Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

De adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... Mais

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2

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De adoKure


"This is my friend and the vice-president of the student council Ruki Mukami. Ruki this is Yui Komori." Izumi introduced.

Ruki took Yui hand in his leaving a warm gentle kiss on her knuckles, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ms. Komori."

Yui blushed at this.

From a far, Ayato ripped his lips from the girl sitting on his lap. He witness one of the Mukami brothers kissing Yui hand. Ayato stood up from the table dropping the girl on her bottom in shock. He smashed his fists into the lunch table, letting the rage take over his body. Who does Ruki Mukami think he is? Ayato thought. He wasn't going to allow this.

Ayato POV

It was only yesterday that Ayato felt the need to pay Yui back for how she openly embarrassed him. Indeed Ayato felted like he was losing control over the blonde newborn vampire that he grown to have great fondness for, nevertheless did he ever think that she'd play with fire. Was this a trick? Ruki Makami had never talked to Yui before today. Why out of nowhere was he suddenly looking at his property yes his property like she was something good to eat?

Ayato was baffled at how the black ruffled hair vampire could disrespect him like that when he knew that Ayato claimed Yui for himself. Not only that, Ayato was her maker technically. She would be dead if it wasn't for him and his brothers. He gripped the table with so much force that he was starting to leave a dent. The girl that now sat on floor beside him. She got up with a pout and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Ayato-kun," the girl whined with a purr. "You dropped me on my bottom and now it hurts. Thanks to you."

"Tch," Ayato grunted. "You should watch where you're falling next time," he retorted as he glared back Yui and Ruki having their little chitchat.

She gasped, "You're so mean Ayato!"

Ayato huffed out loud when spinning on his heel looking at the girl with teary eyes. "Oi, step aside! Yours Truly doesn't have time for your tears.

The girl started to whine louder so that everybody could hear her outburst. "I don't understand. Why are you treating me like this Ayato?"

Ayato turned 50 shades of red trying to control is temper, "This is not the time for your one of your toddler tantrums Hana," he snapped.

She stopped crying immediately blinking rapidly had the redheaded vampire, "You called me by my first name."

Ayato glazed over at Yui's table once more. She, Izumi and that jerk face Ruki were looking over at them with concern. Ayato was red-faced by the event that took place in front of Yui. Ruki gleamed with a sly grin on his face. Ayato knew that look from anywhere, that was the look of achievement and he wanted to smack that look off into he had nothing else to grin about.

Furthermore, Ayato couldn't take this; he dashed over to Yui table yanking her up by the arm. Yui began to protest but Ayato didn't wait for an argument. He bolted out of the cafeteria with Yui by his side and didn't even bother to look back at any of his fellow students.

"Ayato where are you going with her you two-timer," Hana screeched.


Like Ayato, Shu was also baffled about what happen today in class. He and Reina were in the main office waiting for the principle to decide their punishment. Shu sat beside the young brunette glaring at the cream color walls in front of him. He didn't have his headphones with him so he couldn't listen to music. They were still on the classroom floor where she threw them.

On the way to the main office earlier, they were escorted by one of the students to prevent any other unfortunate events from happening. No matter how hard Shu tried, he couldn't stop burning holes through the back of Reina head when they walked there. Never in his many years had he felt so hater towards another person, a female at that. But was this really hater that he felt for the girl...or was this fondness? Weird.

Maybe he only liked the smell of her blood that drew him to begin with. He met plenty of beautiful women but Reina was a beauty that he never encountered before. When he first spotted Reina that day in his home, she bewitched him right way. Indeed she is a unique girl to look at and she had those greenish pools of eyes that mesmerized him. Reina was also a brilliant girl by the looks of it and Shu appreciate that a lot more. He wondered if she had any interest in classical music...that would only make her more grand.

Now Shu had second thoughts. He wanted to snap that pretty little neck of hers and drink every ounce of her blood into she looked like a dried up raisin. Maybe he will just torture her some more into he gets bored and decides to kill her. She'd have to summit herself only to him and nobody else. Yes yes that could be her pay back for ruining his favorite sweater and ripping his headphones off.

Shu scowled at the girl before him and shifted himself closer to her. Reina didn't register the closeness between them still. She was lost in her thoughts and looked at the blink of tears. Shu yawned before resting his head down on her shoulder propped up. Reina skin prickled with horror and she eyed the blonde on her shoulder when trying to contain her screaming.

With a deep breath, she cleared her throat. "Shu-san, I am not a recliner chair so remove your head from my shoulder at once." Reina demanded.

"Remove it yourself," he muttered.

Reina blinked, "Excuse me?"

Shu narrowed his beautiful blue eyes at Reina with a hidden smirk. "You heard me. If you want my head removed from your shoulder then do it yourself, otherwise stop complaining."

Reina mouth opened wide at his remark. Shu glanced away from her stare and continues to lie on her shoulder. Reiner mouth thins at this. She closed her eyes allowing Shu to continue resting his head on her. Suddenly her eyes snapped open a minute later as she roughly stands up from her seat glaring down at him.

"This is your entire fault Shu Sakamaki! I've only been here for one day and I hate it. Not only might I get suspended from school but I am stuck living with 6 self-centered blood sucking vampires that don't know the first meaning of consideration for others. I've been chased after, abused and forced to live with you assholes against my will. So you know what, I'm getting the hell out of here and you better not follow me." Reina complained before walking out of the office.

Reina ran down the corridor as quickly as she could and looked back to make sure Shu wasn't coming after her. When she thought the coast was clear, Reina slowed her pace down and tried to control her breathing. Something hard nearly knock the wind out of her when she lost bounce and fell. Standing in front of her with displeasure was Shu. Reina backed up against the locker with fright. Shu roughly yanked her up by the arm and dragged her into a dark classroom locking the door behind them.

Reina gulped and pushed a few desks in front of her trying to get away from Shu. That wasn't stopping him from getting to her. With a poof he appeared behind her. Reina spun around on her heels with runny eyes. He cornered Reina against one of the desk and she jerked her face away from him.

"Your attempt to escape was nonfulfillment. You berated me by thinking I wouldn't follow you after your little rant?" He paused with a scowl at the trembling girl. "Look at me," Shu demanded as he yanked her chin towards him. "I am a vampire and you won't get away from me!"

Reina sustained her glare at him; her tears fell down her face unbounded. "I loathed you so much Shu-san," she choked out forcefully.

Shu stared blankly at her. "I believe you." He replied back powerfully. Not a moment later, he was pushing her up against the desk and ripping her top open. Reina tried to remove herself from his grip but he was too strong for her.

"Shu-san...please don't." she cried.

"It's unimaginable how one minute you're dauntless and the next you're vulnerable." Shu chuckled. Reina froze, she never heard him laugh before now and that was scary. He beamed at her before taking a bite out of her shoulder. She jolted in pain as his fangs broke through a layer of skin. The pain was excruciating.

"Shu it hurts...stop this now," she begged with a whimper.

"Never," he groaned.

He relentlessly drunk her blood, groaning softly has he did so. The lights turned on all of a sudden and Shu violently unattached his fangs, glaring daggers at his brother Reiji standing there watching in disgust.

"I'm amused...usually I'd expected this kind of behavior from Ayato but from the looks of it you picked up some of his disturbing habits." Reiji taunted.

"What the hell do you want brother, can't you see that I'm busy?" Shu snapped.

"Indeed you are. Unfortunately I'm afraid your activity will have to come to an end. You see...I was told by the principle that you and Reina engaged in an altercation...and by the looks of it... things got out of hand. So I'm sending you both home for the reminder of the night and make sure she gets there safely and alive." Reiji explained.

"Tch whatever. Anything else," Shu grumbled when licking Reina blood of his fingertips.

"Yes," Reiji smirked. "Only if mother could see you now." he stated smugly.

Laito POV

When Kyoyo slapped Laito for his vile comment, he couldn't help but feel eagerness over the feisty extraordinary girl who stood in front of him. Laito never confronted another female that had so much animosity. When they first met, he was stunned by the way she flipped him over. Then in the corridor she kicked him in the face. He was crossed at first but justice saved her from Laito wanting to send her to the deepest pits of hell.

He couldn't keep his eyes off her. Laito thought that he was certain about his newfound love for Bitch-chan but now he wasn't so sure anymore. Kyoyo was intoxicating; everything about her drew him in. Her looks, her smell and even her obnoxious attitude. That was nothing he couldn't fix though. She'd heed at his every command once he got through with her. That's the reason why he wanted to play this game in the first place.

Laito fixed a look at the spirited girl glaring at him with hateful eyes. He couldn't help himself from scrolling. She is sex on two legs, that's for sure. He wanted to take her on the bench, yet he had to play the guessing game with her before he could have his way. Laito slid his tongue against his bottom lip and smiled mischievously.

"Why are you staring at me like that," Kyoyo demanded.

"Hehe...does my staring trouble you love-kitten?" Laito asked smugly.

"As a matter of fact is does," she admitted. "I don't want to be here, let alone watch you stare at me like I'm some plot in one of your sick sex fantasies."

Laito roared in a fit of laughter when wiping away his invisible tears. "That was a good laugh love-kitten. It's like you know me so well."

Kyoyo snored, "God he's a fucking moron." She mumbled.

Laito scowled. "God...? Why do you people use god's name in vain when there is no god?"

"There is a god and I only cursed because you are pissing me off." Kyoyo retorted.

"Just as I expected, you and Yui are more alike than I thought. Sooner or later you will come to realized that god is just an illumination created by men. And you know what my pet? I think that you already know that there isn't a god, that's why you use his name in vain in front of a vampire. Just how blind are you?" He spoke with pride.

In the meantime, Kyoyo walked over to her suit jacket and slipped it on. She covered her hands in the pockets where the pocket knife was hidden. She thought that Laito was too preoccupied with his speech to realize what she was planning to do.

Are you done? Can we play the game now," she asked.

Laito just continued to smile "Of course eve, that was the plan after all."

"Precisely..." she agreed. "What are my favorite colors? I have 3."

"Purple because of the color of your eyes, pink because it blends in with your skin perfectly and black because of obvious reasons," he answered.

"That was easy to figure out," she admitted.

"Then give me a challenge, I'm ready for whatever you throw my way." He said walking in her direction.

Kyoyo backed up a little more, "If we were going to the movies. Would you take me to see a scary film or a romantic film?"

"Romantic my pet," he answered. "You hate horror films; scary movies are Reina and Mayu thing."

Kyoyo nodded, "Right...how the hell did you know that?"

"Because you are good at hiding your fears so well. Although you aren't a difficult young woman to read." He explained.

Kyoyo jaw set at his words, "I bet you can't figure this one out. At what age did I receive my black belt?"

"Age 14, because your father was brutally murder in front of you," He answered gracefully. Kyoyo eyes widen when the mention of her father. "Your family specializes in martial arts for many years. You on the other hand had no interest in leaning but you had no choice. When your father died, you trained to be the best so that one day you'd kill the men that put you through so much pain. I don't blame you of course, I like revenge as well." He told her.

"How did you know all that? I never ever told anyone...not Yui, Mayu or Reina."

"I have my ways love-kitten," he replied stepping in front of her. "I admire your determination and it would be my honor to help you hunt down the men that killed your father. Unless you still want to go along with your more recent plan you have in your pocket there."

Kyoyo dazed, "Ho-how di-did y-you know?"

Laito snorted, "Nothing gets pass these eyes. Now go on," he paused taking the knife out of her pocket and putting it in her hand. He made sure the knife pointing directly at his heart. "It's not exactly the type of knife I would like to die by the hands of my lover, but it will do. Just make sure you stab me right through the heart, so I know that your heart beats the same way my heart burns for you."

Straightaway, Kyoyo dropped the knife on the floor as she jumped into his arms. They embraced into a passionate intense kiss. All Kyoyo feelings poured out from the force in their smooth. She never felt like she could ever be turned on by a vampire. As for Laito, he was shocked by the kiss as well. He wasn't expecting her to prance on him like that. His hands traveled all over her body and she didn't stop him.

Suddenly the gym teacher barged through the door. Kyoyo was left alone in nothing but her dress shirt, suit jacket and panties. Her clothes along with the dress skirts were all over the floor. How was she going to explain this to the gym teacher? Maybe she could say that she lost something dear to her that's why this place looked a mess? Even so, she couldn't excuse herself for giving into a perverted vampire. In the meantime, Laito sighed from around the corner, he came to a conclusion that Kyoyo was his one and only Eve, his soul mate.

Subaru POV

"Subaru," Mayu wrenched out his name. "Please...no more..." she said when punching at his chest.

Subaru didn't know why he was draining the life of this petty girl suddenly, but the scent of her blood was too mouth-watering to resist. He unattached his fangs from her, licking some of the blood off the bite marks he left and licked the blood off his lips. She might have not tasted as good as Yui but she was filling enough. He thought.

Mayu stared at him in horror which Subaru felt bad. This was probably because her first experience wasn't exactly friendly. Subaru turned away from her, shutting his eyes. He couldn't stand to look at her frown any longer. Why did he even care? That was the question. She was nothing but a human, his food source. He should be demanding that she pledged herself and blood to him without a second guess.

Subaru didn't want to repeat what his father did to his mother. He didn't want to force Mayu into doing things she wasn't ready for. Behind all that anger and hate there was a boy who had fears and regrets. With a sigh, he began to walk away from Mayu.

"D-Do I-I belong to you now?" Mayu stuttered out.

Subaru twisted his head around to look at her in awe. "What did you say?"

"I asked if I belong to you now?" she answered.

Subaru stared blankly, "do you want to belong to me?"

Mayu shrugged unsure. "I don't know... I was just asking because I don't know how this whole blood sucking thing works."

"Stupid, all I've done was drink from your blood. Technically you don't belong to anybody yet," he explained.

"Ooh I see," she said standing up straight from the wall and fixing the buttons to her top, "I should probably be going then."

With a frown, Mayu began to walk in the opposite way. Subaru wanted to punch himself for turning a beautiful girl away like that. He decided to call out to her. "Mayu," Subaru called. The pink hair girl with big ocean blue eyes turned to look at him.

"Yes Subaru-kun?" she responded,

"I was thinking...do you want to get out of here for a while?" he granted.

"You mean cut school on my first day? Won't we get caught?" she asked concern.

"Tch, what does it matter?" he pointed out.

"I'm starting to think that we won't get caught if I'm with you." she said with a cheery smile.

"See... you're smarter than you look," Subaru joked.

"Hey," she paused hitting his arm playfully. "That's wasn't funny."

(In the city)

It's beautiful out here at night." Mayu said looking at scenery and buildings around her.

Subaru didn't speak a word, he just watched Mayu explore the city with thrill. He admitted to himself that Mayu was good company and he wouldn't mind doing this with her again. He just wanted to see that optimistic smile of her face.

"You want to know something Subaru...I traveled so many place in and outside of Japan but I never been here before." She stated.

Subaru narrowed his eyes at her. "Now you have."

"And that's all thank to you," she added. Subaru looked away bashfully. "Oh my god! They have the Fast Millennium dance studio here? I love this place! We have to check it out." Mayu exclaimed by taking Subaru hand and pulling him towards the door.

"It looks closed," Subaru objected quickly.

"No it's not silly," Mayu said jerking the knob open. "See...now let's go." She struggled when pushing him inside.

The dance studio was big, Subaru thought. He didn't want to be there because of the negative energy he felt close by but he had no intentions on fighting Mayu about it. On the wall were pictures of famous pop and hip-hop dancers. Others were traditional dancing and awards. Fast Millennium was a place where lots of dances and singers are discovered. But what Subaru didn't understand was why this place attracted Mayu so much? Why did it feel her with so much joy and excitement?

"Oi, what are you doing here Subaru," came a voice from the door way.

Standing there was Kou Mukami; he had forgotten that Kou was an expert in dancing. That's where the negative energy came from. Subaru thought. Kou had a handsome, beautiful face, his hair was curly blond and both his eyes were different colors. One is blue and the other is red. Kou always had that friendly smile on his face but Subaru knew better than that.

"Don't ask me, ask her," Subaru replied when nodding over at Mayu.

At first Kou scowled over at Mayu smugly but his face changed when he realized who it was. "Mayu Fukui..." he gasped. "The pop idol and star of Fast Millennium," he rushed over to her taking both of hands in his. "I'm Kou Mukami, I'm sure it's a pleasure," he said with a wink.

"Oh, nice to meet you." Mayu said startled with a gently smile.

This made Subaru crunch his fists in angers. There's no way he was letting Kou have his way with her. That little two-faced lech is not to be trusted.

"My my, you are deeply beautiful, maybe even more beautiful than me," Kou joked with another wink at her. Mayu chuckled. "So are you thinking about taking dance lessons here?" he asked.

"Oh no, not really. I just wanted to look around," she replied.

Kou frowned, "That's too bad. I was looking forward to dancing with you. I'm sure Subaru would like to join in on out fun as well."

"You keep my name out of this Mukami!" Subaru snapped.

"See he doesn't mind." Kou said quickly staring down at Mayu breast then looking back at her with a grin.

"Well as long as Subaru comes, I don't mind." Mayu admitted.

"He won't, will you Subaru?" Kou asked slightly narrowing his eyes.

Subaru glared at first but his face softens at the sight of Mayu pleading look. "Whatever, I will join your stupid dance class but I'm not dancing!" He said stubbornly.

Mayu jumped up with glee and Kou followed after her in excitement, "This is going to be interesting," Kou chuckled.

"Yay, all three of us are going to learn new dance moves together, this will be fun!" she shouted after him.

Subaru shook his head and sighed. "What have I gotten myself into?"

Ayato POV

Ayato arrived to the deck of the roof with Yui trailing behind. When they came to a complete stop, Yui removed herself from Ayato hold staring at him with disfavor. He glared back at her with criticism, this made Yui nervous. She backed away from him, which made him turn away with disapproval.

"Tch, you made me look like a fool back there Breastless," Ayato commented.

Yui was taken aback. "I-I made you look like a fool?" she muttered. "How did I make you look like a fool? If anything you made yourself look like a fool."

Ayato glazed at her right away. He was dumbstruck at how bold she confronted him in his face. "How dare you talk to Yours Truly that way? You paraded around with Ruki Mukami acting like I wasn't there."

"He introduced himself to me! I thought that I was being polite." She stated. "What about you? I've tried to get your attention all day and you ignored me. On top of that, you made out with someone rich bimbo to try to make me jealous!"

"Oi, your brain is fickle if you thought that I was trying to make you jealous to get your attention. Tsk, as if." He explained trying not to blush.

"Well you did and it hurt my feelings," she sobbed.

Ayato slightly narrowed his eyes at her with panic. He pulled out his handkerchief and extending his hand out to her. "Here breastless, there's no need for your tears. You won't look pretty anymore with runny eyes."

Yui gazed up at him, taking the handkerchief from his hand. "You think that I'm pretty?"

"It would be stupid if you thought I didn't. But don't get cocky on me about it." He admitted.

"I won't and thank you." She said calmly. "What about that girl you were with?"

"Who," Ayato asked with an unexpected voice.

"The girl you were with...is she like your new girlfriend now?"

"No you brat! Why would you think something like that?" He snapped at her.

"Well you were making out with her in front of the cafeteria," Yui announced.

Ayato smirked, "what is it too you, does she make you jealous?"

Yui blushed, "well..."

Ayato no longer waited for a response. He walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, jerking her body into his. Their eyes met that very second. he pulled her chin up in his direction, planting a heartfelt kiss on her lips. Yui wrapped her arms around his neck, moving her lips against his. Ayato led them to the gate for balances, where he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Their make out session became intense and strong. Yui started to moan out something that Ayato couldn't understand.

"I-I...l-lo...yyy...sooo...uch." She mumbled out between kisses.

"What! Speak louder breastless, I didn't hear that?" Ayato asked once before roughly placing his lips on hers again.

Someone whistled from behind them, making Ayato drop Yui by accent on her back. She groaned in pain from the ground. Ayato didn't register that he had dropped her though. His eyes were focus on Ruki Mukami.

"Gee Ayato...two girls in one day? You're slacking," Ruki said tilting his head.

"What are you doing here Ruki?" Ayato groaned.

"I came to see if Livestock was alright," Ruki answered.

"Who the fuck is Livestock?" Ayato demanded.

Ruki looked over at Yui, "Livestock is that gorgeous blonde you dropped over there."

Ayato glared at Yui before his attention went back to Ruki. "That is not her name."

"And Breastless is?" Ruki retorted back. "She needs to be treated with more respect, don't you think so?"

"How dare you intrude and question Yours Truly? I will make you pay!" Ayato threaten.

"Relax Ayato, I didn't mean to walk in on you and your lover," Ruki lied. "I just wanted to see if things were alright."

"She is not my lover," Ayato announced.

"Really now...than what is she to you?" Ruki asked curiously. "Don't tell me she's your..."

"She is my food-supply idiot!" Ayato snapped when cutting him off.

"Ah, is that what she is to you? I have to admit, the smell of her blood is irresistible." Ruki said with an intimidating smirk.

"Agreed and she belongs to me," Ayato voiced. "So there's no point of asking Yours Truly anything else."

Ruki bought his hands up and back in defeat. "Fine. By the way, let her decides who she belongs to." He said disappearing into thin air.

"Intellectual bastard," Ayato grumbled.

"Ayato..." Yui called.

Ayato slightly jolts up in surprise, "What is it breastless?"

"Is that all I am to you your food supply?" she asked.

"What did you expect me to say? He pissed me off!" he argued.

"Well certainly not your food supply," she paused. "Was that all I ever been to you?"

Ayato crossed him arms, "Listen breastless, you might be one of us now but I forbid you to question me. Do we have an understanding?"

Yui lip trembled before answering, "Sure, whatever you say."

"Good, I'm getting bored with this. I'll see you later." Ayato exited the roof top leaving Yui behind. He leaned behind the closed door putting his head in his hands. "What have I done," he question. "I'm heartless."

Mukami | Age 17 | Blond hair and 1 Blue eye 1 red eye| Dance Idol

Hana | Age 18 | White hair and brown eyes | Comes from a wealthy family

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