Where It All Went Wrong

By Alexplante_

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Where It All Went Wrong
Chapter 1
Chapter Three- Why
Authors Note (quick)
The Birthday Suprise
The Birthday Surprise Part 2

chapter 2- Moving day

128 6 0
By Alexplante_

Adam's P.O.V

Today I am going to tell her. Tell her how much I love her and more than a sister. I have loved her for about a year now and it's my last chance to let her know. I know she'll never love me back, but that won't stop me.

We arrived at the airport and I grabbed her bag's. We walked holding hand's through the airport like it was nothing. It was something to me though, as soon as I grabbed her hand spark's, butterflies and a bolt of electricity ran through me. She looked over to me and smiled and oh my god that smile is so beautiful.

"All passengers boarding flight 97 to Windsor, Canada, please make your way to the gate" the flight attendant called over the loudspeaker.

our mother's were behind us saying there goodbyes. I wanted to say goodbye to kennedy last because she meant the most to me. I went up and hugged Kennedy's mom saying goodbye then her dad. He was basically my dad because he acted as i was his son and he's been my fatherly figure ever since my dad died in a car crash 2 years ago. Last but not least is Kennedy. My best friend, my other half. She's my other half and I love her so much. What am I going to do without her? As soon as she was done saying goodbye to my mom, She ran to me. I opened my arms wide with no hesitation and hugged her the tightest I ever had. I felt her tear's dropping on my neck. I looked up into her eye's and wiped away the tears. I started crying as well.

" Im going to miss you so much. I love you Kennedy And not the best friend/sisterly kind of love. I'm in love with you." I finally said it.

She didn't respond. This made me nervous. All up until she kissed me. I kissed her back had. I have been waiting so long for this.

" It's time to go" Her mom said. We hugged one more.

Halfway to the gate she turned around and gave a small wave. Next thing I know, her plane took off. I sat in the corner and just cried. Im going to miss seeing her beautiful braced smile and her chocolate straight brown hair and bright green eye's everyday. Im going to miss hearing her laugh Im going to miss everything about her.

Kennedy's P.O.V

After my plane took off, I started crying and looking throught the window, trying to find him in the big city of L.A. I knew it was no use.

" I know how hard it is baby girl." My mom said and gave me a side hug with a tear running down her cheek.

I completely forgot she was leaving her best friend to. I hugged her back and waited for the 8 hour plane ride to be over with. I cried myself to sleep and woke up to my mom telling me we've landed. We grabbed our bag's and boxes and made our way to the new house. It's cold here seeing as it's the dead of winter. It's sixty-seven back in LA and -3 here. Greaat, note my sarcasm. We got into the house and I have to say it's decent size. I walked up to my new bedroom. The wall's were purple and teal, my favorite color. There was a king sized memory foam bed in the corner. I had my own ensuite bathroom.

I sat down at the wooden desk and got a lined piece of paper out and a pen. Me and Adam decided/ promised we would write letters to each other even though they would take a couple day's to get to the other. Here's what I wrote..

Dear Adam,

It hasn't been a full day and I miss you like crazy. I want to be with you. It's cold here and I start school tomorrow and i'm so nervous. About what you said at the airport, I love you to Adam. I think we can make this work if we try our best. Even though were thousands of miles apart, It feels as if you right next to me. I wish you were. I know we will get together again someday and i honestly cannot wait for that day. I know this was short but I have to go now.. Time difference sucks. I'll skype you soon and tell you all about canada.

I love you so much,

Kennedy <3.

I put it in an envelope, ran to the mail box and off it went. I got home and went straight to sleep. As soon as my head it the pillow, darkness overtook me.

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