Those Darn Sexy Kidnappers

By Ilikebigboooks

8.1M 327K 101K

Cassie Claire was in for quite the pickle. She and her bevy of BFFs decide to go to the store one morning, bu... More

The Day Even Started Off Badly
Goodbye Store :(
Officially Kidnapped
Even More Embarrassment
Meeting Others
Meeting Even More Others
The Deets
The Important Day
Decisions With Katie
I Meet Blake
The Kiss
The Aftermath
A Day At The beach!
What A Day
Kenzie Acts Drunk
It's my Birthday!!
My Chips Are Stolen!
My Burger Date
The Breakfast Bunch
Fun Times
Field Trip!
The Mark
My 'State'
The Perfect Couple
June Visits
Mate? Um, No.
Summer's End.
Christmas Bonus Chapter: Letters to Santa
New Book Out
Crying at my birthday
Great News!

Locked in the Basement

138K 6.3K 460
By Ilikebigboooks

"This is good quality pizza," I appreciated it's cheesy glory while chewing a mouthful of pepperoni. The crust was nice and crispy, my favorite.

"Why thank you," Jason winked.

"Jason, something's going on in the backyard," Katie said, still peeking out the window.

"What now?" He groaned with a note of exasperation in his voice that he usually used when talking to me.

"I'm not sure, but it looks- oh dear," She froze. Jason scooted off the barstool and walked over to her.

"What is it?"

"More rouges, I'll call the rest of the pack over," She responded, pushing away from the window and reaching for her cell in her back pocket.

"Again? Ugh, they must be here for the pizza," I sighed, placing my half-eaten slice down onto the counter. Jason walked back to me, removed me from my stool and started walking me towards the basement.

"Go get some more knives," He ordered, his large hands pushing me in and shutting the door closed behind me. Did they really keep their weapons in the basement? I started walking down when I heard a click.

Oh. No. He. Didn't.

I raced back up and jiggled the doorknob, trying to open it. It was locked.

"Um, Jason? I think you accidentally locked the door." I called. This better not be what I think it might have been.

I heard him through the wood say, "Actually, I did it on purpose."

I paused, bristling, "Care to explain why?"

"There are a lot of rouges out there, I don't want you getting hurt." He called.

He's kidding, right?

My face grew dark, "Are you serious right now? Cause you'd better be kidding. I'm the Luna for Gosh sake! I should be out there, fighting by your side, now I order you to let me out of this goshforsaken basement!"

There was no answer.

"Stupid, egotistical, overprotective..." I muttered crossly under my breath. If he thinks I'm going to stay in here, he can go kiss my tushie.

I ran down the stairs and, to my surprise, found racks and walls of various weapons. Knives, swords, maces, axes and a bunch of other pointy things I didn't recognize.

I grabbed two sheaths, one for my hip, the other for my thigh and I slipped knives in both of them. I shoved an extra one in my boot and then grabbed the smallest knife to and ran back to the door.

It took a couple minutes, but I finally managed to pick the lock. That day of self defense class really has been been paying off. Imagine what it would be like if I'd attended three days!

The door sung open and I immediately headed for the backyard, but the sound of banging caught my ear and I paused. It was coming from the upstairs. My curiosity got the better of me and I ran up the stairs, trying to locate the banging.

It was coming from Kenzie's room. I headed down the hall and saw a huge desk in front of the door, sealing it shut. Seriously? A desk?

"Hang on Kenz!'' I called, though she probably couldn't hear me over her banging. I went to work scooting the desk out of the way, but it was twice my weight!

I finally managed to push it to the side and I reached for the doorknob just as Kenzie decided to give the door once last kick. As soon as I grasped the knob, the door flew back in my face, hitting my forehead and knocking me flat on my back.

Kenz stepped out of the room with a proud and satisfied face. Then she noticed me on the floor.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.

"That...door...hates me," I wheezed in shock.

She rolled her eyes and kicked me, "Get up, grandma."

I hopped to my feet and we hurried down the stairs. I gave her the knife in my boot and thankfully she kept a knife in her dresser, so she had two now.

We reached the screen door leading to the back yard and from the looks of it, the rest of the pack had already arrived. The rouges had about the same number of people as we did thankfully.

Kenzie and I stepped outside and pushed our way through the pack members, her muttering, "Excuse me, sorry," And me muttering, "Move."

We made it to the front and as Jason and Luke looked at us in shock, I could finally see the two people leading the rouges. And they looked sort of like-


Oh. My. God.

Two very familiar faces stared back at me.

And I tried not to let the shock and horror show on my face.

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