
By Daylainey

205K 7.7K 476

Amoura Stone's eighteen birthday takes a sour when she realizes she must flee her pack without her mate just... More

62 & 63.
79. Epilogue


3.4K 120 19
By Daylainey

Worlds Collide by Nicki Taylor

Stone wakes up restraint to a bed in the medical wing, "S.L Stone are you lucid?" A doctor cautiously steps closer to the corner of the room.

"Yes I am, where am I?" Amoura asks as she figures its best not to fight the restraints.

"You're in the medical wing, answer the following questions, name, age, birthday, rank, and Captain." He asks from the farthest corner from Amoura.

"Amoura Abigail Stone, twenty-one years old, February eighteenth, S.L, Captain Granger's, front line unit," he releases her from the restraints and she sits up, he explains what happened before giving her spare clothes and discharging her.

Amoura follows Captain Granger's scent outside to a row of metal boxes.

She calls out to Granger, he turns to look at Amoura and smiles when he sees her.

"Welcome back," he turns his attention back to the metal cage.

"What's going on sir?" Amoura asks him.

"We can't seem to get Williams to calm down, he's spitting up all the wolves we put inside," Stone smiles amused.

"Can I have a try, with all due respect sir but Williams is an Alpha, a regular wolf won't do anything," they watch the metal box shake.

"Let me bring him down a few pegs," Amoura smiles as her claws come out. Captain Granger lookw at her.

"At this point we should make that hospital bed yours Stone," Captain Granger mutters wutn amusement.

"I don't think that's a good idea," McAllister comments as he and Captain Lance walk up to them.

"Gotten attached to your toys already McAllister," Captain Lance asks.

Amoura holds back a growl and McAllister speaks, "don't insult me by bringing my personal affairs into this Lance, she's the only Alpha we have, other than the raging one in that box there's no one who can keep a human form when the frequency is on. Losing her means we won't be able to stop the frequency box the second time around."

Amoura smiles as she turns to face them. "All due respect Williams hasn't beat me since the Academy days, besides he's exhausted and angry, he won't be thinking straight I have the advantage not him. Besides I still have anger," she replies with a straight face.

The Captains look at one another, "Go ahead Stone, but if you can't stop him, take matters into different hands," Amoura nods at  General Granger and walks over to the metal box.

She walks in quickly and they close it behind her. She uses her wolf eyes to see inside.

"Man Williams you need a shower," she coughs as she looks to the ceiling and sees him perched up in a corner, his legs on the small openings and his hands on large claw marks.

"So what are you going to do about it bitch," she smiles as excitement fills her.

"Come down here and I'll show you," Amoura dodges Williams lunge and punches his left side.

He growls as he turns around and swings his arms trying to get her.

"Why does everyone always go for the face?" Amoura kicks his knee and kicks him onto the floor. She steps back to let him up.

He comes at hee fast and starts throwing punches, she blocks and his claws begin to start scraping her skin, she hisses from the pain.

"Damn it Williams I'm going to kill you if that leaves a scar," she kicks him hard and throws him into the wall, causing the box to flip over twice. Making the old ceiling the new floor. They slam into the floor.

Williams whimpers from the hot metal touching his bare chest and arms, "can't take the heat Williams?" Amoura asks as she gets up.

The uniform was heat resistance, Amoura ignores the throbbing pain her arms are in and gets up.

He growls and gets up, "you inconsiderate whor-" Amoura strikes first when he lunges, she takes several series of strong punches to his chest and torso, he stumbles back breathless.

She wants to tire out his body, he huff as the anger worsens, Amoura smirks.

"Want more?" She asks innocently, Williams
lunges, Amoura throws him to the right, causing the box to flip again, they roll across the new bottom floor.

Williams whimpers as the hot metal burns his back, he gets up and he stumbles, his feet were burned.

Williams lunges at her and she grabs a hold of him and slams him against the wall. He kicks her stomach and Amoura flies across the room. Amoura touches her bleeding stomach, Williams Claws cut her most of her stomach, not too deep but deep enough to bleed.

"I'm murdering you if these scar Williams," Amoura mutters once more.

They push and pull at each other before Stone pins him once again against the wall, "I apologize in advance," he throws her off him and claws at her chest, she used full force on her forearm as she hits his neck, and sends him flying, she breathes.

She closes her fist and punches his chest as hard as she can hoping knock his air out, instead she breaks his ribs, Williams spits out blood as he slams against the wall.

"Oh god," Amoura stares at her hand, that was too much power, that wasn't suppose to happen.

"I need medical in here, I think a rib punchered his lung," she stares at her hand, that wasn't her.

The door opens and they people rush in.

"Stone what happened?" She looks up from her hand to Granger.

"It wasn't me," He looks at her confused.

"I mean it was me but it wasn't-" she cuts herself off as she realizes what it means.

"I'm sorry, I went to far. I add mpre power than i meant to when i intended to punch the air out of him. Can I be excused I need to change and clean my wounds."

Granger nods and Amoura walks off, hoping that when Williams wakes up he won't remember that she nearly killed him.

Amoura strips off the blood-soaked, broken fabric of uniform she has left and tossed it in a corner of the shower. Stone lets the cool water clean her body from all the blood, ignoring the sting the water brings to the raw wounds, "they're not healing."

McAllister speaks up as he walks up to her, "the wounds from an Alpha take longer to heal," Stone comments as she tries to calm her beating heart. She feels McAllisters' hands trace over her open wounds with wet fingers.

"What are you doing?" She turns to look at him.

"The blood of a reaper can heal, it can also kill but that's not why I am here," Amoura looks at the wounds on her shoulder.

"They're closing," she looks at him as he takes her hands to heal the burns.

"Wait if you were able to sedate me why didn't you do it for him?" Amoura asks curiously.

He gives her a face, "I don't care for the boy who's in love with you," Amoura rolls her eyes and calls him a jealous idiot.

"I wouldn't be sleeping with you if I had any romantic regards to him," McAllister kisses her before cupping her face.

"So what you only save people you're sleeping with?" Amoura asks.

He pins her against the wall, "my blood can only help the ones I love," he breathes as he leaves no space between them.

"I have to care for them for my blood to help. If I don't my blood is a poison that can kill," Clive speaks with his forehead against hers.

"Don't do something so reckless ever again," he asks quietly.

"It wasn't a big deal McAllister," He closes his eyes at his name.

"Clive not McAllister, and it was a big deal you could have been killed, and younare wounded," he comments as he steps back to bend down, her stomach was clawed and she was burned in multiple places.

He steps back to examine her legs, he covers any wound he sees, he stands up when he's done.

"You're not allowed to die on me," He states and she smiles and narrows her eyes as he steps closer to him.

"Oh really?" She asks as she wraps her wrms around his shoulders.

"Yes, you're no toy," he wraps his arms around her shoulders and kissing her passionately. Amoura gladly helps him strip his wet clothes.

The next day passes uneventfully aside from Granger summoning Amoura and Williams to the command room. "Thank you, sir," Granger shakes hands with General Gomez.

"Welcome to the big leagues no need to thank me you deserve it," Granger thanks him once more.

Williams who was still upset with Stone for almost killing him ignores her presence and looks to the Captain, "really you're still mad? I apologize four times already at this point its just you," Amoura mutters.

"Alright you two, I am very proud of you two, as you know both of you were the only wolves to have been able to fight off the frequency long enough to stop it Congratulations is in order," Granger pauses before continuing.

"I summoned you because I need five Captains, now that I am a General. I want you two to be my first new Captains and once we return to base I'll get three more. I suggest you two find yourselves two S.L's you can trust," Amoura looks at him surprised, he wants her as his Captain? She couldn't help but feel honored.

William speaks up first, "it's an honor to be your Captain," Williams shakes his hand.

"Sir I'm honored-" he cuts her off.

"Its alright Stone take some time to think it through," Amoura nods, though there's not much to think about there's no point in going home, she isn't ready to give up the life she's making here.

"There's nothing to think about Sir, I'd be honored to be your Captain," Granger smiles and tells her he'll get her paperwork ready immediatly, Amoura tells him she knows who her S.L's should be; Stark and Hendy. He smiles and shakes her hand before running off to get the paperwork she needs to fill out.

Williams walks away too and Amoura makes her way back to her room.

"Hey Stone, we heard the good news, congrats." She turns to face Coon.


Coon smiles at her and she raises an eyebrow, "what's with you, you have a smile on your face?" Coons smile only grows.

"Our Captain is moving specialties so we are now General Granger's third and fourth Captains," Stone looks surprised at him.

"Really?" He nods as he smiles.

"Guess we'll be seeing more of each other," Stone smiles.

"I don't mind I actually like you, Coon. You know when you're not trying to blackmail me," he rolls his eyes at her.

"Congrats on your promotion," Stone comments.

McAllister clears his throat so Coon and Stone turn to see him, "I'm going to call home, see you later Stone," he gives her a knowing look before walking away.

"You're a Captain now," Stone nods as he walks across and kisses her.

"At least, for now, our relationship is not illegal, so I can freely do this," He mutters against her lips as she smiles and returns his passion.

Stone pulls McAllister inside, "shall we celebrate?" He smiles.

"I'm so rubbing off on you?"

"And you're complaining about it?" She asks as she starts to strip as she makes her way to the room.

"No I'm just glad my hard work is paying off." She throws him her shirt.

"You're shirt in my face isn't an insult. Quiet the opposite it's a sort of respect, you're realizing what I like."

Amoura rolls her eyes, "shut up or you can forget about the sex," McAllister chuckles and closes the door behind him.

"Don't threaten me woman," Amoura laughs and calls him to the bed.

"Yo Stone! Did Coon tell you! We're Captains to the same General now!" Row rushes in, he yells 'sorry' and slams the door closed.

"No Row wait!" Amoura rushes to get dressed and chases after him. She pulls him to a stop.

"Row!" He looks at her.

"He's in love with you, you know," she looks at him confused and asks who.

"The Pilsberry dough boy. You're co-Captain Williams! Who else?!" Row whispers angrily.

"And that's on me? I can't find one who Inwant because of it? I can't be resp-" she cuts herself off as she realizes what she was about to say.

"Can't what?" Row asks, Amoura sighs as she regains her annoyance.

"Row please keep this to yourself," he glares.

"Considering he's a General now it's not something that would benefit you if it got out," Row mutters angrily.

Amoura freezes at his words, "General?" Row nods.

"You're little bed warmer didn't tell you that?" Amoura growls at the words.

"Row please," Amoura ignores the rest for now.

"You need to tell Williams you're with someone, you don't have to say who just tell him not to get his hopes up, let him know there's no chance with you. The poor man is over the moon for you and you don't even see it do you?"

Amoura looks away, "yeah I thought so, so maybe you should be more considerate of the man who's been a friend and spare him the pain of waiting for an impossible," Row walks away after telling her he won't say anything.

He walks back, "or did he walk in on the two of you too?" Amoura shakes her head.

"No he's mad because I almost killed him. It wasn't intentional I just hit him harder than I meant to."

He gives her a look, "what? You got over it why can't he?" Row looks at her confused.

"Got over what?" Row asks surprised.

"Got over me breaking your neck," he looks at her completely lost.

"You did not break my neck," He says doubtful and Amoura nods yes.

"You broke my neck!" He jumps away from her.

"Yes, why do you think you weren't locked in a room or sedated, I apologized when I did it," Stone comments as an afterthought,

"No you didn't,"  Row holds onto his neck.

"Yes I did, you just don't remember. I apologized. I'll apologize again if you like," Row looks at her.

"Apologize for what? Breaking my neck or tramatizing me with that show back there."

Amoura rolls her eyes, "please you didn't see anything."

"I saw enough!" Amoura growls.

"Maybe now you'll understand why you should wait for a response before opening the door!"

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