The Arranged Marriage (Camero...

By writersarah_

199K 2.9K 219

Heyyy!! I'm Ariel Sanchez! I'm 18 and I live in California! My parents own there own business and we're rich... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12- The Wedding
Sorry/Important Message
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Question// Please Read
summer nights!
OMG cameron's nudes!


2.8K 44 13
By writersarah_

Cameron's POV
"Are we dare yet!?" My little three, almost four, year old, Lana, yelled from the backseat, impatiently.  "Yes pumpkin. We're almost there." I responded, looking into my rear view mirror, smiling at her. She clapped in excitement. I smiled at her excitement. She is so much like Ariel. She's super sweet and caring. When I'm sad or depressed from the death of Ariel, she will come up to me and give me a hug.
She acts just like Ariel. Ariel was always funny and awesome. She was my best friend. Now, Lana has filled in her place. But in reality, no one can "fill in" for Ariel. She will always be in my heart and I will never ever date any other girl. "We're here!" I said with a sad smile. She smiled and looked at me confused. She just nodded and I opened her door for her. "I need a hand from Lana Rose Dallas." I said reaching out for her hand. She looked up at me and smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked down the dirt covered road. "I excited Daddy!" She squealed, squeezing my hand tight. I chuckled from the way she talked. "Me too" I said looking down at her. "Ana up-up!" She said making grabbing hands at me. If you didn't understand what she was trying to say~Lana up-up! I picked her up and kissed cheek. "I dove Ooo Daddy!" She said wrapping her arms around my neck. "I love you Lana" I said kissing her head. I kept walking until I reached what Lana was whining about earlier. The place I hate to come but then again, love too. You're probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well. It's. Ariel's grave. I put Lana down and she runs to the grave. "Hi mommy" she whispered. "I made you dis!" She said excitedly as she set the little ceramic bunny that she painted in Sunday School at church on her tombstone. "I bet she loves it" I said smiling, walking over to her. I look down and dust off the little dirt on the tombstone. "How about you go play under that tree with you baby doll." I said pointing towards a big tree nearby. She nodded her head and ran off to the tree. I turn my attention to the tombstone.
Ariel S. Dallas
Born~ November 21, 1994
Died~ July 19, 2016
Gone, but not forgotten.❤️
I said as I read it off in my head. "She's growing everyday. She's growing to be more like you everyday. She just like you. She's sweet, caring, loving, sassy, and funny, just like you. It's almost like she is you. She looks and sounds just like you. So when I'm talking to her, it's almost like I'm talking to you." I said tearing up a little. "I miss you Ariel.... I really do. I will always love you, always and forever." I said putting some flowers into the ground next to her grave. I stood up and looked over to see Lana with a boy. "Lana!" I yelled from across the cemetery. "Yeah!?" She yelled back. "Let's go!" I yelled walking up the hill. "Okay!" She yelled back. She soon caught up with me and grabbed my hand. "Did you talk to Mommy?" She asked in her cute little voice. "Yes. Yes I did talk to mommy." I responded smiling. "What did you talk about?" She asked curiously. "Well. That's between me and your mother." I said opening the car door and sat her in her car seat. "Daddy, what happened to mommy?" She asked as I buckled her belt. I sighed and answered "God thought it was a good time for her to go to heaven so He took her." I said shutting the door and walking to my side and getting in. "GOD STOLE MOMMY!?" She screamed concerned. "No no no. God didn't steal Mommy. He took her to heaven. Where she is happy." I said starting the car. "But-" I cut her off by saying "That's enough questions for one day" she just nodded and we headed home. She soon fell asleep and after awhile, we made it home. I slowly picked her up and carried her into the house. I walked up stairs and put her in her bed. I changed her into pjs. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. Just as I was about to walk out of the room, a small voice came from Lana's bed. "Dear God, tank ooo for dis day. Tank ooo for my daddy and my mommy even tho ooo took her. I forgive ooo for dat. Finally, tank ooo for everything ooo created. Amen" she said as she fell into a deep slumber. I'm so lucky to have a girl like that. It wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have played all those pranks on Ariel. Thank you to the person who came up with the idea of pranks. I changed into some comfy clothes and crawled into bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep. "Ariel. If you can hear me, I love you" I whispered with my eyes closed. I love you too Cameron.
THATS THE END!!! OMG!!!! IM SO SAD!!😭😭 If you want me to make a sequel to this book about Lana growing up and stuff, let me know in the comments below. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH!-Sarah💕

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