Becoming The Shadows (Shadow...

By JustMe52

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Fourth book to the Shadow series. "Here's the thing, when you wake up, you won't really remember any of this... More

01- Alive
02- Funeral
03- Mexico
04- Clubbing
05 - Captured
6 -
07 - Sociopath
08 - Focus
09 - Coffee
10 - Gas Station
11 - Bearer Bonds
12 - Tryouts
13 - Hidden
14 - Arrows
15 - Leather Jacket
16 - Lacrosse Stick
17 - Choking
18 - Hug
19 - Name
20 - CDC
21 - 911
22 - Timer
23 - Burned
24 - Move On
25 - Strong
26 - Allison
27 - Satomi's Pack
28 - Gone
29 - Carbonite
30 - Go
31 - Yellow Wolfsbane
Embracing The Shadows

32 - France

5.9K 323 347
By JustMe52

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back, but be careful." Dad warns all of us. He stands side by side with Araya and the rest of the Calaveras stand behind them. 

Scott nods his head at the people that stand behind my dad. "You're really going with them?" 

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago." Dad shares with everyone. I'm just glad he told me about this after he made the deal. I wasn't completely thrilled with the idea of going with them, but he was doing what Argent's do best; protecting the ones we love. "They'll leave you alone- all of you- but, only if I help them catch Kate." 

"What if you can't?" Kira asks from my right side.

I smile back at me dad. "He'll find her. Someone has to." 

Dad nods back with a weak smile before he turns to get in one of their trucks. Stiles rubs my shoulder when he wraps his arm around me. I had no idea when I would see my dad again. All I could hope was that he would be okay. 

I rest my head on the window of the plane. The city below looks so tiny when we're so high up. Leaving Beacon Hills was becoming harder each time I leave, but I knew this time was something I really had to do. 

A small smile sweeps across my face as I think back to telling everyone I was leaving. Some goodbyes were easier than others. After Derek told me about the whole wolf evolving thing he did, he was sad to see me go, but we both understood that this was the end for us. The hardest ones were to Stiles, Parrish, and surprisingly, Liam. Liam has grown on to me and feels like a a younger brother. 

"Well, how long are you going to be gone for?" Stiles waves his arms around in the air. He aimlessly wanders around my bedroom at the apartment I share with Parrish. 

I finish folding up a jacket and stuffing it in my suitcase. "A month, but no more than two." I zip it up once I'm sure I have everything I need.

"But, why?" Liam frowns from where he is sitting at the foot of my bed. 

I smile at the two of them. They oddly both offered to come help me back, but now, I realize they just wanted to drill me with questions. "Because I need to figure out what I am and the best people to help me do that are in France." 

Stiles shoos me off to lift my suitcase off of my bed and to the floor. His eyes nearly shoot out of his head at the weight. "Good, god." He groans, nearly dropping it on his toes. 

I giggle behind my hand. "Sorry." 

Liam scowls, probably annoyed that he can't get me to stay. "How about I come with you?"

"No." I drag the word out. "France is not a place for sixteen year olds."

"I turn seventeen soon." 

I shake my head. "Liam, the part of France I'm going is not suitable for people like you and don't take that in a bad way. Where I'm going, hunters have rebelled against their families and formed a trusted circle that helps train other hunters and even a few werewolves."

"And they can help you?" Stiles asks in a doubting tone.

"Yeah, they can. I have a friend there that knows more about the supernatural world than we do. She'll help." I grab the handle of my suitcase and wheel it out towards the front door. 

"Can we at least drive you to the airport?" Stiles follows me through the apartment.

Parrish walks out of the kitchen with his keys in hand. "You can ride with us." 

Only a couple of hours have passed since I said my goodbyes at the terminal. I felt like I was saying goodbye to a younger brother and two best friends. Lydia was going to ride to the airport with me, but we decided to say our goodbyes earlier that day. 

I never wanted to let go of Parrish or Stiles when I hugged them for the last time. Stiles has always been a close friend of mine, but Parrish and I have grown so close. We were partners in crime that were always in sync with each other. It was going to be weird to wake up in the mornings and not see him in the kitchen making breakfast. 

"Liam, you've barely even know Clara for that long." Stiles huffs as the blonde boy holds onto me tighter. Stiles pulls Liam's arm off of me to try to get a hug in. "Move along so I can say goodbye before her plane takes off. Damn it, Liam."

"Fine, fine." Liam releases his hold on me. 

I chuckle and walk right into Stiles' warm embrace. I rest my cheek on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss you." 

"Not as much as I'll miss you." Stiles pulls me tightly against his body. He presses a kiss to my temple in a friendly manner. "Oh, god. I'm going to cry." He mumbles in my ear for only me to hear. 

"Don't do that. You'll make me start." I hold onto my best friend for dear life. "It's only two months and I'll actually skype you this time and everything."

The attendant at the gate for my plane announces for last call. The final call only results in Stiles' holding me closer. 

"Stiles, I love you, but I have to hug Parrish, too." I kiss his cheek before I wiggle out of his arms. I quickly rush into Parrish's arms. "Please stay out of danger and keep an eye on my friends- especially those two." 

"I will." Parrish promises me. "Now, go get on that plane." 

I grab the back of Parrish's neck to force him to bend down a little bit. Like I did with Stiles, I kiss Parrish's cheek. I wave at all three of them and rush over to the gate for my plane.

"Hey, where's my kiss?" Liam pouts.  

I hand the lady over my ticket for her to check. "When I get back!" I promise Liam. 

"Brothers?" The attendant asks me after handing back my ticket. 

I shake my head with my eyes still trained on them. "No, they're my best friends." 

"Oh, well, they must really love you." She states with a warm smile. 

"You have no idea." I chuckle before walking to my plane. I wipe away a few stray tears. I don't think I'll ever be able to leave them like this again. 

The flight to France gave me enough time to doze in and out of sleep. The window seat wasn't the greatest, but I made do with the pillow and blanket the flight attendant gave me. 

As planned, my friend, Keisha, met me at the airport. She was the one I was telling the guys about. Of course, when I told her what happened to me over Skype, she didn't believe a word of it. That was the exact reason I did it over a video chat. Keisha saw for herself my ability to change my physical features. 

Keisha and I both thought it would be best if I transformed to not look like my old self. Too many people where we were going knew me when I came here last time. She said that everyone knew I was dead, so walking in like everything was fine wouldn't be a good idea. 

She brought me back into the warehouse that they made into their headquarters that was simply everyone's home and the place they trained. There were several rooms in the warehouse, which made it much easier to separate everything. Four or five bunk beds were lined in three rooms and I threw my suitcase on a bottom bunk to claim as mine. 

Keisha lead me to a room near the gym that she counted as her office. She was one of the main people in charge here. That's how I was so easily welcomed back. 

"Okay, so you said you're a shapeshifter?" 

I nod my head and watch her move towards some cabinets. "You saw that I was." 

Keisha peers at me over her shoulder. Her gaze lingers on my face, most likely remembering how I showed her over video chat. "Right. Thank you again for not looking like you...Or Allison- However the hell you explained it." She turns back to the cabinets. 

"You're welcome." 

Keisha grabs a pair of black skinny sweatpants. "Here." She tosses them at my head. "You can help me train the newbies today." 

My eyes light up with excitement. Last time I was here, I was a newbie myself. It was going to be fun to have it be the other way around. Not caring that she's in the room, I strip out of my jeans to pull on the sweats. I already had a black shirt on. 

We walk out of her office to see about ten teenagers stretching and getting ready for the training we are about to put them through. A large, red pad is in the middle of the room. I kicked so much ass on that pad when we would fight each other. 

"Fall in!" Keisha shouts above everyone. 

I stand at the edge of the mat while everyone else stands on the opposite side. My eyes glide over all of the newbies that I'll be helping train while I'm here. That was the deal we made. I'd help with the newbies and she would help me figure out I am. 

The breath in my throat gets caught when my eyes land upon a tall guy with dirty blond, curly hair. He's near the end of the line, but a bright smile is on his lips as he chats to the guy next to him. His blue eyes are lit up with excitement and I feel as if my whole body became weightless. 

He's here. Isaac is here.

He must have felt like somebody was watching him because he turns his head away from his friend and meets my gaze. Flustered, I quickly look away with my breath coming out in shallow pants and my cheeks turning red. 

I had no idea Isaac was here. How did he end up at the same place that I found last time I was here? Keisha starts informing the group about how I will be helping them train for the next two months and what we plan on doing today. Her voice sounds a million miles away. The only thing I can hear is my heartbeat in my ears. 

Isaac hasn't stopped staring at me since I looked away from him. Either he suddenly developed a staring problem or he somehow knows it's me. That would be ridiculous, though. I haven't shown any signs of who I really am. 

"Claire?" Keisha motions for me to begin. "Just so all of you know not to mess with her, Claire is one of the most badass and fierce people I have ever met."

I step out in the middle of the mat, trying to clear my mind to be able to train them. "Alright, so raise your hand if you are a hunter and rebelled from your family?" Seven out of the ten raise their hands in the air. "Okay, what about werewolves?" 

The rest of them raise their hands, including Isaac. 

"To the first seven to raise your hands, I was in your shoes once." I tell all of them, striving not to make eye contact with Isaac. "I went against my parents because they were after my friends. No need to go into details, I'm sure you know what what happened."

Most of them nods their heads and mutter something to their friend. 

"Keisha said that you've been here for a month already." I spread my arms out by my sides. "Let's see your fighting skills. Who wants to step up?" 

The group of teenagers glance at each other. None of them bother to step forward. I feel my eyes widen when Isaac steps on the map with a smirk. Damn it. I should have known he would do this. I keep my face as he walks up to me.

"What's your name?" I pretend that I have no idea who he is. 

Isaac smiles broadly. His smile sends butterflies through my stomach. "Isaac." The look on his face makes me wonder if he does know who I am. 

I kick my leg up when he least expects it. Surprisingly, Isaac catches my ankle with both hands. I jerk my ankle in his grasp to find he doesn't plan on letting go. Isaac cocks his head to the side, clearly proud of himself. I twist my upper body around and use that momentum to kick up my other leg. The action catches Isaac by surprise and hits the ground hard.

Isaac reaches for my legs to trip me, but I lunge over his body and land into a small somersault. The group around us makes noises of awe at the trick I just did. Isaac has always been a good fighter. Unfortunately, he seems to know moves I'll make before I make them and I do the same with him. 

The two of us circle each other with fists held up to protect our faces. He makes the first move and I effortlessly dodge his fist. We go back and forth swinging our fists at each other, only to have the other block it. I duck down and swipe my leg under his. His feet get knocked right out from under him and he tumbles to the mat. 

He surprises me and yanks me down by my arm. My hands grab onto his shoulders and I flip both of us other to keep him from pinning me down. I hold his arms down with a large smirk spreading across my lips. 

"I told you she was good-" Keisha starts to talk until she sees me be flipped over by Isaac. 

Isaac holds both of my wrist in his hand above my head. He leans close down, "I watched you die, Clara." He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "How are you alive?" 




Okay, so I've been planning this for so long. I've been wanting all of you to know about this and it's been so hard to keep it a secret. I'm so glad everyone knows now. 

I couldn't see Clara being with anyone else. So, I'm going to have Isaac be in season five because I'm the writer of this story and I can do that. The only thing is that they will not be dating right away. A lot of playful flirting will happen, but Clara wouldn't rush right into a relationship after the Derek thing. 

I still need title suggestions for the next book. Must have Shadow in it somewhere. Also, I'm going to focus on my other books for a little bit before starting the next book. 

Question: Who's happy about me bringing Isaac back?

So, yeah!

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