Chapter 14

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Ariel's POV
We just landed in Hawaii! I'm so excited! I've always wanted to go here! We walked off the plane, well I kinda skipped off the plane but whatever. We got our luggage and hopped into a cab. "Someone's excited" Cameron said making me look his direction. I smiled and he gave me a quick kiss. We made it to our resort and there were girls at the front door. When they saw Cameron they freaked out. They started screaming. I looked at Cameron. "We're not going to be able to enjoy ourselves here" I said looking down. "Yes we are" he said lifting my chin. "We are going somewhere else. A way better place" he said. I smiled and we drove off. Cameron called the resort we were going to stay at and told them that we aren't going to stay there. We pulled into the parking lot of an amazing beautiful building. "We're staying here?" I asked astonished. "Yup. Come on!" He said pulling me out of the car. We ran inside like 5 year olds and acted like them too. We got our room key and road the elevator up to level 6, the highest level expect the roof. We walked off the elevator and walked down the never ending hall of doors until we reached room number 1567. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the room. The room was HUGE! It had one master bathrooms, one master bedroom, full kitchen, and a balcony. "It's beautiful Cam!" I said running around. "Just like you" he said pinning me up on the wall and crashed his lips onto mine. I was caught off guard and after a few seconds I kissed back. "You're still cheesy" I said playfully hitting him. I walked into every room and walked out onto the balcony. "It so pretty" I said looking out to the ocean and beach. "Wanna go?" He said excitedly. "Totally" I yelled super excited. I changed into my bikini and put on some sun screen. "Hey babe do you need some sun screen?" I said. "Yeah. Can you put it on for me?" He said walking out the bathroom. "Sure" I said. I put it on him and he turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You look sexy" he said smirking. "Thanks" I said rubbing my stomach. "Hey baby Dallas. It's you daddy again. I love you and you're mommy" he said down on one knee and kissed my stomach. He got up and I kissed him. "Let's go hot momma" he said grabbing my hand and literally dragged me out of the door. We walked onto the nice warm white sand and I laid my towel down and laid out while Cameron went surfing because I couldn't because I'm pregnant. I was tanning when I felt a wet body touch mine. Cameron. "Cameron! Get off me! You're wet!" I screamed. "That's what she said!" He said picking me up. "Cameron! Inappropriate!" I said playfully slapping him. He started walking towards the water. "Cameron.." I said as he put me over his shoulder. "Cameron!" I screamed and kicked and hit his back. "Put.. Me.. Down!" I screamed. "Okay" he said throwing me into the ocean. I rushed to the top of the water and looked into the direction that I heard laughter coming from. I gave him a dirty look and made my way back to shore. I walked up to him and pushed him to the ground. "Bad Cameron!" I said poking his nose. "Beautiful Ariel" he said grabbing my cheeks and pulling my face to his lips. He laid a soft kiss on my lips. "Let's go back to the condo" I said helping him up and pulling him to our condo. We entered it and I changed out of my wet bathing suit. I put on some Jean shorts and a shirt that says 'Abs are great but have you tried doughnuts' and some white converse. I walked into our kitchen and opened the fridge to get some water out of it. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I felt soft lips touch my neck. "C-Cameron.." I choked out. "Yes?" He asked, stopping the kisses. "TAG YOU'RE IT!" I yelled and touched his arm and took off running. "Oh no you don't!" He said running after me. Of course, he was to fast for me to get away from him. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He walked into our room and threw me down onto the bed. He started to kiss me roughly. We maked out and then parted after 20 minutes. "I love you Cam" I said. "I love you more Ari" he said giving me a quick kiss and left the room. I followed. He turned around and ran and tackled me into the couch. "Cameron!" I laughed. "Wanna go on a date with yours truly?" He asked. "I'd love to" I said kissing the side of his lips. I hopped up and ran to change. I put on a floral dress and some white sandals. I fixed my makeup and curled my hair. I walked out and saw a very handsome Cameron. He was wearing a white v-neck, dark jeans, and some black vans. His hair was perfect. "Hey hot stuff" I said walking towards him. "Hey beautiful" he said giving me a quick kiss. We walked out of the condo and went to the nearest restaurant. We walked hand in hand. We walked into the restaurant and sat down at a table. "Your chair my lady" he said moving the chair for me to sit in it. "Thank you sir" I said giggling. We ordered our drink and food and talked while we waited. "So.. Hows the baby doing in there?" He said pointing towards my stomach. I smiled and looked down at the little bump. "He or she is growing" I said smiling. "In a few days we're going to get an ultrasound" I said smiling. "That's awesome! I'm so excited" he said grabbing my hands across the table. "We should probably get going" I said. "Sure lets go" he said helping me up and we walked back to our condo. We changed clothes and i went into the kitchen and fixed myself some coffee since I had to do school work. I know right? School work on my HONEYMOON!? But I had to do it anyways. I took my coffee into the bedroom and sat at the desk. I opened my laptop and stared at the document in front of me. I typed till my fingers couldn't anymore. I looked to see if Cameron was asleep. I turned around and saw Cameron sleeping peacefully while I'm doing school work at 2 AM. I turned my attention back to the bright screen. A few minutes passed, and I was out of coffee so I went to refill. I walked out to the kitchen and refilled my cup. I walked back to the room and sat back down. I sighed and stared at my paper. I heard soft snores coming from behind me. I smile and turn to look at Cameron. I turn my attention back at my paper. I heard a groan come from behind me and it made me jump. I held my chest and turned around to see Cameron awake. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" I said. "No it's fine. Why are still up?" He said rubbing his eyes. "School work" I said sighing. "Come here" he said with a puppy face. "I can't Cameron. I have to my work" I said turning around. I started to type when I heard footsteps behind me. I felt a pair of soft lips touch my soft skin on my neck. I bit my lip to keep the soft moan from coming out. "C-Cameron.." I chocked out. He kept kissing my sensitive skin on my neck and jawline and his hands running my arms. I bit my lip again. "Come on" he said pulling me onto the bed. He pushed me into the bed and hovered over top of me. He looked at my lips and back again at my eyes. He grabbed my face and crashed his soft lips onto mine. We maked out and he ran his hands up my shirt. I stopped him. "Cameron.. I'm already pregnant" I said. "I know. Let's get to bed" he said cuddling up to me. We cuddled and watched Netflix and feel asleep in each other's arms.
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! So hope this chapter makes up for not updating! And hey! If you want to be in a story just leave your name, hair color, eye color, and what story you want to be in! And if this story gets 400 views, I'll post a picture of me on here! Love y'all! -Sarah🦄❤️

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