I will be loved! (BWWM)

Від Storylover2016

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Sequel to I will never be loved! Danielle's life has changes dramatically in less then a year. She found the... Більше

Chapter One!
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Please read!
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Twenty One

1.6K 118 76
Від Storylover2016

Luke's Prov:

I am only a person. Which means I make mistakes. Mistakes in which I wish I could take back, but I can't. And I am more then man enough to admit that I made a horrible mistake. But that what it was, it was just a mistake. Something I learned from. But the problem was I have made this mistake before when it came to Danielle. It's not the first time that I have trusted someone else over her. That I had not believed her, when I should have. I can understand why she was upset with me. I just wished that she would give me a chance to explain myself. To explain why I took Gabby's side. Even if it wasn't a good reason.

I don't think anyone besides me will ever understand how hard it is to get over someone who you thought you would be with for the rest of your life. Danielle is that person to me, she means the world to me in more ways then I can explain. And I hate that about me, I hate that I care about her so much. That I would pick her over anyone or everyone else. But I couldn't do that anymore. I couldn't continue to make it so she was my everything. Especially since she wasn't mine to be that way with. And that is why I was on Gabby's side. That is why even when deep down I knew Danielle wasn't lying, I chose to believe Gabby. Gabby had already doubted the relationship between her and I. I had to prove to her that I could be on her side, especially when it came to her going against Danielle. So she would believe I was in it for the long hall.

Because Gabby was the first women who I had thought I could have a future with besides Danielle. She was the first women to make me feel like it was okay for me to move on. That Danielle wasn't my only fish in the sea. That is why I wanted so badly to be there for Gabby when her and Danielle fought. Because I wanted Gabby to believe that I would be there for her if she needed it. But the problem was I knew that Gabby was wrong. That Danielle would never do something like that. Especially when she told me she wanted Gabby and I to be together. It was just to much happening at once, but I definitely choose the wrong side to be on. Because even if I wanted Gabby to believe I was all in, I went about it the wrong way. I should have never thought me acting that way would have been the best choice for me, or anyone. Because in the end of it all Danielle didn't want to talk to me. Gabby basically said she wanted nothing to do with me ever again. And my family wasn't very happy with me as well.

My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked down hoping that it was Danielle who was calling. Even thought deep down I knew she wasn't the one calling me. I was surprised when I looked down and saw Gabby's name there though. I mean after today I never thought I would see or hear from her again. Especially since she said I would never see or hear from her again. I contemplated what I should do at the moment. I almost didn't answer,  because I honestly didn't think me being with her was a good idea in any way, shape, or form. But something told me I had to answer the call. That I needed to hear what she had to say at the moment. Even if I didn't like it.

"Hello?" I answered.  At first I didn't hear anything. So I decided I would try again. "Hello Gabby are you there?" I asked her. I heard a sigh from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah Luke I am here." She answered. I heard her sigh again. "Luke I want to apologize for how things went down today. I wish I could take back what I did. But I can't, I do owe you and your family and apology though." She explained to me. I couldn't help but nod my head at her words. 

"Yeah why did you do those things Gabby? I mean Danielle honestly does want us to be together. She told me she did herself, and even if she didn't, there was no reason for you to freak out like that." I said to her as I sat up some.

"Trust me I know Luke." She answered back to me.

"So why would you freak out like you did then?"

"Luke I think you should know something." She paused for a moment. I almost thought she had hung up. But then I heard her breathing, which is how I knew she was still there.

"Gabby what do you need to tell me?" I asked her. She sighed at my question.

"Luke someone has been messaging me ever since you and I started dating." She said answering me.

"Okay, what does that have to do with anything though? Are you seeing someone else. Is that what your trying to tell me?" I could feel myself starting to get pissed off when I said this. Maybe my heart wasn't fully in it with Gabby yet, but I was trying my hardest to do so. So if she was seeing some else, when I felt guilty for just not being all in.  I would be beyond pissed.

"No Luke I am not seeing someone else. I meant it when I said I was all in. What I mean is someone has been texting me about Danielle and you. Telling me everything that has happened between you and Danielle. Trying to make me break up with you every chance they could get." Gabby said to me. I instantly shot up at her words.

"So your telling me someone has been trying to break us up since we met?" I questioned her.

"Yes Luke. About an hour after our first date I got a text message saying stay away from you. I thought it was Danielle given your history. Especially since she was there on our first date. But when I was at your house the other day I was on your phone so I could see if it was her, but the numbers didn't match up. I honestly don't know who it is." I sighed at her words.

"Wow." Was all I could comprehend to say at the moment.

"Wow is right. Luke I really do like you, and I am sorry for what happened today. It's just when you have someone constantly telling you the guy you like is in love with someone else. And that you should break up with him, you just kind of start to go crazy. I freaked out on Danielle for no reason honestly." I could hear how sorry she was when she spoke. And a part of my heart kinda went out to her. Because I know I would have freaked out as well if that was me.

"Gabby I accept your apology. But honestly I am not the person you should be apologizing to. Danielle is the one who you owe an apology to. And to my family as well." I explained to her.

"I know I do Luke. And I would like to do that. Hopefully she will give me a second chance. Just like I hope you will." I could tell she was nervous by how she spoke. It was cute in a way. I mean when it came down to it I did like Gabby. And now that I know what has been going on, I can understand why she acted the way she did today. Plus I was someone who truly believed in second chances. And in the circumstances I think she is more then deserving of a second chance.

"Gabby I can understand why you did what you did. And as long as you don't freak out again like you did today, then I would like to try again." I heard a happy sigh come from her side of the phone.

"Luke I would also like for us to find out who this person is. Because I don't think they are ever going to stop. Someone doesn't want you with anyone else." She explained to me. I couldn't help but nod my head at her words. We did need to figure out who this person was and stop them from doing what they are doing. Because if I had any shot at being happy this person needed to stop getting in the way.

"Your right. But first we both need to do something." I said to her.

"What's that?"

"Meet me tomorrow at my house, around ten, okay?"


There was only one person I thought that would be perfect to help Gabby and I with our problems. The problem was the person who could help us at the time was the one person who didn't want to see either one of us at the moment. Tomorrow was definitely going to be interesting to say the least.


The next day!

Danielle's Prov:

I still could not believe Luke didn't believe me yesterday. After everything we have been threw he still doesn't believe me. Still doesn't trust me as much as I trust him. It hurts to know that someone I care so deeply about, doesn't trust me like he should. I guess it just proves that I have more faith in him, then he does in me. Because to be honest if Ben was to say Luke was doing something to him, I wouldn't believe him. Because I know better then to think that Luke would do anything to harm anyone. That's just not in his nature, just like it's not in mine. I guess I thought Luke knew me better, I guess I was wrong.

"Babe you seem off still, are you sure your okay? " Ben asked me as we sat down in my living room.

"Yeah I am fine. I mean I am beyond pissed that Luke would not believe me again. I mean it hurt the first time, but this time it hurts ten times worst. Especially since he has only known Gabby for a little while, you know?" I questioned Ben.

"Yeah. Well I mean Gabby and him are together." Ben said to me causing me to quickly turn to look at him.     

"So your saying what he did was okay?" I questioned him. He shock his head at my words.

"No I don't think it is okay. But I can understand why he did it Danielle. His relationship with Gabby is new, and the most important thing in a relationship is trust. If he didn't trust in her yesterday, then how could she know he could trust her at all?" I couldn't help but laugh at his words. I got up off the couch and turned to look at him.

"The thing was she wasn't telling the truth Ben. She made it look like I was a crazy ex girlfriend who as trying to win Luke back. She made it seem like I was trying to break them up and he believed her. Even after I told him that I liked the two of them together. That I thought Gabby and him made a cute couple." I explained to him. Ben got off the couch and walked over to where I was.

"Danielle I get what your saying. I understand what you mean, okay. But I know why Luke did what he did. I would have done the same honestly." I shock my head at his words.

"What you and Luke don't seem to understand is that  I am not pissed about the fact that he choose to believe Gabby's words over mine. But I am more pissed at the fact that Luke actually believed what she said. He didn't only choose her, but he believed what she said. Which reflects badly on me and who I am. I would never do what she said I would, and yet he chose to believe I would. That's what hurts the most." I said to him as I started to walk towards the kitchen.

"Are you sure that's what's bugging you, or is it the fact that he is with Gabby? Does it bug you that he chose her. And to you it feels like your second best." I laughed at his words.

"You have to be kidding me Ben, you honestly believe that?"

"Yeah I do Danielle. I  know you think you are over Luke, but I see the way you guys glance at one another sometimes. I see how you feel about him, and I know how he feels about you. So maybe Gabby wasn't right about you trying to break them up, but she was right about you guys still having something."  I shock my head at his words.

"Where the hell is this coming from Ben. You and I have never even fought. And now out of no where we are fighting over Luke and Gabby." I found myself starting to pace at his words. "You know how I feel about you Ben. I choose you over Luke, because I love you. And want to be with you. I can't even believe you would say something like that." I explained to him.

"Well I can't believe I haven't said it before now." I shock my head at his words. "I love you Danielle I truly do, but in the back of my mind I can't shake the whole you and Luke thing."

"Ben you have never acted like this before. I don't get it."

"Well I have never felt like this before I guess. You know your the only girl I have ever loved. The only girl I wanted something more with. But now I'm starting to realize why I never wanted to be in a relationship. You give your all to someone, only for them to hurt you."

"Ben how the hell am I hurting you? There is nothing going on between Luke and I any more. I left him behind to be with you."

"Yeah and that's the problem right there. I feel like you left him because you wanted to see what else was out there, and I just happened to be there at the moment. I wasn't really your choice, I was just the most continent thing around." I shock my head at his words.

"Ben if that is really how you feel then why are we together? Huh? Why are you even here right now if you feel like I want to be with Luke. Or that I don't really care about you?" I questioned him.

"Because I fucking love you that's why. I only want you Danielle, but I can't say the same for you." I shock my head at his words.

"You know what Ben, if that is how you really feel." I said to him as I walked over to my front door, and opened it. "Then you can leave."


"No Ben, if that is truly hoe you feel, then you can fucking leave my home. And you can consider this relationship over. Because I have been nothing but faithful towards you since I ended it with Luke. And if I wanted to be with Luke then I would be." I yelled at him. I could feel the tears starting to fall down my face. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. That now out of no where he was questioning our relationship.

Ben looked at me like he wanted to say something. He even opened his mouth, but then he quickly shut it and shock his head. And walked right past me and out the door. I could feel the tears falling down faster as this happened. I slammed the door and fell down to the floor, I honestly couldn't believe this had happened. Ben and I had our first bad fight ever, and I was feeling horrible about it. I honestly couldn't see how this day could get any worse. This was the man that I loved, how could he think I didn't? I started to think back on everything that has gone down between us, and how I wasn't ready to let that go. Ben made me happy, and I like who I was with him. I thought him and I were happy. He had never said he wasn't. Then out of no where he acts like this, I just didn't get it.

I heard a knock the door bringing me out of my thoughts. A small smile formed on my lips, it must be Ben at the door. He was just as upset about the fight as I was. I quickly got up and opened the door, but when I did I wasn't only greeted by Ben. I was also greeted by Luke and Gabby standing behind him. I couldn't help but give a silent laugh. I was wrong, I could now see how my day could get any worse. Because it just did.


I went to shut the door not wanting to deal with whatever was going on at the moment. But as I tried to shut the door Ben put his hand out to stop it.

"Danielle we need to talk." I rolled my eyes at his words. No shit we needed to talk. He just went from zero to one hundred within seconds, and I had no idea why.

"Yes we do. What are they doing here?" I asked Ben. Not even looking at Luke or Gabby.

"Danielle we need your help." Luke said stepping forward some. His words made me stop my childish game. Luke never asked for help from anyone really. So I knew that something was really wrong. I wanted to be pissed at Luke, but at the moment I just couldn't be.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I moved back so they could enter my house. When Gabby passed me I couldn't help but narrow my eyes some.

"Someone has been texting and emailing Gabby since the first date we had. And apparently the same thing has been happening to Ben as well." Luke said to me as I shut my front door.

"What do you mean someone has been texting the both of you? Texting you what?" I asked both Ben.

"It started about a month after we started to date. I got these really weird messages. At first it was just little messages saying that you and I weren't meant for one another. As time went on they were just doubtful messages, ones basically saying that you were still in love with Luke. And for the past month they have just gotten worse. The worst one I got was yesterday when I got a txt saying that the only reason you were pissed about happened with Luke and Gabby was because you wanted him to be with you, and pick you. The they sent a picture of you guys starring at one another. It just really fucked me up." Ben explained to me.

Suddenly his behavior for today made more sense then ever before. I mean Ben and I never ever fought really. I mean we had little bickering sessions sometimes, and what not. But nothing like the fight we had today. It was so unexpected earlier, but now I understood why he had acted the way he had. I would have acted the same way if it would have been me.

"Ben why didn't you tell me?" I asked him as I walked over to where I was. He shock his head at me.

"I don't know, I mean I am a man. I am suppose to take care of things like this by myself. So I just pretended that nothing was happening. Especially after you chose me over Luke, I just thought it was stupid to even worry about it." He explained to me.

"Ben we are in a relationship. Your my boyfriend, your suppose to be able to tell me anything. Especially when it comes to stuff like this Ben." I said to him as I grabbed his hands. He nodded his head at my words.

"I know, but I am old fashion Danielle. I believe a man is suppose to take care of his women, not the other way around. I just didn't want to bother you with this." I shock my head at his words.

"We're suppose to take care of each other Ben. That's what being in a relationship is all about. Being there for one another in even the roughest times." He nodded his head at my words. "No more secrets?" I asked him.

"No more secrets." He said with a smile as he bent down to kiss me. It was a quick kiss and I was happy for it, considering Luke and Gabby were still here. I turned to face them. "Listen I am flatter that you would come to me for help, but I honestly don't know what you want me to do."

"We just want your help. I mean when it comes down to it, you know people better then they know themselves. You have a good intuition about people Danielle." Luke explained to me.

"I may be good at knowing those things, but that doesn't help us here. And honestly Luke you should know who it is. The minute you said something I knew who it was. So I honestly don't know why your here."

"Who is it?" Gabby questioned. I looked over at Luke as if to say ask him. Because I knew he knew who it was. "Luke?" Gabby questioned. He looked like he was scared to tell her who it was.

"I think it is Wendy." Luke said to her.

"Who the hell is Wendy?" She asked him.

"It's his ex." I answered for her. I could feel the anger as I spoke. I hated Wendy with everything in me. She was a sneaky, back stabbing bitch who did anything to get what she wanted. She knew how to fuck with people, and I hated it.

"Your ex? You said Danielle was the only girl you have ever dated." I laughed at Gabby's words.

"Maybe ex as in girlfriend isn't the right word for her, is it Luke? I would say more ex as in ex fuck buddy is more like it."  I said with a scuff.

"So she's not an ex just someone who you had sex with?" Gabby questioned him.

"She was my best friend. And yes occasionally we would have sex with one another." Luke said to her.

"So this whole time I have been hating Danielle. When I should have been hating this ex fuck buddy of yours. A girl who I only just found out about today. This is honestly so fucked up." Gabby said as she sat down on one of the couches.

"Gabby just try to calm down." Luke said as he went and sat down next to her.

"No." She got up from the couch and walked away from him. "I could handle having Danielle around because she is generally a good person and wants us to work out. But I can't deal with the fact that there is this crazy ex girlfriend of yours who is not going to stop till she gets you." Gabby explained to him.

"I think this is something you guys need to discuss with one another." I said to them but they completely ignored me.

"Gabby come on, the whole reason for us coming over here was for us to end what is going on."

"But we didn't have to come here Luke, that is the fucked up part. We didn't need to come here because you knew who it was the whole time, but you didn't want to tell me. Why is that?" She questioned him.

"I knew who it was but I just didn't know what to do about it." He answered her.

"Then why did we need to come to Danielle? You have plenty of other people in your life that could help us. Why did we need to come here?" She questioned him. Luke looked like a deer caught in the head lights of a car.


"No wait." She put up her hand to stop him. "I don't need you to answer that because I know why you didn't tell me, and why we came her.  Because you wanted to come her to have Danielle by your side to get threw this." Gabby said to him.

"Oh god come on, please tell me we are not back on this." I said jumping into the conversation.

"Yes we are back on this. Because you know what, even thought this Wendy girl is beyond fucked up, and she seriously needs some help. But she is right about everything she has said to Ben and I." Gabby explained I shock my head at her words.

"Wow you come here to ask for my help and some how I am put on the spot with Luke again. This shit is getting so annoying. I am so done with it." I said as I looked right at Gabby.

"Your done with it? Ben and I should be the ones who are done with it. And you know what Luke should be done with it as well. You have done enough damage to all of us." I shock my head at her words.

"Gabby come on your being ridiculous. Your just stressed about this whole Wendy thing, and your taking it out on Danielle." Luke said coming to my defense.

"Of course you would take her side on this. This is exactly why this whole trying to stop Wendy thing is pointless. Your never going to see anyone like you see her. And I know Ben agrees with me." She said as she looked over at Ben. I did the same thing. I hoped with everything in me that he didn't agree with her. I hoped he could see the hope in my eyes when I looked at him. I definitely didn't want to loose him.

"Gabby I was in the same place you were. And honestly sometimes I have doubts. in fact I just did today. But I love Danielle and I know that she loves me. For me that is more then enough. And it should be enough for you as well." Ben said as he walked over to where I was and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I felt a warmth in my heart when he did so. I know Ben has had doubts that has been more then obvious, but I also knew that Ben was the kind of man who stuck by the ones he cared about no matter what. And I was glade to have him on my side, threw anything.

"Oh wow you have got to be kidding me right now. You can't be serious Ben, this is not what...."

"Gabby enough." Luke said to her interrupting her. "This was a mistake bringing you here. It was a mistake giving you another chance. Because deep down your never going to fully trust in me and you. So there is honestly no point in us fighting. Just go Gabby." Gabby shock hear head at Luke's words.

"Luke come one, you know you and I could be something amazing," She said to him.

"We could be...."

"The leave with me now and never talk to Danielle again. That is the only way we can ever be truly happy." She said interrupting him.

"What, you can't be serious." I said to her.

"I am serious, if he wanted to be with me then he will let you go. Because all your going to do is ruin his life." Gabby said as she grabbed Luke's hands. "Luke just come with me now and forget her. We can deal with this Wendy thing all on our own. And you don't need her in your life." She said to him. 

Luke shock his head at her words. "Gabby I am not going to shut Danielle out of my life." He said as he shock his hands out of hers. She sneered as he did so.

"So your not going to come with me?" She asked him.

"I think he made it clear he wasn't going to." Ben said to her. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he had Luke's and I's back.

Gabby shook her head, and laughed. " Oh how I love the fact you are all going to get what's coming you way. Your all in for something beyond unexpected." Gabby said to us. I couldn't help but noticed that she watched Ben extra closely as she walked over to where the door was. She opened it and slammed it behind her. I couldn't help but let out a happy sigh as she did so.

"Well that was enough drama for the rest of the year." Ben said causing me to nod my head.

"Yeah she is crazy, I am sorry Luke. I know you really liked her." I said to Luke as I looked at him with sympathy. Gabby was a chance for Luke to be happy. For him to have what Ben and I have, it's just to bad that Gabby ended up being someone who she definitely wasn't. Someone who Luke unfortunately started to really like.

"If anything I should be the one who is sorry. I should have never said I would give her another chance. I should have known from yesterday that she was crazy. I just thought she was someone who actually wanted to be with me." I could hear the sadness in his voice. I couldn't help but feel so sad for him. Luke deserved to be happy, and it hurt to see him so sad.

"How about you spend the day with Ben and I? We were going to go out and have some fun. Then coming back here for a movie. Are you in?" I questioned him with a smile.

"I don't want to crash in on your and Ben's time." Luke said refusing me.

"It's not going to just be me and Ben. We are going to invite the whole gang to come." I lied to him. I mean I was just going to spend the day with Ben. But now with everything going down with Luke, I knew I had to make forget Gabby. Just like I knew that it would be really weird if he was just with Ben and I. Hopefully the gang would be down for just hanging out and what not.

"That actually sounds like a really good idea. I need to get Gabby and this whole things off my mind." Luke said with a half smile.

"Okay then it's settled, right Ben?" I asked him as I looked over at him. But instead of paying attention to what Luke and I were saying. He was busy texting on his phone. "Ben?" I said again hoping to get his attention. When he didn't answer I got closer and half yelled at him. "Ben!" I yelled at him. He shock his head some and looked up at me. "Are you down or hanging out with the whole gang, to get this stupid drama out of our minds?"

"That sounds like a really good idea. But I have to go, Joey needs my help with something. I will have to take a rain check on this one." I was disappointed that he couldn't stay to hang out with all of us, but I knew how close him and Joey were. I was glade he was like me and would always be there for his friends.

"Well I hope everything is okay with Joey. Give him my love, okay?" I said to him. He smiled at my words.

"Will do, have fun for me guys." Ben said after he leaned down and kissed me. He walked over to where Luke was and shock his hand. "See you later man, sorry about the whole Gabby thing."

"Thanks man. Hopefully you can meet up with us later." Ben nodded his head at Luke's words.

"Yeah hopefully." Ben answered before he looked down at his phone, he started to txt again and walked out of the house.

I looked over at Luke who looked like he was deep in thought. I could tell that he was thinking about Gabby and what went down. "Hey." He looked up at my words. "Let's go have some fun." Luke smiled at my words and walked over to where I was.

"Let's go." He said to me as he opened the door for me. I was actually really excited about being with everyone I loved and just hanging out. It has been a long time since we have done so. And after all the drama that has gone down in the last few days, we definitely needed it. The whole Wendy thing could wait another day. The problem was deep down I knew this wasn't the only thing she had up her sleeve. I truly wasn't ready for what she had in store for us.


So this is more of a filler chapter.  I really hope you guys like it. I mean come on did you guys expect the whole Wendy thing? You can't keep a crazy girl like her down for long.  So make sure you vote, and comment to let me know what you think. Love you all.

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