Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

Av adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... Mer

Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 1: More brides?

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Av adoKure


It's been three months...three whole months. Yui thought. It's been three whole months since Yui became a vampire. All she could think about was more and more blood. Yui tossed and turned in her queen size bed, praying that this hunger will one day come to an end. Sadly it wasn't going to happen unless she learned how to control her hunger. Yui bit down on her bottom lips irritated, letting her fangs pierced through them. She got a taste of her blood for the first time as a vampire.

Then...realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Mm, I wondered why the guys were so attracted to my blood, Yui thought once more. 'It's sweet like Ayato told her multiple times and hot like Shu pointed out in the bathroom that day.' Of course the 4 other brothers had their own opinion on what Yui blood. But surprisingly Ayato opinion was the only one that mattered. Why, you say? Let's head back down memory lane.


"I'm so thirsty." Yui responded softly. She scrolled individually at each brother in the room.

Ayato smirked at this, while the others Sakamaki brothers stared at her in awe. Laito giggled loudly. "Looks like our bitch-chan is thirsty for blood." He said gliding towards her while taking her hand in his. "It would be my honor Bitch-Chan." Laito said tilting his hat forward when bowing down his head.

"No fair! Why do you get to have all the fun? Teddy and I wanted to play with her too!" Kanato whined, hugging his teddy bear close to him and walking towards Yui. Even though teddy's head was half way torn off and stuffing popped out; it didn't faze the purple hair vampire one bit.

"Like hell, neither of you are going near her," Ayato complained. "Yours Truly will be her first everything, so fuck off." he threaten.

"Laito...Kanato...Ayato?" Reiji spoke, gaining their attention. He fixed his glasses and cleared his throat. "How many times do I have to give you three a lesson on manners? Take all your activities up to your own rooms."

Subaru threw his fist against the wall with annoyance, "This is so fucking annoying! Let her decide herself for once!" He shouted when crunching his fists.

Laito waved him off "Oi, not you again Subaru." He started, "I saw the way you looked at Bitch-chan lately. We all know that you just want her for yourself. You naughty little vampire, you.

"Shuddup! Your statement is irrelevant!" Subaru yelled with a blush rising on his face in embarrassment.

"Aww, did I hit a nerve there?" Laito smirked.

"Ayato..." Yui spoke grabbing everybody attention in the room.

Ayato secretly grinned while bending down towards her. He was "pleased" by the sound of his name escaping her lips. "You have Yours Truly full attention. Now please embrace me with you vocal cords and don't hold back." He responded.

"You smell good." Yui said, bearing her fangs at him before sinking them in his neck. Ayato was utterly shocked by this. A low hiss passed through his lips and he began to moan.

"Well...that's one other untrained vampire I have to give a lesson in manners to." Reiji pointed out when writing something down in his book.

"Now that we established that, "Shu finally spoke from the other couch. "I have better things to do then to listening to you brats all night." Shu exited the room ignoring any objections.

"Spoiled rotten." Reiji grunted.

"Oi, you had enough Breastless! I said that's enough!" Ayato yelled.

"But you taste so good."

(End of Flashback)

Yui stuck to Ayato like glue. Overtime she saw him, all she wanted to do was drink his blood. Her fangs twitched just thinking about it. She could smell it from here to Tokyo. But for some reason, Ayato was keeping his distance lately and it bothers her, which was shocking because she should-be happy that he hasn't been drink her blood. If he wasn't going to come to her, then she was going to go to him. It was very unusual for her to do such a thing.

Yui sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes before putting her feet down on the soft carpet. She slipped on her slippers and stood up to stretch. Finally she put her robe on, walking zombie-like towards the door. She yawned once before turning the knob to exit.

When she arrived to Ayato room, she turned his knob, sadly it was lock. So she decided to take advantage of her new-found power. With a poof, Yui ended up in his room. She sensed his presence from inside the iron maiden. Appearing closer, Yui opened the iron maiden, spotting a sleeping redhead vampire there. She had to admit, he looked so cute while he slept, in a child-like kind of way.

Yui climb on top of him and continued to stare down at him. "Ayato-kun?" She said.

But no answer.

Then Yui did the only thing she could do to get his attention. She blew on his ear and it woke him up instantly. Ayato looked at her with rage at first, but somehow his face softens and his mouth pulled up in to smirk. Suddenly Ayato flipped them over so that he was above her and she was beneath him.

"Ayato what are you doing?" Yui asked, while trying to hide her blush.

"Shuddup and let me drink your blood." He replied. Ayato move towards her chest where her breast are. However, Yui wouldn't allow it into she got what she came for first. As she moved and shrugged with him, this only made Ayato want her more. "Stupid, stay still. It will only hurt you more."

"No Ayato! Not into you give me what I want first," she retorted.

Ayato eyes widen with a confused expression on his face. Never in a million years has it ever crossed his mind when Yui started to defy him. In a way in was kind of sexy, which turned him on even more. Even though, Ayato would never admitted. He was sick of Yui drink his blood every chance she got. It made him feel like one of those worthless weak humans...when his goal was to become the strongest vampire that ever lived. It made Ayato blood boil just thinking about it. Not only was he falling in love with the white blond hair newborn vampire, she made him feel small at times and uneasily. Maybe he should have just killed her and let her die. Yes, he would've regret it and never be able to get over her. But things would go back to the way they were. before he met Yui and how he wish that he never found out about the woman's heart being inside her.

"Ayato-kun, what's wrong?" Yui asked in concern.

Ayato snapped out of his thoughts, looking down at her with a frown. "Tsk, don't disobey me," he said once more. Yui mouth closed shut at his very order. Something is definitely wrong with him, she thought. Out of nowhere, Ayato sunk his fangs inside the upper part of her breast, tasting the sweet delicious blood flow through his body. He moaned in ecstasy trying to rip off her nightie off. He wanted more than just her blood now...he wanted all of her.

Suddenly a voice spoke in an unpleasant tone. "Hm, I'm sorry to barge in on your parade, but we have school in an hour and I suggest you both get ready." Reiji announced before disappearing into thin air.

Ayato groaned in disappointment, "Ugh, that bug."

"He's right Ayato. We should get ready." Yui said, when untangling herself from him.

Ayato sat up and crossed his legs together along with his arms at the same time. He stuck up his nose in the air like a spoiled child. "I don't feel like attending school today."

"Aww come on Ayato-kun, don't be such a baby." Yui pleaded with a gentle smile that made Ayato heart melt.

He stared at her in awe before snapping out of his fantasy. "Hmm, shuddup! I will break you... and I am not a baby, you are."

"Oh...if you say so." Yui said beginning to pat his head just the way he liked it.

A cat-like grin appeared on his face as she did this. What Ayato didn't know was that Yui had the upper hand on him when it became time for her to pat him on the head. It comforted him, and she felt proud that he allowed her to do so. After a few minutes of patting his head, Yui removed her hand. "All done, now let's get ready."

(Not long after)

"Good evening, Bitch-chan," Laito greeted.

"Good evening Laito-kun, Kanato-kun, Subaru-kun, Shu-San and Reiji-San," Yui replied walking inside the kitchen.

"Good evening," they all replied back with a grunt.

"Mmm what smells so good in here?" She asked exploring her opinions around the kitchen table.

"Teddy, what should we eat next?" Kanato asked his stuffed bear. "I think coconut snowballs," he concluded, while sticking his fork inside one. He got a bit carried away and began to stab at his food in excitement.

"Oi, Breastless? Make me some Takoyaki and step on it." Ayato announced.

Yui already took her seat and started to eat her food. "Not tonight Ayato, I'm starving and we will be late for school."

Ayato looked out her with outrage.

"Hehe...looks like our Bitch-chan grew some backbone. I should start calling her Warrior-Bitch-chan instead. "Laito chuckled.

"Enough...Yui is right." Reiji said looking at his watch. "We have to get going."

"Wait...we have guest," Shu announced from the chair he was sitting on with his eyes closed.

Subaru stood up quickly gripping the table. "He's right. I can sense them and they are getting closer to the manor."

"Who do you think they are teddy?" Kanato asked his stuffed bear.

Reiji glanced towards the doorway of the kitchen. "This can't be. I wasn't informed that we were having guest today." He looked over at Shu. "Did you know about this?"

Shu shrugged, "of course I didn't. Someone would've called me if I did." He replied while opening his eyes.

Yui eyes widen as she stood up from her chair in shock. Everybody in the kitchen looked at her like she had two heads.

"Oi, what the hell has gotten into you?" Ayato asked her rudely, still pissed off about his Takoyaki.

"Excuse me." Yui said excluding herself from the table and running to the main hall.

As soon as she got there, she gripped the door handle and swung both doors open. Coming up the stairs were three young girls around Yui age-staring right at her in surprise. There stood the first girl with pink hair and blue eyes, another one with jet black hair and purple eyes and the last one with brunette hair and green eyes. Yui recognized her three best friends right off the back. "Mayu? Kyoyo? Reina?" Yui spoke softly.

"Yui is that really you?!" Mayu exclaimed, pulling her into a warm embrace. The other two hugged her as well.

"I can't believe you guys are here." Yui said letting out a cry.

"Of course we would! You had us worried sick about you." Reina spoke, wiping away her own tears.

"We called you for weeks, leaving you messages after messages but no feedback. Then your cellphone went completely out of serves," Kyoyo explained.

"How can you go for days without calling us?" Asked Reina.

"It's a long story. How did you guys find me?" Yui asked anxiously.

"Well it took us months...but Kyoyo snuck into your house and look for information about the place you were staying at, since your father wouldn't tell us everything." Mayu explained.

Yui eyes widen, "You spoke to my father and he didn't come with you guys?

Reina shook her head, "Sadly no. All he kept talking about was how he wasn't really your father and he had to send you away but he still loves you dearly."

"Ooh..."Yui said looking down.

Kyoyo put her hand on Yui shoulder before she spoke. "Don't worry Yui. The old man will get his one way or another."

"I still can't believe that he would abandon his own daughter." Reina said furiously.

"Yes, she's right," Mayu agreed. "That's why we're here, to take you back home with us... Your real home."

A big watery smile appeared on Yui face. She hasn't felt this happy in very long.

"Come on Yui, let's get your stuff!" Kyoyo exclaimed when walking inside the Sakamaki home. The other two girls followed after her. Then it hit Yui...this was bad, really bad. Yui turned on her heel to rush inside. "Wait, don't go in there!" Yui yelled when stopping in track right beside her three best friends. Right before her eyes, there stood all six of the Sakamaki brothers with deep expressions on their faces. The front door closed right behind them with no turning back.

Mayu | Age: 17 | Pink hair and blue eyes | School Idol

Kyoyo | Age: 17 | Jet black hair and purple eyes | Expert in Martial Arts

Reina | Age: 16 | Brunette hair and green eyes (sometimes wears glasses) | Skipped a grade, Honor Student

Izumi Sato (vampire) | Age: 17 | Blue hair and gray eyes | Very dramatic and loves to read. (Will be revealed later in story)

Aiko | Age: 19 | Orange hair and gold eyes | She is Mayu's sister. Vampire hunter (will be revealed later in the story)

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