Truly Sincere [Part 1]

By etuphb

6.2K 514 162

Is it possible for a broken person to fall in love all over again? Can a broken person be fixed? do soulmate... More

Authors Note


70 10 4
By etuphb

Harry's POV

I quickly bowed saying Allah hafiz to Jasmin's parents when she held my hand to leave the café, while her parents were still sitting there, as we stepped outside I felt Jas' grip around my hand got loosened up, she was falling weak holding up all the anger against her parents, she was weak, I held her by her arms and steered her towards my car, she walked weakly with heavy steps as she tried to cover her face with the back of her hand from paps. When we stepped inside the car, I sat there quietly at the driving seat and looked at her silently, she was looking at her feet with no expression at her face. I stretched out my hand to caress her cheek, she looked at me with teary eyes

"Hey" I whispered as she quickly embraced me and started sobbing on my chest, I rubbed her back to soothe her but she silently sobbed, I watched her parents leaving the café her mother walked proudly while her father's shoulders hung low.

She sure knows how to manipulate

"Hey! It's okay Jasmin" I kissed the top of her head, recalling all the times she said her mother was a piece of work, I'd always say that parents aren't like that, but I guess I was wrong, some of them do exist, and unluckily they are related to my Jasmin

"It's not okay Harry,...I'm sorry ...they humiliated you... because of me" she cried badly that she couldn't even utter the sentence without hiccuping in between the words

"Hey! Jas, you need to calm down honey" I quickly opened the cap of my water bottle and touched the bottle neck to her lips, she took two sips and wiped her face with the tissue paper, she rested her head tiredly to the headrest of the passenger seat, I sat there silently to make sure she's alright

"Soda?" I smiled at her when she looked at me with puppy face and she chuckled at once

"I wanna go home" she replied in her normal voice, I nodded as I got to the wheel, the whole ride she looked silently outside the window. When we reached the studio, out of curiosity Alex leapt towards her

"How did it go?" Her eyes widened with a huge expression of expecting a good news, Jasmin's tired face answered her question that her jolly expression washed off

"Go to your room Jas, get some rest" I patted her back and she walked towards the stairs tiredly

"Her parents are insane" Alex held her temples when I told everyone in the living room what exactly happened at café

"So what?" Louis exclaimed looking in the air and then he looked towards me

"Her parents are denying this marriage Louis" Alex flared her nostrils at Louis as if he didn't listen to what I just said

"You didn't convert to Islam for anyone else to get impressed, you did it for yourself and for Jasmin, am I right?" Louis reminded me of all the times I discussed with him about taking this decision.

Of course I didn't take this decision overnight, I started studying on Islam the day I met Jasmin and found out that she's a practicing Muslim, and the day I realized that I'm madly in love with her and also that she's the one, I knew that I will take this decision one day, it's not like my family had no idea about this, they frowned upon my decision at first, but when they found out that I know exactly what I'm doing and Jasmin is the one, they were totally supportive, and I know Jasmin's parents also need some time and reassurance for the sake of their daughter's happiness. It would be totally wrong if I say that I took this big decision only for Jasmin, when I found out about Islam I was moved to the extent that I had to do this

"She stood up for you in front of her parents, do you have any idea how much she's scared of them?" Alex folded her arms and squinted at me, I looked at her dumbfounded

"Look man! The thing is, she would do this, with or without them" Liam said

"She loves you, keep all her 'is it soon yets' in your mind, before she was going to call her parents" Niall said

"She definitely did all of that" I mumbled scratching the back of my head, still not sure of what will happen next

"Look! You don't have to be scared of what's going to happen next, just go for it, you're taking risks this week your horoscope says that" Liam laughed and I smirked processing the joke in my head

"It's not about anyone else, it's about you both" Niall added and I nodded biting my fingernail

"She needs you right now, go talk to her" Alex slapped my hand to stop me from biting my nails

"Yeah you're probably right" I quickly got up the sofa and walked upstairs, when I reached her room and knocked the door

"It's open" she said and when I walked inside she was wrapped up in her bath towel and she was wrapping up hair in another towel, I was standing there in contentment as I looked at her, she was facing the other side of the wall, she had no idea who entered the room, when I shut the door behind me she quickly turned around and a gasp left her throat as she quickly covered her upper body when the towel decided to untie itself, I looked down, my cheeks were flushed in embarrassment

"Uh! Harry, I thought it's Alex" she quickly tried to adjust the towel up her breasts, but the towel was playing it's little games

"I just wanted to talk to you" I said and I noticed that the towel she wrapped around her body was awfully short

"Yeah! About what?" She asked, the
tense expression never leaving her face and that moment the towel around her head untied and fell on the floor, her eyes wide opened at the towel, and she looked at me sheepishly, whilst I looked at her amusingly, I wasn't embarrassed anymore

"You picked up the wrong towel for your hair" I walked towards her and picked up the big towel from floor and as I stretched the towel to it's full length she raised her one arm and I started to wrap it around her upper body as she breathed loudly, she loosened the small towel from her second hand and it fell on our feet, as she turned around for me to wrap it up completely I sniffed in the strawberry scent from skin of her neck, strawberry never smelled so delicious, I tucked the towel end just above her breast, as my fingers brushed against her soft skin my heartbeat went haywire, she breathed loudly looking at my face, I knew I was affecting her that moment just as much as she was affecting me, she just looked at me with brown wide pupils and I tucked her wet hair strands behind her ear as I caressed her soft cheek, she closed her eyes to devour my touch. I tried to move back but I realized that she was holding onto my shirt so tightly that she didn't want me to move away from her

"Jasmin" I called her name in low rasp voice and she opened her eyes to look into mine

"I can't tell you how hard it is for me to not have you all this moment" I said gulping down looking at her face so closely

"Then have me all, this moment" she looked down at my lips as she leaned in closer

"Some things are meant to leave sacred, for a reason" I said before placing my lips on her forehead and pulling her into an embrace to not embarrass her, she was restless for a while but then her nerves got relaxed in my arms when I soothed her bare back, and she sighed into my chest

we slow danced to no music in the air, but of love

"I was wondering, how about the month of October" still hugging her, not knowing how to start the conversation I came here for at the first place, I said

"For marriage?" She asked, and I got relaxed even more that I won't have to struggle at all to come up with the metaphors and phrases to shrug off the awkwardness

"Yes of course" I said calmly

"How about much sooner?" She asked again and my eyes wide opened as I stopped dancing all at once

"I don't want a big wedding, I just want you and my friends to be here with me" Jasmin looked up at me resting her chin against my ribcage she looked into my eyes

"Of course! Everyone will be here for you" I kissed her nose and she scrunched her nose playfully

"I don't care about my parents, and neither should you" she said and I looked at her as my smile got weak, because I knew exactly how hard it was going for her to take a big step without her parents

"Then be prepared to get proposed any day now" I smiled at her and she squealed playfully as she hugged me again

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