Corey the creepy feeling that the hearts weren't the type you drew on a valentines day card. Philip walked over to a table in the center of the room and stirred something in a pot.

"What's that?" Corey asked as she walked over to Philip.

"Stew, sorry but I'm afraid it's cold." Philip replied as he spooned some into a bowl.

"That's alright. When I was on the seas with my father we lived on cold stew." Corey replied as she took the bowl. "Thank you" she said as she pulled over a chair and sat at the table.

"Do you know how to get back to the enchanted Forrest?" Philip asked. Corey swallowed the bit of stew she had in her mouth.

"No, not exactly but I do know that there are many ways to travel worlds. If the queen was as powerful of a sorceress as you say she was. She should have things that could help us." Corey said as she Looked at the giant cobweb covered staircase leading to the upstairs."Have you ever been up their?" Corey asked.

"Only once when I first went came here. I have never really needed to since." Philip replied.

"Tomorrow we should go up there and see if there is anything that would be helpful." Corey said before she finished the last bit of stew. Philip stood up and picked up a blanket from a chair and brought it over to a couch by the window.

"I'm sorry it won't be the most comfortable thing to sleep on but it's better than nothing at all." Philip said. "We should probably get to sleep." Philip said as he climbed onto a couch on the opposite side of the room and laid down. Corey walked towards the couch Philip had put the blanket on. She laid down and pulled the blanket up. She laid quietly, desperately waiting for sleep. She could hear Philips breathing faintly from across the room. She turned her head To look out the window. All the stars were out. She thought about all the time she had spent helping her father use the stars to navigate. Then she saw a dark shadow fly across the sky. Corey felt goosebumps instantaneously cover her body. She pulled the blanket over her face and hoped the shadow wouldn't see. She felt like a small child hiding from the dark. She felt everything get colder and colder. She knew the shadow was getting closer. Cory mentally slapped herself. She should have realized that he would be able to find her once she stepped foot in a land with strong magic. She had just assumed he had forgotten about her. Corey felt the shadows presence. She knew it was right outside the window. She hoped that the back of the couch was hiding her from view. Then she felt everything grow warm again. But her heart was racing. He knew where she was. The quicker she and Philip could get to the enchanted Forrest the more time she would buy herself. She had hoped he had forgotten or moved on but, apparently not. Corey knew this meant trouble. All she wanted was for sleep to come. Then suddenly her eyelids began to droop.


"So my little pirate what do you want for your birthday?" Her father asked as he leaned up against the door in her bedroom. Corey sat at her desk as still as a statue. "Please Corey...." Her father begged softly. Ever since Bae had left to go with Peter Pan she had barely spoken a word to him. Hook had hoped that her upcoming birthday would cheer her up. Hook waited in her doorway for another minute but she remained silent. Then right as he went to leave he heard her mumble. "What was that, love?"

"You know what I want." She mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. Hook felt his heart sink. No matter how hard he tried she just wouldn't let it go. He walked over and knelt beside her.

"Cordelia, please I'm only tryi-" Corey cut him off.

"My name is Corey!" She spat. Hook let out a frustrated sigh.

"Please Corey, why can't you just let it go? He didn't want to be here.... And he had a good reason." Hook said. Then Corey suddenly jumped up and turned to face her father, who was still kneeling on the ground shocked.

"Why can't I just let it go!? He was my brother!!!!! He left me here! He didn't even say goodbye!!! Family doesn't leave family!!.... No matter what!!" Corey yelled before storming out of the room. Hook stood up, still shocked at her outburst. He slowly stood up. She was just like her mother, a ticking bomb, they held their emotions in until they couldn't anymore. He slowly walked down the hall to his office. Only to be greeted by Smee waiting outside his door.

"It's alright Captain. She'll get over it eventually." Smee said. Clearly having over heard Corey's outburst.

"If she's anything like her mother, it will take a while." Hook said with a sigh before entering his office and collapsing in a chair.

Meanwhile, Corey paced the deck of the ship. She could see small fires dotting the island like stars in the night. She could hear the water lap against the side of the boat. She and Bae played hide and go seek on the deck of the ship at night all the time. She thought about Bae and wondered whether or not he even missed her. Then one by one all the little fires on the island went out and reappeared somewhere else. Corey rubbed her eyes to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"They kinda look like stars don't they? If you-" A voice, behind her, said but before the voice finished Corey's sword was at their throat.

"Who are you!?" Cory growled as she pushed her sword harder into the their throat so that if she pushed any harder it would draw blood.

"The names Peter, Peter Pan." The boy said.

"What do you want!?" Corey growled.

"Oh nothing, my shadow has just been telling me of a girl that lives on this ship. I believe she goes by the name of .... Corey? And I am quite interested in meeting her." Peter said as he gave her a mischievous smile.

"There is no one on this ship that

Goes by the name of Corey!" Corey said as she pulled her sword away from his neck and pushed him away. Peter smiled.

"But that's where you're wrong. There is a girl on this ship who Goes by the Name of Corey." Peter said again. Corey knew that the boy in front of her was the one her father had warned her about.

"I'm am the only girl on this ship and I certainly don't go by the name of Corey." She said as she pointed her sword at his throat. She mentally praised her lying abilities.

"But again, that's where you're wrong. You are Corey." He said as he calmly moved the sword away from his throat and walked toward her.

"You see Corey, I've been watching you for a long time. Long before you even came to this world and you are special." Peter said. Corey started to back up.

"That's impossible because my name is NOT Corey!" She said sternly as she lifted her sword and put it back so it was at his throat.

"I know everything about you and I know that what you really want is to get the answers from your half brother, Baelfire. Corey" he said softly "I can help you get those answers. All you have to do is come with me...... Now what do you say?" Peter said with a smile, one that appeared to be sincere but Corey knew it wasn't.

"Never!" Corey replied. As she started to move her sword closer to his throat.

"I was afraid you'd say that." He shrugged "What a shame. . . . . . . . . Get her boys!" Corey turned around just in time to see boys come out of the shadows and go toward her. She tried get below deck but she barely went a foot before two boys grabbed her arms roughly and turned her to face Peter Pan. She squirmed and tried to yank her arms free but the boy's grips were too strong.

"Corey, you can't run from me because I Always get what I want." Peter said softly as he put his hand on the side of her face gently. Then everything went black.


Corey woke up with a gasp. She opened her eyes to see Philip standing over her with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you alright? You don't look well." He said as he examined Corey's pale face. She quickly stood up and anxiously started pacing the room. She was rambling on and on about something Philip couldn't fully make out. All he could hear was something about a "he".

"Corey, please slow down." Philip asked. Corey took a deep breathe.

"He knows where I am" she said still pale as a ghost.

"Who?" Philip asked. Corey was shaking.

"Peter, Peter Pan." She said. Corey felt like everything was falling apart. He gave her that dream. She knew if he sent the shadow he would try to get her any day now.

"What's so bad about him?" Philip asked as he lead her over to the couch and made her sit down.

"He is by far the nastiest person I've ever met." Corey said her voice shaking. "I spent some time in Neverland, where he lives. He became rather. . . . Attached to me. I just barely escaped with my life." Philip brought her over breakfast.

"And why is it bad that he knows where you are?" Philip asked. Corey stared down mindlessly at her breakfast. Her appetite was definitely gone.

"He is going to bring me back to the island." Corey said. She thought desperately for away to escape capture but deep inside she knew she couldn't avoid it unless she could get back to Storybrooke. But she could delay it until she found a way to get to Storybrooke. "Philip, the sooner we get to the enchanted Forrest the harder it will be for Peter to track me. I think it's time to see if that soceress left anything." Philip nodded in agreement. Together they headed towards the stairs.

Corey slowly made her way through the hallway. There were cobwebs everywhere. Philip went ahead and brushed the webs out of the way. Corey watched Philip. The image of his face when he said she didn't look well was stuck in the back of her head. Few people had ever looked at her like that. It almost appeared as if he really cared. She tried to shake that thought away. He has a true love she said to herself. Anyway I'm only fifteen(well at least thats what I look like) He looks to be at least twenty. Then suddenly smack! Corey walked right into Philip's back. He had stopped in front of a giant pair of doors. She sent them both toppling forward into the room. Corey jumped up.

"I am so sorry!" Corey said as she helped Philip up. " I wasn't paying attention" Philip smiled.

"It's fine. I know you've got a lot on your mind." He said before he lite the torch on the wall. Corey looked around the room. The walls had shelves full of books and other magical items. Corey's gaze was drawn towards the far back corner. She felt chills run up her spine. Slowly a hooded figure stepped out of the shadows.

"No no no no no no no!" Corey said as she turned to run out of the room. But another hooded figure closed the door.

"Corey, what's going on?" Philip asked nervously as he nervously glance between the two figures.

"It's him." Corey whispered. She felt her walls falling down. No! She said to herself. You can't show him you're weak. She gathered herself together "Peter. Felix. there is no use in hiding. I know it's you." Corey said sternly as she tried to hide the fear in her voice. Slowly both figures took off their hoods and they were both exactly who she had expected.

Peter and Felix.

"You don't seem happy to see me?" Peter said as he slowly walked towards her. "We've missed you in Neverland." Corey laughed.

"Well I haven't missed you!" Corey said as she glared at Peter.

"Ouch, Corey that hurts!" Peter said. "You used to always miss me." He said with a sly wink.

"Shut up Peter!" Corey snapped. "Go back to Neverland where you belong!"

"Corey you've changed. Grown up a little bit. How long has it been? 27 years?" He asked

"29 but I was under a curse." She hissed. "Now leave Peter!" Corey growled and clenched her fists so hard her knuckles turned white. It was bothering her how he kept changing the subject and acted like nothing was wrong. When something obviously was.

"I came here to get something I want..... And I always get what I want" Peter said as he slowly walked in circles around Corey. "And I think we both know what I want." He said with a mischievous smile.

"I made a deal with Philip and I don't break deals." Corey said as she glanced at Philips anxious face. Peter let out an evil laugh.

"Really? Because I can remember a promise you broke." He stared at Corey wondering how far he could push her. "But, I'm a good boy so Philip will get back to The Enchanted Forrest." Then out of no where the shadow came and grabbed Philip. Philip tried to fight the shadow but he wasn't strong enough. Corey tried to grab Philip's foot as the spirit tried to fly away. But Peter grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away. His touch made her shoulder feel like it was on fire.

"Philip!!" Corey screamed as Philip vanished out the window. She

Glared at Peter and tried to back up. But there was a wall behind her. Slowly he made his way toward her.

"Do you remember the first we met?" He said as he slowly paced in front of her.

"Of course!" Corey said in a sarcastically girly voice. "Because you kidnapped me" her voice grew cold and emotionless as she glared at him and slowly brought her hand to the sword she had fastened to her belt.

"Remember all the times we spent together?" He asked. As he slowly walked so his face was only inches away from Corey's. Corey's heart was racing. She felt his warm breathe fanning her face. He smelt of the Forrest and campfires. "Don't you remember that?"

"Believe it or not I've been trying to forget." Corey said sarcastically.

"Please just try and remember." He begged. He reached for Corey's hand but she yanked it away. "Don't you remember all the adventures we had?" Then in a split second Corey had him pinned against the wall with her sword at her throat. Her mind was racing. She was getting flashbacks of all the moments she had tried to leave behind. Her walls were crumbling. The walls she had worked so hard to build up. She didn't create them to keep out love but, she created them to keep out Peter. She thought about the time she had spent with him. She clearly wasn't seeing what he did because all she saw was manipulation and hurt. Then she felt someone breathing behind her. She quickly spun around making sure to keep the sword at Peter's throat. She stood between Felix and Peter. And honestly she wasn't sure who she should be more afraid of. Peter because of his manipulation and trickery or Felix because he would do what ever Peter told him without hesitation. Then in the brief second her mind wandered Peter had pulled a pouch of poppy out from him cloak.

"Don't you dare-" Corey started to say but Peter had already thrown the poppy into her face. Corey felt herself become very lightheaded. She desperately tried to fight the power of the poppy. But she was becoming more and more lightheaded by the second. She dropped her sword and stumbled over to a table to steady herself. She kept telling herself over and over again that she wasn't tired. She was forcing her eyes to stay open. But with each growing second she grew even more tired. Then her legs have out. Peter managed to catch her seconds before she hit the floor. Corey forced her eyes open. He saw Peters face staring down at her. For a second she almost thought she saw concern on his face but, then everything went black.


Philip awoke with a gasp. He looked around. A smile grew on his face as he realized he was back. He recognized the place he was as the castle he and Aurora intended to call their own.

"Aurora!" He called. "Aurora are you here?" Then he heard what sounded like voices but he couldn't make out what they were saying. Then he heard his name.

"Philip!?" He turned around to see Aurora running towards him. He hopped off the bed and ran towards her. "Philip," Aurora sobbed as she hugged him. "How did you get back to me?" She said before she kissed him.

"A girl by the name of Corey" Philip said. "I barely new her but I wish their was a way to thank her."

"Has she been under a sleeping curse?" Aurora asked.

"I'm not sure why?" Philip asked.

"Because of the sleeping curse I can now travel the spirit world and if she has ever been under a sleeping curse or even if she's in an extremely deep sleep. I may be able to contact her." Aurora say. Philips eyes lit up.

"You can do that later though. For now I want to spend time with you, my true love." He said before kissing her once again.


Thank you So much for reading!!!!! Sorry it took me so long to update!! I wanted to make sure it was perfect so I kept rewriting it. But finally I got it to a place I like!!! I hope you liked this chapter!!!

Please comment about what you thought of the interactions between Peter and Corey!!

If you have any suggestions for the story I'd be glad to hear them if you just message me!!!

Comment if you want me to dedicate a chapter to you!!!






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