Tongue Tied

By EverleighAshcroft

1.9M 55K 3.3K

Featured on Cosmopolitan as an "exceptional fiction story," Tongue Tied is the second highly-praised novel fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
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Tongue Tied
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Chapter 21

36.9K 1.1K 81
By EverleighAshcroft

I told Alec about my meeting with Sean and that he had decided to make the switch from Harper Media to Corbin and Hilliard. Alec didn't seem a bit surprised or upset about it, which told me he'd been planning on it since the night of the fundraiser.

"Why did you do that?"

Alec sighed and I thought I heard the sound of a door close which meant he'd gone inside somewhere. I heard keys rattling and figured he was entering his apartment.

"I knew how much it meant to you," he said nonchalantly. It was obvious he cared more than he was letting on. "I felt like shit for high-jacking your deal, and you know I wasn't trying to in the first place. I guess I wanted to make it right. After you left, I told Margaret to give the disc to Sean."

I was overcome with emotions. I'd just earned the business of the biggest client Corbin and Hilliard had ever had, Alec had screwed his own company over to help me, and Mr. Hilliard wasn't going to fire me once I gave him the good news. I almost couldn't form words. I was shocked and thrilled at the same time.

"Thank you... so much. Seriously," I said sincerely.

It really did mean a lot to me that Alec went to the trouble to make sure Sean got that disc. I realized Sean probably wouldn't have agreed to the meeting, much less shown up in person, if he hadn't seen it.

Alec breathed a laugh. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. Just don't mention it to Troy. He'll skin my ass."

That was for sure. Troy Devereaux had desperately wanted Rutherford Laurence's business. Now that he no longer had it, he was undoubtedly - and understandably - livid. I would be too if I were him. I wasn't about to mention it to him though, not wanting to get Alec in hotter water than he was probably already in for losing Sean.

"Listen," Alec said, pausing momentarily. "I was thinking. Why don't we go have dinner tonight and just talk? It's been awhile since we did anything like that."

Awhile? I couldn't remember a time we'd gone out for dinner together. Usually if Alec and I had dinner together, it consisted of pizza or Chinese takeout on a hotel room couch, watching whatever movie happened to be on TV at the time.

"Dinner?" I raised an eyebrow at the word. It almost sounded foreign to me. Dinner was not something I thought of when I thought about going out with Alec Shaffers.

He chuckled, probably amused by my confusion. Was it confusion or surprise? "Yeah. Dinner."

"What happened to not letting people see us together?"

"Who cares?" Alec dismissed my question. "I kind of miss your company, you know?"

"Well, you've been kind of an asshole lately." I pointed the finger back at him.

He laughed. "Look, I know I fucked up with jacking your deal with Sean, but I tried to make it right and it sounds like it worked out just fine. And I apologized like nine thousand times. Can we play nice now, Bree?"

I said yes before my brain could process a reason to say no, though there were plenty. I was still pissed about Blondie. The fact that Alec had just gone out to eat with her the day before and now he wanted to go have dinner with me was not settling well with my conscience. I had a hunch he was trying to see both of us at the same time without us knowing about each other. That wasn't okay with me. Though we'd never really agreed to keep ourselves strictly to each other during our sex-capades, I'd always assumed we weren't going to fuck with other people until we called off our benefits, out of courtesy to each other, as well as the other people we might want to see. Maybe Alec had a different point of view.

"What do you have in mind?" I caved, immediately regretting agreeing to go out.

It sounded like Alec was shuffling paperwork around, probably attempting to clean up his horror story of a desk. "How 'bout I pick you up at eight and we'll go over to that fifties diner you used to tell me you loved so much?" he suggested.

My heart seemed to swell at his words. It had been years since I'd been to the Camaro Diner. When I was younger I used to go there a lot with friends. They had the world's best pulled pork sandwich, as far as I was concerned. Alec had never been there but I'd certainly droned on about how good it was to him on numerous occasions. It was next to impossible for me to turn down his offer.

I paused briefly, considering it, but ultimately there was no saying no. "Okay," I smiled. "We can do that."

"I'll see you at eight."

I decided that a pulled pork sandwich was worth whatever consequences there might be of going out in public with Alec. I also decided I was going to wait until after I'd let him pick up the dinner tab to bring up Blondie. I was itching to find out what the hell was going on between them.

A knock on my door startled me, causing me to drop my phone on the floor. "Come in!" I said, retrieving it from its face down position.

"Hey," Renee smiled, heels clicking as she made her way into my office. "Mr. Hilliard wants to see you in his office in fifteen minutes."

She had a grin on her face and her voice was pretty chipper, giving me the impression that she knew the reason he wanted to talk to me and that it wasn't anything bad. I was already sure I knew what it was too. He'd heard about me securing the Rutherford Laurence deal and he was going to tell me I wasn't going to be fired. I wasn't really sure how my day could get any better. Aside from the Alec and Blondie thing, I was in a pretty great mood.

"Great," I nodded. "Thank you."

Renee clicked back to her office and I spent a few minutes responding to emails and making a note to myself to draft the contract I needed to send Margaret for Sean to sign. That would allow Corbin and Hilliard to work for Rutherford Laurence.

Five minutes later I sauntered into Mr. Hilliard's office feeling pretty confident. "Good morning," I greeted him happily.

He acknowledged my presence with a nod and a gesture for me to have a seat until he finished what he was doing on his computer.

"Bree." Mr. Hilliard finally looked up with a halfway smile. "I received a call from Sean's secretary and she informed me that he has decided on us for his campaign advertising. She told me he was very impressed with your presentation."

I could feel my confidence growing with every word out of his mouth. "Thank you," I smiled.

"I realize now that I may have been a little hasty giving you a two-week limit on something you had no control over," he sighed, lounging back in his big leather office chair. "You've been a tremendous asset to this agency, and Mr. Corbin and I value your work ethic very much."

Mr. Hilliard's tone had begun to drop to a monotone level and I slowly started to think maybe he wasn't going to give me good news.

"Thank you," I repeated, unable to come up with anything else to say.

"Bree, I'm very happy that you were able to acquire Rutherford Laurence's business," he said. "I, of course, am not letting you go." What a relief! "However," he cleared his throat. "I do have to inform you that Mr. Corbin and I have decided to discuss a possible acquisition with Abernathy Advertisements. I know you met with Darin Forbes recently. I'm sure he mentioned it to you."

Shock flooded through my veins at his words. "What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had been so sure that Mr. Corbin, if not Mr. Hilliard also, would never let any type of merger occur. "He said they were looking at several companies, but-"

"Bree, you're not to tell anyone about this," he told me, frowning as he spoke. "But we're in a lot of debt. Hawthorne Hills Hospital hasn't been paying the full amount we agreed upon when we signed into contract with them, and several of our other clients are attempting to screw us on payments, whether it be dragging them out passed the set due date or not paying in full or just not paying at all. We should be filing suit but it would be wildly expensive and we just can't afford to do that right now with the shape we're in. We had been counting on paying back the bank for what they loaned us to start this agency, but it doesn't appear to be doable at this point."

I had been so sure that if I got Rutherford Laurence to work with us, we wouldn't have to worry about that debt problem. What had gone wrong?

"But Rutherford Laurence is going to bring in a ton of revenue," I reminded him.

Mr. Hilliard nodded but then shook his head. "I know that, Bree, but it's just not going to be enough. We're losing money faster than we're making it, with or without Rutherford Laurence. Mr. Forbes personally came to speak with me yesterday about joining forces and we're going to seriously consider. I just need you to be aware of this so that you'll be prepared if we get bought out. I don't want you to lose your job, Bree, but if we agree to Abernathy buying us, I don't know how many of our people they're going to keep on."

I was stunned, to say the least. Obviously it had gone in one ear and out the other when I told Darin to look elsewhere for an agency to buy. Not that I had any say in it anyway, but I thought I had been pretty up front about it. I thought he would've taken a hint and fucked off. But then again, if he had, I might've screwed Corbin and Hilliard out of business.

My emotions were right on the edge of a wine-drinking breakdown, unable to decide which way to focus my energy: the bad news or the good news. It was great that I wasn't getting fired - yet - but I couldn't stop wondering what was going to become of Mr. Corbin and Mr. Hilliard's talks with Darin and the rest of the Abernathy board. What if I did end up losing my job? What would I do then?

My thoughts traveled back to Darin offering me a job, but thinking of it made me cringe. After seeing how little of a crap he gave about the employees of the agencies Abernathy wanted to buy, the idea of working for Abernathy had become a huge turn off. They were no longer my dream agency to work for. Now I had no clue who was. One thing was for sure: I was going to have to figure out who was pretty fast and keep them in mind as a backup plan.

I decided to call it a day early and leave the office around one. I went home, all too anxious to shed my work clothes, and flopped into bed, covering up and attempting to block out the world for a few hours until I had to get up again and get ready for my dinner with Alec. I wondered what he would say about all this. I wondered if Harper Media was also in talks with Abernathy. 

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