What If I Had Your Body?

By miabuggful

15.7K 600 137

Mia is a fan of One Direction but one certain curly haired isn't so much of a fan of her. She's in the same b... More

Ch. 1: Meet And Greet Pt. 1
Ch. 2: Meet & Greet Pt. 2
Ch. 3: Thunderstorms
Ch. 4: The Night Before All Hell Broke Loose
Ch. 5: What If You Were Me and What If I Were You?
Ch. 6: Harry's Masterplan
Ch. 7: Why Is Everyone Skeptical?
Ch. 8: The Arousing First Day
Ch. 9: It's Only Our First Day & We're Already Fucking It Up
Ch. 10: The Truth About Harry Styles
Ch. 11: The Truth About Tamia Osborne
Ch. 12: Setting 'Em Straight
Ch. 13: The Intriguing Interview
Ch. 14: The Daring Date
Ch. 15: Coming Clean
Ch. 16: Blackberry Bet
Ch. 17: Wednesday In The CafΓ©
Ch. 18: My Tanning Skin Bothers People
Ch. 19: Because He Likes...Boys
Ch. 20: Give Up, Give In
Ch. 21: Look After You
Ch. 22: Begin Again
Ch. 23: Well, Well, Well
Ch. 24: Bloodstream
Ch. 26: Cops & Robbers
Ch. 27: Ride
Ch. 28: Come Together

Ch. 25: All Around

335 16 4
By miabuggful

(A/N: Hey guys! Omg last chapter was just shsuauatwvwvw haha. I actually had someone cry...it was awesome! Lol love ya Makayla.

I'm really excited for this chapter and we'll see how everything unfolds. See ya in bits :F)

No it's not over

You'll find something better

Mia's POV:

I begin to beat on Zayn's door and he opens it in only wearing boxers. "What?" He snaps until he notices who it is.

"Oh hi Tamia," he yawns into his hand and I push past him.

"Well hi Zayn, I'm sorry for waking you up from your beauty sleep! Oh it's alright Tamia tell me what's on your mind!" I turn around to see him closing the door and I cross my arms across my chest.

"Not funny Zayn," I speak slowly in Harry's deep voice. He laughs and runs a hand through his hair which makes him stretch a bit. God he's beautiful.

I shake my head from my perverted thoughts and explain the reason why I'm over here. "Ugh he gets on my nerves!" I exclaimed while falling into his couch.

He chuckles at me being overly dramatic and sits beside me. "What's wrong now love?"

"Everything! Harry yelled at me about the gay rumor but he forgave me and Eleanor broke up with Louis an-," he cuts me off.

"When was this?!"

"When was what?"

He takes a deep breath and looks back at me sweetly. "When did Eleanor break up with Louis?"

"Oh! Just now actually but serves him right." He drops his mouth in shock. "Tamia isn't that a bit drastic, I thought you liked or well loved him?"

"First of all, no it's not drastic because he was being an arsehole and second I never loved him!" He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah. Sure. Okay."

"I don't like him Zayn!" I exclaimed while hopping off the couch and he laughs at me.

"Okay I'm sorry but you should go over there and talk to him because he might be upset that his Tamia is mad at him."

He tries to keep a straight face but starts to shake with laughter. I pick up a pillow from the leather couch and hit him in the face.

"It's not funny Zayn!"

"You know what, look on the bright side."

I look at him weirdly, what bright side? "What bright side?" I ask him my exact thoughts and he takes deep breaths to stifle his laughs.

"He's single so you can shack up with him!" He starts to laugh all over again and I leave the giggling idiot on the couch because I don't have to put up with this.

"Wa-wa-wait com-come ba-," I didn't hear the rest of the sentence because I already shut his front door to head to my and Louis' shared flat.

I open the door with my right hand and push it open to see the living room empty. "Niall?" I call out softly but I don't hear anything in return so I'm guessing he already left to wherever he was going.

"Mia?" I hear a soft voice croak from the hallway and I automatically roll my eyes because I already know who it is.

"Mia not home!" I shout back in a husky Spanish accent and he comes into the living room with a pair of glasses. I coo at the sight, no Tamia! Don't fall under his adorableness!

"Mia, I-,"

"No Louis, I don't want to hear it." I hold my hand up to stop him right there and go into the kitchen. I hear footsteps following behind me and I groan.

"What?" I say harshly and okay that was a bit out of proportion but I don't care at the moment because I despise people that yell at me for no reason.

"Look just here me out!"

I turn around from the refrigerator that I have my hand on after pulling the door open. "Fine but you have a minute." I warn him and he explains himself.

"First of all, I'm sorry!" He pouts and I feel a smile about to approach my lips ready to forgive him but I fix my face into a grimace.

"Second, Eleanor cheated on me so I broke up with her but that's no exc-," I stop him and run over to him where he's standing by the bar stools.

"Louis! Why didn't you tell me?!" I grab him into a hug and wrap my arms around his neck. Now I feel like shit, yelling at him for no reason.

I pull away and I could've sworn I heard him groan in protest. Okay that's a bit weird but kind of refreshing. Weird I know.

"Wanna be fat girls and eat ice cream while making cookies?" I ask him seriously and he rolls his eyes but plays along.

"Only if I can be the fat boy then yes!" He yells excitedly and runs over to the refrigerator to get out the cookie necessities.

I run over to the refrigerator and close it before he could really open it. He looks up at me confusingly but I shake my head.

"Uh uh, Harry told me about you and the kitchen." He pouts but I shake my head at him because his adorableness is not going to work on me when my life would be on the line.

"Dammit Harry," he curses and he turns around to sit on the stool but I stop him by putting my big hand on his forearm.

"You can get the ice cream out the freezer and eat that while I make the cookies and you tell me exactly what happened?" He nods excitedly.

I smile at him and shake my head. God I swear Louis is a kid but it's nice to be a kid from time to time.

(Hey I'm going to skip to Saturday morning because in Mia's telling, it's still Thursday whereas in Harry's its Friday night so yeah here we go :F)

"Come here Mia," I look around for the person that the voice belongs to but all I see myself in a black room. Holding myself tightly on the floor in the corner.

I know the voice from somewhere, I hear it everyday but it's the voice that always escapes my lips. It's Harry but why would he want me to come to him when I am him.

I finally see him in the corner with his curls looking perfect and the room is lighter now that he came into the room. He walks over to me with his dimpled smile and holds his big hand out for me to take.

I take it and he pulls me up to him. "Harry where are we?" He puts his finger to my lips and shushes me quietly while looking down at my lips. "It's me and you against the world now."

I take his finger away from my lips so I can speak properly. "What do you mean?" He smiles and whispers in my ear, "You're mine, I'll protect you from now on."

I push myself up in the bed with my white shirt clinging to my skin from the sweat. I still feel Harry's hot breath in my ear from his promise to protect.

That dream was so weird like what does it even mean? I look around to see the sunlight peering through the window. Maybe that's why my ear is so hot. Though I'll admit it disappoints me that it really wasn't his raspy whisper.

I shake my head from erratic thoughts and push the covers off my sweaty body. "Where's Louis?" you ask?  Well he's in his room because he's still kind of down about Eleanor's cheating ass. 

Last night he cried in my arms and I had to carry his ghetto booty back to his room. I just hate that she cheated on him, I mean Louis is amazing!

I go out in the hallway to hear someone cooking in the kitchen. Oh no! "Louis get out of there this instance!"

"Haz, I'm right here." Louis yawns while coming out his room in a The Killers t-shirt and boxers with his hair sprawled out on his forehead. "Then wh-?"

"Harry it's just me," Liam laughs poking his head out of the kitchen so I can see him and then retreating back into kitchen.

"Oh hi Liam, what's up?" I speak cautiously slow because I don't want to cone off rude. Louis and I walk into the kitchen to see Liam, who's already dressed, currently working on the bacon.

"Oh just decided to cook you guys breakfast because we're going to see Management in a few." He smiles back at me and returns to the bacon.

"Well ok-," I didn't get to finish my sentence because we hear something or should I say someone barging into the flat.

"I smell bacon! Harry you cooking?" I shake my head at the greedy boy and point to Liam. I look at Niall's outfit to see he's wearing anything. If you want to count underwear as an outfit then okay.

"Ni, did you seriously come over here in only boxers for bacon? And put some clothes on!" I groan covering my eyes but peeking between the holes of my fingers.

I actually want to admire his newly formed body. You can tell he's been hitting the gym. "You know you want to check him out!" Liam jokes because he still thinks I'm gay.

Oh Liam, always the one out of the loop. I look between Niall and Louis and Niall and I start to giggle while Louis just stares at us with a weird glint in his eyes

"Should w-?" I try to ask them and Niall shakes his red face, still laughing. "No no."

"No we need to tell Li." Louis crosses his arms across his chest. What's his problem, is he? No can't be. I look over at Liam with tearful eyes and you can tell he's getting mad.

Niall begins to explain how I pranked them and Liam looks over at me with angry brown eyes and I gulp. "Yeah you better run Harry!" Liam shouts forgetting all about the food.

"Li the food!" Niall shouts, of course he would. Liam stops and glares at me before turning back around to the stove.

"Harry just go take a shower so we can all leave here on time," I roll my eyes and walk to where I was going in the first place.

Harry's POV:

"Are you sure that you're alright?" I grin madly at Bridgett while we're driving back home from the hospital. "Yes why?"

"I mean your dad told you that you couldn't go on a date and now you're sitting here looking ecstatic." We stop at a red light and she looks over at me.

"I just realized that maybe he's not good for me," because I'm better for Mia not some country hick that doesn't know what to do with himself.

"Good." She smiles and looks back at the road in time for the light to be green. I sigh in relief and continue to think about the girl that won't escape my mind...and body.

I want to touch her cheeks but with my big manly hands. I want to look into her eyes but with my own green ones. I want to inhale her mango scent but with my pale nose. (He's got it bad doesn't he?)

"Hey Mom?" Score one for Harry for remembering! She looks at me from the corner of her eye and hums in reply.

"Tell me some things that you would brag about to other people about me?" Yeah this sounds creepy but I don't know much about Mia besides the information that she gave me but I want to get deeper.

"You make good grades, you don't drink or smoke, I mean you're not like the typical teen. Like if I told you to go out and drink you would probably flat out refuse."

She laughs and I join her because I find that adorable that she doesn't want to live it up whereas I'm the party boy in the group behind Niall of course.

"People can just talk to you, I mean tell you their life story because they know you won't judge them and give them good advice. Hell half of the time it's people you just met."

I smile at the thought because I bet that's why I couldn't stand her from the start because I was already under her. What's the word for it?

"Its like you have your personal spell that people fall under," spell! That's it! I can't believe me being a so called flirty player to the world fell for a sixteen year old who hated me for resisting her charm.


I wake up from a dreamless slumber and wipe my tired eyes. I grab my cellphone and look at the time: 4:25 AM. Ugh why am I even up?!

I look at the picture of Mia and decide to call her. I quickly count the number of hours off my fingers to come up with 9 o'clock! Good she should be awake.

I open up my calling app and press on my face for her contact. I put the phone to my face and bite my lip. Why am I so nervous to talk to her all of a sudden?

I mean I understand that I like her but a girl never made me nervous. I forgot that I was on the phone when I heard a voice that I wasn't expecting to hear. "What Harry?"

"Louis put Mia on the phone, please," I ask or well tell him politely which he scoffs at. Excuse me?

"For what so you can yell at her? No thank you Harold." So we're back to Harold now?

"I already called her to apologize and she forgave me so ha! In your face Tomlinson!" Why am I acting so childish with him for? That's weird.

"Well she can't talk anyways because she's in the shower." He says in a harsh tone.

"Oh okay, Louis is everything okay?" I decide to forget about Mia, at least for right now and think about my best mate well being.

"Yeah everything is fine, why?"

"I don't know, it just seems like you're sad is all?" He sighs into the phone and I wait for him to say something but he never does. Did he hang up on me?

"Louis?" I speak loudly into the phone and he hums in reply. "Oh I thought you hung on me."

"No, it's just. I don't know how to tell you."

"Tell me what? Just say it Lou, I won't judge." I lean out of the bed reaching for the lamp so I can turn it on for some light.

"Eleanor cheated on me so I broke up with her," I looked at the phone in shock and put it back to my face. I mean I knew they had problems because of the long distance but sheesh I never thought she would cheat on him. Poor Lou.

"Boo, I'm sor-,"

"No it's alright, it's for the best."

"Well what are you going to do now?"

"What do you mean?" I can hear the confusion in his voice and I also hear shuffling on his line.

"Well what are you going to tell Management? You know they're probably going to set you up with another girl." He groans.

"Yeah I know," I hear a door open and then a loud manly scream. "Louis what are you doing in my room?!" I hear my voice shout. Mia.

I feel myself getting really excited because I'll be able to talk to her. "Hey Lou, can yo-," he interrupts me by replying to her.

"Looking for your underwear? I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" She must've gave him a dirty look. "I was about to go to my room and get dressed but your phone started to ring so I decided to answer it for you."

"Oh okay, well who is it."

"Harry," he says it in a monotone like ouch? Why didn't he say it happier, I mean I am his best mate.

"Here let me talk to him," I hear a bit shuffling on the phone and then I hear my voice. "Harry?"

"Hey Mia!"

"Hey!" She says it in an adorable way, if that makes sense seeing that she's in a man's body. "Oh how was the date?"

"I didn't go," I say it rather slow scared of her reaction. "Aw what happened? Did he cancel or?"

"No, your mom wanted me to visit your dad and of course I went because you told me that I should visit him from time to time until we change back but anyways."

"Wait how's my dad, Harry?" She says it in a soft low whisper and I want to go to London just so I can hug her.

"He's great, at least I think he is." She laughs at my lack of knowledge for his report. "Oh okay well go on."

"Your parents got pretty upset that I was supposed to be going on this date and forbid me to go."

She sucks her teeth, "Dang they're always getting in the way!" She groans angrily and I feel myself getting jealous but I played it off by chuckling at her getting angry.

"What are you laughing at Styles?" She says it in a threatening way but I can hear the smile in her voice so it gives her away.

"Nothing Mia, nothing."

"Mmm hmm, whatever Harold."

"Ugh don't call me that! It sounds old!" I whine and she laughs. "What do you want me to call you? British Arsehole?"

"Har har, very funny. I rather you call me that then that dreadful name!"

"Or maybe sexy Styles," she laughs softly. Wait is she? Is she flirting with me? Me being a flirt, I decide to have a comeback.

"Maybe I should teach you why people call me se-,"

"Yes Liam, I'm ready! Now what were you saying?"

"Uh nothing but why are you getting dressed so early?" She takes a deep breath.

"Well me practically ruining your life, I have to talk to Management and tell them my plan of just pranking the boys but it ended the wrong way." She sighs and I feel myself getting nervous.

Nervous because Management is going to eat her alive. They are extremely cruel and greedy for money so they don't care about her well-being.

"Will the boys be with you?" I ask slowly and she murmurs a yes. Thank God! "If they say anything then let me know." I growl the last part because no one will be mean to her.

"Uh okay Harry?"

Mia's POV:

Why did he get so protective and why did I like it? I hear the door open, "Hey, you need to come on." I turn my head around while laying down on the bed with the phone to my ear.

I look to see it's Louis who's looking at me with a sexy smile and I inwardly groan at him being unaware of the things he's doing to me.I decide to ignore the dirty thoughts and nod.

Louis closes the door and I turn my head back. "Hey Harry," I say his name in a low growl and I clear my throat. "I have to go but I'll call you soon alright?"

"Alright," he sighs like he doesn't want me to get off the phone. Which is sweet, I guess?

"Oh and get some rest! " I shout back because this is the second time that he has called me like 3-4 o'clock in the morning.

He laughs and whispers a seductive goodbye in the phone. "Bye love." He hangs up and I look at the phone in irritation. Why are these boys turning me on?

First Louis with this killer smile and sheesh Harry with the dreams and I can't believe he just turned me on with my own voice! The boy got skills, I'll tell you that.

I shake my stupid thoughts and get off the bed and go out the door confidently  but of course a bit scared to face Management.

Love is all around you,

Love is all around

You don't pay attention,do you ?

(Hey guys! Did you like this chapter? I think it was so-so. Haha I really wanted to go further but it would've been too much, y'know?

Did you like that Mia got advice from Zayn about Louis even though he practically laughed at her the whole time? Did you like that her and Louis made up and was fat girls, sorry Louis, fat boy. Louis: That's better. Why?

Haha anyways did you get excited about how Harry is practically getting sprung over Mia? Did it give you Mirry feels? Haha I bet Makayla is like "Yes!!!" Are you worried about the meet up with Management?

Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote! Love you guys and I hope you have a nice day! Bye guys!

Oh oh oh! By the way I might update today on this story again or maybe tomorrow? I don't know because I'm really want to start on the sequel to be honest. Haha but we'll see. Until next time! :F)

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