I Don't Belong Here

By Pretendimnothere

434 22 3

Skyler is the typical girl, never talking too much or too little. She is relatively friendly, and has a fanta... More

How It All Started Part 2
How It All Started Part 3
Meet the Monsters
First Day of School
Face Your Fears
Answers I Wish I Knew
An Apology

How It All Started Part 1

33 1 0
By Pretendimnothere

"Ahh!" I scream. I sat straight up in my bed. I'm hyperventilating and holding my throat protectively. It was a dream, I say to myself, relieved. My face is stained with tears. Today is my first day of my new high school, and I am more than terrified.

I don't remember this room as mine, but it's familiar. Okay, let's just think back. I remember, the first day it really started. It was a few days ago. I was almost done with my freshman year of high school. 2 weeks from summer break. Me and my friends were just chatting, saying how exciting it would be to finally become a sophomore. Not being bossed around by everyone, better teachers, and more respect. When our science class started, I never imagined that would be the last day of my beloved life.

Our teacher passed around some blood tests, saying that we were going to test our types of blood. I thought nothing of it. My blood was just like most other people. AB+ is fairly common. We passed in our tests and the teacher gave us the rest of the class as free time.

Later that night, I was studying in the living room. There was a few knocks on the door. I answered it to two muscular men in suits. They asked for my parents and I called them to the door, suspiciously watching the men. They asked for a moment and my parents sent me to my room, but I only went up the stairs and listened from the top.

"Mr. and Mrs. Harris, I'm Officer Marshal and this is my partner Officer Donald. We are with the FBI. There has been some new found information concerning your daughter, she seems to be a supernatural." said the man called Officer Marshal.

"We are going to have to take her into custody." said the man I assume is Officer Donald.

"W-what? What is this? Is this some kind of sick joke?" my mother asked through a cracking voice.

"We assure you ma'am this is no joke. Your daughter is a serious threat to everyone she is in contact with." said Donald.

"Wait, isn't this our decision?" my mother asked, almost pleading.

"Ma'am, this is a matter with the FBI. The decision has been made, she is coming with us." Said Marshal firmly.

"What? This is madness! Will we be able to see her?" asked my father, sounding extremely angry.

"We are sorry sir. You cannot come in contact with your daughter until further notice." Marshal said, his voice cold and unforgiving.

There was a pause, filled only with my mothers sobs. Soon the sound of papers being fumbled with filled the quiet.

"This is the contract signing her over into our care." said Donald, and I hinted a bit a guilt in his voice.

"And if we refuse?" my dad yelled back.

There was another pause, this one filled with tension rather than sadness.

"Then you will be considered of treason, and arrested by the FBI." said Marshal said matter-of-fact like.

I held my breath, stunned by what was going on. There were a few scribbles by pen, and I feared the worst. My parents has just been forced to give me up.

"Thank you for your cooperation." said Marshal.

"How do you sleep at night?" my father spat with venom.

"I sleep fine." said Marshal.

And with that, I heard footsteps going through the doorway. I tried to run upstairs, but was too late. A man about in his mid twenty's looked up at me. He had shiny chestnut hair, and stunning green eyes. He smiled a sad smile, and motioned me to come down stairs. I just sat there, frozen.

"Come on sweetheart," said the man with the voice of Donald. "Its time to say goodbye."

I slowly went down the stairs, not saying a word. He took my hand and led me to the living room. There was a lot of crying. After who knows how long until Marshal had the nerve to speak up.

"It's time to go." he said with annoyance.

My dad stared at his with a death glare. "You cruel heartless bastard, I swear I'm gonna..." "Dad." I interrupted. "It's okay, I'll be fine. I swear we will meet again." I said, trying to hide my fear and sadness.

I had to be strong for my parents. I didn't want to let there emotions get the better of them and lead them to get arrested. My father just looked at me, he closed his eyes and took a breath, then nodded reassuringly. He hugged me and my mom, who still couldn't control her sobs.

"See you soon, we'll get this sorted out, you'll see." I told my mom smiling. She sobbed and hugged me tightly. I looked at both of them, smiled again, and walked out the door, following Officer Donald with Marshal following behind.

Once outside and out of view of my parents, Donald said, "That was tough Harris, you were really strong back there."

I smiled the weakest smile, and let a few tears fall. Then I was suddenly shoved by Marshal. "Move it along kid, we don't have all day and I'm not getting home late for your sob story!" he said.

Anger built up in me, and I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned around and faced Marshal. He had blond hair, brown cold eyes, and a smirk that made me want to rip his head off. "Fuck. You." I said, then I spit into his face, turned around, and kept walking.

I felt a shock in the back of my neck. "Ouch!" I shouted, very surprised. Then I felt nothing. I fell forward and tried to move my hands to break the fall. But I was numb everywhere. I hit the sidewalk hard on my head and heard a crack. I began to feel sleepy, and I was drifting in and out off consciousness. I sometimes heard words, and sometimes saw things.

"What the fuck Marshal?" screamed someone I think I know.

"Donald! Didn't you see that? She sparked! She must have a lighter or something, I don't know, she just, sparked!" he replied. Donald, that's his name!

"You need some rest Marshal, 242 requesting an ambulance." I heard some beeps and boops, and a lady who sounded nice.

I opened my eyes and saw Donald. "Hi, Donald." I said weakly.

"Skyler? Stay awake, okay? Tell me, what's your last name? What's your address? What's your phone number? What's your..." he rambled.

Why's he asking all these questions. Shouldn't he know them? The last thing I saw were red and white flashing lights.

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