Becoming The Shadows (Shadow...

By JustMe52

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Fourth book to the Shadow series. "Here's the thing, when you wake up, you won't really remember any of this... More

01- Alive
02- Funeral
03- Mexico
04- Clubbing
05 - Captured
6 -
07 - Sociopath
08 - Focus
09 - Coffee
10 - Gas Station
11 - Bearer Bonds
12 - Tryouts
13 - Hidden
14 - Arrows
15 - Leather Jacket
16 - Lacrosse Stick
17 - Choking
18 - Hug
19 - Name
20 - CDC
21 - 911
22 - Timer
23 - Burned
24 - Move On
25 - Strong
26 - Allison
27 - Satomi's Pack
28 - Gone
29 - Carbonite
30 - Go
32 - France
Embracing The Shadows

31 - Yellow Wolfsbane

4.1K 236 86
By JustMe52

The Church feels like a small maze with all of the tunnels that lead off in different direction. For some reason, I keep moving straight until I sharply turn right. 

Stiles is hot on my heels, tightly grasping Kira's katana in hand. "Scott?" He loudly shouts in my ear. "Kira?"

At the end of a tunnel, I see familiar black hair and that's all I need to push myself to run faster. Stiles makes a noise of frustration when I move faster. I move more agile through the tunnels even with my bow and own katana. I've grown used to carrying my katana with me everywhere now. I don't even feel it on my back at this point. 

"Kira!" I skid to a stop, hands reaching to help her stand. 

She puts most of her weight on the rock wall behind her. The side of her lip and forehead are cut with dry blood stained around them. I lightly press a finger to her forehead to see that the cuts healed. 

"Oh!" Stiles runs over to us with his flashlight. "Are you okay?"

"It's Scott. Clara, it's Scott." Kira rushes to say instead of answering Stiles question. 

The information she throws at me doesn't make any sense. "Wait. What?" I shake my head once in confusion. 

"The Berserker. It's him. Kate did it." Kira adds.

My mouth drops and I think back to the Beserker that just attacked us a few minutes ago. The only Beserker we saw, which would mean it would have our full attention. Back at the warehouse, Peter was telling us to kill the Beserkers. This was why. He wants us to kill Scott. 

"What are you talking about?" Stiles demands from beside me. 

I sharply turn around to race back through the way we came. Malia and Liam are fighting against Scott right now. With Peter somewhere nearby, he'll use any chance he can get to get them to kill Scott. 

"Wait- Clara!" Stiles shouts after I sprint away from them. 

Kira's voice grows louder for me to hear as I run back to our friends. "She made him into one of them. I don't know how, but it's him, Clara."

I focus on keeping my breathing steady as I agilely dart through the Church to get back to that main room. I burst out of an open doorway to see Peter toss a Beserker bone to Malia. 

"Take it aim for the skull!" Peter coaches her. "Kill it!" 

I plant my feet on the ground and draw back an arrow. Liam and Peter each grab an arm of Scott to hold it against a wall. Malia runs towards the Beserkers completely unaware that it's Scott. I take a deep breath and shoot the arrow right where the bone will be in a few seconds in Malia's hand. 

The arrow skins the top of Malia's knuckles forcing her to drop the bone before she can hurt Scott. By the time the bone drops to the floor, I'm already reaching everyone with my katana out and bow over my back. 

"Malia, wait!" Stiles yells from another part of the room. "It's Scott. It's Scott!" 

Liam peers up at the eyes underneath the skull for confirmation. Scott throws Liam to the ground and tosses Peter to the side. Next, he punches Malia right across her cheek. He keeps his eyes on Liam on the ground and begins to stalk towards him while Liam crawls away. 

Kira just lets him go by her, "Scott? Scott, don't!" 

I step in front of Liam once there's enough room. 

Stiles moves towards Scott, in attempt to draw his attention away and bring him back to his normal self. "Scott, it's me."

A large arm flies toward Stiles, sending him falling to the ground. Liam finally manages to crawl to his feet and I forcefully shove him out of the way, seconds before Scott tries to grab him. Instead, Scott's hand harshly grab onto me to slam me backwards against the wall. 

The back of my head slams into the wall. One hand holds my katana while the other wraps around the hand around my throat that belongs to Scott. "Scott!" I shout at my best friend. I purposely drop my katana and hold that hand outwards to stop anyone from interfering. 

Scott continues to push me further up on the wall. His hand tightening more around my neck. I kick my legs upwards and wrap them around Scott's arm. Thankfully, the pressure of my legs on his arms is enough for his grasp on my throat to loosen enough for me to breathe. 

He pulls back an arm to punch me. 

"Scott!" I loudly yell at him. "I know you're still in there because you haven't punched me yet." I skillfully slide a dagger out of my jacket just in case I do need it. I won't hurt him too badly. "Listen to me! You're not a monster!" 

His dark eyes stare back at me, but he stays frozen in place with his hand still on my throat. Slowly, my words are getting to him. 

"You're a werewolf, like Liam and Derek." I tighten my legs around his arm, trying to avoid the sharp bones that come off in random directions. "Just because you're taught to live a certain way does not mean you have to do it. Remember how I went against my family? You can do the same thing for this! Fight. Back."

Scott's eyes underneath the skull begin to squeeze shut several times. My chest heaves up and down as I watch him start to regain control of himself. The hand on my throat stretches out enough to still keep a hold on me, but not hurt me. Scott lowers me back to the ground once I unravel my legs from his arm. 

The hand retracts from my throat and he backs away, examining his own hands, like he can't believe they belong to him. I lean against the wall and snatch my katana back up. I won't need it to fight him, but Peter might be another story. 

Scott starts to shed the bone armor off of his body one by one. With two hands, he breaks the skull in half off of his head with a loud growl. Proud that he did it, I push off of the wall to stand beside him as he glares at Peter directly across from him about fifteen feet away. 

"You." Scott pants with his eyes red and face wolfed out. "The only one who knew as much as Argent about Beserkers, about the Nagual." 

I pull a stance with my katana in hand. "You taught Kate and you helped her."

"All for power." Scott adds. 

Malia begins to realize what really happened here and backs away from Peter. Scott plans on fighting Peter and there's no way in hell that I'm going to let him do this by himself. 

"For my family's power." Peter angrily corrects him. "To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he won't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified." As he begins to talk again, his voice changes much like Liam's did in the van. "You don't deserve your power, not like this."

Blue eyes shine back at us before Peter's whole face begins to wolf out. God, he makes out to be an ugly wolf. A loud growl emits from his lips to try and intimidate us. Clearly, Peter doesn't know enough about Scott and I. We don't get intimidated easily. 

Malia growls back at him, lunging at him to attack. Peter effortlessly throws her backwards to land in a pile of broken cement. Of all the guys in the world and Peter just had to be her father. 

"Oh, sorry, sweetheart." Peter mockingly says. "We'll talk about this later."

Kira twirls her katana around in the air, ready to attack next.

"Kira!" Scott shouts to stop her. 

Kira slowly backs away from Peter, but keeps the katana in place if she needs it. Everyone starts to back away, in fact. Scott tries to nudge me away from his side. 

I loudly scoff in response. "Piss off, Scott. I'm not backing down." 

Peter slowly starts to pace the floor. "You were my Beta first, Scott. It was my bite that changed your life and my bite that can end it." 

"Then, end it, Peter. Because you won't get another chance." Scott replies back with. 

Both of them growl at each other before lunging in the air with claws reaching for each other. I twirl the dagger in my one hand and fling it through the air towards Peter. The blade lodges itself into Peter's arm, but it doesn't phase him at all. 

I run forward after Scott is thrown to the ground. Peter dodges the katana, but he's surprised when I kick him backwards in the chest. Scott runs up from behind me and takes back over with fighting with Peter. I yank the dagger out of his arm. 

Thinking back to the dagger my dad gave me before we left, has me reaching for the yellow wolfsbane coated dagger from my jacket. I have to use this at the right time. I grip it tightly in my hands and race forward to attack Peter again. 

One handed, I swing my katana in every direction at high speed to try to confuse Peter. 

"Come on, Clara." Peter growls at me. "Come on!" 

"Kira!" I shout and throw my katana in the air. I don't bother checking to make sure she caught it. I just grab another dagger and spin both around my fingers. "Oh, come on, Peter." I mock him. "This is just pathetic. You're a werewolf and I'm just a teenage girl." 

Angrily, Peter grabs my shoulders and neck to throw me against a nearby wall, like I knew he would. Like I did before, I swing my legs up and wrap them around Peter's neck instead of his arm. With enough momentum, I swing myself around and end up making Peter fall over in the process while I gracefully land on my feet with the daggers still in hand. 

"Shit." I hear Liam whisper from somewhere. 

I toss a dagger at Peter's back, keeping the wolfsbane dagger in my hand. "Learned that move from Natasha Romanoff." I snicker. 

Scott gets caught off guard and is thrown against another wall. 

"Fight like an Alpha, Scott." Peter taunts him. Peter helps him stand, only to throw him once more. "You want to defeat me? You're going to have to kill me!"

I stand back for a few seconds when Scott easily gains more strength and fights back better. Scott repeatedly punches Peter in the chest while the ugly wolf is on the ground. I surge forward when Peter throws Scott far away. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you're an asshole?" I ask Peter. 

His head turns in my direction. He notices Liam is only a few inches away from me and grabs a wooden crate to throw at us. I hold both daggers in one hand to force Liam to duck down. The crate flies over both of our heads and breaks against a pillar about a foot away. 

I straighten back up, "See, that was an asshole move." 

Something surges through Scott and he starts to fight back, effortlessly. He dodges every punch with ease. Scott throws it a few punches himself and even throws Peter across the room. Scott jumps up on some cement block. 

The yellow wolfsbane dagger soars through the air and embeds itself in Peter's chest. A loud, pained growl floats off of his lips, where he lays on a pile of broken cement slabs. 

"You were never an Alpha, Peter, but you were always a monster." Scott jumps off of the cement to deliver a rough punch to Peter's face. A loud, sickening crunch echoes throughout the room. Scott spins around once Peter's unconscious. 

The sound of gunshots going off in another part of the Church. My head perks up at the familiar gun going off. I pat Scott's chest and race through the way we originally came to get in the Church. I skid to a stop once I reach the room that hold Kate and my dad. 

"You want to kill me, Chris?" Kate nearly whimpers. 

I nod at dad over her shoulder. She's not aware that I'm in the room right now. As quietly as I can, I switch weapons and grab my bow with the one arrow that contains yellow wolfsbane. I came prepared. 

"No, but I don't want to save you anymore either." Dad responds. "I don't know if you're worth saving."

"Just like when we were kids. Always trying to make me the bad guy. You can't see them clearly anymore, can you? Scott's not your little hero, none of 'em are. Not when they killed Allison."

"Allison died." Dad weakly saunters up to her. 

"Allison died saving her friends, saving me." I announce my arrival as I side step all the way over to stand beside my dad. He's clearly weak from all the fighting. He doesn't heal like Scott does. The stab wound in his side is probably hurting like a bitch right now. "Who would you died for? Hmm? Because I sure as hell know that you wouldn't for us." 

Kate is slightly startled by my appearance. She rolls her shoulders back, despite part of her upper torso being covered in blood. "You're not gonna kill me and you're not gonna catch me. Not you, no Peter. And not the Calaveras."

I watch as she hobbles away from us down another tunnel. "Kate, let me make you promise. If I ever see you again or you come after my friends, I'll be the one to kill you." I release the arrow. 

Kate gasps out in pain as it hits her in the dark tunnel. I wrap my arm around dad's back to help him out of the tunnel. "Let's get you out of here." 


One chapter left after this one. It's nearly over. In the next chapter, you'll find out who she ends up with. It will be pretty obvious. 

I've seen a lot of you want Clara with Scott or Liam...No comment on that. 

Badass Clara is my favorite. 

Question: A new season means a new title with the word Shadow in it. Any title suggestions?

So, yeah!

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